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Official Q&A Thread for June 15th Blog Post

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As it is right now it seems that you guys are doing a lot of class balancing for PvP so that no one is too overpowered. When you do that it alters players in PvE as well, most of the time for the worst.


Have you guys thought about having two separate skill trees that a player can use? One that they can use in FP, OPs, and open world, and another that gets activated when they enter Warzones? That way when you nerf a class for PvP, it doesn't mess up players in PvE that don't do Warzones anyway.

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I have been tanking in MMOs for about a year and a half, and I'm wondering if you ever plan to implement a meter or something similar to make threat management a little easier. Something that would allow allow us to avoid constantly using our threat skills so we can DPS a little (I'm half spec'd in tanking and half DPS, but I always group as the tank) or would make it easier keep an eye on boss threat to keep them off the mages. this would especially help players like me with slower internet connections that can't keep up with the animation of 5+ enemies while in a group. Thank you for your time and I hope I've peaked your curiosity.
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Is there anything very soon (not just "soon") that's coming up in terms of endgame content for us 50's to do? Leveling alts and whatnot is all in well but yeah. Just makes me worried that 1.3 isn't adding anything substantial as far as that goes and it's prolly gonna be another 6-8 months before 1.4 comes out (assuming that you guys are keeping the same pace).
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Are there any plans to add fully-realized in-game models for current "Invisible Stat-Stick wieldables" - slots on the character sheet that function as or in lieu of primary/secondary weapons, yet have no in-game models. The best example would be the Agent (especially Operative's) Vibroknife slot. Though it is a major weapon to the point that the Operative has a whole tree dedicated to its use (concealment, focusing often on melee knife attacks), I cannot see my Vibroknife on my Operative be it holstered at rest, drawn with the Z key, or in animations for abilities like Shiv that make use of it. Other classes have their analog, such as Scatterguns for Scoundrels, offhand Focus Items and Shield Generators for Troopers/BountyHunters that do not dual wield, and single-saber Force users advanced classes.


These omissions greatly impact how the user perceives advancement and fosters the notion that corners have been cut - where a Sentinel will be able to see both their main and offhand sabers when they upgrade; their hilts at rest, graphics during battle, and generally the differences when upgrading, many classes have lesser visual feedback as their character grows in strength as their weapons and items are not visible. This asymmetry leads to feeling that many classes, and the game at a whole seem unfinished, and also indirectly make situations like the Agent's "Magical placeholder Conversation Pistol" present - despite the fact that Agents and their advanced classes cannot equip pistols, they seem to have been given a placeholder that pops into view during Conversation cinematics. This seems like a huge cut-corner, and would the Agent have a visible Vibroknife-slot item holstered where a Pistol would be, this issue could be avoided.


Are there plans in place to provide graphics and animation for these items, making them a fully realized part of the world and if so, when can we expect them?


More info in depth: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=268729

Edited by Ellipsys
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Regarding the 1.3 social gear changes.


I already have a set of imperial pilot armor, after spending substantial time doing space missions. This is currently light armor, but I am a medium armor user. How do you go about changing this in 1.3 ? Is it automatic, do I need to visit a vendor or farm the entire set again ?

