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Bioware was sleeping or testers didnt care? Lvl 50s in 4 days ?? ***


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A couple of things...


1. The people with level 50 characters are generally people who were involved in Beta testing. This means they know the game already, know the story lines, know where things are, and understand all the mechanics. TL;DR: they are not learning as they go, so they can advance much faster.


2. The people with level 50 characters have been making use of a couple of exploits that have already been fixed by BW - namely the early (days 1 and 2 of early release) unbalanced XP awards for PvP and Space Combat. This option has been removed. TL;DR: the XP loophole for PvP and Space Combat has been fixed.


3. The people with level 50 characters have invested massive amounts of time and effort, despite these shortcuts, to get to max level. They clearly have the time and flexibility in their lives to play 40 hours straight. Joe Average does not. TL;DR: the trolls dwelling in their momma's basements, with nothing better to do in their lives but play SWTOR, wil always advance faster than people with lives, responsibilities, friends, etc.


4. Pre-registering entire guilds allowed to co-ordinated approaches to power-levelling amongst dedicated hard-core gamers. You are obviously not a hard-core gamer. You are interested in story and thus will play all the quests and side-story plots and such that they neglected. Your experience will not be the same as theirs. TL;DR: there is plenty of stuff for you to experience if you choose to take the time to do it.



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Definitely have to relax. BioWare is fine. People want to level fast and know how to. I am told by some of my friends on the server I am a slow leveler. It's only been a week and I'm level 24...but there are people who have played just as long and haven't cracked 15.


We all have our own pace. Enjoy your game..who cares what others are doing?

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Definitely have to relax. BioWare is fine. People want to level fast and know how to. I am told by some of my friends on the server I am a slow leveler. It's only been a week and I'm level 24...but there are people who have played just as long and haven't cracked 15.


We all have our own pace. Enjoy your game..who cares what others are doing?


exactly. enjoy your own pace. i have 4 toons, 3 are just over 10 and one is only 1 still lol. i like my alts :)


been messing with crafting, black talon runs, generally snooping around. i dont care if someone runs past me and they are 10+ levels above me, they are doing what they want, im doing what i want. all good

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I was one of the lucky players who got the invite in the first wave. I logged into my server about 20 minutes after the servers went live, there were only 24 people on Korriban at the time and 1 other in my guild. Well I logged out and went to work. The other guy in my guild stayed and played ALL day.


When I got home, ate dinner, spent time with the kids, walked the dog, put the kids to bed and finally logged back in, said guildy was level 21 or so. I was 1 lol. Fast forward to last night, he is 49 and I am 17, but I also have three or four alts. He focused on just the one with the goal of leveling quickly.


I would estimate it takes about 40 hours of play to reach 50. If you do 2 hours a night it will take you a lot longer than the guy on winter break playing 12-15 hours a day.


Such is life.

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The game is new, power lvlers will always exist and you should just ignore them. They here for capping, others are here for enjoyment of exploration and story. Also I would not be suprised that Bioware will eventually raise the lvl cap, its a good tactic that has worked on other games in the past. 2 years from now max lvl will prob be lvl 80 or something lol
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Testers sleeping? Bioware not paying attention? Who tested this game? The game has been out live for like 4 days and we have lvl 50s running around??? Seriously did Bioware not realise how stupidly quick ppl could lvl? The game isnt even officaly released yet and we have ppl at capped level.. this doesnt bore well for long term.


I just don't see why you, or any of us for that matter, should care? Let them have fun. I want to enjoy the story, just like you. But why should people who enjoy power leveling not be allowed to?

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I have over two full days of play time since the 13th which is a TON for me with kids and work and all. I have all but focused 85% of my time on one character. I do not skip cut scenes, I do PVP, Flashpoints, and Space Missions as well. I have a Vanguard Trooper that is 26th. I got a Bounty Hunter to 11 as well. Leveling slows a lot as you hit the 20s but not the play experience. The stort remains great and the world are fun. There is more than enough stuff to do to keep me busy for a long time.


Think about it, 24 hours of play time is what is in many single player RPGs in total. This game has tons to do if you choose to do it.


Power levelers will camp in a chair, skip anything that is not getting them XP, and go 24/7 until they cap. If they treated this more like an RPG MMO instead of just and end game MMO they would not be at 50 yet. They are losing all of the real benefit to the game.

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In the first expansion of The MMO That Shall Not Be Named, someone who rolled a blood elf the first day they were available beat my already rolled rogue to 60. My rogue was 56. And that was before Blizzard streamlined and then nerfed the heck out 1-60 leveling.


So there's powerlevelers in any game. A lot of things can be done in a 30 hour power gaming session. Of course, they probably skipped all the dialgoue and other stuff that makes TOR great, but kudos to them.

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I just don't see why you, or any of us for that matter, should care? Let them have fun. I want to enjoy the story, just like you. But why should people who enjoy power leveling not be allowed to?


I have to agree. I never understood why people concern themselves with the actions of others. So what if there are capped players? Leave them at it. People who play 16 hours a day or whatever will always level fast. But for me, as someone with a job (you know, not playing games all day long) and a lust for booze and female company on the weekends the game's pace seems perfect. I played a few hours on Friday, Sat and Sunday and I just reached level 10 on my Jedi.


At the end of the day, Bioware has targeted this game at casual players. And while I wasn't always a casual MMOer, I thank them for it. Because I really don't want to be spending day in day out playing an MMO anymore just to get half a level. Those days are long gone, and as a consequence people with copious amounts of time on their hands will always decimate casual friendly games like this.


Level cap in four days? Fair play, let them enjoy the game however they want. I doubt I'll be cap for months to come yet.

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great news actually. if i want to level an alt, it wont take months of grinding through quests i already know! And I want to level at least eight to enjoy eacg class storyline


I like most am enjoying the content and am level 22 after 3 days playing.

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