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Sith Assassin. Underpowered?


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I would like to start off by saying that I'm enjoying this class very much and I'm having a lot of fun with it. However, ever since I left Dromund Kaas, I've been getting my *** kicked left and right and I needed my companion in order to do anything. Before, on Dromund Kaas, I didn't need my companion at all.


To top it all off, when fighting the boss Ukabi on Naar Shaddaa, I couldn't beat him. Not at all. I had to get someone else in there in order to help me beat him. Before I didn't need anyone but myself. What happened here? I'm building him DPS so I know I need to be more careful with my aggro, but I let khem val take all the aggro but either I'm not putting out enough dps or Khem Val really sucks at tanking. I pulled out as many things as I possibly could, stunning him with even force whirlwind to try to get an edge. Fighting any of the early bosses, I ***** with the help of Khem val. But Ukabi, nope, I died every time.


So I guess my point is that Sith Assassins fell of the radar as far as usability after level 18. Either that or I'm doing something horribly wrong that I don't know about yet. (keep in mind however, I've been playing a lot of MMOs and RPGs, I'm good at knowing how to build these things).

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I'm playing shadow and after you get all your core abilities(into your 20's) you will be ok. Remember that you can interrupt all "casts" with knockdown, stun, low strike, etc.


I actually prefer the 2nd companion that heals. The tank I is terrible, he dies almsot every fight and I keep his armor up to date...

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My biggest complain is that Khem doesn't take it seriously when I tell him to not use AoE.

My second biggest is his big rear gets clicked on by accident too much.

And he's an unlikable idiot.

And he turns off his tank stance sometimes when you get in a taxi.

And he won't stop crying about his BFF or former master. Seriously, all the time with him.




I don't like Khem...



I don't find Khem to be a bad tank just an extremely slow tank. It takes him to long to get over to the target. He needs some kind of leap ability.


Tag his sprint ability for auto-cast.

Edited by MCerberus
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My biggest complain is that Khem doesn't take it seriously when I tell him to not use AoE.

My second biggest is his big rear gets clicked on by accident too much.

And he's an unlikable idiot.

And he turns off his tank stance sometimes when you get in a taxi.

And he won't stop crying about his BFF or former master. Seriously, all the time with him.




I don't like Khem...


Tag his sprint ability for auto-cast.


all this lol

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as people have said khem, relative to other tanking companions, is lacking. That and outside of sniper its the only ac to start with a tank companion and have no healing.


as far as the class, i would argue that its far from underpowered, but it does take a while to get invested talent wise to the point where you feel you perform adequately. The only regen available at an early level is in madness from lightning, which is a problem until you get to higher levels in deception/darkness. Particularly if you're deception a lot of it is about procing no cost abilities (maul/shock) but you have to be high enough for that, and once you are you still have minimal regen.


but by the time you're done with nar shadaa and move to Tat you will notice a difference.

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My biggest complain is that Khem doesn't take it seriously when I tell him to not use AoE.

My second biggest is his big rear gets clicked on by accident too much.

And he's an unlikable idiot.

And he turns off his tank stance sometimes when you get in a taxi.

And he won't stop crying about his BFF or former master. Seriously, all the time with him.




I don't like Khem...





Tag his sprint ability for auto-cast.




in all seriousness though. i just geared khem up with commendation armor and it was a BIG help. i wish i would have done it earlier cause i was wiping on bosses a lot but now he can actually kind of hold his own.

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I had the same issue when I started Nar shaddah. The I took another look at the Galaxy map and realized that balmorra is rated lvl 16-20 and Nar Shaddah is 20-24 if I recall.


While you have a choice between planets after leaving Dromund Kaas it really seems that Balmorra is intended first. Now I'm back on Nar Shadda and it's a cake walk on my assassin with Khem Val tanking very capably.

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Khem does not suck. Give him items, and it will be okay. I use him as a tank to beat elite. Just did class quest as lvl26-27 on level 30 elite. No problem with Khem. Im playing my assasin as a tank (darkness) and Khem as a tank, too.


