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Massive E3 Announcement on Monday


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Nothing changed except your falsified belief that I actually stated I would show you definitive evidence that 3D space combat has been confirmed, I never claimed I would.


So it's not silly or outlandish to base one's expectations on developer "hints" and polls (which I've already demonstrated the silliness of)? Seems pretty silly to me.


Yeah your tune changed alright--at the moment I called on you to provide what source or well of wisdom that was informing your very silly opinion, and you give me a link to a thread that includes nothing but hype and fan expectations.

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For the life of me, I can't figure out why people are so angry. It's just a game. BioWare didn't just run over your dog. If you got even a month of enjoyment out of the game, I'd say you probably got your money's worth.


I don't know...from my perspective, BioWare just seems to be so much more on top of things than the developers of the last major MMORPG I played. Would I have preferred they not distrubute the playerbase so broadly and had a group finder available at launch? Sure. Do I wish they hadn't designed a PvP gear system that includes expertise rating? You bet! Would it have been nice to have a less linear path through the planetary progression in order to break up some of the monotony of playing alts? No doubt.


But with all of that said, I'm still here 6 months later and still enjoying myself. Even if I weren't, I think I'd have probably just made peace with the notion that maybe themepark games aren't really meant to be played forever.

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Fine! I don't really care one way or the other. Why don't you just cancel your subscription until transfers come around then? When that hanppens you can go back to your 50 and run all the end game content your little heart desires!


Nothing wrong with taking a break from gaming. I do it all the time. It's actually quite healthy. Some people here should try it...

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No one here is suggesting that you reroll and forget that your beloved characters on a dead server ever existed. We're simply saying that if you really want to play this game then why not reroll where you can actually play the game? Transfers will be along soon enough and then you can go back to your beloved characters.

I'm in the fortunate position of being a member of a guild which absorbed most of the raiders on my server (all 8 of them ;) ), so I actually get to do an ops now and again. I just don't relish the thought of rerolling on a new server at this point, because i would have to either persuade my friends in the guild to reroll with me (won't happen), or leave them behind and start all over. I made the choice not to reroll, but I also don't judge the ones who chose the other option and did reroll. It annoys me that if you make the choice not to reroll, you apparently are not motivated to experience the game in its fullness... bull****!

Edited by Sauska
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Personally, they need to stop talking about content that is 4 months out, and start talking about the content that is 4 weeks out.


They already have, and it's everywhere. Shouldn't take you long to find it. ;)


I don't guarantee you'll like the answer, though. :D

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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So it's not silly or outlandish to base one's expectations on developer "hints" and polls (which I've already demonstrated the silliness of)? Seems pretty silly to me.


Yeah your tune changed alright--at the moment I called on you to provide what source or well of wisdom that was informing your very silly opinion, and you give me a link to a thread that includes nothing but hype and fan expectations.


Did you even try to read? did you even watch the links? you didn't did you?


I swear my IQ goes down by the second, it's like fallout 3 with radiation sickness...

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Did you even try to read? did you even watch the links? you didn't did you?


I swear my IQ goes down by the second, it's like fallout 3 with radiation sickness...


Great response. I like the part where you prove me wrong.



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Fine! I don't really care one way or the other. Why don't you just cancel your subscription until transfers come around then? When that hanppens you can go back to your 50 and run all the end game content your little heart desires!


I did cancel. I will resub when transfers come out.


However, all of us on dead servers, should have the option of suspending accounts! This is rediculous! WE HAVE TO ROT PAID GAME TIME AND THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE.


That said, I can only forum pvp for another couple weeks. Don't worry. I'll be on vacation soon. :)

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They already have, and it's everywhere. Shouldn't take you long to find it. ;)


I don't guarantee you'll like the answer, though. :D


I think he means details. It's sad that I know MUCH more about Blizzards new Expansion than TOR's 1.3 patch.

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Omg dude. I hate PVE. I did it once to run the end game, which I love. What part of that is so confusing? It's not just me. A lot of us on PVP servers are like this. Reroll is not an option.


Re-roll is also a poor option for some PvE players. If you've invested time and ... I dunno, make-believe? ... into a character, "re-roll" is like *********** Chinese. My character is my character - she's who she is, I've lived with her, grown with her through a story, she can't be "re-rolled".


Fortunately, it's possible to re-roll another class and experience another story, so it's not quite as ridiculous advice as it might be, but still ... it's a poor option, when really it should be BW getting its finger out and sorting out this population problem.

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Re-roll is also a poor option for some PvE players. If you've invested time and ... I dunno, make-believe? ... into a character, "re-roll" is like *********** Chinese. My character is my character - she's who she is, I've lived with her, grown with her through a story, she can't be "re-rolled".


