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Massive E3 Announcement on Monday


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Free to play to level 15 (starting in July)

New warzone: Ancient Hypergates (This year)

Level cap increase and new combat abilities (This year)

New companion: HK-51 Droid (This Year)

New playable species: Cathar (This Year)

Nightmare mode (This Year)

New Operation: Terror from Beyond (This Year)

New World to Explore: Makeb (This Year)

New space mission: Space Station Assault (This Year)



Youtube video of announcement




If I missed anything please post in this thread and I will update.








So all the commericals running over the weekend for SWTOR is stating there is going to be a MASSIVE announcement on Monday at E3. Lets start the speculation to what it could be...



Early server transfers?

More Legacy stuff we dont know about yet?

Early Ranked Warzones?


fix your current issues before getting ahead of yourself bioware. this game can't even stand up on it's own yet and you're talking about raising lvl caps and such.... just stupid honestly..

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Difference is that for the past 8 or so pages, you tried to tout what you "feel" as fact by telling everyone that it was written elsewhere and that all they need to do is look for it. If you would have stated that, "In my opinion, blah blah blah....", instead of trying to pass your opinions off as facts, this whole conversation would never had happened. So no. It isn't that obvious when you carry on for multiple pages that what you "feel" is truth and that people are refusing to see the writings on the walls from dev comments (which are not there, no matter what the circumstance is behind them mysteriously not being there.)


Yeeeaaahh... see that's the thing. That was never my intention, so I think it will go back into my sig. My wife tells me I have a tendency to present my opinion as fact, so I apologize.


However, the only time I actually mean to be factual is when I post links or dev quotes.


I posted what I did to show that even professional journalists have the same opinion based on overall comments and indications, so it's not like I'm off my rocker here. Didn't mean it as "proof", as it's not empirical.


P.S. - Hardmode time, so I'll see y'all later! Been a great discussion, thanks! ;)

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Yeeeaaahh... see that's the thing. That was never my intention, so I think it will go back into my sig. My wife tells me I have a tendency to present my opinion as fact, so I apologize.


However, the only time I actually mean to be factual is when I post links or dev quotes.


I posted what I did to show that even professional journalists have the same opinion based on overall comments and indications, so it's not like I'm off my rocker here. Didn't mean it as "proof", as it's not empirical.


P.S. - Hardmode time, so I'll see y'all later! Been a great discussion, thanks! ;)


No problem. Apology accepted :). Have fun in your HM. Wish my guild would log in so I can do some lol.

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- One more humanoid race? Ok... well.. same body size, same bodytypes, different head.

- Only ONE more warzones?

- A planet that looks almost the same like all others... I predict mobs standing around waiting plus corridor layout.

- One more railshooter mission (That wasn´t necessary...)

- A new companion, well, nice.


Errm.. sorry but I should be excited because of....?


Yep, they doubled down on the original design. I envy those who are happy with this, but it's the death knell re-visited for me. Well now I know the projected possible return date to play SWTOR is that much farther out.

Unless Makeb is open in design.

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Hmmm, quite interesting. Anyone else find it at all strange that DarthNuke here enjoys subscribing and then unsubscribing so he can "play" on and off on his dead server. And, of course, since his server is dead he really isn't doing any playing as he has made that perfectly clear throughout this thread. If that wasn't odd enough, he complains that his server is dead and that is the very reason he will quit in an attempt to "pvp them right back" (whatever the hell that means). I don't understand you in the slightest, good sir.


Does it somehow, in your mind, compute that repeatedly giving BioWare money is doing them any harm. Surely you can't really believe that claiming "I play on a dead server therefore my rage quit is justified" when BioWare has already offered a solution that they plan to roll out soon enough?


As far as I can tell, you are amused by trolling these forums about an issue that has been resolved. It still boggles my mind that you can complain about a non-issue and then continue to give BioWare your money. Seriously, if you wanted to do any "harm" to BioWare you would hit them in the only place that it really matters. Their pocketbook. Simply unsubscribing and leaving it at that will be more effective than trolling these forums.


