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Who else doesn't care about the new space mission?


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What is the point of this thread?? Just another 'I hate this! Who else does?' thread?? Are these constructive at all or just useless..


I don't care of many of you don't like it.. I do and I am getting a new mission soon.. I am going to have fun playing this awsome game..


Did it ever occur to any of you that this game is as fun as you make it?? If all you can do is say you hate this or that.. Well.. Perhaps you shouldn't play it.. In either case.. Your not helping yourself or anyone else.. Just saying..

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What is the point of this thread?? Just another 'I hate this! Who else does?' thread?? Are these constructive at all or just useless..


I don't care of many of you don't like it.. I do and I am getting a new mission soon.. I am going to have fun playing this awsome game..


Did it ever occur to any of you that this game is as fun as you make it?? If all you can do is say you hate this or that.. Well.. Perhaps you shouldn't play it.. In either case.. Your not helping yourself or anyone else.. Just saying..


Well said. Thank you.

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What is the point of this thread?? Just another 'I hate this! Who else does?' thread?? Are these constructive at all or just useless..


I don't care of many of you don't like it.. I do and I am getting a new mission soon.. I am going to have fun playing this awsome game..


Did it ever occur to any of you that this game is as fun as you make it?? If all you can do is say you hate this or that.. Well.. Perhaps you shouldn't play it.. In either case.. Your not helping yourself or anyone else.. Just saying..




How many subs would SWTOR still have had if it had gone Live with a JTL space experience?


This new mission is probably the best way to use an on the rail system (if you're "inside" anyway the rails aren't as noticable), and should be one of the best missions for that reason.


But even so Bioware knew from pre-Alpha that a signifcant proportion of people intending to play SWTOR wanted much more from space than what they got......... so they can have no real complaints about people still wanting that.

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I played through all the space missions on my main, upgrade my ship, etc. Haven't done it on any other character.


Maybe once the add some real space content, I'll be happy to pilot my ship again. As it stands now though, the old Atari game Asteroid is more fun than the SWTOR space mini-game on rails.

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How many subs would SWTOR still have had if it had gone Live with a JTL space experience?.


No offense that is just a useless question.. WOW doesn't even have space combat and it had over 12 million subs.. If people are playing this and subscribing to this game specifically for space combat then they shouldn't be playing MMO's.. That is all there is to say..


This game could have no space combat and I would still play it.. It is a darn good MMO in my view..


Sure.. I would much prefer free flight space combat.. I played XWA for a long time.. I have played Star Wars space sims since the original.. X-wing..


But I am not going to sit here and QQ about it.. Nor am I going to let is spoil my enjoyment of the rest of the game..

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No offense that is just a useless question.. WOW doesn't even have space combat and it had over 12 million subs.. If people are playing this and subscribing to this game specifically for space combat then they shouldn't be playing MMO's.. That is all there is to say..


This game could have no space combat and I would still play it.. It is a darn good MMO in my view..


Sure.. I would much prefer free flight space combat.. I played XWA for a long time.. I have played Star Wars space sims since the original.. X-wing..


But I am not going to sit here and QQ about it.. Nor am I going to let is spoil my enjoyment of the rest of the game..


Indeed, and one of the major ways SWTOR can distance itself, be better than and add more than WoW has is with space.


WoW had no really alternative play, but Star Wars has, it did in the films, it always has in the SW games (the very first SW game was, of course, in space), and it has in the prior SW MMORPG.


Bioware can be many things, but they can't be surprised that people want better space in SWTOR, they were told that right from the beginning.

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No offense that is just a useless question.. WOW doesn't even have space combat and it had over 12 million subs.. If people are playing this and subscribing to this game specifically for space combat then they shouldn't be playing MMO's.. That is all there is to say..


This game could have no space combat and I would still play it.. It is a darn good MMO in my view..


Sure.. I would much prefer free flight space combat.. I played XWA for a long time.. I have played Star Wars space sims since the original.. X-wing..


But I am not going to sit here and QQ about it.. Nor am I going to let is spoil my enjoyment of the rest of the game..

This is how I feel about it too. I didn't expect space combat when I first started playing the game so I see it as a nice little bonus mini-game, however I come from an MMO gaming background and not a Star Wars gaming background so I can see how the IP alone would have made some people expect something different with respects to space combat.


Personally if this game had full 3D space simulator combat then I probably would just completely ignore that aspect of the game in the same way I ignore Warfronts - it simply doesn't interest me at all. However, like some people enjoy Warfronts I understand others like full 3D space simulation and I wouldn't begrudge them for it.


My main gripe with the current space missions is simply that if I finish all the objectives of a mission I want it the option to complete it available instantly. I've had many space missions where I've finished the objectives with 3 minutes or more to spare and am just flying around waiting for the mission to end following its completion.

