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The elephant in the room


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Do you really think that there are 1.3 million people subbed to this game, yet alone playing it? This is one of the deadest MMOs out there atm. Look at the server populations in USA and Europe. There is no more than 20k people playing this game ( I did the math right).


You're right, SWTOR wont be shutting the doors anytime soon. They wont need to because the players already left the room and boarded the doors shut. Who the hell wants to play a game that was designed to compete against MMOs created 7-8 years ago. SWTOR is a dumbed down WOW clone catered for people who couldnt get things right in WOW in the first place. Actually, every single MMO out there atm, has more content than this sinking tub.


SWTOR is going on the shelf with AOC, STO, Warhammer Online and the rest of the overly hyped MMOs out there that provided nothing but disapointment. All SWTOR has to offer is Star Wars. An unfamiliar Star Wars setting that only a few have bothered reading up on (unless you are a KOTOR fan). No wonder that no one feels like they are living in a Star Wars universe.


How the SWTOR setting was created = make a timeline where everyone can be a Jedi (because thats ALL we SW fans think about). It cant be in the same timeline as the movies, as this will enrage Mr. Lucas. So lets make a new timeline where Jedis can be ALL over.


In a couple of months the only players left here in SWTOR will be all the KOTOR fanboys and all the hardcore Star Wars fans that have no alternative to go to. I grew up with SW Episodes 4,5,6. This game doesnt cater to me. For all the people that grew up with SW Episodes 1,2 and 3, this game doesnt cater to them either. Star Wars was buit on MOVIES. What idiot thought, "Hey lets scrap all the movies and lets just make a new story (or a story based on 2 games released over 8 years ago). Have the words Star Wars in the title and bingo! profit!!". Yeah right!!



So now that we have had our lives brighten and our minds enlighten by the person who wrote the above, we should should just quit right on the spot. I'm being as sarcastic as possible, saying this.


For someone who thinks as negative as you do and If you really believe this way then why are you still here? You wouldn't want to label yourself a "KOTOR Fanboy," would you?


Never fails. You constantly see people talking smack about the game, yet they continue paying to play it.


Be true to yourselves. if you feel like this then QUIT!

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Dropping from 2 million to 1.3 million isn't a 70% drop. it's a 35% drop , and it's also inevitable as people try out the game and inevitably some of them decide they don't like it.


At least do the math right.


PS : Didn't they say they need 400k subscribers to break even and anything else is pure gravy ? I don't think SWTOR is shuttering the doors any time soon.


2.4 million boxes down to 1.3 subs.

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First of all - I like the game. There is a lot to like.


I agree a lack of people to play with is a problem. MMOs are social games.. I won't continue to pay for a single player experience. My server is a ghost town.


There is no way they still have 1.3 million subscribers or active players.. Personally, I did a 6 month sub so I think many may be working through the time they have left. I think the 30 days free was pretty transparent - a way to influence shareholders at the end of a quarter.


The game hasn't failed but it will without server moves/mergers. All this talk of new content "in the coming year" is moot if they can't find a way to rekindle a sense of community; a denser population on each server is a start.


Go log in to Jedi Covenant at peak EST playtime and tell me that experience isn't night and day from most of the other servers. This seems such an easy fix to me and a regular part of running a MMO..The longer the delays, the more players lose interest.. That's too bad, as this game is worth playing albeit with friends - not alone....

Edited by Seaspite
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Do you really think that there are 1.3 million people subbed to this game, yet alone playing it? This is one of the deadest MMOs out there atm. Look at the server populations in USA and Europe. There is no more than 20k people playing this game ( I did the math right).


You're right, SWTOR wont be shutting the doors anytime soon. They wont need to because the players already left the room and boarded the doors shut. Who the hell wants to play a game that was designed to compete against MMOs created 7-8 years ago. SWTOR is a dumbed down WOW clone catered for people who couldnt get things right in WOW in the first place. Actually, every single MMO out there atm, has more content than this sinking tub.


SWTOR is going on the shelf with AOC, STO, Warhammer Online and the rest of the overly hyped MMOs out there that provided nothing but disapointment. All SWTOR has to offer is Star Wars. An unfamiliar Star Wars setting that only a few have bothered reading up on (unless you are a KOTOR fan). No wonder that no one feels like they are living in a Star Wars universe.


How the SWTOR setting was created = make a timeline where everyone can be a Jedi (because thats ALL we SW fans think about). It cant be in the same timeline as the movies, as this will enrage Mr. Lucas. So lets make a new timeline where Jedis can be ALL over.


In a couple of months the only players left here in SWTOR will be all the KOTOR fanboys and all the hardcore Star Wars fans that have no alternative to go to. I grew up with SW Episodes 4,5,6. This game doesnt cater to me. For all the people that grew up with SW Episodes 1,2 and 3, this game doesnt cater to them either. Star Wars was buit on MOVIES. What idiot thought, "Hey lets scrap all the movies and lets just make a new story (or a story based on 2 games released over 8 years ago). Have the words Star Wars in the title and bingo! profit!!". Yeah right!!


To your last point - the KOTOR setting/story is better than any star wars related media Lucas has put out since 4,5,6; so i think it was a perfectly fine choice for the setting of the mmo. Also, why would BW pigeon hole themselves by setting the game in Lucas' movie timeline? Using their own allows them the freedom to be creative and fresh while still maintaining lore. This seems very much an instance of the pot calling the kettle black re: fanboism.

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All SWTOR has to offer is Star Wars. An unfamiliar Star Wars setting that only a few have bothered reading up on (unless you are a KOTOR fan). No wonder that no one feels like they are living in a Star Wars universe.


