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Massive E3 Announcement on Monday


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Just because you read a nifty blog deep in the interwebs that conforms to your particular viewpoint does not make it factually true. Whether or not the developers suspected the subs would drop is completely irrelevant. You say most of the people that leave are content locusts. I find that completely untrue. Most of the people who leave are simply unhappy with one aspect of the game or another--content quantity included.


Oh you find it to be untrue? Did you ask every single person why they left the game then? I'm assuming you have...

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Level caps being raised have always seemed pointless to me in every mmorpg I have played. One of the major drawbacks for me is it requires me to grind out a bunch of characters again. It adds nothing but a mindless grind to give us the illusion of something to do. We don't need levels to grind, we need area to run around in and get lost in. Sure, this is just an opinion. I honestly feel like giving us some open land and or space to get lost in would be a much better use of resources than raising the level cap prematurely.


100% agree.


I feel the game is going down a path i can not follow


It is starting to appear to me that this game is geared toward a different type of playerbase.

I am in this for the fun not the mindless grinds.

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Honestly, I can't believe all the haters. Don't get me wrong, I was looking into Mist of Pandas and didn't have so much and was deciding on leaving the game. This trailer has given me lots of hope.

Lets Break it Down:

New Ops: Terror from Beyond


The game launched with one, technical two and bosses added on shortly after. We just got a new operations and already planned on brining out another. Not gonna lie, that's pretty cool. It's gives hardcore players new content so they don't get bored and casual players that play stroy mode and just enjoy.


One shown playable species: Cathar


There is only one shown, doesn't mean they won't bring out another. I wouldn't peg it as a for sure thing for only one new one. Honestly, how many did you expect? For the lack of a better comparison, WoW only comes out with 1-2 new species and they have probably half of the testing they need to get done due to the voice acting. I wouldn't expect any more than three and that's just being generous. BTW, the species looks sweet. Can't wait to play and hopefully they have a paid species switch so people don't have to level the same character.


New Level Cap and Abilities:


Never seen this as a issue. Level cap will proly be 55 with the one new planet. New Abilities and level cap means new talent tees with a new ability in each talent tree with porly one new ability shared with your class and one new ability with your advanced class. That's a total of at most five new abilities per advanced class. I can't see a negative in this. Maybe class imblance is the only thing so will have to wait and see.


New Planet-Makeb


Let's be honest, it's goona take a total of 7-10 hours to get 5 levels on 1 new planet. This will not make or break the game by any means for the frustration of hitting the new cap. This is prolly my least favorite addtion unless they add more on the class stories.


New Companion: HK-51


Proly going to get this companion on the new planet while leveling. This means everyone is going to have one shared companion. However, I don't like the idea of that but, I don't really care about companions that much. I know the community wanted this to be a compaion so there giving it to everyone but they better not make this a habit of giving everyone shared companions.


New Wz: Ancient HyperGates


Tor launched with three wz's. Civil war, hutball and voidstar. Just came out with novare coast and already coming out with another. I this rate, Wz's are going to hit the masses. were going to have five different wz's all in one year. That's preety cool and no complaints here.


New Space Mission:


I lied, this is my least favorite feature that's coming out. Not much to say. Only thing is, it's been said countless times by devs that they have big plans for space missions/battles and I doubt one mission is there full plan.


Not mentioned.


ETA of 1.3 and Character Transfers. Trust me I wanted to hear all the info on xfers but that doesn't appeal to the masses sadly only the people playing the game. They want people to join and that's their goal at E3. They can't only target there players base at this big of an event. We need xfers and we need them bad. Hopefully that comes out soon enough or none of these updates/content reveals matter.

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100% agree.


I feel the game is going down a path i can not follow


It is starting to appear to me that this game is geared toward a different type of playerbase.

I am in this for the fun not the mindless grinds.




I won't stick with a game the bumps up the level cap every 6 months (especially without expansion level content), the industry standard 12-18 months WITH expansion level content is enough for me.


Having to totally regrind PvE and PvP gear every 6 months........ I may as well be playing a F2P/P2W MMO.

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I won't stick with a game the bumps up the level cap every 6 months (especially without expansion level content), the industry standard 12-18 months WITH expansion level content is enough for me.


Having to totally regrind PvE and PvP gear every 6 months........ I may as well be playing a F2P/P2W MMO.


Seriously. The vid says "coming this year". The level raise could come close to that 12 month mark of yours. And every 6 months? Where are you getting this?

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Cathar playable race, new planet, story expansion, level cap raise, new warzone and more...this is great news! Now I have to figure out how to fit a cathar into my roster. I hope there is a slot increase as well. This game is going to get better.
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Have you?


Well I'm not the one saying that now am I?


I merely acknowledge the large group of locusts that flock from game to game and the resident community of bashers that tend to stick around. Pretty well known things for MMOs, even WoW.

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Seriously? No word on transfers?????


Bioware, what do I care about new content that I can't play cuz we don't have enough people to even run a warzone?


New stuff sounds great, but to me its meaningless if I can't play it. Meh... :(

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Seriously. The vid says "coming this year". The level raise could come close to that 12 month mark of yours. And every 6 months? Where are you getting this?


If the level cap raise comes in December 2012 and with expansion level content then fair enough (although why not mention the content if it's a new expansion?).


But then the game needs a lot more than 1 space mission (which seems to be their secret space update :rolleyes:) and a couple of FPs between now and then.



Otherwise it's just going down the route Bioware took with Warhammer Online in 1.4 - add a massive grind for new levels and new gear, but no new content which basically means players should give up any illusions of not being the rat on the wheel. :(

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Seriously? No word on transfers?????


Bioware, what do I care about new content that I can't play cuz we don't have enough people to even run a warzone?


New stuff sounds great, but to me its meaningless if I can't play it. Meh... :(

Why do you need word on something that has already been confirmed?..

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Seriously? No word on transfers?????


Bioware, what do I care about new content that I can't play cuz we don't have enough people to even run a warzone?


New stuff sounds great, but to me its meaningless if I can't play it. Meh... :(


Its on track for 1.3, so wait. This is announcing NEW stuff, not stuff thats already been announced and so far transfers are still good for 1.3,

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The most underwhelming "massive" announcement ever.


Other than the OP, I've missed the link to the claim that it was supposed to be a "massive" announcement. Is there a link to one of the ads that makes this claim?

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Well I'm not the one saying that now am I?


I merely acknowledge the large group of locusts that flock from game to game and the resident community of bashers that tend to stick around. Pretty well known things for MMOs, even WoW.


Yes. We know they exist, but they do not make up a majority of the people who left SWTOR.

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Seriously? No word on transfers?????


Bioware, what do I care about new content that I can't play cuz we don't have enough people to even run a warzone?


New stuff sounds great, but to me its meaningless if I can't play it. Meh... :(


The Dr. mentioned transfers in the E3 video.

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Like I said in the other thread:


I'm going to reserve final judgement, but that warzone and that operation do not look like they belong in Star Wars at all.


Looks like typical sword and sorcery stuff.

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