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RP-PvP "Lord Calypho" - Excluded from Transfers...


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I don't think anyone disagrees that Bioware's handling of the RP-PVP folks is unacceptable...and seems like a cash grab more than anything else.


Cash grab ? Seems more like lost revenue to me.

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German CM at least replied to the same thread in German section and promised to talk to developers (thank u, google translate :D). It seems that English do not care about us at all. I wonder if they think that there are too few of us for them to care...
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This transfer thing is improperly conceived. First of all, server merges should occur before transfers, simply because it would reduce the number of transfers required.


Secondly everyone with characters on different servers should be allowed to consolidate their toons on any destination server they have toons on.


Then, and only then, should regular transfer be allowed to occur.

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This transfer thing is improperly conceived. First of all, server merges should occur before transfers, simply because it would reduce the number of transfers required.


Secondly everyone with characters on different servers should be allowed to consolidate their toons on any destination server they have toons on.


Then, and only then, should regular transfer be allowed to occur.


Absolutely not. No thank you. Every "merge" I've been a part of has been buggy and convoluted at best, resulted in lost items gone forever, bugged character specifics, and even resulted in a server crash that lasted for a few days. And none of those games had Legacy to deal with!


All that potential problem just to accomplish the same thing that a simple transfer/shut-down accomplishes? Come on, get with times. Merges are old-fashioned tech.

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Sorry, wir transferieren erstmal nur von gleichem Servertyp zum gleichen Servertyp. Da es nur einen deutschen RP-PvP-Server gibt, könnt ihr also auch nicht in diesem ersten Schritt irgendwohin transferieren.




Server-Transfers only from same-type servers to same-type servers. Relating to that the European RP-PvP-Servers have no destination because of their uniqueness --> excluded from transfers June 12th.


Diskriminierung? Hartes Wort .. und so unpassend.


Die Transfers sollen Spielern helfen, einen Server zu finden, der ihrem gewählten Spielstil entspricht. Ein Spieler, der also einen PvP Server gewählt hat, wird wohl auf einem solchen Server auch spielen wollen, sonst wäre er doch auf einem PvE Server gewesen.


Es gibt schlicht keinen logischen Grund einen Transfer von einem Servertypen auf einen anderen Servertypen zu erlauben, zumindest nicht im Zuge dieser ersten Chartransfers. Das kann in Zukunft natürlich noch kommen, letztlich ist das nur der erste Schritt der Transfers.


Klar gibt es nun ein paar Spieler, die gerne ihre Serverart wechseln wollen (sonst würde es diesen Thread ja nicht geben) aber - so hart das nun klingen mag - es ist eben nicht Teil des aktuellen Plans PvE - PvP Transfers in irgendeiner Art einzurichten. Wie gesagt, zumindest nicht in Phase 1. Das gilt für Non-RP Server und für RP Server gleichermaßen.







Bla bla bla ( unimportant stuff )... in step 1 starting 12th of June transfers from / to an RP-PvP server in the European region are prohibited because of their uniqueness. Reason: there is no logical reason to transfer characters from a RP-PvP-Server to a different server-type.


Hälst du den Ton für angemessen? Und wichtiger, erwartest du, dass ich dir antworte wenn du in diesem Ton versuchst eine Diskussion zu starten? Dann muss ich dich leider enttäuschen.


Ich schlage also vor, du findest einen angemessenen Ton, oder wir lassen das Gespräch.


Letztlich habt ihr euch den RP-PvP Server als euer Ziel ausgesucht und wir werden ihn nicht mit einem PvE Server "zum Transfer zusammenführen".


Klar verstehe ich, dass das manchen Leuten nicht gefällt, das ändert aber schlicht nichts daran, dass wir Server mit verschiedenen Typen (PvE / PvP) nicht zusammenpacken.


Sollte der Ton so bleiben, ist der Thread hier zu.





Summarized ( quite a rude posting from the CM ):


They said the RP-PvP-players are the problem and it's their due because THEY choose the only RP-PvP server in their region. It's the player's fault because of their choice to play on a RP-PvP-server.


Vazques, es gibt aber keinen Zielserver, der RP-PvP und deutschsprachig ist.


Wie gesagt, wir geben euer Feedback weiter und schauen, was passiert. Mehr können wir da im Moment nicht tun.


Ich fürchte nur, dass wir da vor dem Wochenende keine Entscheidung mehr bekommen.




We send your feedback to the developers. Most likely we won't get an answer before the transfers.




I just collected the German CM's answers and tried to summarize them for you.


If you want to you can translate them with Google Translator or something like that or you just believe my summarize. :)

Edited by LovarBoy
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A captive audience they can force into paid transfers.


Not really, if this isn't addressed with the rest of the transfers then count this paying customer as another unsub. This seems to be the sentiment of those of us that remain.

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So in short they just want to ignore the population on three servers because of two letters (R, P)? I really dont think it is to hard even for Bioware to allow transfers from an RP-PVP to a PVP server? Edited by Jerro
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A captive audience they can force into paid transfers.


But no one is forced to pay for transfers.


I have already said here that I think that they should allow for cross-type transfers, especially if there is only one of a particular server type serving a language/region.

I am also not excusing Bioware for capping server populations at the level that they did.


But they are not forcing anyone to do anything.


That empty server that you are on? It's been empty for how long? Yet rather than re-roll you just continued to play on it day after day?


