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NAH BRO, not 99.999999%......100% of the time.


NEVER is a definite term, there are no exceptions!!


If you make an excuse to backpeddle,, who knows what else you excuse in the name of good play.


You really understand nothing, did you even read anything? I have never once said backpeddling is something you should do. Have you tried what he said though? Half a step with the S key or w/e then replicate it to end up in the exact same spot with just the mouse. Which will take more time? That's what he's asking you to try, when you do that you can answer. will that situation ever happen? probably not.


I never said he was right or wrong. You're one of those people who doesn't read, doesn't understand, assumes people are saying something HE wants them to say, thinks the sky is green and when someone points out it's blue punches them in the face screaming NOOO like Darth Vader. Negligible.


TLDR; Backpeddling isnt good, never said it was.

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I unbound "s" for a few days, but then put it back because there are so many knock-backs, pulls, and pillars, there are plenty of times you just need a quick touch of the s key to get where you need to be.


You should almost never straight up backpedal in response to any attack, but having it here and there to give a quick tweak to your position is fine.


But you aware that if you mouse turn and strafe to tweak your position your moving at 100% instead of 50%, which would make it like what TWICE AS QUICK!!!

Edited by Izola
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I know he is, that's why it's always nice when one of the better PvPers in our community come in and offer solid PvP advice, like the OP was kind enough to do. Tell Pistols that when he reaches 50, not to panic, but he'll need to know more than left or right to succeed at PvP in this game. Over time, he'll develop the skillz necessary to make him a semi-decent PvPer...probably never on the level of someone like the OP, but certainly better than he is. Oh, also tell him that he may want to rebind things like his speeder being in the '1' position...as convenient as that may be for him when he pwns at PvE, he's probably better off putting an attack in that slot for PvP...just a suggestion ;)


Your trolling skills are complete, indeed you are poweful as the Emperor has forseen.



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because 95% of the time that's exactly what you're doing, you're using a less effective ability (backpedaling) in a situation where you have a more effective ability available to you (strafing+panning camera). Unless you really want to move at 50% speed there's no reason to backpedal, it offers no advantage over strafing.


It's like if I were to on my scrapper stealth in, position myself behind a sorc, then open with backblast. Why would I ever do that when I can use shoot first?

No. 95% of the time? You don't know how I play even 5% of the time so please don't presume you know whats going on 95% of my time. Strafing is not always better than back pedaling, not to mention I never said I didn't strafe or use my cam. Stop being obtuse and allow others a different playstyle than you employ eh?

Still no.

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i am the king of bads. you must strike me down in a real life honor duel if you want to dethrone me!


I will back pedal away like a champ!


But yeah, we shld start a guild called King of Bads!

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I don't know what class you play but as a ranged take your target, then face your camera behind you at the door at zoom out. You'll be able to see people running right at you while still seeing behind you over your back to view the door, then just rotate, target something new, and put it back on the door, this allows me very easily to kill people who move too close to the center on the opposite door as me while still viewing my door to 100% efficiency and removes the need to backpeddle for visual purposes while on defence.


That's for a staionary defender who can certainly see the door fine yes.


But not everyone is a staionary defender. Let's take the east door, I"m usually the mobile response guy, so I'll be SW of the door, looking NE to check its status, and this spot is chosen because it's close enough for me to get back to the west door if something goes wrong there while keeping an extra person near east door (presumably less well defended than west). This spot has several pillars and is a good hiding spot but also a likely spot for any attack to originate, so usually I'm quickly involved in a fight with an enemy here. Now, if the enemy is good, he will attempt to get SW of me, because once he establishes this postion, I have to turn away from the door to hit him no matter what. If I strafe toward SW, I cannot be looking at the door. Therefore, the only option I have is to backpedal SW and try to maintain the door in my vision for as long as possible. Of course the attacker will eventually get behind me and then I'll have to think of something else at that point, but backpedaling gives me the most time to keep the door in my vision at the cost of my personal 1on1 performance. It is usually acceptable since losing the Voidstar door is far more devastating than losing a random 1on1.

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PS: If you wanna know why Darth Vader got pwnd, look at this

from the 3:27 mark to 3:48. He indeed backpeddled, put a permanent slow on himself, and Luke lol'd and hacked him up.


/proof game over.


= )

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No. 95% of the time? You don't know how I play even 5% of the time so please don't presume you know whats going on 95% of my time. Strafing is not always better than back pedaling, not to mention I never said I didn't strafe or use my cam. Stop being obtuse and allow others a different playstyle than you employ eh?

