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copy char to testserver...


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on the PTS forums, AllisonBerryman stated that if you filled out the form before Monday, your character should already be copied over to the PTS. They are still transferring characters in batches so if you fill out the form now, it will be transfered at some point just not immediately since it's a manual process they are using


Might only works if you're still sub.


Which isn't my case... I have ~5 days left and was hoping that 1.3 would be enuf to make me re-sub.


But since THEY forgot about that and decided to ditch ppl like me... we'll never know if it was worth it to re-sub.

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Just a reminder - you have about an hour to get the survey filled out to be included in today's character copy. If you previously filled out the survey but didn't get copied, please fill out the survey again and make sure you have entered all your information correctly!
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Just a reminder - you have about an hour to get the survey filled out to be included in today's character copy. If you previously filled out the survey but didn't get copied, please fill out the survey again and make sure you have entered all your information correctly!



Do we know when the copy will be finished? Today some time or tomorrow? Next week?

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Thanks for offering this service! I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping I get my character transferred this time. I've tried several times already and still haven't managed to get a transfer in. :/
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We'll be running the batch through today, so if you have filled out everything correctly, you should see your character on PTS before the day is over!


What if we filled it out correctly originally, and still haven't been copied over, are those copies still taking place as well?

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What if we filled it out correctly originally, and still haven't been copied over, are those copies still taking place as well?


As we mentioned earlier in the thread, if you were not copied, filling out the survey again and ensuring it was correct would include you in today's batch.

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As we mentioned earlier in the thread, if you were not copied, filling out the survey again and ensuring it was correct would include you in today's batch.


And if we missed the 10:00 AM PDT deadline to repeat doing something we'd already successfully done... are we out of luck?

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As we mentioned earlier in the thread, if you were not copied, filling out the survey again and ensuring it was correct would include you in today's batch.


Was it not possible to notify customers when their copy occurs? Seems quite silly to expect us to log in dozens of times only to see our character was not copied...

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I don't understand why more noise wasn't made about these character copies. I've desperately wanted to be able to help test things, but I don't have the time to invest in creating and leveling a new character to 50.


I would have expected there to be some kind of announcement on the patcher for this kind of thing. Given all the feedback that I see on the forums about how things aren't working after they've been released, especially with the whole Ilum farce, surely getting as many people on the PTS as possible is a priority?

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Are you going to mail us that you have copies our character or will we have to check up on the PTS from time to time?


I would like to know this also. Until my character is copied, I don't want to spend too much time on the PTS as I have other RL things I need to do. Will you be emailing us when the character copy is complete?

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As we mentioned earlier in the thread, if you were not copied, filling out the survey again and ensuring it was correct would include you in today's batch.


I'm having a hard time believing this. I've filled out and submitted the report probably six or seven times now, including once on the day the survey was posted.


I have a level 50 fully loaded and very very much wanting to test PTS, but I'm not going to spend the months it took to get that level 50 geared and legacied to do the same to my toon on the PTS.


I'm sure I'm in exactly the same boat as a lot of other players who've mastered most of the endgame on live in that we would absolutely love to test using our live world characters, but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of evidence that Bioware is helping empower us to do so.


On my live world main character, I run, easily, 6+ HM flashpoints a week and at least another 3 Operations groups a week (more if I switch down from NM/HMs and help on story modes). Am I not the sort of player you want to have testing? Or is it characters that are too fully loaded with legacy are just not possible to copy over without breaking right now?

Edited by Rhesus_TOR
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As we mentioned earlier in the thread, if you were not copied, filling out the survey again and ensuring it was correct would include you in today's batch.


I have done this three times now, and every day the PTS has been up I've logged in to find my character still hasn't been transferred. I'm fairly certain the first time I filled out the survey monkey was on saturday, but it could have been sunday. Either way, i filled it out long before the deadline.

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Yeah, I filled out the survey (for the fourth or fifth time) and checking just now, I'm still not copied over. I'd really like to test this stuff, but the only character I have on the PTS right now is level 30, and I don't feel like leveling it to 50 on the PTS when I have four level 50s that would be perfectly capable of testing the stuff I'd like to test from the live servers. I applied for two of them to be copied over, and nothing. It seems like every time someone asks about it, they're told "if they filled out the form correctly they should be copied". Well what if they DID fill it out correctly, every single time, and have yet to be copied? I know it wasn't guaranteed that you'd be copied, but it's made to seem like as long as you fill it out correctly, you would be copied.
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Was it not possible to notify customers when their copy occurs? Seems quite silly to expect us to log in dozens of times only to see our character was not copied...


No answer....not surprising.


Character still not copied....not surprising.

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I have done this three times now, and every day the PTS has been up I've logged in to find my character still hasn't been transferred. I'm fairly certain the first time I filled out the survey monkey was on saturday, but it could have been sunday. Either way, i filled it out long before the deadline.


Same here. I filled it out originally a week ago when the signups first went p and then twice yesterday after seeing that i hadnt been added. When I did it yesterday since there wasnt much clarity in regard to whether you wanted just the forum name or the full account name (email address) i did both and still no character copy. I also received no confirmation that the form was submitted.. it looked more like a form that a phiser would use then something specifically from Bioware

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I have done this three times now, and every day the PTS has been up I've logged in to find my character still hasn't been transferred. I'm fairly certain the first time I filled out the survey monkey was on saturday, but it could have been sunday. Either way, i filled it out long before the deadline.


Same here. Filled out before deadline but nothing yet.

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I completed that survey at least 15 times, yesterday and last night, and still none of my characters have been copied over. The part of this process that is confusing to me is timing. Was this survey supposed to trigger an automatic queue, or are these batches being manually copied over one at a time by someone? Are these batches being copied over in waves? If so, what frequency and when? After completing the survey, when should we expect to see something, How long should I wait to check the PTS after completing the survey? None of these questions are being answered. I just keep seeing the same statement being echoed over and over. "Fill out survey." "Check the server." Then you are supposed to rinse and repeat indefinitely. I guess I was just supposed to spam the survey until it happed... :confused:
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