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Bioware was sleeping or testers didnt care? Lvl 50s in 4 days ?? ***


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You are missing the point entirely, that's why now I will stop replying.


You are obviously someone who hasn't been playing mmo's for long who certainly hasn't played every major release for the last 15 years and seen how it works.


I will save a link to this post and your comment for the future. No one likes an "I told you so!"


Enjoy your play time, but don't be delusional about what mmo's are about.


Who the HECK are you, buddy? I will make a bet with you. I bet this game will be around and strong by next Christmas with a new expansion to boot. That is a promise.

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Nothing wrong with the leveling pace. There will always be people who find ways to level fast, be it by trying to stay awake 24/7 or have a rotation with a buddy of theirs so that the character is constantly leveling. Skipping quest dialogue also helps speed up the leveling process as a big portion of the time is spent listening to what happens.


If you play at the pace of a normal human being, and not an addict, you'd only be around level 15-20 after a few days. I kinda feel bad for people who try to rush to the end and feel they are special, because they are not, they're just ruining the experience of SWTOR and what it is all about; the story.

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No one seems to ever see anyone else's perspective. First, I will say that from my experience that the leveling is a bit faster than I would expect or like. However, I don't do pvp. I don't want to do pvp. Games that are about pvp only, I don't play. If you halve the quest xp, I wouldn't be playing this game in short order because that would be saying I either have to spend hours grinding with 50 other people trying to grind the same mobs or I have to do pvp.


You have choices how to play the game. One way or the other, I'm enjoying every moment of this game right now. I'll play this game as long as I find ways to enjoy it that fit with my life. If, at some point, I can no longer find a way to enjoy the game, I will quit playing it. Does that mean the game failed? No, it means I had other things I decided meant more to me. But for now, this game is what I enjoy doing and I expect that will last at least a few months. I have LOTS of stories to play. And then I have to see what other content there is for me to play...datacrons to find, worlds to explore...I can't worry about the future because I don't know it. I'll find out when I get there.


Relax. Enjoy. Have fun. Don't care what other people are doing except when I'm grouped with them. It's all good. And just for the point of reference, I work a full-time job with frequent overtime. I played a beta weekend, got to level 25 with a JK, left with several hours of playtime left. Played in the stress test weekend, got 2 alts up to about level 12 or so. Quit with quite a few possible hours of play left because I was just going to ruin content. Now it's not even launch and my class of choice I'm up to level 20 already with working and spending time in real life, etc. It's a fast level progression so far and if you play every quest on the lower planets you will FAR outlevel the supposed content levels of those planets...I don't know about the end-game...but I'll find out.

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As one of the testers who brought up concerns about pacing, and enjoyed a lively debate in our testing squadron about it, the conclusion was that you really can't stop some people who will literally spam space bar to get through every quest, min-max every aspect of their gaming life for a few days just to get to level 50 first. Can't be done.


You're also assuming that achieving max level equates to experiencing all content.


The longevity of the MMO is based around two things - how long the majority are kept on the (hopefully enjoyable) levelling treadmill, whilst the people who rush to max level are equally kept entertained by raids & PvP, until the next batch of content turns up. Nothing has changed here. Thus I am neither surprised that we have level 50s, nor that it will also take some players 2-3 months to get to level 50. The game is perfectly capable of catering to both right now.


Does it matter what other people are doing?

Edited by Grammarye
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Testers sleeping? Bioware not paying attention? Who tested this game? The game has been out live for like 4 days and we have lvl 50s running around??? Seriously did Bioware not realise how stupidly quick ppl could lvl? The game isnt even officaly released yet and we have ppl at capped level.. this doesnt bore well for long term.


DCUO could hit cap in a day if you wanted to sit and pound it out... point here is that taking 2-3 months to hit max level isn't fun...innovative or otherwise enjoyable. Most of us want to sit down, enjoy story and get to max level with in a week or two at best. Those power level are cheating themselves out of enjoyable gameplay and the amazing story.


problem isn't the game it is people spamming spacebar to skip all cut scenes and just pushing random choices so can get to end game content asap. Going to be super sad when finish all content and nothing left to do...


meanwhile by time most of us hit end game, and do raid content new raids will be ready or announced.

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speed leveling in this game means you literally skipped 75% of the game to be the first to do the last 25% that nobody really cares about.



Elitist raiders will be the first ones to quite this game. It's really not a raiding game.


God i hate ignorance, sorry no offense but you just have no idea what you're talking about lol.





"" On the other hand, there are high-level players who are focused on bringing one character to level 50, and those guys are going to be our main focus for new content. We're going to be producing new flashpoints, new operations, new warzones, and even new single-player content for our highest leveled characters. We already have multiple teams working on that as we speak, and they've got a bunch of flashpoints and operations in the can."