Still no.


Now heres a person that will never improve their gameplay.


"How you play" is wrong, im not assuming, you have admitted it.

Now you can be stubborn, or you can remove Backpeddle and let the healing begin, the choice is yours.

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PS: If you wanna know why Darth Vader got pwnd, look at this
from the 3:27 mark to 3:48. He indeed backpeddled, put a permanent slow on himself, and Luke lol'd and hacked him up.


/proof game over.


= )


LOL that is great man, it gives people a visual to what were talking about. Backpeddle and get owned by your own offspring!!

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That's for a staionary defender who can certainly see the door fine yes.


But not everyone is a staionary defender. Let's take the east door, I"m usually the mobile response guy, so I'll be SW of the door, looking NE to check its status, and this spot is chosen because it's close enough for me to get back to the west door if something goes wrong there while keeping an extra person near east door (presumably less well defended than west). This spot has several pillars and is a good hiding spot but also a likely spot for any attack to originate, so usually I'm quickly involved in a fight with an enemy here. Now, if the enemy is good, he will attempt to get SW of me, because once he establishes this postion, I have to turn away from the door to hit him no matter what. If I strafe toward SW, I cannot be looking at the door. Therefore, the only option I have is to backpedal SW and try to maintain the door in my vision for as long as possible. Of course the attacker will eventually get behind me and then I'll have to think of something else at that point, but backpedaling gives me the most time to keep the door in my vision at the cost of my personal 1on1 performance. It is usually acceptable since losing the Voidstar door is far more devastating than losing a random 1on1.


I stay mobile too, in our premade we have jugs/other durable be our stationary door holders. Anyway, as I said I didn't know what class you played so was just some friendly advice if you happened to play a similar one. :)


PS: If you wanna know why Darth Vader got pwnd, look at this
from the 3:27 mark to 3:48. He indeed backpeddled, put a permanent slow on himself, and Luke lol'd and hacked him up.


/proof game over.


= )


cute lol

Edited by Lithy
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LOL that is great man, it gives people a visual to what were talking about. Backpeddle and get owned by your own offspring!!


I'll be the first to admit "I'm doing it wrong", but I will also always try and better my PvP gameplay if there is something out there worth trying and is proven to give the edge. I've been lazy with this for months, but even though others are "comfortable" with their playstyle, if there is any easier (and more productive) way to help your team defeat the Opfor than I recommend at least trying it. I too have been comfortable, but honestly I would prefer to be on the same page with those who are better than me and at least try to better myself. Only way to get better, is to admit some faults, and change it up a bit. /shrug

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I'll be the first to admit "I'm doing it wrong", but I will also always try and better my PvP gameplay if there is something out there worth trying and is proven to give the edge. I've been lazy with this for months, but even though others are "comfortable" with their playstyle, if there is any easier (and more productive) way to help your team defeat the Opfor than I recommend at least trying it. I too have been comfortable, but honestly I would prefer to be on the same page with those who are better than me and at least try to better myself. Only way to get better, is to admit some faults, and change it up a bit. /shrug


There isnt a day that passes that i watch some vids or partake in a discussion that improves my gameplay. I find simply picking 2-3 players that make pvp vids and watching them play via stream or youtube can really help you learn a lot. Not even just class mechanics, but all the little tricks that make a great player. And then of course i try and duplicate what they did when i play, sometimes with some hilariously bad results.

Edited by Izola
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The problem with this statement is that strafing is always better than backpedaling. As a matter of fact I do not even have a backpedaling key bound in my setup. You can strafe almost directly away from your target, move faster than you were backpedaling, and still hit your target. Considering those facts why would you ever backpedal?

Incorrect. Situational, of course, but incorrect if you're going to say it's "always" better.


Your opponent comes up from behind you, running full speed (a very common scenario in PvP, as players like to get the jump on someone). You can do 3 movements:


1) Move forward:

Advantage: Quick movement, no turning, 1 keypress hold, full speed.

Disadvantage: You don't force your opponent to adjust. Your opponent can still see you, and doesn't have to alter his direction or camera angle to keep chasing/attacking you.


2) Strafe left/right:

Advantage: Full speed

Disadvantage: You don't force your opponent to to adjust. Your opponent can keep attacking because you strafing keeps you in the 180 degree arc of line of sight. In addition, typically more Keybinds are set up for strafing and requires 2 keys held. Equal emphasis on decision making for both parties, as both will need to adjust their camera angle and direction at some point.


