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Powertech Pyrotech deserve the HUGE nerf


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avg crit chance is 25%, so basing an argument on 3 abilities each with a 25% to do that damage (which is what? a 2%chance), while YOUR sorcerer is just standing there doing nothing, like throwing a bubble on them, cleansing the dot, CCing the Pyro, or maybe HEALING! is absolutely the most ridiculous thing I've read in this thread. From range, and without all the moons aligning, a marauder can leap and do probably 50% more damage in 6sec. A sniper at 30m can easily do 8k in 6sec. Which class again cant pull of 8k of damage through crits in 4 GCDs?

Already discussed this. 25% crit chance is for people with no legacy perks and recruit gear. I supposed we are now balancing this game for people with terrible gear /stats?

Base crit chance should be anywhere from 35-40% with buffs. Talents and set bonus's increase you crit to anywhere from 45%-50% on your abilities, double what you're claiming. Using your crit CD increases this to 70%+.


And post above is quite correct. This thread is full circle with people just using the same clearly false arguments over and over. Im done.

Edited by Gidoru
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Personally I don't think it's that Pyro ptech is overpowered as much as the skill cap to play it well is just pretty low. Unless you're spamming flame and locking up on heat, it's pretty easy to figure out a rotation that's all based on instants (thus you can't be interrupted or meaningfully locked out of anything).


In an ideal world a number of other classes can do as much, but it's much easier to take away what those other classes want to do.


I do think, though, that in Huttball the lasso is a bit OP in conjunction with the strength of the hazards. I felt that way even when I was playing mine - that's not to say I didn't abuse it, of course.

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I do think, though, that in Huttball the lasso is a bit OP in conjunction with the strength of the hazards. I felt that way even when I was playing mine - that's not to say I didn't abuse it, of course.


WOW, Pyros OP in Huttball. Now that is hilarious. Because when Huttball queue pops, everyone is looking at their team hoping they have a handful of Pyros, not Sorc/Assassins/Juggs/Marauders. LOL

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God mode is the ability to one-shot people, fly around the map, and never die. Some armor pen on one ability, Rail Shot, doesn't make us a God mode class.


It's actually pretty easy, stun then sprint away, or stealth. We have a harpoon that's 30m range, but that's when you use your stun, after we harpoon you. Pyro has no movement increase abilities so we're pretty much tied as least mobile class in the game with Snipers, Operatives, and Mercs.


Stun and sprint away is just LOL funny. You use freedom then harpoon back and it is over with.


Fix the OP ignore armor pen single shot that takes half life or more and call it a day on the fix.


Just be honest about it as no class should be allowed to hit for half you life in one shot ever.

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They ignore armor is just crazy stupid in PVP as this gives a single class GOD MODE for kills at range.


Also as it is very hard to get away from one as Power Tech has way to many tools for never letting a target get away.


Yea a nerf of some kind is needed.


Only one attack has a percentage of ignore armor... That attack can be missed and reduced by shields.

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avg crit chance is 25%, so basing an argument on 3 abilities each with a 25% to do that damage (which is what? a 2%chance), while YOUR sorcerer is just standing there doing nothing, like throwing a bubble on them, cleansing the dot, CCing the Pyro, or maybe HEALING! is absolutely the most ridiculous thing I've read in this thread. From range, and without all the moons aligning, a marauder can leap and do probably 50% more damage in 6sec. A sniper at 30m can easily do 8k in 6sec. Which class again cant pull of 8k of damage through crits in 4 GCDs?


juggernaut, assassin, merc, pt, operative, sniper, sentinel... yep, all those classes can do 8k in 6 seconds... maybe even sorc...

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Only one attack has a percentage of ignore armor... That attack can be missed and reduced by shields.


On my Sage I got hit for 9.3k and had my shield up at the time.


This is the reason they need a nerf as I am in WH gear. I see consistent 3.6 to 4.3 all the time.


Then after that a 7k or 9k hit. Sorry but that is just OP.

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If you are assassin or marauder you got no right complain.


If you merc ths is an uphill battle for you. If you dont cleanse the dots and dont knockback pyro, its your damn fault.You class is broken in general, its not a pyro issue.


If you are sniper MM and you dont stay in cover entreched while throwing diversion at pyro, its your damn fault. If you are lethality you burst is back loaded, iif you apply your dots before him igniting you, you win.


If you are powertech tank, well he is your counter, you can win but it is hard. Railshot crits will ignore your shield besides armor.


If you are an operative with talented cloak, you got no right to complain. If you are getting caught its your damn fault. If you fail at cleansing dots, its your damn fault. If you forget to pop up evasion when you are burning to prevent the railshot, its your damn fault.


So we are basically left with jugs and sorcs.I cannot comment anything on jugs, it seems tank jugs have trouble with them.


And i have a feeling that 90% of ppl crying here for nerfs are sages. Well, given how easily you can LoS stationary ranged dps like snipers and mercs, i say you would have way too easy life if classes designed to hunt you down would be denied at doing that. If a marauder or pyro cannot finish off a sage healer, then no orher class will ever be able to do that.