With taunting and protecting on Khem you can beat every elite. maybe he dies at the end of the fight, but he gets his job done.


For non elite i use Revel of course.

Edited by nodq
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So I guess my point is that Sith Assassins fell of the radar as far as usability after level 18. Either that or I'm doing something horribly wrong that I don't know about yet. (keep in mind however, I've been playing a lot of MMOs and RPGs, I'm good at knowing how to build these things).

Are you madness or deception? Because madness is probably the least efficient spec in the entire game at early levels (before 20 when you get DF).

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Sins are fine in general, something could be tweaked here and there but overall there good.


Khem is an ok tank. He works well for sorcs who can shield and heal him but for Sins he is pretty bad. Our tanking ability after we get dark charge surpases him on mitigation and baseline chance to defend (as well as it's easier for us to stack absorb). His DPS is terribad even in DPS stance. Pack a lot of medkits and taunt aggro off khem when he hits about halfway dead if you share aggro you can easily handle tough fights with him though.

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I am only level 24 but -


I have no problems as an SA with solo content. I almost never use Khem as he is slicing and just do stuff by myself. For groups I sometimes CC since we have the 60 sec CC and whirlwind. Stun works wonders against hard enemies. I do upgrade my gear with the PVP stuff, but other then keeping my gear up I play pretty normally. I find I kill things quickly, have good group survivability and have had success as a tank. I am darkness spec'ed.

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Ukabi or whatever was easy, At least i had no issues as like level with him.


Khem is a fine tank, just remember that lower level tanks (even PCs) are still rather very squishy.


He has a get over there quicker skill called dash (open his toolbar).


You can pick Khem's target for him instead of letting him do it (click on the target and click the attack button in his toolbar or ctrl+1)


Make sure you upgrade his gear. If his gear lags behind then so will his tanking (if you dont upgrade your gear you would not expect to do well, same with your companion).


Also he has several abilities (such as cleave) that for some reason are not on his auto rotation so you need to set them to auto cast. Open up his toolbar (click on the + sign on his toolbar) once that expands I think its right click the skill, a green box should appear in the skill box if its auto casting.

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This might be alot of factors.


You might be used to fighting alone. The game content is based around you AND your side-kick.


All BioWare games are like that. Shepard has Garrus. The Warden has Alistair. Hawke has Varric.


Because you neglected Khem Val in the beginning makes me wonder if you actually got gear for him to start with. My Khem Val is an awesome tank. Duo mind that I always took a Khem Val armor piece as quest reward.


Don't neglect your companions (certainly not your tank and healing companions) they can turn the tide in a quest.


Me and Khem Val are able to clear most Heroic 2 Men quests (without heals cause i'm Assassin). Companions are very useful.


I don't find Khem to be a bad tank just an extremely slow tank. It takes him to long to get over to the target. He needs some kind of leap ability.


He has (or gets) a charge ability, open up the companion skill bar.

Edited by Archaon_Thrax
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Sins are fine in general, something could be tweaked here and there but overall there good.


Khem is an ok tank. He works well for sorcs who can shield and heal him but for Sins he is pretty bad. Our tanking ability after we get dark charge surpases him on mitigation and baseline chance to defend (as well as it's easier for us to stack absorb). His DPS is terribad even in DPS stance. Pack a lot of medkits and taunt aggro off khem when he hits about halfway dead if you share aggro you can easily handle tough fights with him though.


Dunno what game you're playing but it's not the same one as me ....


His dps is fine... keep his gear updated ESP his wep.


I don't even have my Khem in tank stance unless its for elites leave his taunt on and things die so fast between the both of you its insane. may want to turn his cleave off tho at times since breaking your from stealth cc is annoying vs multi strong mobs.



I haven't got any new items since lvl 20 and even then it was only 2 pvp moddable bits the rest are sub 20. Khems also.



I do change the hilt mod on both our weps tho every planet. Currently 25 and waiting till 27 for next hilt upgrade.

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