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Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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Ill stop it there, it is due to user stupidity, because there is a flaw in the system code that makes it so the user stupidity is the winner that is still due to user stupidity, if there were no user stupidity this flaw would never have been found as bioware dont employee chimps to test patchs.


So what im implying is that yes there was an error in the code but without user stupidity it would never have been found.


Again, "but it's the customer's fault" no it isn't, it's BW's for bad planning and implementation.


Ever heard the saying "the customer is always right"?

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Again, "but it's the customer's fault" no it isn't, it's BW's for bad planning and implementation.


Ever heard the saying "the customer is always right"?


I used to work in customer support for another company, trust me the customer is not always right. This is from the faq that i found in under 30 seconds.


After you confirm your character transfer request, it can take up to three hours for your requested characters to be transferred. During this period you will be unable to login to any of the characters that are being transferred, or any other character on that origin server. If you are playing one of these characters when you confirm your transfer, you will be logged off from that character and server until the transfer is complete.


If you stay logged in or log in after this point and have been informed that you shouldnt the onus stands on the customer even if a fault is there, its even more a customer fault if upon knowing these facts given that you arnt logged out and dont report it but stay logged in then that is again the customers fault.

Edited by Shingara
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The transfers to my server is awesome! We're now back to over 100 on the imperial fleet again and WZ ques are back-to-back like they used to be. Don't know about anyone else's server transfer experience, but Shaltin Tunnels to The Progenitor has been great. A lot of cool people and guilds coming from there.


Grats! Can't wait till it's my servers turn to go. :)

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I used to work in customer support for another company, trust me the customer is not always right.


Haha same here. Customer support is one of the most thankless jobs in the world. Would never do it again. Most people who call customer support to complain are "special"....lol.


Edited before infraction :rolleyes:

Edited by WrecklessMEDIC
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I used to work in customer support for another company, trust me the customer is not always right.


No, you are wrong. In any business that deals with customer services, be it a small family run restaurant or a huge global business, it is the customer who pays your wages and bills, and therefore, by default, the customer is always right. Anyone that deals with customers and doesn't know this is very bad at their job.

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Haha same here. Customer support is one of the most thankless jobs in the world. Would never do it again. Most people who call customer support to complain are idiots....lol.


Lol to true, i used to work for an energy provider and someone rang up and said the gas smelt different and thus we were supplying fake gas. I asked them if they had a leak and they said no i have the cooker on (not lite) and have my head next to it, i can definatly smell its different :eek:

Edited by Shingara
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Yeah there was a lot of pessimism beforehand, but now everybody seems happy . At least when it comes to having more opportunities for warzones and flashpoints.


Same. My server is a destination server today, and seeing a LOT of smiles and positiveness ingame. :cool:

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No, you are wrong. In any business that deals with customer services, be it a small family run restaurant or a huge global business, it is the customer who pays your wages and bills, and therefore, by default, the customer is always right. Anyone that deals with customers and doesn't know this is very bad at their job.


Nope :D

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No, you are wrong. In any business that deals with customer services, be it a small family run restaurant or a huge global business, it is the customer who pays your wages and bills, and therefore, by default, the customer is always right. Anyone that deals with customers and doesn't know this is very bad at their job.

Actually, that's not true. You have to make the customer believe he's always right and put up with their nonsense, which is definitely not the same as the customer actually being right.

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Actually, that's not true. You have to make the customer believe he's always right and put up with their nonsense, which is definitely not the same as the customer actually being right.


haha yeah ok, i will have to agree there lol

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No, you are wrong. In any business that deals with customer services, be it a small family run restaurant or a huge global business, it is the customer who pays your wages and bills, and therefore, by default, the customer is always right. Anyone that deals with customers and doesn't know this is very bad at their job.


"The customer is always right" means that you never, ever, tell them they're wrong. That's it.


I worked internet tech support, and I can reliably tell you that 93% of the time, it's not the ISPs fault the customer can't connect, even though they start out every call blaming you. You apologize, walk them through getting reconnected, ask them if there's anything else you can help them with, and end the call. But you never tell them they were wrong.


What that has to do with what Shingara said, I don't know, because he's a customer, too, and is not bound by the "customer is always right" rule of customer service, anyway.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Here's a question that hopefully someone can answer. How will Timezone designations be handled? For most people I imagine this won't be a problem, but I am on one of only 3 RP-PVP servers. Two of them are East Coast, and mine is West Coast. One of the East Coast ones is eligible for transfer to the other east coast one at the moment, so clearly that East Coast one is going to end up with a higher population (good for them). But with only ONE West Coast RP-PVP server, I'm concerned that we are not going to get the same opportunity to transfer to a higher population server, simply because we are the only one of our kind. Personally, the time zone designation means nothing to me, and I'd love to see all 3 of the RP-PVP servers merged into 1 server with a good healthy population, but since that's unlikely, I'd at LEAST hope we'll be given the opportunity to transfer to the Highest population RP-PVP server.


Summary: Bioware, please don't let timezone restrictions limit your options. If the only choice is to point a West Coast server to an East Coast server, PLEASE do it, and let the customers decide if they find that acceptable.

