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A new level cap just might be the gamebreaker for me


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In the event that th rewards scale, and the old opps serve as entry level gear to the new ones... then the point i made is less valid... allthough the point of casual players wanting to expierence endgame and not go b back to leveling on an annual basis stands. The situation I am seeing is that every year it is a new 5 levels and oldl endgame that many didn't get to do as much as they wanted to is obsolete.


The fun that comes with long term teams, pvp competition... you just aren't going to find that while leveling up.


And BioWare has never hid the fact that TOR is a gear-based, carrot-on-a-string game, loooong before launch. If you came here knowing that, that's on you.


It's like marrying a girl you don't like with the idea that you're going to change her into something you do like.

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Surprising as it may be, yeah. It seems the devs currently in charge of EQ2 actually give a damn. I know that more than a few like to get involved whenever there are events going on in Antonia Bayle, even going so far as to alter the zone in favor of the player-made events.


So thats were all the Pre-CU SWG devs went. :D

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Where does it say this new expansion/content update is coming out this month or even next month? It's only slated before the end of the year. They have plenty of time to get stuff ironed out, and they have quite a bit more experience with their engine and this game in general than they had at launch.

Before end of year = level cap hike in a year, or less, or just over a year after launch... That is a much quicker pace than I want, and for people who want endgame, and have not experienced it much would think the same way. Granted, no one can speak for an entire group of players... but the point is valid for at lest some. No point estimating statistics as 84.5% of statistics are made up on the spot.

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Wait ... $oE does something better than Blizz or BW? :eek:


It's about the ONLY thing they do better.


And for scaling, BioWare is already working on scaling equipment for this game, and hopefully before too long they'll have other things scaled like in KotOR. Loved KotOR's scaled planets that were tailored to the player's level. It's a lot harder to do in an MMO, however.

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So ask them, instead, to go backwards. Rail and rant against something GREAT just because something else isn't quite up to your standards.


Seems anti-productive to me.


It's because they have not shown anything resembling interest in making scaling large-group content, despite people asking for it, and are now looking to up the level cap arguably sooner than it should be.


History shows me what kind of effect this will have. Because of that, they need to rethink this entire strategy. More raid content without raising the cap? Sure! More story content without raising the cap? Yes. Why do they need to raise the cap?

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And BioWare has never hid the fact that TOR is a gear-based, carrot-on-a-string game, loooong before launch. If you came here knowing that, that's on you.


It's like marrying a girl you don't like with the idea that you're going to change her into something you do like.


Yes, but at no point was it made clear that if you aren't leveling quickly you miss out on endgame because they are going to invalidate it every year.. . I know in WOW it took a long time for people to be running MC... and for those that arrived to the party late, it was a step toward BWL... but it was not for quite a while that a level cap made it useless.

Edited by Crazy_Person
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Yes, but at no point was it made clear that if you aren't leveling quickly you miss out on endgame because they are going to invalidate it every year.. .


I and my guild have yet to do any Ops. Why does the level cap raise suddenly mean we can't, or won't, do it? I guarantee you we will still do it.


Cap raises are a normal part of most MMOs.


And it's not like Nightmare mode on EC is going to be easy at the new cap of 55. Hell, it won't even be gray.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Before end of year = level cap hike in a year, or less, or just over a year after launch... That is a much quicker pace than I want, and for people who want endgame, and have not experienced it much would think the same way. Granted, no one can speak for an entire group of players... but the point is valid for at lest some. No point estimating statistics as 84.5% of statistics are made up on the spot.


And once again, you are comparing a 4 to 5 level hike to a 10 to 20 level hike.... Seriously, it's not going to break the game. This is NOT EQ or EQ II. This is NOT WoW. lol

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I and my guild have yet to do any Ops. Why does the level cap raise suddenly mean we can't, or won't, do it? I guarantee you we will still do it.


Cap raises are a normal part of most MMOs.

Again, they are normal... but don't normally happen this quickly.


And I guarentee you that a huge portion of people will not be doing level 50 ops... and it will be very hard to find a group that wants to if the rewards are not scaled. The issue for me, and others, is how quickly this came... even if it comes out in december that is what, a year and a month after launch that endgame is close to invalidated?

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And once again, you are comparing a 4 to 5 level hike to a 10 to 20 level hike.... Seriously, it's not going to break the game. This is NOT EQ or EQ II. This is NOT WoW. lol


The increase between Wrath and Cataclysm was five levels. The inflation of stats was enormous as a result to where a level 80 in top end level 80 gear had 1/3rd to 1/4th the health pool of a level 85 in greens. That sort of stat inflation is one thing that troubles me here and given Bioware's inability to learn from other's mistakes it'll end up getting repeated here.