Fortunately, it's possible to re-roll another class and experience another story, so it's not quite as ridiculous advice as it might be, but still ... it's a poor option, when really it should be BW getting its finger out and sorting out this population problem.


I dunno. I though the story stuff was boring. Hit the space bar thru most of it. I just want to get to max level, then min/max my gear. If it wasn't so bland and already-been-done....I might have liked it more. My agenda wasn't pve though....not one bit.

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I made the choice not to reroll, but I also don't judge the ones who chose the other option and did reroll. It annoys me that if you make the choice not to reroll, you apparently are not motivated to experience the game in its fullness... ********!


That's not at all what I was trying to say. Perhaps I wasn't very clear. If you don't want to reroll I can understand that. It just irritates me that a lot of people are resistant to the idea of rerolling and at the same time they ***** and moan about how they can't play the game because their server is dead! I mean, seriously, there comes a point where you just have to cut your losses and run. All the crying in the world won't change a damn thing. In my opinion, the only thing that can save a dying server would be a massive influx of players to this game.

Anyways, I'm glad you have people to play with -- I really am! I don't begrudge your decision not to reroll either. That's all fine and dandy.

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I dunno. I though the story stuff was boring. Hit the space bar thru most of it. I just want to get to max level, then min/max my gear. If it wasn't so bland and already-been-done....I might have liked it more. My agenda wasn't pve though....not one bit.


Again, comes to a Story-driven PvE game(Something he does not even like) to primarily endgame and PvP when they have stated multiple times that this wouldn't be the focus at all.

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I'm actually not sure why people are giving you a hard time. I also love the PvP combat in this game and could probably even do warzones until I'm blue in the face, though some other options would be nice. The quality of the PvP combat was something that really surprised me when I got a chance to Beta test this game. To be honest, I've found it to be some of the most fun of any MMORPG I've played (level 50 is kind of messed up, but maybe you don't have the same problem with it that I do).


At this point, I'm leveling a few characters almost purely through PvP and it's pretty fun. I feel bad for players on other servers who never get to see a queue pop. If that were the case for me, I'd probably be a bit downtrodden, as well.


I don't have that problem. I run a Jedi Shadow. LOVE THIS CLASS. The tank spec (as we all know) is killer. And that's another thing that bothers me. For once in my MMO career, I picked an awesome class at launch. Now, my character rots, and I'm sure when 1.3 hits.....my class will be nerfed.


So...I have a War Hero Shadow in all Battlemaster Gear...that I can't play....I get to watch videos of other people playing their Shadows.....next patch hits....I get on a good server....now my class stinks. I can see it coming.

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That's not at all what I was trying to say. Perhaps I wasn't very clear. If you don't want to reroll I can understand that. It just irritates me that a lot of people are resistant to the idea of rerolling and at the same time they ***** and moan about how they can't play the game because their server is dead! I mean, seriously, there comes a point where you just have to cut your losses and run. All the crying in the world won't change a damn thing. In my opinion, the only thing that can save a dying server would be a massive influx of players to this game.

Anyways, I'm glad you have people to play with -- I really am! I don't begrudge your decision not to reroll either. That's all fine and dandy.

I didn't mean to suggest YOU implied that, sorry! I just abused your post to explain why that reroll suggestion bothers me. (I was refering to another reroll fanatic in this thread who seems to hold that opinion.) :)

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I am 100% against server transfers. They will make dying servers dead, and busy servers impossible to get into.



Thank you for listening to info that has been given out already....transfers are "Step 1."

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They already have, and it's everywhere. Shouldn't take you long to find it. ;)


I don't guarantee you'll like the answer, though. :D


Repeating the same thing over and over that "it's in testing and coming soon", does not count... the implication of my statement was that we need details on content that is almost here.

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Repeating the same thing over and over that "it's in testing and coming soon", does not count... the implication of my statement was that we need details on content that is almost here.


Don't bother. For folks like Jeramie (despite being an otherwise great person to have a discussion with) and Rayla (who I will endeavor to avoid completely in the future), a developer sneezing in a way that sounds like anything intelligible is enough to believe they're working miracles behind the scenes.

Edited by Dezzi
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So you still think the developers said "3D space flight is coming" despite being unable to provide the source? Sounds like proven wrong to me.


3D space combat? This game can barely handle 2D. Is this another "soon" thing?

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So you still think the developers said "3D space flight is coming" despite being unable to provide the source? Sounds like proven wrong to me.


If you care to take a step back and actually look at the "big picture", while at the same time letting go of your hate for just a few moments, you'll realize that there exists more indication that it is coming than there is indication that it isn't.



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