Good sense, sir. Your rationale makes none.


Hey Einstein. When I sub then unsub, that's in the same day, when I already have (unfortunately) an active subscription. I just like unsubbing off my dead server. It feels good. Like I said, I wish my account was on hold and not rotting, but whatever. Go all 'Columbo' and try to read into something...when all I'm doing is venting about my dead server.

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That warzone and operation look way more sword and sorcery than I expect from Star Wars. Fighting a big monster in a dimensional void on floating stone platforms? Come on. I don't remember anything like that happening in the movies, or any of the books. A whole universe to explore, and they keep ignoring it and making up their own stupid space magic. Edited by Gungan
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Hey Einstein. When I sub then unsub, that's in the same day, when I already have (unfortunately) an active subscription. I just like unsubbing off my dead server. It feels good. Like I said, I wish my account was on hold and not rotting, but whatever. Go all 'Columbo' and try to read into something...when all I'm doing is venting about my dead server.


Yeah... we heard ya the first time! Since you're unwilling to reroll you only make yourself look silly. You claim you can't play the game, but at the same time you won't accept any solution. You've had a couple to choose from.


1.) Reroll: Since server transfers are coming and you want to play this game then you might as well reroll. No harm done. You weren't getting anything done on your dead server anyhow. You've made that perfectly clear with us.


2.) Unsubscribe and wait for transfers: As you should be well aware, server transfers are coming. If you don't want to reroll then please don't do something that you don't want to do. Since, as you say, you can't play on your dead server you might as well just cancel and wait for the transfers. This way you'll actually save money rather than throw $15/month at the game that you "can't play". When transfers go live all you have to do is resubscribe and transfer yourself! You couldn't play anyways, right? Why toss $15/month at something you get no use out of?


Those, ultimately, are your two best choices. Unfortunately, you haven't seen reason and have belligerently stuck your guns and have opted for a third option.


3.) Do nothing to help myself and wander the forums crying "woe is me": We all get that you play on a dead server. You've made that perfectly clear. BioWare has also made it perfectly clear that transfers are coming and you'll be able to get off your dead server. You're complaining over nothing now. Had you been making these complaints before BioWare said "Hey, we're gonna do transfers for all you guys" then I would have agreed with you and supported a character transfer system. You, however, have decided to continue to complain about a resolved issue. It's ridiculous quite frankly.


Yes, it's unfortunate that you wound up on a dead server, but you aren't trapped there as you would like to think you are. Options are available and that includes those delicious server transfers. Since you have made it abundantly clear that you will not reroll I highly suggest you cancel your subscription and wait for server transfers. Alternatively, you could continue to play on your dead server and make the most of it. Transfers are coming. Get over yourself.

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Man JC is a professional.


He pretty much just spent the better part of his day (and some of yours) derailing all discussion about the E3 announcements and how lackluster they were by ranting and raving on an absolutely senseless subject about something that may or may not even be coming to the game and certainly wasn't one of the things announced today.


He then left, after hours and hours of funneling the focus of this thread into something that wasn't even somewhat related to the title topic, after nearly everyone that was interested in ripping on the E3 announcements was lulled into a slumber by the boring debate over space pvp. This thread is nearly dead now. I'm impressed.


I hope BioEAware is paying this man well, he truly deserves every penny of his salary. I'm glad he wasn't one of the lay-offs.

Edited by Celebrus
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Yeah... we heard ya the first time! Since you're unwilling to reroll you only make yourself look silly. You claim you can't play the game, but at the same time you won't accept any solution. You've had a couple to choose from.


1.) Reroll: Since server transfers are coming and you want to play this game then you might as well reroll. No harm done. You weren't getting anything done on your dead server anyhow. You've made that perfectly clear with us.