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Currently there's no way to distinguish whether a quest given by an NPC is either a normal one or a heroic until after ontaining it. Could there be a much simplier way to help players keep track of heroics? There could be a blue icon above an NPC which denotes a heroic and even better, a green one for previously completed ones.
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Having played my first character (Human) to 50 i was very pleased by the presence buff it unlocked. I noticed afterwards that it did not unlock all of the customization options as with the other species. Was this intended? And are there any plans on adding this in the future? (for example: a Human Jedi Knight with the Trooper facial tattoos)
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Is there any chance that Battlemaster set bonuses will be moved to mods as well, just as it works with the War Hero items? While I understand that replacing existing BM items is not an option, I was rather thinking of the change only affecting new items you get from vendors?
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With legacy unlocks and perks is the plan always going to be to spend lots of credits? For example some games I've played in the past had a system where you could gain "merit levels" where when you lvled post lvl cap you would get a merit and could use however many merits towards increasing a skill etc. Anything like that in mind for the future of legacy or will it always be about credits?
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Commando Healers are feeling a bit left out in the Color-Crystal game. We spend most of our time healing, so most of the time our weapon is letting out a big Green heal beam, regardless of what our color crystal is. Not to mention its a giant flag letting enemies know who the healer is. Is this intended (to make Healers stand out) or could we look forward to one day firing correctly colored Hammer Shots to heal our allies?
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A very small thing in the big changes out there but would it be possible to keep your ship on the ground until you actually select a destination? I like to think I'm fairly green in outlook (comes of being Jedi ;) ) and I shudder at the waste of fuel taking off and achieving orbit when I just want to access the ship's locker or talk to Kira in private :)



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As a heavy duty crafter, I find it extremely time consuming to have to shuffle various discovery missions and crafting materials from character to character through loads of emails. Now that the Legacy system has been created to link all our characters together, have you put any thought into creating a "Legacy Bank" that we can store our massive amount of crafting materials in so each character can craft from this communal bank? On each character I have at least one hangar bay devoted to the character's crafting profession, and I'd really love to see something to streamline the crafting process and allow us to free up more room for other items. Edited by SupernovaRU
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Daniel E said, regarding legacies:

They’re your rewards, you earned them, we don’t want to prevent you from moving them wherever you like.

A lot of people, myself included, created alts on new servers so we could keep this game playable in a populated environment. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of us, enough that our gameplay experience should be considered relevant to the development team. There was a thread on the forums about transferring to fatman or a couple other servers that lead this initiative. We were the ones that gave Bioware populated servers. The servers Bioware focused on during free trial weekends are not well populated, and the attempts by Bioware so far to increase populations have not succeeded. I have high hopes for the transfers starting Tuesday, and I do think this is a step in the right direction. However for those of us who tried to help keep at least a couple servers populated, I ask Bioware to please clarify their position. Specifically:


1. Why did you abandon us?

2. When the development team sets priorities for updates and bug fixes, and when they set the direction for this game's future, why is our game play experience considered insignificant?

3. Why does the above quote from Daniel not apply to us?

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Well since I have tried support case, post and even private message to one of the community team... might as well try here.


What does the "cover fire" keybind do?


Note: keybind, not passive skill and not "take cover" or "take cover in place" specifically "cover fire". It does not have any function in advanced class cover mechanics that anyone has been able to detect.


This question has been asked at various times since december and lots of people have their theories but no official answer from anyone in bioware.

Edited by Elfindreams
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Can one of the Developers give a detailed breakdown on how threat is generated? I have heard that it is generated more by how many times a player can land blows on the boss than by how much damage is dealt. So that a tank can hold aggro better by using his basic attack (rapid shots, saber strike, etc) in combination with his high threat moves, rather than trying to do as much damage as possible to a boss. Thanks!
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Are there any plans to make Armstech a useful end game crafting skill when compared to others? Currently every craft is given some form of Rakata level item as a bonus for max skill, except Armstech. During flashpoints and operations every craft is regularly given some form of patterns that drop, except Armstech. Currently Armstech is reduced to spitting out augmentable weapon shells, a few augments, and lower barrels/weapons for leveling. There is no end game stuff to craft that everyone else gets. Edited by Blaac
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As a way to increase the variety of "looks" in the game without having to resort to the creation of a huge variety of gear packages, I was wondering if there were any plans in the works to create a gear editor similar to editor used to create the look of your character when you first roll them? For example, for a particular chest piece there could be a slider that adjusts the colour, another for the contours of the edges, etc. This could add some variety to the gear without having to create tons of new looks. Thanks for all your hard work team! Edited by Bottcobco
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