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Yeah, ever since 2004, that's how I learned to play, as I never got into PC games at all and was never told/shown "the proper" way lol. This is why it's been hard for me to change (slowly am keybinding main abilities, but the movement is still KB), but my muscle memory is literally burned to KB. =/


I remember Izola and I chatting about it 2 months ago, and just need to heed the advice and keybind all my chit, drop the backpeddle and work on trash mobs till my memory gets better with it. :(


Start an alt. Unbind keyboard turning and bind strafe to a and d. You will learn the new class 1 ability at a time through keybinds. Everyone has different keys they like to use. It's how I learned a few years back in WoW after wanting to improve in arenas.

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Yeah, ever since 2004, that's how I learned to play, as I never got into PC games at all and was never told/shown "the proper" way lol. This is why it's been hard for me to change (slowly am keybinding main abilities, but the movement is still KB), but my muscle memory is literally burned to KB. =/


I remember Izola and I chatting about it 2 months ago, and just need to heed the advice and keybind all my chit, drop the backpeddle and work on trash mobs till my memory gets better with it. :(


honestly, just keybind everything and unbind any keyboard turning, and jump into warzones. your mistakes are going to be severely punished with make-believe death, but you will learn and adapt so much faster under pressure.


basically trial by fire

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Start an alt. Unbind keyboard turning and bind strafe to a and d. You will learn the new class 1 ability at a time through keybinds. Everyone has different keys they like to use. It's how I learned a few years back in WoW after wanting to improve in arenas.


Solid idea, and I am leveling a new Imp agent so, might as well start it right.

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1) turning the camera and strafing: the second I turn the camera, I've lost sight of anyone who may be incoming, thus rendering my position as lone guard useless.

2)speed: once again, in a situation where speed has no bearing, why would I sacrifice view of incoming enemies for speed when i'm traveling a total of less than a second? Yes, strafing is faster. So what?

3)I'm not a keyboard turner. Backpeddling is simply another keybind that has it's place just like my AOE. I don't use DFA for every attack, even though it's a really cool ability that I love to use. Because it has it's time and place.

4)backpeddling a little = probably backpeddling a lot: another generality that may apply to some people that genuinely ARE bad, but certainly not to all of us. The difference between people who use backpeddle as a normal movement option and those who use it when it has a genuinely appropriate use is a real one. By pretending it's otherwise simply shows you have a closed mind and are not open to strategies you didn't read about in your MMO guide of choice.


I guess some people just get so vested in a statement that they make that they're unable to admit that it's even remotely possible that someone has discovered a use for something they weren't aware of that and are pride locked into defending it to the death.

Edited by Arzhanin
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100% wrong. backpedaling is significantly slower than run speed when strafing. learn to run at extreme angles. you can attack at very close to 180 degrees behind you if your camera is position correctly.

If you don't need run speed in a given situation, then it's not an advantage. Then the advantages become getting out of line of sight of your opponent and forcing them to make decisions that may disorient themselves. Strafing doesn't disorient as much as backpedalling, in certain situations.


back pedaling allows your opponent to close the distance faster, which is almost always a bad thing. and for those of you saying that turning around or pressing strafe keys are time consuming, i seriously hope youre not serious. because completing a 180+ degree camera turn should require merely a quick wrist flick, and your strafe keys should be A and D. there is ZERO time delay when changing direction if you know what youre doing.

Flicks of wrists have been known to disorient the camera angle, especially in an unforgiving game as SWTOR. Camera mechanics in this game are horrible compared to other games.


Backpedalling can be the best option. It isn't rocket science. It's basic math. If you disagree, then you aren't optimizing your game.

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If you don't need run speed in a given situation, then it's not an advantage. Then the advantages become getting out of line of sight of your opponent and forcing them to make decisions that may disorient themselves. Strafing doesn't disorient as much as backpedalling, in certain situations.



Flicks of wrists have been known to disorient the camera angle, especially in an unforgiving game as SWTOR. Camera mechanics in this game are horrible compared to other games.


This isn't rocket science. It's basic math.


no s**t its basic math. strafing > back pedaling with respect to run speed. you want to LoS your opponent? strafing will get you behind that corner almost twice as fast. you think back pedaling disorients opponents? LOL you are moving like 30% of normal speed, what makes you think youre going to juke out your opponent? yes the camera in this game is crap and has a serious learning curve, but once you learn it its very easy to manipulate the camera however you want.


there are absolutely zero combat situations where back pedaling is superior to strafing + pivoting your camera. you can attack targets nearly 180 degrees behind you, so you can easily run away from your opponent at full speed and keep attacking.


this isnt rocket science, its basic math and common sense.

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So I run at my target all stealthed up and open with a force breach and start smacking the double strikes while trying to stay behind my opponent. They run forward, partially through me, so my skills aren't activating anymore because "I'm not facing my opponent" and they start to channel force lightning or concussion missile or something. I need to run and interrupt a guy taking the node that I just saw decloak on it. Taking a couple steps back and hitting spinning kick before running forward again is faster than running forward, spinning the camera around and hitting spinning kick, then spinning the camera around again to run to the node.


In short, for small adjustments in positioning, taking a few steps back is better than moving forward and pulling a 180 or a 360 with your camera.


Hell, in Voidstar I often Force Speed through a freshly-blown door, spin around and hold S for the length of time it takes me to target someone and hit Force Stun, then spin around again and continue to the next plant. Is it better for me to just stand there while Stunning someone because I bound my S key to a skill?

Edited by Daiyukie
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lol @ thread title. What are we backpeddling here? Some illegal drugs?