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DCUO could hit cap in a day if you wanted to sit and pound it out... point here is that taking 2-3 months to hit max level isn't fun...innovative or otherwise enjoyable. Most of us want to sit down, enjoy story and get to max level with in a week or two at best. Those power level are cheating themselves out of enjoyable gameplay and the amazing story.


problem isn't the game it is people spamming spacebar to skip all cut scenes and just pushing random choices so can get to end game content asap. Going to be super sad when finish all content and nothing left to do...


meanwhile by time most of us hit end game, and do raid content new raids will be ready or announced.


A week or two? Are you serious? Most people to not level cap in less then three to four weeks.

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God i hate ignorance, sorry no offense but you just have no idea what you're talking about lol.





"" On the other hand, there are high-level players who are focused on bringing one character to level 50, and those guys are going to be our main focus for new content. We're going to be producing new flashpoints, new operations, new warzones, and even new single-player content for our highest leveled characters. We already have multiple teams working on that as we speak, and they've got a bunch of flashpoints and operations in the can."


They are adding level 50 content soon. Duh. That does not mean Bioware is catering to people that powerlevel in two days.

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Testers sleeping? Bioware not paying attention? Who tested this game? The game has been out live for like 4 days and we have lvl 50s running around??? Seriously did Bioware not realise how stupidly quick ppl could lvl? The game isnt even officaly released yet and we have ppl at capped level.. this doesnt bore well for long term.


Is this your first MMO?

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A week or two? Are you serious? Most people to not level cap in less then three to four weeks.


A week or two for casual play is pretty reasonable, mmo's are focused on end game not leveling game, thus leveling should be fun and enjoyable, but not take absurd durations thats all. Players playing constantly all day every day could do it in a few days i bet or less.

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Yes but compare to any other mmrpg.. wow or even everquest daoc.. at least it took a few weeks to get lvl 50 or a month.. the exp requirement should be much higher. Esp as u can lvl form pvp and get huge exp per match win or lose.


Ive barely been playing and i listen to all the quest dialogue.. and im lvl 31. Im sorry but the exp should be way steeper to get lvl 50. I mean even skyrim took longer to get 50 then this game.


The highlighted segment is a purely subjectective statement. "Barely been playing" can mean alot depending on what "playing alot" means to you. I've been playing since friday, about 12 hours or so. I'm level 12. I don't plan on blowing through the game, because I know how that rodeo ends. Boredom, burnout, and (with a bioware game in paticular) you miss out on the story. It looks like you watched the story, but somehow managed to plow through content. Maybe your "barely playing" and my "barely playing" mean two different things?

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A week or two for casual play is pretty reasonable, mmo's are focused on end game not leveling game, thus leveling should be fun and enjoyable, but not take absurd durations thats all. Players playing constantly all day every day could do it in a few days i bet or less.


Are we playing the same game? This is not DCUO or Champions Online. I have been playing my current character for twelve hours and am level 16.

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I think it all comes down to personal choice.


say time to level:


150 hours voice over and dialogue

50 hours hitting stuff and running about.


They chose to skip the dialogue and voice over.


Many consider the hitting stuff and running about the grind. How much grind exactly do you want?


If you want a lot of hitting stuff and running about then that market is more than amply catered for with other games.. TBH I suggest if that's what you want then you should go and play one of them.

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Are we playing the same game? This is not DCUO or Champions Online. I have been playing my current character for twelve hours and am level 16.

This is kinda the point. Lots of different people approach MMOs in different ways. To label MMOs as one kind of playstyle is unnecessarily limiting, and from what I've seen so far Bioware are doing just fine in catering to both ends of the levelling spectrum.

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im glad i decided to cancel my preorder and not play this game.


i visit the forums every few weeks to see how things are doing though, and sadly doesnt look like its doing too hot.


paying for a f2p-esque game just isnt my forte.


Thanks for not adding to my queue times, they are already long since there are more people playing than BW probably ever imagined they would get.


Also, they won't miss your money. They have millions of happy customers already. But thanks for playing the game of life!

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Actually it means everything to everyone.


If the game is to quick to level, what happens when people get to lvl cap and get bored?


They leave, when that happens you find the more who leave, the less money the company has to spend on content to keep people in the game.


So you should all care, after 15 years of playing mmo's, games that enable you to get to the lvl cap quickly don't keep subscribers around for to long.


Leveling content does not = end game content. So they breezed through the stuff that teaches you how to play the game and gives you some good background info and story. Now they get to wait for everyone else to catch up to run max lvl content, which I already know there is a lot of.

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