3) Backpedal:

Advantage: Quick movement, no turning, 1 keypress hold. It's also not expected, as Backpedaling isn't used for most of the other PvP scenarios. Most importantly, all adjustments must be made by your opponent to correct his visual of you. He needs to change direction, as he will no longer have line of sight to you. This direction change may force him to make camera corrections/mistakes as well. It may also force him into backpedaling himself, which for him would be one of those many situations where BPing wouldn't be advised. In addition, you can begin attacking him while he's making these adjustments.

Disadvantage: Half speed.


The clear winner, situationally, is Backpedaling. The more you force your opponent to make decisions, and potentially mistakes, the less difficult you make your own job.

Edited by olagaton
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Incorrect. Situational, of course, but incorrect if you're going to say it's "always" better.


Your opponent comes up from behind you, running full speed (a very common scenario in PvP, as players like to get the jump on someone). You can do 3 movements:


1) Move forward:

Advantage: Quick movement, no turning, 1 keypress hold, full speed.

Disadvantage: You don't force your opponent to adjust. Your opponent can still see you, and doesn't have to alter his direction or camera angle to keep chasing/attacking you.


2) Strafe left/right:

Advantage: Full speed

Disadvantage: You don't force your opponent to to adjust. Your opponent can keep attacking because you strafing keeps you in the 180 degree arc of line of sight. In addition, typically more Keybinds are set up for strafing and requires 2 keys held. Equal emphasis on decision making for both parties, as both will need to adjust their camera angle and direction at some point.


3) Backpedal:

Advantage: Quick movement, no turning, 1 keypress hold. It's also not expected, as Backpedaling isn't used for most of the other PvP scenarios. Most importantly, all adjustments must be made by your opponent to correct his visual of you. He needs to change direction, as he will no longer have line of sight to you. This direction change may force him to make camera corrections/mistakes as well. It may also force him into backpedaling himself, which for him would be one of those many situations where BPing wouldn't be advised. In addition, you can begin attacking him while he's making these adjustments.

Disadvantage: Half speed.


The clear winner, situationally, is Backpedaling. The more you force your opponent to make decisions, and potentially mistakes, the less difficult you make your own job.


100% wrong. backpedaling is significantly slower than run speed when strafing. learn to run at extreme angles. you can attack at very close to 180 degrees behind you if your camera is position correctly.


back pedaling allows your opponent to close the distance faster, which is almost always a bad thing. and for those of you saying that turning around or pressing strafe keys are time consuming, i seriously hope youre not serious. because completing a 180+ degree camera turn should require merely a quick wrist flick, and your strafe keys should be A and D. there is ZERO time delay when changing direction if you know what youre doing.


this isnt rocket science folks. you can run faster and still keep attacking while strafing backwards. it is literally that black and white, there is no middle ground which many of you are claiming to exist.

Edited by cashogy
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PS: If you wanna know why Darth Vader got pwnd, look at this
from the 3:27 mark to 3:48. He indeed backpeddled, put a permanent slow on himself, and Luke lol'd and hacked him up.


/proof game over.


= )


I love you man!

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The one and only reason that backpeddling may not be ideal is it's slower speed. However, sometimes speed takes a back seat to some other situational need. For example, I'm guarding the door in voidstar alone, fighting off a lone attacker who moves away and I follow a short way to get the kill shot. Backpeddling allows me to return to my post while keeping an eye out for incoming enemies. Speed is not a factor, I'm in no hurry to travel that 10 meters back, but if I turn around I lose sight of the field, possibly allowing an incoming group to get closer before I can call for reinforcements.


I tend to automatically disregard anyone who says "anyone who does so-and-so is is bad no exceptions" not because they're necessarily wrong in a general sense, but because that statement is born of an arrogance that is often misplaced.

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im disinclined to believe you are a keyboard turner. did you do that in swg?


Yeah, ever since 2004, that's how I learned to play, as I never got into PC games at all and was never told/shown "the proper" way lol. This is why it's been hard for me to change (slowly am keybinding main abilities, but the movement is still KB), but my muscle memory is literally burned to KB. =/


I remember Izola and I chatting about it 2 months ago, and just need to heed the advice and keybind all my chit, drop the backpeddle and work on trash mobs till my memory gets better with it. :(

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