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Massive E3 Announcement on Monday


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You loathe PvE in a story driven game? PvE is a HUGE component to this game and you "loathe" that part of it? Okay then. . .


Again, why not reroll? Get a character to level 10 and then start doing PvP. If you really want to play this game that seems like a perfectly reasonable suggestion to me.


The game I purchased advertised Ilum for world PVP and Warzones. I was good with that to fix my appetite for pvp blood. I'm a pvp junkie. This is not what I purchased and should just quit on this game (and company) altogether. However, I love the warzones. I want to play the endgame pvp. My level 50 is rotting. I know this is hard for you to comprehend....but....not everyone just sit back and get screwed over. Some of us ain't afraid to speak up.


But...go ahead....reroll when your server dies. I'll giggle.

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Here's the entirety of what he was quoted as saying in that interview:



Maybe I'm not squinting hard enough or I'm not wearing the right color glasses (tee hee), but I don't see where he said full 3D space flight was coming...


Lol. Pretty much. No where in that paragraph or in the link that Rayla_Felana posted above did the devs say ANYTHING about 3D space flight. They just said "something big". Don't get me wrong. If that is what the devs are planning and it happens? Great. I am all for it and think it is a slam dunk for the game. I hope truly that it does happen because then I would feel compelled to stay. But I can't stand when people pass off assumptions and words put in other people's mouth's, as facts.


And as a previous poster put it, that poll doesn't mean jack squat. They asked the forum what planet people would most like to see added in the game. Makeba never came up and look which one is being added?


Just saying.

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Welcome to Star Wars: The Old Republic where the game is not focused at the end, rather the entire journey, with multiple characters, hence the eight different class storylines improved by the legacy where the levelling up experience will and can be changed to your preference of play.


If Endgame was the point of the game we really would be playing WoW wouldn't we?


You also once again missed the boat.


You are sat here demanding Transfers along with plenty of others, when you could actually be doing something more productive, like experiencing more of the story or any number of things, instead you choose to do what you do now, I have a level 34 I would love to be playing right now, but she is stuck on Dune Bantha, but I don't just sit there demanding to be able to transfer that character, I actually go and do what you are meant to do.


Did you reroll on Infinity Gate yet?

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Not according to the forum experts. I guess BW also throws propaganda on youtube, so, you gotta check there too. I just watched it. Game Director says 1.3.


I have seen that. Worst case, by 1.3, maybe before as SR said. Still, with 1.3 coming to PTS "within a few weeks", having a shorter turnaround than 1.2, it won't be long.


Still wouldn't recommend rerolling on another server. Unless you would? You seem to be fighting awfully hard to contradict that statement.

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Right, so where's the part where they say "full 3D space flight is coming"?


All they've ever said is that they're working on something "big" and "exciting." Terms which here fill in the lack of information they provide us with hyperbolic hype.


I never stated they outright said it, you asked where the hints, etc... were, well I just provided to you all of it.


Also 'hyperbolic hype' doesn't make any sense.

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You seem to be going off a false perspective that I somehow stated that it's "definitely, undeniably, going to come, written in stone, God himself couldn't stop it!!!!111!1thirteen".


I didn't. It's likely, though.


Well that is what you stated, but in fewer words.

Bottom line is, 3D multiplayer free-flight space content is on its way.

Now that I've gotten you to question the validity of such a claim, your tune has changed. :)


Pleasure doing business with you as always, JC. I truly do enjoy our discussions.

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Did you reroll on Infinity Gate yet?


Still avoiding the actual argument I see, tells me all I need to know.


All you are doing now is increasing your post count and decreasing any credit I may have placed in your professed reasons for being here.

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I never stated they outright said it, you asked where the hints, etc... were, well I just provided to you all of it.


Also 'hyperbolic hype' doesn't make any sense.


I invented an adjectival use of "hyperbole" to demonstrate how outlandish the developers are with their exaggerations. My apologies for the bad usage. I'm not as great a raconteur as I think I am.




Also, it's nice to see that your tune's changed now that I've pointed out how ridiculous your own claims were.

Edited by Dezzi
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The game I purchased advertised Ilum for world PVP and Warzones. I was good with that to fix my appetite for pvp blood. I'm a pvp junkie. This is not what I purchased and should just quit on this game (and company) altogether. However, I love the warzones. I want to play the endgame pvp. My level 50 is rotting. I know this is hard for you to comprehend....but....not everyone just sit back and get screwed over. Some of us ain't afraid to speak up.


But...go ahead....reroll when your server dies. I'll giggle.


You're right -- I don't get it. If you can't PvP on your 50 and you "love" the Warzones then why the hell won't you reroll so you can actually play them? Look, if you're just stubborn and don't want to start over that's fine and dandy -- cancel your sub, wait for transfers. Then everything will be right as rain. But seriously, a reroll isn't a bad idea at all if you're determined to play this game. Furthermore, you're hardly getting "screwed" because you wound up on a dead server. "Dems da breaks". BioWare could have just as easily decided not to do any character transfers. There was an issue with too many servers and BioWare is correcting said issue with transfers.


Also, I would reroll in a heartbeat if my server died.

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You could also stop rehashing that old reroll argument, as it may work for some, it doesn't solve anything and it certainly doesn't appeal to many. Not just for the time I've invested in my main so far, her legacy, RE'd schematics, the guild she belongs to. I've grown attached to her, as I always do to my first char in a new MMO.


If your significant other gets a cold, you don't chuck him or her out and order a new one on the inet either, right?

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Also, it's nice to see that your tune's changed now that I've pointed out how ridiculous your own claims were.


