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Massive E3 Announcement on Monday


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No mention of world PvP. And new content that = 25% of a WoW expansion . . .


Pretty disappointing. Especially since it's been 6 months and SWTOR is still waaaay behind where it should have been at release.


You do realize (As far as I know) these are through content patches and NOT an expansion right?

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Everything sounds alright except for the level cap being raised. I've defended this game from day one and all it has done for me is make me feel like an idiot. One ridiculous decision after another. This might as well be a side scroller.


Why do people hate raising level caps? it usualy just means cool new ablities, and maybe more class stories. This game is so easy to level in it probably wont take a day to hit the cap again. The only people that should worry about raising the level cap is the devs, its the worse thing you can do when it comes to balancing gear and content.

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I'm gonna quote a nice definition since some people are thick in the head.

va·ri·e·ty: the state of being varied or diversified


Taking what is already in game and just tacking on same stuff IS NOT CONTENT. It's like George Lucas with the effects. Special effects are NOT special when you use them all the time.


But of course this post will probably get deleted anyway so whatever.


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1.4 WAR, they added a HUGE level grind (PvP levels, but in WAR it was effectively the same as real levels in any other game) and no other content.


It was basically a grind added to keep players paying...... but it largely had the reverse affect 6 months on, people just looked at the new grind and went "meh" and quit.



A level cap raise without an expansion (and mass content to go with it) is something you're more likely to find in a F2P model, not a subscription model, and certainly not every 6 months.


Ah, okay. I can see why that would put people off. However, I was under the impression that the new planet they plan to add would be where the story continues and where the level cap increase would apply. It's not exactly an "expansion" per se, but it's close enough, right? :p

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considering this isnt an expansion why should they give the same ammount of content an expansion gives???


its free.. and its not an expansion.. it hink this is an awesome content update.


QFT! Totally this

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Yeah because it's simply not true. The majority of 1.1 million people are not content locusts. Period.


Like I said, unless you're pointing out people who complained about a lack of content and are now the same people complaining about the addition of new content, your statements are nothing more than hyperbolic--which they are.


You know this how? I guess you are the only one allowed to make sweeping statements like that huh. Whether you think it's true or not doesn't matter because the Devs have even expected subs to drop...what does that tell you? They know the trend of every MMO, the large surge of players is usually the same bunch that leaves within 1-3 months.


Yeah because i'm realistically supposed to point out every individual who complained about 1.3...okay...you know very well who i'm talking about. The community of trolls that bombard every MMO forum these days.


With that i'm off to play Swtor, enjoy the forums heh.

Edited by Crash-X
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You aren't the first person to worry about a level cap raise. Honestly, I don't see how that could be a drawback. Personally, I'm super excited to see the level cap go up. Could you explain why you think it's a drawback? I just don't see it, I guess.


Go back to a planet that is say 32 while you are level 37. That is why it is a drawback. All the current HM content will be obsolete as the difficulty will be trivial for those that are a few levels higher.


An option would be to also increase the level of all the HM content but then you have everyone that has already done the grind for those, having to repeat the grind again for the newer, higher level stuff. Another drawback for current players.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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I'm gonna quote a nice definition since some people are thick in the head.

va·ri·e·ty: the state of being varied or diversified


Taking what is already in game and just tacking on same stuff IS NOT CONTENT. It's like George Lucas with the effects. Special effects are NOT special when you use them all the time.


But of course this post will probably get deleted anyway so whatever.


THANKS for clearing that up, 100% CORRECT, Quoted for Truth

They can add 20 Operations, 20 more corridor planets with exhaustion zones, 20 more humanoid races with different heads. 20 new companions and 100 new railshooter missions -> This won´t improve the game, for the love of Yoda!!

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considering this isnt an expansion why should they give the same ammount of content an expansion gives???


its free.. and its not an expansion.. it hink this is an awesome content update.


Where did it say it was free?

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Ah, okay. I can see why that would put people off. However, I was under the impression that the new planet they plan to add would be where the story continues and where the level cap increase would apply. It's not exactly an "expansion" per se, but it's close enough, right? :p


It would have to be a MASSIVE planet to equal a full expansion, which I doubt it is.


But also with the level raise basically it resets all gear, so everything you have will be useless, and you'll have to regrind new PvP and PvE gear (I guess from new dailys on the new planet).