2.) Unsubscribe and wait for transfers: As you should be well aware, server transfers are coming. If you don't want to reroll then please don't do something that you don't want to do. Since, as you say, you can't play on your dead server you might as well just cancel and wait for the transfers. This way you'll actually save money rather than throw $15/month at the game that you "can't play". When transfers go live all you have to do is resubscribe and transfer yourself! You couldn't play anyways, right? Why toss $15/month at something you get no use out of?


#2 is the only rational thing you have managed to say in this thread... your "just reroll" cheerleading is nauseating and pathetic.... you are like the most fanboi of fanbois. EVERYTHING that Bioware has produced as far as content is concerned since release has ENCOURAGED you to stay on ONE server, and reroll alts ad nauseum.


After having been the good little lab rat, with 3 50s and a few other high 30s alts.... why the HECK would I ever want to reroll? Been there, done that.... MAYBE I could stomach it if I could level by doing JUST the class quests alone, and skip all the other BS inbetween. Heck, I can't even finish decking out my 50s in PVP gear because ques pop once an hour at primetime IF I am lucky.


So yeah, your #2 is really the only sane option for a person who's already run a 50 or two.... and even then I think any person interested in PvP is not going to stick around for much longer (most have already left) unless cross server ques and rated come real soon. And I'm not biting that it's gonna hit on 1.3.... have they even started TESTING rated yet!?!?!?! And cross server is a MUST, no exceptions.

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#2 is the only rational thing you have managed to say in this thread... your "just reroll" cheerleading is nauseating and pathetic.... you are like the most fanboi of fanbois. EVERYTHING that Bioware has produced as far as content is concerned since release has ENCOURAGED you to stay on ONE server, and reroll alts ad nauseum.


After having been the good little lab rat, with 3 50s and a few other high 30s alts.... why the HECK would I ever want to reroll? Been there, done that.... MAYBE I could stomach it if I could level by doing JUST the class quests alone, and skip all the other BS inbetween. Heck, I can't even finish decking out my 50s in PVP gear because ques pop once an hour at primetime IF I am lucky.


So yeah, your #2 is really the only sane option for a person who's already run a 50 or two.... and even then I think any person interested in PvP is not going to stick around for much longer (most have already left) unless cross server ques and rated come real soon. And I'm not biting that it's gonna hit on 1.3.... have they even started TESTING rated yet!?!?!?! And cross server is a MUST, no exceptions.


The first option is perfectly valid. If you can't get anything done on a dead server then why should you hang around? Just to hope that it might get better overnight? Doesn't sound like a very sound idea to me. Furthermore, I'm not trying to say he should just reroll and forget that he ever had a level 50 on a dead server. I'm saying that he should reroll while patiently waiting for server transfers. Then he can go back to his level 50 and everything will be right as rain. You aren't trying to say that it makes more sense to play on a dead server, one that he claims he can't even get anything done on , than to reroll elsewhere if he wants to play the game, are you? That first solution was only intended to tide him over until server transfers are available. I apologize that I wasn't crystal clear on that point.


But I appreciate your enthusiasm and eagerness to jump to conclusions and attack me rather than have civilized conversation. Truly, thank you for that! :)

Edited by ItchyThePenguin
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Free to play to level 15 (starting in July)

New warzone: Ancient Hypergates (This year)

Level cap increase and new combat abilities (This year)

New companion: HK-51 Droid (This Year)

New playable species: Cathar (This Year)

Nightmare mode (This Year)

New Operation: Terror from Beyond (This Year)

New World to Explore: Makeb (This Year)

New space mission: Space Station Assault (This Year)


So, since most of those say ETA "This Year"... is this kind of a list of the total developments we can expect for the rest of this year?


I myself don't think an increase in the level cap this soon is good. It means the treadmill already needs extending. But that's just me, I'm not too into leveling itself.


I'm disappointed about the Cathar. I'd much rather have the Togruta.


I am happy to see a new warzone and a new space mission. Especially the warzone.

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That's a good point. The winner of the poll, by FAR, was Kashyyyk. I bet that's the next planet.

