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Massive E3 Announcement on Monday


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Repeating the same thing over and over that "it's in testing and coming soon", does not count... the implication of my statement was that we need details on content that is almost here.


Fair enough. At least they have stated that developer blogs are being written as we speak on exactly that.

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If you care to take a step back and actually look at the "big picture", while at the same time letting go of your hate for just a few moments, you'll realize that there exists more indication that it is coming than there is indication that it isn't.




Except to take what was quoted in that interview and make the leap to "full 3D space combat" is completely delusional, JC. I again point you to the planets poll and then remind you just which planet is being added this year. I'll give you a hint: The planet being added wasn't requested. At all.

Edited by Dezzi
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Except to take what was quoted in that interview and make the leap to "full 3D space combat" is completely delusional, JC. I again point you to the planets poll and then remind you just which planet is being added this year. I'll give you a hint: The planet being added wasn't requested. At all.


You're right! If you take ONLY that interview and make that leap, it's ridiculous. Like I said, "big picture". There have been lots of indications here in there, and on this very forum before they wiped it, that conglomerate into this picture. You were here, there was a HUGE thread about this. Along with dev comments that are now gone.

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But again, you haven't proven anything, you asked for where these hints were and I provided the link, you just didn't care enough to actually try and read any of it, honestly, I expect better from you.


Sorry. But Dezzi is right. You or JC haven't provided any type of evidence (actual statements or even the "hints") you claim are in that link you provided. I read the entire thing and no where in that link did they hint, specify or make any leading statements to back up what you and JC said. Heck JC even said it was just his "feeling" that it would happen, so that invalidates his entire argument. Both of ya'll stated in this thread that 3D space flight was coming. Not us. We asked for proof. You provided a link to a thread that had an ambiguous statement that said nothing of the sort. Just that "something big" is in the works. The burden of proof is on y'all cause y'all made the statement. Not us.

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You're right! If you take ONLY that interview and make that leap, it's ridiculous. Like I said, "big picture". There have been lots of indications here in there, and on this very forum before they wiped it, that conglomerate into this picture. You were here, there was a HUGE thread about this. Along with dev comments that are now gone.


Right. I was here. I recall the thread (which was only one of many). But I've yet to read or hear anything that convinces me that full 3D space flight is coming.


You know I'd like a JTL expansion in this game. We talked about it before. I'd love to be pleasantly surprised, but I'm just telling you that nothing of what they've said to date should at all lead you to believe they're working on it.

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You're right! If you take ONLY that interview and make that leap, it's ridiculous. Like I said, "big picture". There have been lots of indications here in there, and on this very forum before they wiped it, that conglomerate into this picture. You were here, there was a HUGE thread about this. Along with dev comments that are now gone.


So now your argument is that they were there, but it was all erased? Okay. Got it. :rolleyes:

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Sorry. But Dezzi is right. You or JC haven't provided any type of evidence (actual statements or even the "hints") you claim are in that link you provided. I read the entire thing and no where in that link did they hint, specify or make any leading statements to back up what you and JC said. Heck JC even said it was just his "feeling" that it would happen, so that invalidates his entire argument. Both of ya'll stated in this thread that 3D space flight was coming. Not us. We asked for proof. You provided a link to a thread that had an ambiguous statement that said nothing of the sort. Just that "something big" is in the works. The burden of proof is on y'all cause y'all made the statement. Not us.


Fine. Where's your "proof" that it's NOT coming? Or is that just a "feeling" you have, too? Can you even post any indications, like I have in support of my stance, that it isn't?

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Right. I was here. I recall the thread (which was only one of many). But I've yet to read or hear anything that convinces me that full 3D space flight is coming.


You know I'd like a JTL expansion in this game. We talked about it before. I'd love to be pleasantly surprised, but I'm just telling you that nothing of what they've said to date should at all lead you to believe they're working on it.


Yes, I know, you're a "cup half empty" kind of guy, and I'm a "cup half full" kinda guy. At least we can agree that it's at "half", can we? You keep thinking it's half empty, and I'll keep thinking it's half full, neither one is "wrong", and we can move on.

