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It won't impact dps Ops. The boost to the Stim Boost heal was negligable and any healing that you did in combat was small. I don't know why they didn't hit Medicine instead, named the tier 2 talent that boosts overall healing and when you've got a TA available. But hey, it won't affect us stabbing folk.
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It won't impact dps Ops. The boost to the Stim Boost heal was negligable and any healing that you did in combat was small. I don't know why they didn't hit Medicine instead, named the tier 2 talent that boosts overall healing and when you've got a TA available. But hey, it won't affect us stabbing folk.


Sorry but you, Sir, have no idea.

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It won't impact dps Ops. The boost to the Stim Boost heal was negligable and any healing that you did in combat was small. I don't know why they didn't hit Medicine instead, named the tier 2 talent that boosts overall healing and when you've got a TA available. But hey, it won't affect us stabbing folk.


Yeah cause medics don't utilize that extra 6% self healing as part of their survivability. Will have to reevaluate those 3 points. You also missed.


"•An issue that could cause the global cooldown to incorrectly occur when rapidly attempting to use multiple abilities has been corrected."


This I believe will impact SP spam depending on how fast your fingers were.

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Are you kidding me? You guys are crying concealment nerf again? EVERYONE lost the adrenals, not just us, so no OP specific nerf there. Hell it will actually help us against adrenal stacking mara's. No more 7k ravages/smashes. The loss to self heals kinda sucks, but, if you look in the sniper section, they modified shield probe to scale with your stats. I'll trade 6% in self heals for a 3-4k bubble any day. And even though its cosmetic, the updated animation for lacerate is a welcome change because the current one is lame. Hopefully they let us have some fancy knife trick or other for collateral strike.
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What a bunch've whiners..


Like this will have all but the tiniest effect on ops pulling in 300k+ damage and healing in a match.


THe changes to adrenals and relics will. The double six figure numbers benefitted from on use relics adrenal usage etc...Healing and damage will no longer benefit from WZ adrenals, Relics are undoubtedly reducing the total boost provided and becoming non use items.


Double six figure games in the 300K range look to be something dificult with these changes. And religiously hitting these CD's was a significant competitive advantage for many and certainly a number inflator.


From the PVP section of the patch notes.

"•The "on use" abilities on relics can no longer be used inside Warzones. PvP relics (such as the Recruit, Battlemaster, and War hero relics) now have passive boosts to the same stats that the "on use" ability affected.


•New relics that offer "on hit" triggered abilities are now available from PvP vendors.


•Warzone Expertise Adrenals have been renamed to Warzone Adrenals. The item now only provides PvP Damage Reduction and does not boost healing or damage.


•Adrenals that were craftable by Biochemists before 1.3 can no longer be used in PvP areas. Biochemists can now craft a version of the Warzone Adrenal.


•The duration of the Warzone Adrenal has been reduced to 15 seconds (down from 25) to match the duration of other Adrenals."

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Lots of malarkey in this thread about Op nerfs. I am sad about Survival Training, but I really hate trying to kill enemy Medics, and this helps us burst them down better (I am Concealment and Lethality biased, as people might recall from previous posts). Besides, you need to look at a patch as a whole. I would argue that we did not get nerfed. In fact, we got RELATIVELY buffed.


You know who really is getting the nerf hammer this time? Those darn Shadows and Sins. That's right, our number one burst/stealth competitor is getting some serious debuffs to their class. Let's go down the nasty list (boy would I hate to be on their forums right now).

Rather than hit armor or self-healing too hard, we’ve opted to adjust both by a much smaller amount.


•The healing generated by Combat Technique/Dark Charge has been reduced by approximately 50%.

•The healing generated by Harnessed Shadows/Harnessed Darkness has been reduced to 8% in total (down from 12% in total).

•The armor provided by Combat Technique/Dark Charge has been reduced to +115% (down from 150%).

Less armor and a heck of a lot less healing. This goes a long, long way towards making Ops more viable as the premier Stealth DPS class in WZs.


I for one am quite happy with these changes. I have only played 3 WZs on the PTS so far, but in 2 of those games, I went up against some Shadows in Alderaan. I really noticed their loss of armor and healing, and had a lot more success in the fights on the node (we were about equally geared judging by his damage and HP). Obviously this is a small sample size, but I think it bodes well for us.


Small nerf to Ops with relics and adrenals? Yeah, maybe. But a lot of classes got hit by that. We retain most of our burst and only lose a puny self-heal buff (Worse for Medics, admittedly, but a decent argument can be made that those guys were overperforming in WZs). Shadows and Sins, however, get a really rough smack in the face this time. I think it was needed; I really hate those two classes. But overall, this is a good day for the Ops!


(NOTE: I almost EXCLUSIVELY play PvP, so all of my comments are SOLELY directed at the PvP side of things. There is probably a PvE counterargument to be made here, but that is not my realm of expertise or knowledge, so I am not going to comment on it. These are just PvP observations)

Edited by ktkenshinx
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So basically as an operative healer I now have absolutely zero method for providing burst healing in a warzone.

(No trinket, wz adrenals don't boost healing)


Well fan-ducking-tastic.


On monday night I unlearned 2 tradeskills in preperation for moving up biochem being tired of the resource drain purchasing supplies and having provided for armor/mods for alts. And let me tell you not being biochem gets expensive. Needless to say I unlearned those 2 slots needlessly. Thankfully I was running out purple manufactures and didn't unlearn my manufacturing. It was slated for deletion last night but I got busy and couldn't play.

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