I have a 50 and a 30-something collecting dust on one server because I decided that I did not like the enviroment there.

I have a 40-something abandoned on another for the same reason.

I have characters of different levels spread over different servers and factions because after I spent some time there I decided that I did not care for those servers for one reason or another.


I was never thrilled with the prospect of re-rolling, but every day that I spent playing on a server that I did not like was a day less spent playing on one that I did.


Ultimately worth it to me.

If it is not to anyone else, that is their call to make.


But it doesn't mean that Bioware is forcing them to do anything.

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There's only so many times someone can re-roll before they get fed up. When I play an MMO I like to think I make progress... If I have to abandon a legacy I spent months building up time after time... I'll probably just end up quitting. I'm quite sure I'm not the only one :/
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Bioware please don't be silly and make Lord Calypho a destination server RP-PVE (for rpers) AND PvP servers (for pvpers) or origin server with a possibility to transfer to RP-PVE and PvP .


Everything else is shooting yourself in a leg. I endured every single of your f***ups, I was patiently waiting. I got somewhat excited about server transfers and 1.3. And then you tell me that my server is out of transfer list because it's RP?


Well, I understand that you don't expect your lower category customers in Lord Calypho to pay for a transfer. In fact, you are already saying farewell to them. You don't care about them anyway, do you?


Also, while I'm at it. Don't charge for transfers at all. You can't afford this luxury.

Edited by vandana_
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I have waited patiently for 1.3… and i have flirted with the cancellation of my subscription on numerous occasions. Most of the guilds on Lord Calypho have either merged or are dying a slow death. Bioware really needs to make some response and clarify what its plans are for its player base on Lord Calypho, being the only RP – PVP server


I originally choose an RP- PVP option for the following reasons. RP servers are renowned for having a more mature community, and also having the option to PVP was personally a win for me.


To simply give the option to transfer to a PVP server is not good enough. Bioware need to make an exception in the case of Lord Calypho, giving the community the option to either transfer to an RP or PVP server. Remember we originally all choose our destination servers for a reason.


As the active playerbase on Lord Calypho has stayed loyal to Bioware whilst they try to establish this game, I suggest they repay some of this, by listening and responding to the Lord Calypho’s community.

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I personally do not care where we are given the option to transfer to as long as we are given the option.


In my experience all the server types are the same anyway because, PvE or PvP, due to some pretty poor planet design, outside of warzones you never see anyone of the opposite faction anyway. Additionally apart from those who take time to organise RP events you also don't get any open world random RP encounters that spring up naturally because there are no speech bubbles.


So who really cares where we go. Just as long as they take us off this deserted rock of a server.

Edited by oathran
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As the active playerbase on Lord Calypho has stayed loyal to Bioware whilst they try to establish this game, I suggest they repay some of this, by listening and responding to the Lord Calypho’s community.



Many people who still play in Lord Calypho are the most dedicated and enthusiastic fans of MMOs, role-playing and Star Wars that I have ever seen. The reward for this is to let them rot.

Edited by vandana_
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Server-Transfers only from same-type servers to same-type servers. Relating to that the European RP-PvP-Servers have no destination because of their uniqueness --> excluded from transfers June 12th.






Bla bla bla ( unimportant stuff )... in step 1 starting 12th of June transfers from / to an RP-PvP server in the European region are prohibited because of their uniqueness. Reason: there is no logical reason to transfer characters from a RP-PvP-Server to a different server-type.




Summarized ( quite a rude posting from the CM ):


They said the RP-PvP-players are the problem and it's their due because THEY choose the only RP-PvP server in their region. It's the player's fault because of their choice to play on a RP-PvP-server.






We send your feedback to the developers. Most likely we won't get an answer before the transfers.




I just collected the German CM's answers and tried to summarize them for you.


If you want to you can translate them with Google Translator or something like that or you just believe my summarize. :)


What a load of BS.


I can tell you what's not LOGICAL. It's not logical to pay a premium price for a game that hosts around 150 players and tries to disguise itself as a MMO.

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I think the solution is an easy one.


EA should just remove the RP-PVP designation and make it a normal PvP server.


Then, these servers could be included in the standard PvP server consolidations.


Problem solved.


Yes. For all intents and purposes there are no RP servers for this game. No enforcement of RP rules ( esp names ) simply means it is another normal server.

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Bla bla bla ( unimportant stuff )... in step 1 starting 12th of June transfers from / to an RP-PvP server in the European region are prohibited because of their uniqueness. Reason: there is no logical reason to transfer characters from a RP-PvP-Server to a different server-type.

Well a empty server is a empty server no matter what the tag is! Isnt that the reason for the other servers to have a transfer? With that logic there is no reason for any transfers at all!

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Well a empty server is a empty server no matter what the tag is! Isnt that the reason for the other servers to have a transfer? With that logic there is no reason for any transfers at all!


Logic isn't one of the Bioware's stronger features.

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Logic isn't one of the Bioware's stronger features.

Funny cos it true, to bad Lord Calypho is so low populated so the number of posts is very limited i guess. This matter really need some attention and looked into asap.

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Are you for real? No transfers? I feel sorry for all the Imperials now stuck with Stahl! He's definitely not quitting the game and he's not going to be able to transfer servers and expand his fame further, as he promised to everyone... Now he's gonna stay here and everyone hoped that he'll bring hell to somewhere else. :( Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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