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Yes, I know, you're a "cup half empty" kind of guy, and I'm a "cup half full" kinda guy. At least we can agree that it's at "half", can we? You keep thinking it's half empty, and I'll keep thinking it's half full, neither one is "wrong", and we can move on.


No, that's not correct at all.


I'm a glass is half empty or full depending on if you're pouring into it or drinking from it, kind of guy.



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Right. I was here. I recall the thread (which was only one of many). But I've yet to read or hear anything that convinces me that full 3D space flight is coming.


You know I'd like a JTL expansion in this game. We talked about it before. I'd love to be pleasantly surprised, but I'm just telling you that nothing of what they've said to date should at all lead you to believe they're working on it.


I believe 100% that this game will get a JTL expansion someday, if the game is able to stabalize itself before ea pulls more funding.


I remember all of those threads, and i do remember them saying it is defiantely something they want to do in the future.


I also believe it is probably one of the biggest advantages an mmo has ever had to bring former subs back and new subs to an mmo. Bioware would have to just be braindamaged not to exploit that, AFTER they have the game up to par with their competition as far as features (group finder, etc) and Tech (super servers, x-server zones)


They would also have to be equaly brain damaged to come out with JTL 2.0 before they "fixed" swtor.

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I believe 100% that this game will get a JTL expansion someday, if the game is able to stabalize itself before ea pulls more funding.


I remember all of those threads, and i do remember them saying it is defiantely something they want to do in the future.


I also believe it is probably one of the biggest advantages an mmo has ever had to bring former subs back and new subs to an mmo. Bioware would have to just be braindamaged not to exploit that, AFTER they have the game up to par with their competition as far as features (group finder, etc) and Tech (super servers, x-server zones)


They would also have to be equaly brain damaged to come out with JTL 2.0 before they "fixed" swtor.


Definitely, but I again point out that "we want to do it" is not the same as "we are doing it." Which is all I'm saying, really.

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Fine. Where's your "proof" that it's NOT coming? Or is that just a "feeling" you have, too? Can you even post any indications, like I have in support of my stance, that it isn't?


Really? That's the best that you have? The burden of proof is on you. You're the one who said it is coming because the proof was written on the forums. And by your "feeling". I never stated that they were and never said that the devs said or "hinted" that it wasn't coming. I'm not the one on the forum making blatant statements about things people never said, so I have no reason to prove anything.


And "something big" could mean anything. It could mean guild capitol ships. It could mean an 8 person FP. It could mean a FP where you go into the atmosphere and attack ground objectives. It could mean anything. But you don't see me on here posting it as fact, do you?


Using the age old forum reply, "Screenshot or it didn't happen."

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Except to take what was quoted in that interview and make the leap to "full 3D space combat" is completely delusional, JC. I again point you to the planets poll and then remind you just which planet is being added this year. I'll give you a hint: The planet being added wasn't requested. At all.


You are making the very large presumption that said poll was regarding the first new (explorable) planet to be released. Surely you should be able to see how...ignorant...that presumption would be? Makeb was already planned, I would think that should be rather clear.


The poll was likely for the next one.


Regarding space combat - personally, I just don't see us getting 3d space flight any time soon, no matter how much I would like it. I find it more likely that Daniel was referring to the overall plan for space, which may well include free flight, and PvP. I think the first iteration is going to be more epic battles, that perhaps also have planetary ramifications. We shall see.



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Yes. I have cancelled. I have 17 days remaining on my free month.


Yes. I resub every now and again...only to just unsub some more.


Yes. I log on to my dead server pretty much every day.....don't ask me why....cuz I don't know either.


I do this cuz:

1) its fun

2) it throws off their precious metrics where 1 + 1 = 4

3) i get to type DEAD SERVER as my reason for leaving over and over again

4) if they're going to grief me by keeping me on this server, ima pvp them right back


Yes....I am easily entertained....as long as it isn't boring pve.