Except that if they add this planet they have to make playable Wookies of players will be really disappointed.

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The first option is perfectly valid. If you can't get anything done on a dead server then why should you hang around? Just to hope that it might get better overnight? Doesn't sound like a very sound idea to me. Furthermore, I'm not trying to say he should just reroll and forget that he ever had a level 50 on a dead server. I'm saying that he should reroll while patiently waiting for server transfers. Then he can go back to his level 50 and everything will be right as rain. You aren't trying to say that it makes more sense to play on a dead server, one that he claims he can't even get anything done on , than to reroll elsewhere if he wants to play the game, are you? That first solution was only intended to tide him over until server transfers are available. I apologize that I wasn't crystal clear on that point.


But I appreciate your enthusiasm and eagerness to jump to conclusions and attack me rather than have civilized conversation. Truly, thank you for that! :)


It's been 6 months since release and he's been screwed for like 4 of them. I say flood the forums everyday until the situation is rectified.

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It's been 6 months since release and he's been screwed for like 4 of them. I say flood the forums everyday until the situation is rectified.


I can understand the frustration, but a handful of people getting up-in-arms about an issue that is already going to be rectified is just wasted breath, I think. The transfers are on their way. We all just need to be a little more patient.

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That warzone and operation look way more sword and sorcery than I expect from Star Wars. Fighting a big monster in a dimensional void on floating stone platforms? Come on. I don't remember anything like that happening in the movies, or any of the books. A whole universe to explore, and they keep ignoring it and making up their own stupid space magic.


You don't remember Anakin fighting Obi-Wan in a firey "void" on floating platforms? :p


Seriously, though, how did you get "dimensional void on floating stone platforms" from barely one second of video?

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Except that if they add this planet they have to make playable Wookies of players will be really disappointed.


Well, DE did name wookiees as a strong possible for player species to be added at some point. They just won't be available for force using classes per GL.

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Man JC is a professional.


He pretty much just spent the better part of his day (and some of yours) derailing all discussion about the E3 announcements and how lackluster they were by ranting and raving on an absolutely senseless subject about something that may or may not even be coming to the game and certainly wasn't one of the things announced today.


He then left, after hours and hours of funneling the focus of this thread into something that wasn't even somewhat related to the title topic, after nearly everyone that was interested in ripping on the E3 announcements was lulled into a slumber by the boring debate over space pvp. This thread is nearly dead now. I'm impressed.


I hope BioEAware is paying this man well, he truly deserves every penny of his salary. I'm glad he wasn't one of the lay-offs.


I'm flattered that you think this highly of me to give me so much credit. I must make some pretty damned good arguments to be targeted like this. However, I cannot, in good conscience, accept such gratuitous credit.


Go back, though, and you'll see that I neither started that discussion, nor kept it going by posting when no one else was talking about it. I responded to someone else, then my post got questioned, I answered. Nothing more, nothing less.


But, by your post history, you're quite fond of that tinfoil hat.


I wish I had income. Things are getting dicey around here. :(

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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That warzone and operation look way more sword and sorcery than I expect from Star Wars. Fighting a big monster in a dimensional void on floating stone platforms? Come on. I don't remember anything like that happening in the movies, or any of the books. A whole universe to explore, and they keep ignoring it and making up their own stupid space magic.


It largely does come from EU comics and EU novels had Waru.

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F2P maybe? Hope not though. Can you imagine what EA would charge for micro transactions?


#1 way to drop 95% of the remaining subscription base in as minimal time as possible.


F2P(free to play) = P2W(pay to win)


And yes, this announcement is amazing and proved my point earlier this week i believed Bioware might have a hidden card up their sleeve, now im just hoping they have a Expansion in the works on top of this, plus i hope this is released by august.

Edited by Daethorz
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Wait, is it only me that thinks this is funny? The game is not even half a year old and they are already tossing in a level cap increase, new worlds, fp's and such. But maybe that are what's needed to keep the game alive, I wouldn't know. I just thought it to be hilarious.
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