All MMORPGs are treadmills, but there's a certain decency to the treadmill speed and the stuff that goes with things like Level increases............... level increase for the sake of level increases are a very slippery slope and can just be a cash grab al la WAR. :(

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The update is meh to be honest. The planets are too small to even feel like a planet, I expect the new planet to be like every other planet we already have. I don't care for the new race, I'm not interested in being a cathar, HK-51 pretty cool, I don't think bioware cares about PvP anymore. Good OPvP will make me return though.
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Why do people hate raising level caps? it usualy just means cool new ablities, and maybe more class stories. This game is so easy to level in it probably wont take a day to hit the cap again. The only people that should worry about raising the level cap is the devs, its the worse thing you can do when it comes to balancing gear and content.


People generally hate level cap raises because it invalidates the grind they went through to get the best gear at the previous cap (i.e. that gear is no longer elite, it's now basically useless).

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You know this how? I guess you are the only one allowed to make sweeping statements like that huh. Whether you think it's true or not doesn't matter because the Devs have even expected subs to drop...what does that tell you? They know the trend of every MMO, the large surge of players is usually the same bunch that leaves within 1-3 months.


With that i'm off to play SWTOR. Enjoy the forums heh.

Yeah because i'm realistically supposed to point out every individual who complained about 1.3...okay...you know very well who i'm talking about. The community of trolls that bombard every MMO forum these days.


With that i'm off to play Swtor, enjoy the forums heh.


Just because you read a nifty blog deep in the interwebs that conforms to your particular viewpoint does not make it factually true. Whether or not the developers suspected the subs would drop is completely irrelevant. You say most of the people that leave are content locusts. I find that completely untrue. Most of the people who leave are simply unhappy with one aspect of the game or another--content quantity included.

Edited by Dezzi
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New space combat mission.


Why is someone not fired for thinking spending one second of resources on this monstrosity is a good idea?


All the things driving massive amounts of customers away that could perhaps keep them if fixed but no...lets release another 1992 space mission on rails!




Because its cheap, they can have one guy pump it out in a fue days, considering its just a modular map with simple scripting. Chances are they will just reuse a map and make slight alterations event scripting (so it could be done in less time). Its just desperate attempt to make feature list look good to the investors (not the players), before the next wave of layoffs roll around.

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People generally hate level cap raises because it invalidates the grind they went through to get the best gear at the previous cap (i.e. that gear is no longer elite, it's now basically useless).


I don't hate it.


But 1 level cap raise every 12 to 18 months is one thing.


A level cap raise (without expansion level content to go with it) every 6 months is quite another thing....... it smells too much like a rat on the running wheel to me. I think that will be the final straw with SWTOR and me. :(

Edited by Goretzu
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Man that announcement was pretty disappointing to me. A new mode for old dungeons are still old dungeons.


Was really hoping for more pvp news but the announcement of one new warzone is a pretty big letdown. Supposedly have this amazing pvp team that so far has taken away any open pvp and added 2 new warzones total once this new one is released.


Still no news about rated warzones being marketed which means to me they arent going to be part of 1.3


Just keep kickin the can down the road..........

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What's wrong with raising the level cap? Seems like a plus to me. :confused:


Level caps being raised have always seemed pointless to me in every mmorpg I have played. One of the major drawbacks for me is it requires me to grind out a bunch of characters again. It adds nothing but a mindless grind to give us the illusion of something to do. We don't need levels to grind, we need area to run around in and get lost in. Sure, this is just an opinion. I honestly feel like giving us some open land and or space to get lost in would be a much better use of resources than raising the level cap prematurely.

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Go back to a planet that is say 32 while you are level 37. That is why it is a drawback. All the current HM content will be obsolete as the difficulty will be trivial for those that are a few levels higher.


An option would be to also increase the level of all the HM content but then you have everyone that has already done the grind for those, having to repeat the grind again for the newer, higher level stuff. Another drawback for current players.


um there's a new difficulty level

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I don't hate it.


But 1 level cap raise every 12 to 18 months is one thing.


A level cap raise (without expansion level content to go with it) every 6 months is quite another thing....... it smells too much like a rat on the running wheel to me. I think that will be the final straw with SWTOR and me. :(


The only reason I feel this game will be slightly different is because of the emphasis they placed on story with all of their voice overs and everything. If that is going to be their selling point, they will have to continue the stories on a pretty regular basis to be able to have it continue until an actual expansion launches. I don't really see how they could add to the story without raising the level cap as well. We'll have to see if it works out or not.

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I don't hate it.


But 1 level cap raise every 12 to 18 months is one thing.


A level cap raise (without expansion level content to go with it) every 6 months is quite another thing....... it smells too much like a rat on the running wheel to me. I think that will be the final straw with SWTOR and me. :(


Every 6 months? First off, the level cap won't come out now as I understand it. And why not just wait and see if they'll raise it every 6 months after they release the first one before getting too worked up about it?

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