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New AoE ability coming soon


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Hey guys, check the link to see a sith assassin doing a new unseen AoE ability. I'm not sure of this is legacy only or one spec only. I can only hope it is tied to the infiltration spec, meaning a possible overhaul of the spec as it currently exists.


/let the speculation begin

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Did Ilum today for the first time in ages (republic side) and the H2 wich spawn some sithy siths and with doubel-bladed lightsaber.. I'm "quite sure" I saw them do a new cool animation that I had not seen (or the sound) before, it was channeled and could be interrupted. Anyways, I might not have paid attention before.. worth checking out?


I really hope that Shadow/Assasins gets more melee stuff, to much "must use" powers imho.

Edited by eclipce
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Did Ilum today for the first time in ages (republic side) and the H2 wich spawn some sithy siths and with doubel-bladed lightsaber.. I'm "quite sure" I saw them do a new cool animation that I had not seen (or the sound) before, it was channeled and could be interrupted. Anyways, I might not have paid attention before.. worth checking out?


I really hope that Shadow/Assasins gets more melee stuff, to much "must use" powers imho.


NPC have always done some amazing looking animations, its about time we could do them :D

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Yea, seen that ability done by NPCs a lot, infact the Illum NPC that uses that AOE ability also uses a Shadow Step to appear behind you, so expect that to be added soon as well. Hopefully the skill has different effects in different stances, i.e upfront damage in Shadow, bleeds in Force and defensive buff in Combat.
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The animation shown on the short clip is used on plenty of mobs & bosses that wield Dsabers & Techstaves.


It's a 3s Channel that does 360º melee damage (On most bosses is usually a deadly attack) ticking 3 times over its duration. On all mobs that aren't immune to interrupt it can be interrupted as any regular channel.


AOE should never be something usefull to add to Shadows (And rooting AOE even less... And thinking every class & build should be "AOE rdy" is a VERY worrysome thought coupled with the imminent introduction of an automatic Dungeon Finder)... So unless it comes with some Synergies on each Skill Tree (extra defense for kinetic while channelling, extra single target procs for Infil and multitarget extra DoTs for Balance)... It will remain a fancy movement to showoff, I'm afraid.

Edited by ragamer
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