You don't like pyro being you counter? Operatives hard counter snipers, and everybody is fine with that, no snipers are whining. Why should a sage be any different in terms of having a class that counters him?

Edited by NoTomorrow
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juggernaut, assassin, merc, pt, operative, sniper, sentinel... yep, all those classes can do 8k in 6 seconds... maybe even sorc...


Do you find it odd that the class that is SUPPOSED to be the GLASS CANNON is not?

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On my Sage I got hit for 9.3k and had my shield up at the time.


This is the reason they need a nerf as I am in WH gear. I see consistent 3.6 to 4.3 all the time.


Then after that a 7k or 9k hit. Sorry but that is just OP.


Shield generator... The thing is, even if you aren't wearing armor, hib/rail will not hit you for 9k. I would really like to see a screen shot, parse, combat log...


I only say that because you initially state it was a 9k hit through shield, so potentially an 11-12k hit. Then you backtrack to 7k or 9k... because it definitely can not be a 6k or an 8k...


What the forums need are completely unbiased statistical data, what you described is the opposite.

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If you are assassin or marauder you got no right complain.


If you merc ths is an uphill battle for you. If you dont cleanse the dots and dont knockback pyro, its your damn fault.You class is broken in general, its not a pyro issue.


If you are sniper MM and you dont stay in cover entreched while throwing diversion at pyro, its your damn fault. If you are lethality you burst is back loaded, iif you apply your dots before him igniting you, you win.


If you are powertech tank, well he is your counter, you can win but it is hard. Railshot crits will ignore your shield besides armor.


If you are an operative with talented cloak, you got no right to complain. If you are getting caught its your damn fault. If you fail at cleansing dots, its your damn fault. If you forget to pop up evasion when you are burning to prevent the railshot, its your damn fault.


So we are basically left with jugs and sorcs.I cannot comment anything on jugs, it seems tank jugs have trouble with them.


And i have a feeling that 90% of ppl crying here for nerfs are sages. Well, given how easily you can LoS stationary ranged dps like snipers and mercs, i say you would have way too easy life if classes designed to hunt you down would be denied at doing that. If a marauder or pyro cannot finish off a sage healer, then no orher class will ever be able to do that.


You don't like pyro being you counter? Operatives hard counter snipers, and everybody is fine with that, no snipers are whining. Why should a sage be any different in terms of having a class that counters him?


hey look it's a pryotech PT. i, too, think being able to run around while applying all my damage is balanced.


then again who cares. the pvp in this game has bigger problems than unbalanced classes.

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Do you find it odd that the class that is SUPPOSED to be the GLASS CANNON is not?


Sorc procs still do very good number, especially if you have a lot of in your face type players (juggernauts, sentinels, etc). Sorcs can go unlooked and really rack up numbers still, not as much as they used to, but they aren't weak. They also have a ton of utility. Great players still play great, bad players play bad. It doesn't generally change, though sometimes bad players do get better.


If sorcs were able to do pt/mara type damage, it would be completely op. pt isn't a strictly range class, it has a versatile range. mara is predominately melee. Being able to do those numbers, with that much mobility would be quite a challenge to take down.


There are some op classes and some weak classes. I personally believe that sorc has been turned into a slightly weak class... an increase of 10% damage/healing I believe would remedy this.


If the damage capabilities of mara, pt, etc get nerfed, then healing is going to need to be nerfed as well. I don't want to do full warzones like in voidstar where no one gets the door and there are only 5 or 6 kills. Maybe I am exaggerating, but this should be a game where quick reactions and players who actually pay attention well get rewarded.


It is a slippery slope.


From nerfs I would like to see are...


Dot damage reduction or defensive cooldown nerf from mara/sent. If things become tricky in pve, then create one of the dcd's to be against npc's only.


I would like to see tank assassin/shadow damage decreased by 25%


Sorc/sage get a 10% damage and healing increase.


I believe if these happen, this game would be very close to being balanced.


What most people do not understand is that the dots from pt/vg will do more damage than all the hib/rail combined. My damage from dots usually averages 26%, while hib/rail averages 24%. HIB/Rail is not that powerful unless you spec into it.

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Shield generator... The thing is, even if you aren't wearing armor, hib/rail will not hit you for 9k. I would really like to see a screen shot, parse, combat log...


I only say that because you initially state it was a 9k hit through shield, so potentially an 11-12k hit. Then you backtrack to 7k or 9k... because it definitely can not be a 6k or an 8k...


What the forums need are completely unbiased statistical data, what you described is the opposite.


Correct you are. All I do know is that in the chat window in the corner it said 9.3k hit from a PT.

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Just be honest about it as no class should be allowed to hit for half you life in one shot ever.


4k crit RS/HIB is half your health or more? LOL

Are you still wearing lvl 10 gear? :p


Correct you are. All I do know is that in the chat window in the corner it said 9.3k hit from a PT.

Then you need to put in a ticket to tech support, because clearly your chat window is lying to you. There is absolutely no way in hell. The avg RS crit of a WH Pyro on an equally geared opponent is 4k-4.4k.