Strafe-moving is always faster than back-pedaling if you're already doing everything else in a competent manner. If you're a clicker, keyboard-turner, have low APM, etc., then you will have use for back-pedaling. Basically, back-pedaling becomes a better alternative to strafe-moving only if you're already gimping yourself in some other way.

Edited by Swarna
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no s**t its basic math. strafing > back pedaling with respect to run speed. you want to LoS your opponent? strafing will get you behind that corner almost twice as fast. you think back pedaling disorients opponents?

Why take extra seconds to strafe to get behind a corner to break line of sight, when backpedaling behind your opponent will do the exact same thing regardless of where you are at? You're talking about a completely different scenario. If the nearest corner is 100 meters away, and backpedaling 5 meters behind your opponent will both accomplish line of immediate sight, then simple math will tell you that 5 meters backpedaling will be much faster than 100 meters strafing. Simple math.


yes the camera in this game is crap and has a serious learning curve, but once you learn it its very easy to manipulate the camera however you want.

Manipulating the camera is extra work for your opponent. Why add unnecessary work for yourself? More work > less work, simple math again! ZOMG


there are absolutely zero combat situations where back pedaling is superior to strafing + pivoting your camera.

There is absolutely zero chance you can be the greatest PvPer without implementing backpedaling into the appropriate areas of your technique. Simple math again. The best utilize all the tools given to them, no matter how big or small, and adapt with the best action for the situation at hand. Eliminating backpedalling completely is hurting you.

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Why take extra seconds to strafe to get behind a corner to break line of sight, when backpedaling behind your opponent will do the exact same thing regardless of where you are at? You're talking about a completely different scenario. If the nearest corner is 100 meters away, and backpedaling 5 meters behind your opponent will both accomplish line of immediate sight, then simple math will tell you that 5 meters backpedaling will be much faster than 100 meters strafing. Simple math.


it doesnt matter the distance. turning your character and moving or rotating the camera and strafing is 100% faster, the destination is irrelevant



Manipulating the camera is extra work for your opponent. Why add unnecessary work for yourself? More work > less work, simple math again! ZOMG


manipulating the camera is absolutely not extra work. any decent player is going to have their camera zoomed out significantly so they can see everything around them. it also takes no effort to rotate the camera if need be; its part of combat.

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Hey there folks,


We've gone ahead and done a bit of cleanup in the thread.


We get that you might get a bit spirited and passionate about your opinions, especially when they disagree with others in the discussion. However, we ask that you leave the rude comments and insults out of your posts and respectfully disagree with each other. Please note that threads that insist on discussion that is rude and disrespectful are closed, so let's keep things a bit more civil if we can.


Thanks for your understanding.

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Heres something Ive been trying lately: moving completely by strafing (S and F) and going forward by holding both mouse buttons down. Still ocassionaly use E to move forward but mouse holding mostly. Havent tried it in WZs, only been doing this on my fresh alt. But I see incredible movement potential in this setup, as well as allowing good access to lots of other keys.


If you're good with your mouse, you don't really need to backpedal. Though on occasion taking a step or two back can be useful to get that perfect position.

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I hate it when people make blanket statements like "unbind the S key and NEVER EVER backpedal". There are plenty of valid use cases for backpedaling.


Let's start with what you SHOULDN'T use backpedaling for :


- Trying to escape your enemy.


Now what you COULD use it for:


- Minor repositioning to pick the direction you get knocked back.

- Baiting.

- Adjusting yourself where the speed at which you adjust yourself is not important and at least not worth changing your camera angle.


I backpedal when repositioning myself all the time because moving fast isn't my priority as much as accuracy is. That doesn't make me bad. People who think they can kite by just backpedaling are bad but that's rarely the case, a lot of time they're just trying to pull you back towards their allies without making it obvious.


Anyway, think for yourself and stop trying to tell other people how to play.

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If you look at this thread from a point of view of actual rather than animated combat,remember to include the following;


Keep it simple Stupid ( the kiss principle )

and the law of combat vs relative stupidity.... " if it works, it aint stupid".


So to summarise for the OP, if the enemy kills you, it is your methods not his in question and he gets to write the history book. If you think people need help with their mobility ingame, talk to them ingame.


Situational awareness is important, flexibility, a bigger gun and fresh reinforcements are also important.


Good luck, enjoy playing whichever way you choose, I will adapt.

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Strafe and you lose zero movment speed, keep LoS on target & limit Pos Req classes.


Backpeddle = BAD


If you use this @ anytime you are doing it WRONG.


Sorry this is NOT opinion this is fact.


I don't know who told you that you can't get backblasted or maimed (position attacks) while strafing diagonally away but that isn't true. You can backblast people from the side at a very forgiving angle. You just can't do it directly in front of them. Of course, considering those classes have snares anyway it should matter what direction you run at all.

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Back pedalling is an excellent tactic.


You use it to keep moving out of the range of the enemy support fire or healing ... so if the enemy melee follows, you are back peddling deeper into your own range support, so even if the enemy melee wins they won't escape.


Simple really.

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it doesnt matter the distance. turning your character and moving or rotating the camera and strafing is 100% faster, the destination is irrelevant

wrong, based on physics.


manipulating the camera is absolutely not extra work. any decent player is going to have their camera zoomed out significantly so they can see everything around them. it also takes no effort to rotate the camera if need be; its part of combat.

the swtor camera has a built in zoom-in mechanic when you turn your back to walls and obstructions, which are plentiful in all warzones. the zoom-out mechanic is extremely slow, and can disorient very easily. it's a buggy/broken mechanic imo, but it does affect gameplay.

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