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copy char to testserver...


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Awesome, now when the system melts down because you didn't follow instructions we know who to blame.


I believe it's called 'testing' :)


And if the system melts down because of that, they really want to know it yesterday.

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Using the low level group finder, is not gonna get you these titles. There aren't enough low level people on Test to do it. You will be waiting about 2 hours for it to pop, and by that time if you are questing you will prolly be too high level to do the flashpoint that you originally qued for.


I dont know what test server you were on but I just ran essles 4 times back to back. Each time it took less than 5 minutes to put a group together. My guy is lvl 13 now.

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I dont know what test server you were on but I just ran essles 4 times back to back. Each time it took less than 5 minutes to put a group together. My guy is lvl 13 now.


I was going to say the same thing. Been using group finder since I hit 10 and it pops in seconds every time.

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Update: We are extending the cut off time until 10AM CDT tomorrow, June 8th. This will be the last batch of character copies for a while, so be sure to sign up!


I have some more information for those of you interested in getting your character copied over to PTS. If you haven't, make sure to fill out the survey in the news article by midnight CDT tonight (6/7). We'll be doing another batch of copies on Friday, but you must have your survey filled out by the end of the day today. We'll continue to copy more characters periodically and will let you know as we do!


I did this Thursday afternoon and still no luck for Friday to get a transfer. Is it going to happen? Please at least let us know yes or no so we can stop asking and waiting.

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I filled the survey out twice for the same character... once last week right after the announcement was made about this being possible... and again on Tuesday earlier this week after the PTS was brought online and my char wasn't there yet.


I am 100% certain that I filled it out correctly the 2nd time b/c I signed on the forums to make sure my Forum name was correct, then I logged into the game to make absolutely certain I spelled the character name correctly... and the server name is Juyo which is obviously very easy.... And yet my character didn't get copied. I want to test 1.3 end game changes... Ranked WZ, Ops, HM Fps, LFG, changes to mercenary... I dont want to re-level a character on a pointless "fake" server.


Seriously? Whats the point of playing a new character on test server... I hate leveling real characters so why the F would I do it on a test server that is meaningless in the long run.


This really pisses me off, probably more then it should but it does... If my main server (Juyo) isnt included in the real server transfers that'll be the final straw for me...

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I filled the survey out twice for the same character... once last week right after the announcement was made about this being possible... and again on Tuesday earlier this week after the PTS was brought online and my char wasn't there yet.


I am 100% certain that I filled it out correctly the 2nd time b/c I signed on the forums to make sure my Forum name was correct, then I logged into the game to make absolutely certain I spelled the character name correctly... and the server name is Juyo which is obviously very easy.... And yet my character didn't get copied. I want to test 1.3 end game changes... Ranked WZ, Ops, HM Fps, LFG, changes to mercenary... I dont want to re-level a character on a pointless "fake" server.


Seriously? Whats the point of playing a new character on test server... I hate leveling real characters so why the F would I do it on a test server that is meaningless in the long run.


This really pisses me off, probably more then it should but it does... If my main server (Juyo) isnt included in the real server transfers that'll be the final straw for me...


The point of playing a new character is to test things that affect new characters. What you are really upset about is that you wanted to go in and get a preview.

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For the record, I filled out the survey twice with no "mistakes" or typos on my part.


However, my main character has not been copied to the PTS and unless I'm mistaken the copy process has ended now?


My only question is: What's the thought behind copying duplicates (in some cases several copies) of certain players main characters while not copying even one for some?


Doesn't that seem just a tad counterproductive?


I would guess motivating a broader range of people to get on the PTS would be a good thing, especially those who have cancelled their subs and simply wish to see if 1.3 might be worth coming back for.


Needless to say, if you want to do that, you'd want to try it out with a maxlevel character, not having to level one up as some are forced to do now.



Edited by ShavedEwok
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Can we get an answer when each of the copy batches happen so that we dont have to check every now and then if our character has been copied?

Would it be possible to tell us when the last batch of copies will be made?

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Can we get an answer when each of the copy batches happen so that we dont have to check every now and then if our character has been copied?

Would it be possible to tell us when the last batch of copies will be made?


The last batch was June 8th. They have not mentioned any future dates so all we know now is that the copy process is over.

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The last batch was June 8th. They have not mentioned any future dates so all we know now is that the copy process is over.


Figures... now i need to stash PTS somewhere. SSD space is at a premium these days :p

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We did have some instances where the information was not filled out correctly, and unfortunately those characters could not be copied.


Obviously I'm one of the people that didn't get copied, or else I wouldn't be in this thread. But what I don't quite understand...is why the term "correctly" keeps getting flown around. There are three parts to the survey: Forum Name, Server, and Character Name. Seeing how I have graduated kindergarten, I would think I know how to at least spell my name...correctly. So that basically narrows it down to knowing where my character lives...which seems simple enough to look up and verify if I've forgetten.


So I'm a bit confused about this "correctly" statement. Is it to say that players don't know how to spell thier name or is there more to it? :confused: Surely there must be some error between the interface that the player sees to fill out and the database the information is sent to.