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Here's a question that hopefully someone can answer. How will Timezone designations be handled? For most people I imagine this won't be a problem, but I am on one of only 3 RP-PVP servers. Two of them are East Coast, and mine is West Coast. One of the East Coast ones is eligible for transfer to the other east coast one at the moment, so clearly that East Coast one is going to end up with a higher population (good for them). But with only ONE West Coast RP-PVP server, I'm concerned that we are not going to get the same opportunity to transfer to a higher population server, simply because we are the only one of our kind. Personally, the time zone designation means nothing to me, and I'd love to see all 3 of the RP-PVP servers merged into 1 server with a good healthy population, but since that's unlikely, I'd at LEAST hope we'll be given the opportunity to transfer to the Highest population RP-PVP server.


Summary: Bioware, please don't let timezone restrictions limit your options. If the only choice is to point a West Coast server to an East Coast server, PLEASE do it, and let the customers decide if they find that acceptable.


For only the first phase, region to region only. That is, East to East, and West to West. This likely will, however, be opened in the near future.

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Here's a question that hopefully someone can answer. How will Timezone designations be handled? For most people I imagine this won't be a problem, but I am on one of only 3 RP-PVP servers. Two of them are East Coast, and mine is West Coast. One of the East Coast ones is eligible for transfer to the other east coast one at the moment, so clearly that East Coast one is going to end up with a higher population (good for them). But with only ONE West Coast RP-PVP server, I'm concerned that we are not going to get the same opportunity to transfer to a higher population server, simply because we are the only one of our kind. Personally, the time zone designation means nothing to me, and I'd love to see all 3 of the RP-PVP servers merged into 1 server with a good healthy population, but since that's unlikely, I'd at LEAST hope we'll be given the opportunity to transfer to the Highest population RP-PVP server.


Summary: Bioware, please don't let timezone restrictions limit your options. If the only choice is to point a West Coast server to an East Coast server, PLEASE do it, and let the customers decide if they find that acceptable.


From what i have seen they are doing us west coast to us west coast and eu to eu. Asia doesnt have this problem.

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I used to work in customer support for another company, trust me the customer is not always right. This is from the faq that i found in under 30 seconds.


After you confirm your character transfer request, it can take up to three hours for your requested characters to be transferred. During this period you will be unable to login to any of the characters that are being transferred, or any other character on that origin server. If you are playing one of these characters when you confirm your transfer, you will be logged off from that character and server until the transfer is complete.


If you stay logged in or log in after this point and have been informed that you shouldnt the onus stands on the customer even if a fault is there, its even more a customer fault if upon knowing these facts given that you arnt logged out and dont report it but stay logged in then that is again the customers fault.



So you just proved yourself wrong.... the post says that " During this period you will be unable to login to any of the characters that are being transferred, or any other character on that origin server".... So if people were ABLE to get on their characters, that means it is BioWare's fault that the people were ABLE to get ON the the characters. It means their system had a fault in it, that enabled people to log on their characters while they were in the process of being transferred. It says they wont be able to go on their characters...which means there intent was to have a block on logging into a character that is going to be transferred, unfortunately the BLOCK didn't work! So, its BWs fault.


How do people not get this?

Edited by Brodysmith
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So you just proved yourself wrong.... the post says that " During this period you will be unable to login to any of the characters that are being transferred, or any other character on that origin server".... So if people were ABLE to get on their characters, that means it is BioWare's fault that the people were ABLE to get ON the the characters. It means their system had a fault in it, that enabled people to log on their characters while they were in the process of being transferred.


How do people not get this?


If you read what i said you would see you have just fallen on your face so hard for saying im wrong.

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I like how some people are so willing to defend EA to the core... There is nothing wrong with stating why you’re upset with a product you pay monthly for.


EA should just let people transfer their characters to whatever server they would like and however many characters they would like to transfer. I understand they want to balance the servers, but there might be a reason why someone from one server might specifically want to transfer to another. EA is known for horrible customer service and they also seem to always manage to do the bare minimum.

Now my sever Deadweight is not on the current list of transfer servers… When it is I doubt it will be able to transfer to The Fatman server… I’ve already joined a guild with a new character on Fatman and if I’m not able to transfer I won’t renew.


The problem is EA seems to only want to please 51% of people…. The other 49% are pissed and they aren’t in a hurry to solve the issues.

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Here's a question that hopefully someone can answer. How will Timezone designations be handled? For most people I imagine this won't be a problem, but I am on one of only 3 RP-PVP servers. Two of them are East Coast, and mine is West Coast. One of the East Coast ones is eligible for transfer to the other east coast one at the moment, so clearly that East Coast one is going to end up with a higher population (good for them). But with only ONE West Coast RP-PVP server, I'm concerned that we are not going to get the same opportunity to transfer to a higher population server, simply because we are the only one of our kind. Personally, the time zone designation means nothing to me, and I'd love to see all 3 of the RP-PVP servers merged into 1 server with a good healthy population, but since that's unlikely, I'd at LEAST hope we'll be given the opportunity to transfer to the Highest population RP-PVP server.


Summary: Bioware, please don't let timezone restrictions limit your options. If the only choice is to point a West Coast server to an East Coast server, PLEASE do it, and let the customers decide if they find that acceptable.


If there is only 1 RP-PVP West server then you will not have anyone trasnfering to you or be able to transfer. Its the same as in EU. East and West is like French and German they wont be combined.


In other words your stuck with only the people that are currently on your server now for a long time before anything is done to help you.

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If there is only 1 RP-PVP West server then you will not have anyone trasnfering to you or be able to transfer. Its the same as in EU. East and West is like French and German they wont be combined.


In other words your stuck with only the people that are currently on your server now for a long time before anything is done to help you.


For the next few days, anyway.

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