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How do you beat this boss as a Darkness Asn?


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If you use your heroic moment it shouldn't be a big problem if you aren't seriously underleveled. Pretty sure I beat her on first try.


Use your 4 second interrupt on the AOE. If she tries it again and you don't have the interrupt ready in time, use overload to knockback. If she tries it again, interrupt should be back by then. If you get caught in a situation where both your knockback and interrupt are on cooldown, use electrocute to stun her and fill in that gap.


After you've interrupted, done a knockback, probably interrupted again, then stunned, then either interrupted or knock backed again still...she's gotta be getting close to being dead. Have a good medpac available, use a stim etc, should be able to win without much trouble. If you're level 30+ and all in darkness, you have out of stealth spike available too for a 2 sec stun (yet another interrupt) so there's more than enough to get things done.

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Does darkness spec really struggle with Zash? People were telling me Zash is a tough fight, and when I got to her I killed her with ease and I was like "that's it?".


I guess madness trumps darkness in certain situations.

Edited by Sookster
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I would say interrupts, stuns and KD are your biggest friends.


Me personally I had to bring someone because I had a rough time with it, but since then ive become MUCH better with paying attention to casting for Int's. I think if I had that skillset then, it would have been much easier.

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I hate saying this phrase, but learn to play your class. As a tank you need to get in the habit of interupting everything as much as possible. The zash fight (as well as any other fight) is much easier if you are not taking dmg. You can't expect to go in and take damage and hope you can live long enough to kill her. Use any skills you have to mitigate and stop dmg. As others have pointed out, your interrupt, overload, jolt and later on spike all have the ability to stop enemies casting.
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  • 3 months later...

I just did this last night as a Darkness assassin. Granted, I was probably a couple of levels higher than the quest level at the time, but I thought it was pretty simple. I interrupted the lightning storm or whatever ones, and if my interrupt happened to be on cooldown I just LoS'd her until it was back up again. In this manner, I was able to keep her from casting much of the time and took her down easily. And if she did happen to get one of the big AoE casts up, I moved away from it and LoS'd her around a pillar, and she'd come find me again.


So yeah, if you're just standing there eating damage, that's probably not the best way to approach the fight.

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I hate saying this phrase, but learn to play your class. As a tank you need to get in the habit of interupting everything as much as possible. The zash fight (as well as any other fight) is much easier if you are not taking dmg. You can't expect to go in and take damage and hope you can live long enough to kill her. Use any skills you have to mitigate and stop dmg. As others have pointed out, your interrupt, overload, jolt and later on spike all have the ability to stop enemies casting.


The Darkness spec of the Assassin is full DPS and has NOTHING to do with Tanking at all. I am a Tank spec'd Assassin and beat her in 3 tries of course I was a level or two below her so I had a little help. But once you get the hang of the interrupts Zash is not much of a problem no matter which skill tree you are. I also have a question. Has anyone run into trouble getting the Conflagration mission which has you face Thanaton right after Hoth to start? and if its a bug is there anyway to get around it so I can do the level 41 part of the Inquisitor Story?

Edited by Kyriosgundam
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The Darkness spec of the Assassin is full DPS and has NOTHING to do with Tanking at all. I am a Tank spec'd Assassin and beat her in 3 tries of course I was a level or two below her so I had a little help. But once you get the hang of the interrupts Zash is not much of a problem no matter which skill tree you are. I also have a question. Has anyone run into trouble getting the Conflagration mission which has you face Thanaton right after Hoth to start? and if its a bug is there anyway to get around it so I can do the level 41 part of the Inquisitor Story?


There was a bug keeping all of the classes doing some of their class stories. That bug is reportedly now fixed with a recent patch.

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I've done this class quest twice now once as a sorc and the other as an assassin. I think I had more trouble on my sorc then I did on my assassin honestly. Switch Khem to DPS stance, turn off his taunts, hold aggro on her, and interrupt her AOE and heals. I thought it was pretty do-able the first time and just easy the second time. The later boss fights are harder than this one fyi.
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  • 2 weeks later...
*********** spoilers arrgrhhhhh


Dude...for real...


He not only didnt put the Boss's name in the title but used the spoiler tab in his OP. If you blithely wander on past those two safe guards and then read something u didnt want to know then u have no one to blame but ur self :rolleyes:

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