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The ones now don't interest me. The new one certainly wont. Maybe ill play it once and thats it. No one likes stuff on rails, this is worse than HP: DH on kinect (if youve seen Angry Joe)


Its funny seeing you people go "OP youre wrong because you said "no one" well I like it so that means you are wrong"


Look up the word "exaggeration"


I don't think you need to worry, I think BW knows their space simulator is terrible. Adding one simply appeases the more single player focused players, who insist on it being good.


For my part, it's one of the worst things on the game.

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But this is STAR WARS...


STAR Wars.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but spaceflight was pretty darn important in the Starwars Universe and so was the ability to pilot a ship, not be stuck on rails.


I'm glad you like minigames, and Starwars minigames should be:


1. Gambling on nar shadaar

2. pod racing

3. bounty hunting..


etc etc






This. Exactly my opinion on TOR's current "space" combat. What exactly is spacious about being in an invisible tunnel?

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I just wish they were spending time on space combat, proper space combat that is. You have to remember this is Star Wars, space combat is an integral part of the IP and a mini game just doesn't do it justice. It needs full 3D.


Umm...they are :)


Don't worries :D You will see an epic space expansion with guild capital ships and capital ship battles and all that stuff pvp in space :) Don't worry they are workin on it

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Umm...they are :)


Don't worries :D You will see an epic space expansion with guild capital ships and capital ship battles and all that stuff pvp in space :) Don't worry they are workin on it


Don't be too much hyped before they show us something.


As for the OP, I care as much about the new space mission as for the new operation.

There's different kinds of content in TOR, it seem normal to me to add a bit of something for thoses different contents.


As for Star Wars and space, many Star Wars games don't even space content and it never bothered me. There's no real space content in KOTOR either.


About space content not being part of the MMO genre, well between JTL from SWG and Eve, it seems it can be a part or the core of a MMO, so I can only disagree.

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Umm...they are :)


Don't worries :D You will see an epic space expansion with guild capital ships and capital ship battles and all that stuff pvp in space :) Don't worry they are workin on it


And you proof of this is... where exactly?


Or are you basing your entire reasoning behind this on James Ohlen's 'big secret space project' (about which we know very little)?

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You sir, need to look up the word "exaggeration"




You get to exaggerate to try and make a point but I don't?


I just see so many people around here claiming to know what 'everyone' likes or what 'everyone' wants, but not a single one of them have ever asked me.


You don't like something, that's fine.

You want to see something added, that's fine.


But I am fully capable of making my own opinion heard, and did not elect anyone here as my spokesperson.


Speak for yourself.

Other posters will join in the discussion and make their own feelings known.


Honestly I don't care about the new mission it is still starfox on rails. Give me true swg space combat, what we have as space combut is just wrong, and was the easy way out as far as coding a game goes.


This isn't SWG.


Even if they do introduce a free-movement space combat system, I wonder how many people might still complain if they do it differently than how it was done in SWG (as if there has never been any space combat outside of that game).

Edited by Mithros
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I'm betting about 1k subscribers care about the new space mission. And, I think I'm being generous even then.


I can't recall the last time I ever even saw more than one other person doing the same space mission as I. Regardless of my own opinion on the enjoyment of space missions, I'd think space missions are the least used bit of content in the entire game, and that perhaps they should oh...get around to actually fixing Ilum, which we've heard no word of in months, since by their own words, they've come to the realization that pvp is far more important than they had initially thought.

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The ones now don't interest me. The new one certainly wont. Maybe ill play it once and thats it. No one likes stuff on rails, this is worse than HP: DH on kinect (if youve seen Angry Joe)


Its funny seeing you people go "OP youre wrong because you said "no one" well I like it so that means you are wrong"


Look up the word "exaggeration"


I'm sorry, but you can't insinuate that nobody likes something and then just cop out by claiming an exaggeration. There are quite a lot of people that like space combat. If they didn't have a large enough portion of the population utilizing these on a regular basis, do you really think they'd spend development time on another one? I happen to like the current incarnation of space combat, and i know a decent number of other folks who do too. Quit trying to speak for the playerbase as if it's a homogeneous mass.

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I'm betting about 1k subscribers care about the new space mission. And, I think I'm being generous even then.

VERY generous! I'm sure people will try it, because it's not the same boring old **edit**, but I don't think even 1000 will consider it a worthwhile addition to gameplay. A one or two time run at best for the bulk of players.

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The new mission looks like cool, and even like Space Combat. My big problem with Space Combat, at least the higher level is this: I shoot and my shields don't recharge so I die, I get shot and my shields don't recharge and I die.


This right here. I suck at space combat after the first minefield mission. I can barely do it. I even just barely squeak by the one or two before it. The new mission looks cool and I'm interested in trying it, but not if it's going to be called The Even More Impossible Sector.

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