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Again, they are normal... but don't normally happen this quickly.


And I guarentee you that a huge portion of people will not be doing level 50 ops... and it will be very hard to find a group that wants to if the rewards are not scaled. The issue for me, and others, is how quickly this came... even if it comes out in december that is what, a year and a month after launch that endgame is close to invalidated?


And most normal cap hikes are 10 or more levels. Not 4 or 5.

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The increase between Wrath and Cataclysm was five levels. The inflation of stats was enormous as a result to where a level 80 in top end level 80 gear had 1/3rd to 1/4th the health pool of a level 85 in greens. That sort of stat inflation is one thing that troubles me here and given Bioware's inability to learn from other's mistakes it'll end up getting repeated here.


Yeah, doesn't even compare. TOR's flat gear curve is NOTHING like WoW's steep gear curve.

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And once again, you are comparing a 4 to 5 level hike to a 10 to 20 level hike.... Seriously, it's not going to break the game. This is NOT EQ or EQ II. This is NOT WoW. lol


We do not know the effect of a 5 level hike on endgame... if opps gear is being replaced by anything easier to get than forming a large group then old endgame becomes uesless... and for people that have not done it that is a huge blow.


Even if it is still in place... doing a level 50 opp at 55 is not going to have the same feeling of acomplishment.

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What sort of backwards twisted world are you living in? Finding a group for old raids is nearly impossible once the raid has become obsolete. Even now it's damn difficult to find a raid group for anything from Wrath because of the level cap raise in Cataclysm, which I might add also only has a five level increase in the cap, but the stat inflation is astronomical.


Same will hold true for TOR. Wasted operations collecting dust.

Not true, lots of people like to do old raids for achievements, mounts, etc. even when they are at max cap and for many of the old raids it only takes a couple, or even one, max level character. All of the old dungeons are easy to do while leveling with the cross realm dungeon finder. Remember too that there is an enormous number of dungeons in WoW that new players would probably enjoy. I split my alt leveling between old raids/dungeons, PvP, and questing when I'm playing WoW.


SWTOR? Well, without the x-realm tools old OPs and even FPs will probably not be a leveling option unless we truly end up with "Mega-Servers". :D

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Again, they are normal... but don't normally happen this quickly.


And I guarentee you that a huge portion of people will not be doing level 50 ops... and it will be very hard to find a group that wants to if the rewards are not scaled. The issue for me, and others, is how quickly this came... even if it comes out in december that is what, a year and a month after launch that endgame is close to invalidated?


Ninja edited, sorry. I'll restate:


And it's not like Nightmare mode on EC is going to be easy at the new cap of 55. Hell, it won't even be gray. None of the HMs or Ops will be gray at 55.


Would you have preferred that TOR's launch be put off for a year, then launched with a level 55 cap, with HMs and Ops starting at 50 for the progression of gear? It's no different, really.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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The increase between Wrath and Cataclysm was five levels. The inflation of stats was enormous as a result to where a level 80 in top end level 80 gear had 1/3rd to 1/4th the health pool of a level 85 in greens. That sort of stat inflation is one thing that troubles me here and given Bioware's inability to learn from other's mistakes it'll end up getting repeated here.


This. Is. NOT. WoW. Blizzard is Blizzard. BioWare is BioWare. You are comparing Apples to PCs. :p


Also, those were the LAST TWO expansions. This level extension is probably not going to be anything near what WoW did for their last big paid expansion (which is going the way of the Dodo bird). Seriously, FCEs and FCUs are what is going to keep people playing MMOs. Not paid boxed expansions.

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This is always the case with such anouncement but in a game already lacking player activity this just doesn't feel like a good idea.


I am so sick of hearing people say this game is lacking player activity. I donno what server you play on, but on the server im on there is always over 200 people on the 1st instance of fleet. I jump on wow and cannot run into another person for hours sometimes. This game still has a pretty large population and community, and the changes they are making are definately steps in the right direction.

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Yet. Forgive me if I don't hold my breath that they won't botch this.


The gear curve for vanilla TOR is already so much flatter than vanilla WoWs that the logical progression is along the same curve. Not asking you to hold your breath, but to expect, or even suspect, a sudden and atypical spike in that curve seems to defy reason.

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I am so sick of hearing people say this game is lacking player activity. I donno what server you play on, but on the server im on there is always over 200 people on the 1st instance of fleet. I jump on wow and cannot run into another person for hours sometimes. This game still has a pretty large population and community, and the changes they are making are definately steps in the right direction.


That is why you don't understand.

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Yes, yes I would have.


And since an MMO is never "finished", nor includes all features, after that year, you still would think it should haveb been put off. The nature of MMOs means that it would have to be put off indefinitely.


Again, flies in the face of reason.

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