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Allison relayed that character copies were done for today and that players who filled out their surveys incorrectly, may not have copied over. One of the most common reasons why a copy fails is a mistake somewhere on the survey, but of course, other factors may be a cause. In fact, on the PTS blog we state:


We cannot guarantee that every character will copy to the PTS successfully, however we can assure you that characters on Live servers will not be affected in any way should the tool fail. If you notice that you filled out the survey but your character did not copy, please fill out the survey again.

We know you are all excited to play, but please also allow for constructive discourse.


This IS Constructive Discourse. The community is calling you out on a line of crap and while it may not be the constructive discourse you were hoping for,it is still an absolutely essential part of having a meaningful conversation.


Your user base is informing you that the system you are using to transfer characters has a problem and the number of players having issues with transfer of characters are numerous enough that user error cannot be the sole issue.


Your subscriber base is telling you that they are insulted that you attributed the lack of their characters being transferred to the test server being due to user error on a simple survey. I filled the survey out twice. Once at the beginning of the week and one on the day before the final transfers. Both surveys I triple checked before submitting, Quite frankly I think Bioware owes the community an apology as it has inadvertently insulted the intelligence of its paying customers rather than trying to work with them and identify the issue.


Further your user base has expressed frustration with the combination of failed character transfers and the time limited deadline for acquired the tester titles offered in Update 1.3. I can personally can attest to wanting the title, but being unable to achieve it as I sit on the test server for hours on end trying to get a Que to pop for the level 30 Sith Warrior I created when played to acquire the test titles in 1.2. In 4 Days I've had 1 que pop, so it's reasonable for me to assume achieving the titles is not going to be possible without a level 50. Since my character didn't get transferred I will not have the time to level my 30 Warrior to level 50 and Que the group finder by the 16h. The community is requesting you continue transferring characters and extend the deadline or remove it all together.


More importantly your User Base is expressing disappointment with how Bioware is handling customer service for SWTOR in regard to its attitude towards the players. This character transfer issue and the pvpers reprimanded for grief when they were just pvping and CS was unable to find the report for some time are prime examples.


At the end of the day you must consider that each customer counts and your customer service response could be the proverbial straw that breaks the camels back. Customer service needs to stop treating its active subcribers like they are less important than their future subscribers. More importantly its not "one" customer you lose, it's the customer and all their friends and future potential customers they want to play the game with.


So with specific examples... As a completionist if I am unable to acquire the title "Strike Team Commander" due to not being randomly drawn to test 1.3 it will be the last straw that breaks the camels back. It is not the single issue that is my problem, it is that I've had many issues and I've finally reached the point where the frustration has become more than the net amount of fun I gain for playing the game. Worse yet, when I do finally leave 3 of my friends will leave with me and another 4 won't return with patch 1.4 like they currently plan to. So if you lose me, you lose 8 subscribers.


So when you ask yourself is it cost effective to move characters to the test server the answer is yes because if you don't you will lose guaranteed income as to oppose to gaining new income. Would it be useful to have that manpower working on something else? Absolutely yes, but only because this should be an automated process done with a tool and technology that should of been deployed prior to the previous 1.2 patch.

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On a bright note, I think I misread the requirements to get the title. I thought you had to do one of each: flashpoint, hardmode easy/hard, and an operation (and thus require a 50). However, it appears that you just have to do one 8 times. With that in mind, I rolled a new toon...never tried an operative. It was quite fun until the final cutscene on Hutta stopped working. What a pain. So now I sit trying multiple methods of the dreaded repair "feature" to see if I can get the game to operate properly. Bitter sweet I suppose.
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On a bright note, I think I misread the requirements to get the title. I thought you had to do one of each: flashpoint, hardmode easy/hard, and an operation (and thus require a 50). However, it appears that you just have to do one 8 times. With that in mind, I rolled a new toon...never tried an operative. It was quite fun until the final cutscene on Hutta stopped working. What a pain. So now I sit trying multiple methods of the dreaded repair "feature" to see if I can get the game to operate properly. Bitter sweet I suppose.


When that happens to me, it usually clears itself if you drop the quest, re-pick it up and do it all over. waste of time, but at least you can progress.


Oh and as for character transfers, I'm upset over BW's crappy SurveyMonkey debacle...but at least the new patch is coming tomorrow....



Edited by Niomo
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I think part of the problem is people are filling out the form more than twice. Think about it....15 surveys by the same person is just bottle necking the system. I filled the survey out twice (first time shortly after I was unsubscribed), I filled it out again when I re-subbed and my toon was copied over on Friday. Also, server transfers are not the same as char copy. How many of you hit submit more than once when buying something online?
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I think part of the problem is people are filling out the form more than twice. Think about it....15 surveys by the same person is just bottle necking the system. I filled the survey out twice (first time shortly after I was unsubscribed), I filled it out again when I re-subbed and my toon was copied over on Friday. Also, server transfers are not the same as char copy. How many of you hit submit more than once when buying something online?


The problem is they actually told people to fill them out more than once when people started complaining that their characters did not get copied over.

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I requested all of my characters to be copied to the PTS, none of them were copied. I also find it insulting that this could be attributed to not filling out a simple form 'correctly', when I don't even see what you could do INCORRECTLY apart from misspellings.
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