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Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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Actually from what I read on the transfer page when you transfer a character that character is automatically logged out and unavailble for play. There should be no way for some one to play a character once they select it for transfer until it is actually transferred.


Whether or not it "should" be able to happen, someone requested that a character be transferred and then logged onto them to play....

Edited by Jaavik
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I noted that Bioware have said that they are only transferring characters between the same types of servers (ie. RP-PvP to RP-PvP).


For Ajunta Pall this means there are no other servers to transfer to or receive transfers from as it is the only PST RP-PvP server.


Obviously indicating we are not included in the initial character transfers process.


So I would like to know if Bioware is still considering how to fit Ajunta Pall into the free character transfers system and therefore we just need to wait to hear what that might be OR are we excluded entirely until paid transfers are set up, assuming that paid transfers will allow players to move their characters to or from RP-PvP servers?


I also don't understand why you can't transfer characters between different server types. Considering I was able to copy a character from Ajunta Pall (RP-PvP) to the test server without complication and I am pretty sure the PTS is not RP-PvP.

Edited by Bluestone
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Actually from what I read on the transfer page when you transfer a character that character is automatically logged out and unavailble for play. There should be no way for some one to play a character once they select it for transfer until it is actually transferred.


I suspect this is the reason for the maintainence... someone actually was playing and continued to play as their character was being queued for transfer and did something detrimental to character, the account, the server or the transfer process. Bioware is patching to make sure this does not occur. I think all in all everything about this has been very successful including the slow release of servers and the response to this issue whatever it may be. This will ensure that all of us get to play the game we are paying for.


Oh and before you say anything, I am on Vrook Lamar and want to transfer... I am just patient.

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There is the definition of smart and there is the brains to know to breath in and out to stay alive. Trying to play on a char that you have selected to be xfered to another server falls under the lack of the later.


Dress it up however you like, it's still a coder's error. You shouldn't be able to log into chars selected for transfer in the first place. Considering how long we've been waiting for char transfers, how long the devs have had to plan this day, and how few servers have actually been transfered before the need for yet more maintenance downtime, it's overall an epic fail.

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Dress it up however you like, it's still a coder's error. You shouldn't be able to log into chars selected for transfer in the first place. Considering how long we've been waiting for char transfers, how long the devs have had to plan this day, and how few servers have actually been transfered before the need for yet more maintenance downtime, it's overall an epic fail.


Show me where i said it wasnt an error in the code, please try. Also considering this is the 1st time they have done server xfers this is the 1st time the problems will ever have come up and if your moving a char, have read the faqs and set up a xfer you should know that you cannot play a char you are having xfered, its common sense. So no there is no epic fail apart from your attempts at trying to imply one.


The facts are this, things that people have wanted are coming, fix's are being done and big features are either here or incoming, major new content and the playerbase is being balanced out. The complainers are running out of things to complain about.

Edited by Shingara
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Dress it up however you like, it's still a coder's error. You shouldn't be able to log into chars selected for transfer in the first place. Considering how long we've been waiting for char transfers, how long the devs have had to plan this day, and how few servers have actually been transfered before the need for yet more maintenance downtime, it's overall an epic fail.


Well anyone who logs into their character after they have requested a transfer or stays logged in when requesting a transfer, is not to bright IMHO. Just saying.....however I am still hughly disappointed in this game as a whole. So many features in other MMO's that should have been in this game from the start, especially after 6 years of development leaves them no excuse at all.

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Show me where i said it wasnt an error in the code, please try. Also considering this is the 1st time they have done server xfers this is the 1st time the problems will ever have come up and if your moving a char, have read the faqs and set up a xfer you should know that you cannot play a char you are having xfered, its common sense. So no there is no epic fail apart from your attempts at trying to imply one.


The facts are this, things that people have wanted are coming, fix's are being done and big features are either here or incoming, major new content and the playerbase is being balanced out. The complainers are running out of things to complain about.


It is not the first time they have done transfers, they did it when the asian market opened up for the game.

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Dress it up however you like, it's still a coder's error. You shouldn't be able to log into chars selected for transfer in the first place. Considering how long we've been waiting for char transfers, how long the devs have had to plan this day, and how few servers have actually been transfered before the need for yet more maintenance downtime, it's overall an epic fail.


Of course it's a coder's error. And the day that a coder can memorize millions of lines of code and write a line that won't conflict somehow somewhere is the day hell freezes over and we all die anyway. So, we'll never see a perfect coder, nor a perfectly coded MMO.


According to your definition, we're all doomed to perpetual "epic fails".

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Who else guessed BW would of screwed this up?


Don't say the players are the ones that caused it, BW should have made the characters unable to play once they were put on the list for transfers.


Its just one thing after another....

Edited by Brodysmith
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Well anyone who logs into their character after they have requested a transfer or stays logged in when requesting a transfer, is not to bright IMHO. Just saying.....however I am still hughly disappointed in this game as a whole. So many features in other MMO's that should have been in this game from the start, especially after 6 years of development leaves them no excuse at all.


They may not be very bright but assuming no one is that stupid is just as bad.

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well anyone who logs into their character after they have requested a transfer or stays logged in when requesting a transfer, is not to bright imho. Just saying.....however i am still hughly disappointed in this game as a whole. So many features in other mmo's that should have been in this game from the start, especially after 6 years of development leaves them no excuse at all.



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I have two servers that I play on. I have very carefully balanced out my chracters to get the full story available for each class. 1 male, 1 female of each class, with one going lightside and the other darkside.


I have also very carefully balanced my crew skills to provide the most up to date gear and supplies between characters on each server.


Last but not least, my best friend and my girlfriend both play on these two servers with me.