Nothing changed except your falsified belief that I actually stated I would show you definitive evidence that 3D space combat has been confirmed, I never claimed I would.

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This announcement of all these new features is great, but I am stranded on a server with about 50 other people total. We needed server transfers as early as March, but here we are in June still stuck and still bleeding subs. Focus on server transfers because content doesnt mean **** when you cant play the damn game.
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Well that is what you stated, but in fewer words.


Now that I've gotten you to question the validity of such a claim, your tune has changed. :)


Pleasure doing business with you as always, JC. I truly do enjoy our discussions.


Not really, I still think it's on its way. I've been around here since 2009, and so far, my feelings and interpretations have rarely been wrong. :p:D

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You're right -- I don't get it. If you can't PvP on your 50 and you "love" the Warzones then why the hell won't you reroll so you can actually play them? Look, if you're just stubborn and don't want to start over that's fine and dandy -- cancel your sub, wait for transfers. Then everything will be right as rain. But seriously, a reroll isn't a bad idea at all if you're determined to play this game. Furthermore, you're hardly getting "screwed" because you wound up on a dead server. "Dems da breaks". BioWare could have just as easily decided not to do any character transfers. There was an issue with too many servers and BioWare is correcting said issue with transfers.


Also, I would reroll in a heartbeat if my server died.


Omg dude. I hate PVE. I did it once to run the end game, which I love. What part of that is so confusing? It's not just me. A lot of us on PVP servers are like this. Reroll is not an option.

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You're right -- I don't get it. If you can't PvP on your 50 and you "love" the Warzones then why the hell won't you reroll so you can actually play them? Look, if you're just stubborn and don't want to start over that's fine and dandy -- cancel your sub, wait for transfers. Then everything will be right as rain. But seriously, a reroll isn't a bad idea at all if you're determined to play this game. Furthermore, you're hardly getting "screwed" because you wound up on a dead server. "Dems da breaks". BioWare could have just as easily decided not to do any character transfers. There was an issue with too many servers and BioWare is correcting said issue with transfers.


Also, I would reroll in a heartbeat if my server died.


A logical statement, dear god what is happening?

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Not really, I still think it's on its way. I've been around here since 2009, and so far, my feelings and interpretations have rarely been wrong. :p:D


I've been here since 2008 and I, unfortunately, have been mostly wrong when trying to divine what the developers mean. They rarely mean what they say or say what they mean.

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You could also stop rehashing that old reroll argument, as it may work for some, it doesn't solve anything and it certainly doesn't appeal to many. Not just for the time I've invested in my main so far, her legacy, RE'd schematics, the guild she belongs to. I've grown attached to her, as I always do to my first char in a new MMO.


If your significant other gets a cold, you don't chuck him or her out and order a new one on the inet either, right?


No one here is suggesting that you reroll and forget that your beloved characters on a dead server ever existed. We're simply saying that if you really want to play this game then why not reroll where you can actually play the game? Transfers will be along soon enough and then you can go back to your beloved characters.

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Still avoiding the actual argument I see, tells me all I need to know.


All you are doing now is increasing your post count and decreasing any credit I may have placed in your professed reasons for being here.


Uh...no. You act like rerolling isn't a big deal. So, reroll over here with us. Whats the problem?

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Omg dude. I hate PVE. I did it once to run the end game, which I love. What part of that is so confusing? It's not just me. A lot of us on PVP servers are like this. Reroll is not an option.


Wait wait, let me get this straight, you came to a story-driven PvE game for PvP?



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You're right -- I don't get it. If you can't PvP on your 50 and you "love" the Warzones then why the hell won't you reroll so you can actually play them? Look, if you're just stubborn and don't want to start over that's fine and dandy -- cancel your sub, wait for transfers. Then everything will be right as rain. But seriously, a reroll isn't a bad idea at all if you're determined to play this game. Furthermore, you're hardly getting "screwed" because you wound up on a dead server. "Dems da breaks". BioWare could have just as easily decided not to do any character transfers. There was an issue with too many servers and BioWare is correcting said issue with transfers.


Also, I would reroll in a heartbeat if my server died.


The best thing that can be said, even from the fanboys, is that this time next year, we'll "hopefully have a very solid game in ToR."


Even the fanboys can't come out with a straight face and say they are 100% fully pleased with the game in it's current state. I'm sorry, but even the heavier servers are much much lighter than they were 2 months ago.


It's really not worth the time wasted in rerolling when transfers are probably a month or so away, especially when nobody is holding a gun to anyone's head and saying that we absolutely must play this game even during it's most suckiest, useless, unplayable time. If you don't like it (personally I don't and am just waiting for my free month to expire) then just move on to other things.


If you can honestly sit here and say you'd reroll without even feeling so much as inconvenienced, you're a *******, and a liar to boot.


Personally, I would recommend to anyone sitting on the fence that they just cancel for the next month or two, give it another shot around transfer time, and if it's still boring with people on your server, give the game another look around summer next year. Even if the ship is going in the right direction, it's not getting there very quickly, and anyone who isn't patient almost to the point of being masochistic should just stop prioritizing waiting on the improvement of this game. Don't waste your time being miserable on this game simply because they keep dangling "Coming Soon"s in front of your face. It's not worth it.

Edited by Celebrus
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Omg dude. I hate PVE. I did it once to run the end game, which I love. What part of that is so confusing? It's not just me. A lot of us on PVP servers are like this. Reroll is not an option.


Fine! I don't really care one way or the other. Why don't you just cancel your subscription until transfers come around then? When that hanppens you can go back to your 50 and run all the end game content your little heart desires!

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