Hmmm, quite interesting. Anyone else find it at all strange that DarthNuke here enjoys subscribing and then unsubscribing so he can "play" on and off on his dead server. And, of course, since his server is dead he really isn't doing any playing as he has made that perfectly clear throughout this thread. If that wasn't odd enough, he complains that his server is dead and that is the very reason he will quit in an attempt to "pvp them right back" (whatever the hell that means). I don't understand you in the slightest, good sir.


Does it somehow, in your mind, compute that repeatedly giving BioWare money is doing them any harm. Surely you can't really believe that claiming "I play on a dead server therefore my rage quit is justified" when BioWare has already offered a solution that they plan to roll out soon enough?


As far as I can tell, you are amused by trolling these forums about an issue that has been resolved. It still boggles my mind that you can complain about a non-issue and then continue to give BioWare your money. Seriously, if you wanted to do any "harm" to BioWare you would hit them in the only place that it really matters. Their pocketbook. Simply unsubscribing and leaving it at that will be more effective than trolling these forums.


Good sense, sir. Your rationale makes none.

Edited by ItchyThePenguin
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You are making the very large presumption that said poll was regarding the first new (explorable) planet to be released. Surely you should be able to see how...ignorant...that presumption would be? Makeb was already planned, I would think that should be rather clear.


The poll was likely for the next one.


Regarding space combat - personally, I just don't see us getting 3d space flight any time soon, no matter how much I would like it. I find it more likely that Daniel was referring to the overall plan for space, which may well include free flight, and PvP. I think the first iteration is going to be more epic battles, that perhaps also have planetary ramifications. We shall see.




That's a good point. The winner of the poll, by FAR, was Kashyyyk. I bet that's the next planet.

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You are making the very large presumption that said poll was regarding the first new (explorable) planet to be released. Surely you should be able to see how...ignorant...that presumption would be? Makeb was already planned, I would think that should be rather clear.


The poll was likely for the next one.


Regarding space combat - personally, I just don't see us getting 3d space flight any time soon, no matter how much I would like it. I find it more likely that Daniel was referring to the overall plan for space, which may well include free flight, and PvP. I think the first iteration is going to be more epic battles, that perhaps also have planetary ramifications. We shall see.




Exactly my point! I'm trying to highlight how silly it is to base our perceptions of future development on community polls or our gut feelings on developer hints. For example, the "what features would you like to see" poll says nothing about what the developers actually plan to do--nor should it. The whole point of these polls is to give the developers an idea of where our mind is at, not provide us a road map (as badly as I wish it were true).

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Pretty much what I was getting at also.


LOL! You know, during all the almost 10,000 posts I had pre-launch, I had a signature that said: "The preceding was strictly my opinion, and should be taken as such." It is starting to seem like I need to do that again, although, on a discussion forum, that should be obvious.


Also, I was known for my constantly supplying links and dev quotes. It's not my fault they completely wiped everything (which was a mistake, imho). Don't think, for a second, that it is somehow "convenient" for me. I have almost a photographic memory, and not being able to supply for you all what I *know* I've read is highly irritating.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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EA is trying to get in big presentations of NEW GAMES. Why would they waste more screen time on a game that people have known about for half a year.

Go cry somewhere else.


First off, who cares about those other games.


Second off shut up and stop being a *****.

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LOL! You know, during all the almost 10,000 posts I had pre-launch, I had a signature that said: "The preceding was strictly my opinion, and should be taken as such." It is starting to seem like I need to do that again, although, on a discussion forum, that should be obvious.


Also, I was known for my constantly supplying links and dev quotes. It's not my fault they completely wiped everything (which was a mistake, imho). Don't think, for a second, that it is somehow "convenient" for me. I have almost a photographic memory, and not being able to supply for you all what I *know* I've read is highly irritating.


Difference is that for the past 8 or so pages, you tried to tout what you "feel" as fact by telling everyone that it was written elsewhere and that all they need to do is look for it. If you would have stated that, "In my opinion, blah blah blah....", instead of trying to pass your opinions off as facts, this whole conversation would never had happened. So no. It isn't that obvious when you carry on for multiple pages that what you "feel" is truth and that people are refusing to see the writings on the walls from dev comments (which are not there, no matter what the circumstance is behind them mysteriously not being there.)

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