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New AoE ability coming


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Hey guys, check the link to see a sith assassin doing a new unseen AoE ability. I'm not sure of this is legacy only or one spec only. I can only hope it is tied to the infiltration/deception spec, meaning a possible overhaul of the spec as it currently exists.


/let the speculation begin

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It looks like the Spinning Strike some mobs in game already do. Two examples come to mind:


1. The last few pulls in Karragga's have a mob that does this.

2. The Rakata in the Rep daily in Belsavis, the one were you go into the mind trap.


Always wondered why we didn't have that ability. Its pretty awesome.

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Yep, thats spinning blades, hope its better then lacerate..


Lacerate would be so much better if it struck more than once. You would think from the animation it would do that. Considering the low damage and force cost, it should.

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Now I have to wonder how this fits in with the incoming assassin nerf. Have to admire the way they revealed these things: Look! New and Flashy AoE!................By the way, your assassin will be utterly useless in PvE- but remember the new and flashy! :rolleyes:


(I admit I was enthusiastic about the new and flashy until today; now I'm just- meh)

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It looks like the Spinning Strike some mobs in game already do. Two examples come to mind:


1. The last few pulls in Karragga's have a mob that does this.

2. The Rakata in the Rep daily in Belsavis, the one were you go into the mind trap.


Always wondered why we didn't have that ability. Its pretty awesome.


Which is funny because in the first Consular videos the player used this and it was also a channeling ability. A defensive/offensive ability much like, as you pointed out, plenty of mobs in the game already do. Doesn't seem to last long.


Spinning Strike on mobs usually last about 3 seconds if you don't interrupt. Think Force Lightning or Telekinetic Throw where you just spin around damaging any who are within melee-reach. Personally I'm bummed it will likely require us to level up and not give it to us as a level 36 or something ability. This would have gone great with Lacerate through the mid to early-late game content (Taris-Voss). :(

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