All that being said, I am not the least bit interested in being forced/bullied into doing character transfers if I cannot take ALL 8 from one server, and send them to the VERY SAME SERVER *AND* do so KNOWING that my best friend and my girlfriend will be able to bring all of THIER characters over to the same server.


And while I understand the concept of server merges and the need for them, if in the end of all your "loyal" little follows that don't care enough to stand up for themselves, transfers are done and you folks have your "balanced" populations on certain servers, and you start shutting down the very low population servers... I won't bother transfering. I also won't bother to renew my account. And as much as I would hate to miss out on such an awesome game, *I PAY TO PLAY AND I WILL NOT BE YANKED AROUND BY A SERVICE THAT I *PAY* FOR.*


Get me?

Edited by CoryArtisan
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Uh oh, they just lost 15 bucks. Whatever shall they do? :rolleyes:


For every vocal person there are many more quiet people with the same opinion. So if they keep making all these bad choices they'll be losing a lot more than just one persons 15$. :eek:


Honestly I'm disappointed with how this is all being handled. Best case scenario i was hoping they handled it like how TRION handled RIFT which was very easy and user friendly for the players and gave the players choices in what they wanted to do.

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I have two servers that I play on. I have very carefully blanaced out my chracters to get the full story available for each class. 1 male, 1 female of each class, with one going lightside and the other darkside.


I have also very carefully balanced my crew skills to provide the most up to date gear and supplies between characters on my two servers.


Last but not least, my best friend and my girlfriend both work on these two servers with me.


All that being said, I am not the least bit interested in being forced/bullied into doing character trasnfers if I can take ALL 8 from one server, and send them to the VERY SAME SERVER *AND* do so KNOWING that my best friend and my girlfriend will be able to bring all of THIER characters over to the same server.


And while I understand the concept of server merges and the need for them, if in the end of all your "loyal" little follows that don't care enough to stand up for themselves, transfers are done and you folks have your "balanced" populations on certain servers, and you start shutting down the very low population servers... I won't bother transfering. I also won't bother to renew my account. And as much as I would hate to miss out on such an awesome game, *I PAY TO PLAY AND I WILL NOT BE YANKED AROUND BY A SERVICE THAT I *PAY* FOR.*


Get me?


Dont get you at all, you just asked to be xfered to the server your on. Hold still BAM there i xfered you to the same server and you didnt feel a thing did you. Becuase thats the only thing you can possibly mean as they have never stated that you can only take selected chars from origin servers to destination servers.

Edited by Shingara
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Who else guessed BW would of screwed this up?

Its just one thing after another....


I did. The day they announced it I told a guild mate(now my only guild mate one left on the server) that this would be implemented in the most irritating way possible for the customers. True to form they came through big time for me. I was bang on the money!

I can't think of a more irritating way than the one they rolled with....:rolleyes:

If I could say one word to describe BW and be kind at the same time.....it would be "consistent".

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Show me where i said it wasnt an error in the code, please try..

No, you implied that it was all down to user stupidity.


Also considering this is the 1st time they have done server xfers this is the 1st time the problems will ever have come up

It's not the first time. Plus they've had months to work this out, months! Char transfers have been one of the hottest topics for ages, and rightly so.


and if your moving a char, have read the faqs and set up a xfer you should know that you cannot play a char you are having xfered, its common sense.

See, you're doing it again, trying to lay the blame at the feet of the customer. I don't disagree that trying to play a toon that you've selected for transfer is stupid, but that doesn't alter the fact that it's a coding error and not the fault of the customer.


So no there is no epic fail apart from your attempts at trying to imply one.

I'm not attempting anything.


The facts are this, things that people have wanted are coming, fix's are being done and big features are either here or incoming, major new content and the playerbase is being balanced out. The complainers are running out of things to complain about.

If these changes weren't coming then eventually people will unsub, that's the fact. It's not like they're doing this out of the goodness of their heart, they have no choice. And the fact is that after months of preperation, press releases on how they're striving to create the best gaming environment etc. etc. they barely start doing a simple thing like character transfers and it all falls over, gets put on hold, and have 2 hours downtime tomorrow to fix it.

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The only question I have is: Will it erase my Crew Skills when I transfer?


Nope. In fact:


Zan ‏@ZanReigns

@asros @AlanShotFirst @swtor @Joveth Server transfers instant & flawless. even had crew skill pending that transferred & was waiting #SWTOR

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No, you implied that it was all down to user stupidity.


Ill stop it there, it is due to user stupidity, because there is a flaw in the system code that makes it so the user stupidity is the winner that is still due to user stupidity, if there were no user stupidity this flaw would never have been found as bioware dont employee chimps to test patchs.


So what im implying is that yes there was an error in the code but without user stupidity it would never have been found.

Edited by Shingara
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If it was really a problem then this would be the time to do emergency maint at 5 pm EST. I believe most players are waiting for transfers so instead of having a 2 hour downtime they actually have a 12 hour downtime.


I dont think anyone is really in prime time right now. EU is at 10pm at the earliest and the east is at 5 pm. Lets not make this an important issue to help most of the players get playing with people again lets just do it later when its convienent for us to do it.


It's not ready to be fixed yet obviously. Sure, they could bring the servers down now if you wanted but they still wouldn't be up again until 2am CST while they worked on figuring out a solution. They're letting us know ahead of time that a fix is coming. Impossible to fix it right now.


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The transfers to my server is awesome! We're now back to over 100 on the imperial fleet again and WZ ques are back-to-back like they used to be. Don't know about anyone else's server transfer experience, but Shaltin Tunnels to The Progenitor has been great. A lot of cool people and guilds coming from there. Edited by GiovanniD
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