Edited by Agooz
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WOW, Pyros OP in Huttball. Now that is hilarious. Because when Huttball queue pops, everyone is looking at their team hoping they have a handful of Pyros, not Sorc/Assassins/Juggs/Marauders. LOL


Oh for sure, I wouldn't want 8 ptechs. You'd never score. But having 1 on defense who knows what s/he is doing can singlehandedly break up numerous attacks even outnumbered.

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On my Sage I got hit for 9.3k and had my shield up at the time.


This is the reason they need a nerf as I am in WH gear. I see consistent 3.6 to 4.3 all the time.


Then after that a 7k or 9k hit. Sorry but that is just OP.


9.3k is impossible for a pyro. no, im not kidding, its impossible. its possible to be hit by MULTIPLE abilities if you account for the delay on TD/ED, but a straight 9.3k damage hit is not possible. even with a WZ adrenal, WZ buff pickup, and extra crit from CD 9.3k is impossible. the only class I've ever seen hit 9k+ is mercenaries left alone to build up their grav round stacks, and even that was the very tip top of their damage spectrum.

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Oh for sure, I wouldn't want 8 ptechs. You'd never score. But having 1 on defense who knows what s/he is doing can singlehandedly break up numerous attacks even outnumbered.


^ this. pyros are actually somewhere near useless in huttball. they can control middle and try to play defense if they don't get focused by the ball carrier's assist train, that's about it. no scoring capability, no stealthing to the end zone, no leaps, no healing. the only other class with only one real job in huttball is snipers. I don't talk about mercenaries because they still need some changes to their class mechanics. phenomenal PVE class, frakking trainwreck in PVP.

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I get 275-350k damage on my level 12 Vanguard in PUG warzone without even trying. Nope this classes isn't OP at all. My 21 Sentinel struggles to break 200k lol, it's not even fair.


I almost never want to play my Vanguard just because it's so ridiculously easy to pwn with him. It's only going to get easier with the more abilities I get.

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I get 275-350k damage on my level 12 Vanguard in PUG warzone without even trying. Nope this classes isn't OP at all. My 21 Sentinel struggles to break 200k lol, it's not even fair.


I almost never want to play my Vanguard just because it's so ridiculously easy to pwn with him. It's only going to get easier with the more abilities I get.


no level 50 char? 10-49 pvp indicates nothing, experienced PVP'ers can own with practically any class on a populated server, especially those pathetic pugs on the fatman.

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Fix the OP ignore armor pen single shot that takes half life or more and call it a day on the fix.


Just be honest about it as no class should be allowed to hit for half you life in one shot ever.

Hysteria!!! :D

Im honest about it: Maybe u should think about your 9500 HP as a lvl 50?


This is hilarious.


EDIT: Actually this thread, surprisingly, is not PTs/VGs defending their class vs other classes, its people like this guy above who has no clue whatsoever how this game works "arguing" against people who actually do.

Edited by Floegens
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^ this. pyros are actually somewhere near useless in huttball. they can control middle and try to play defense if they don't get focused by the ball carrier's assist train, that's about it. no scoring capability, no stealthing to the end zone, no leaps, no healing. the only other class with only one real job in huttball is snipers. I don't talk about mercenaries because they still need some changes to their class mechanics. phenomenal PVE class, frakking trainwreck in PVP.


lol somewhere near useless? I wouldn't call the ability to pull, slow down, and nearly insta gib a ball carrier or anyone else for that matter, useless. They can do far more than, "try to play defense". They can play defense very very well often times there is little to nothing their team can do about it. Pull into fire and dead.

Edited by Paulman
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Correct you are. All I do know is that in the chat window in the corner it said 9.3k hit from a PT.


It just doesn't hit that hard... I think your dyslexia kicked in... 3.9k I believe. I only say you are mistaken because in the prior post you said between 7k or a 9k hit. 9k just isn't in the dynamic of the attack.

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no level 50 char? 10-49 pvp indicates nothing, experienced PVP'ers can own with practically any class on a populated server, especially those pathetic pugs on the fatman.

So what? at 50 sentinel begin even more difficult, you have to master huge bulk of defencive cooldowns, a complicated rotation with 4 meters range, but PT at 50 still the same as at 12 and is able to do unreasonable damage. In the hands of averadge player PT in recruit gear usually more efficient than sentinel in battlemaster.


Generally speaking PT has higher static DPS than sentinel and guard. This is not correct cause the shorter the range the higher dps should be as a compensation for less uptime. PT has more uptime due to ranged and instant attacks and the higher DPS at the same time - this make PT above all classes in terms of performance with equal skill level. PT needs either damage reduction or range reduction or mobility reduction.


Damage can be reduced by removing armore penetration from railshot and flame burst. Range can be reduced by reducing railshot range to 10m and flame burst to 4, also unload, rapid shots, incenedary missile and termal detonator needs to be 10 meters abilities.

Mobility can be reduced by making all PT 30 meters abilities on 1.5 second cast time.

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Stun and sprint away is just LOL funny. You use freedom then harpoon back and it is over with.


Fix the OP ignore armor pen single shot that takes half life or more and call it a day on the fix.


Just be honest about it as no class should be allowed to hit for half you life in one shot ever.


rail shot does 8k now?

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