That. Right there. That is a huge problem with SWTOR. It doesn't feel like Star Wars, or any of the 60 extended universe books I have sitting on my bookshelf. It feels more like space magic, or sword and sorcery with blasters.


There is wayyyy too much hippie dippie force vodoo in this game. It's like midichlorians all over again. They keep ignoring the decades of established Star Wars lore and canon written by authors wayyyy better than they have to offer.


WTB Timothy Zahn please.

Edited by Gungan
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Go log in to Jedi Covenant at peak EST playtime and tell me that experience isn't night and day from most of the other servers. This seems such an easy fix to me and a regular part of running a MMO..The longer the delays, the more players lose interest.. That's too bad, as this game is worth playing albeit with friends - not alone....




So ok, a lot of people have left because the game's not their cup of tea.


But for BW to leave the people who are sticking with the game in the lurch like this is ... just really, really bad. I simply cannot fathom their thinking. They must be living in some sort of dream world if they don't think the population problem needs urgent sorting - it needed it 2 months ago.


I'm afraid that when transfers come it's going to be far too late. I don't think the game will be shut down, but I think it's going to be a Vanguard situation, with the game on life support, no updates, etc., etc., and just an ever-dwindling number of players.


So, so sad.

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Yes the reason why the populations are low is because they added to many servers because so many people were crying about waiting to log into a server and play.


If you want to see a game that has some seriously unhappy players go read the D3 forums.


Difference is that you don't pay any extra cash to play D3. There is a whole different level of expectations once you stick a persistent world with a sub fee onto a game.

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funny too, because i barely can bring myself to play D3 for more than 30 min every other day, and blizzard sold 6.3 million copies already.


whats this say about gaming? gaming is where it has ALWAYS BEEN. with a very small minority of society, you have cool developers making cool games for gamers. and then theres people who play blizzard games...


im willing to assume that no less than 25%, if not 75% of ALL blizzard gamers only play WoW, D3 and maybe sims as well. its just like the wii.


just because theres a fad that happens to take place in a sub-culture of media doesnt automatically degrade the rest of the community of developers and games.


im really sick of everyone comparing blizzard games and numbers to everything else. its 2 totally different markets now. of the 3 people in my family that play WoW and D3, they spend 90%+ of their "gaming" time playing a blizz game and the other 10% other games.


now thats not to say, that blizzard games aren't "games" that i would want to play, i do play them. but if i was on an island and i could only pick 1 developer for the next 10 years, i would get every game out and everything made in the next 10 years, i sure as hell wouldnt pick blizz. it took them 10 years to release 2 games. WoW is good, and D3 is the most overrated stuck in the 90s game i have ever played.


lets move on from expecting 10+ million subs for swtor, and for those of us who enjoy great games, who aren't here on these forums complaining that games arent more like blizzard, get back to playing are fave games, and leave the forums to the naysayer party.


Blizzard games sell because the core gameplay is always well designed, well executed, polished, tight, hyper responsive, and super addictive. Gameplay: the core that makes or breaks every single game. A story cannot support a game on its own. Music cannot support a game on its own.


I love a good story, but story in games is nowhere near the level of storytelling available in other media. It just isn't there because the technology isn't there yet. People left SWTOR for two reasons: the gameplay is slow, shallow, and often unresponsive, and the setting far too off the beaten path from the familiar Star Wars canon. Way too much swords and sorcery, not enough conflict and space.

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My reasons why the game failed (in no particular order):

1. The class story lacked real choices (didn't go through all of them but the stories I did see lacked any meaningful choice)

2. Class story on republic side was boring (I wanted to play a Jedi Knight but couldn't stand the story)

3. Lack of exploration (some of the planets like Coruscant or Nar Shadaa are just hallways)

4. The planets are very static with no weather, no day/night cycles, and the mobs just stand there waiting to die

5.The music is good, for the small amount of time it plays, but on every planet I have to listen to the sound of my speeder for just about the whole time I am there.

6. OPs are easy, when you don't hit bugs, and gear from them is way too easy to get

7. I can't level alts, after leveling a character on each faction, without having to replay the same story in the same order. Yes there are class quests, but they are far and few between.

8. PVP is gear based without it you get slaughtered. Didn't mind 1-49, though it got tedious playing the same warzones again and again. It is also unbalanced, not that I expected it to be as it is a difficult thing to do.

9. World PVP happened to me exactly once while leveling.

10. cant swim all the water features are shallow

11. No x-server LFG

12. Extreme population problems and lack of action to correct it

13. The game runs terribly and graphics aren't that good

14. Combat is not very fluid and there are ability delays

15. The game copies heavily from WoW

16. No same gender romance options

17. Lack of in game combat logs

18. Lack of addons. Some people hate them but for people with disabilities it can be very beneficial and allow them a much better gameplay experience. I'm not disabled I just saw a post about this and it made me realize how it could allow much better access to the game and content for some people.

19. No alien species, I mean seriously they are all pretty much recolored humans. Would have liked to see Togruta, Cathar, or Trandoshans as playable.

20. Character customization is seriously lacking; a lot of clones.

21. No way of character customization changes after creation; ie changing hairstyles or adding scars.

22. Nothing to in end-game that is non-combat like pazaak, swoop racing, or pod racing

23. No chat bubbles

24. Can't sit in chairs

25. Space Combat is unintuitive and on rails

26.Crafting is almost useless and is going to be even worse in next patch

27. Lack of intuitive guild features

28. The amount of bugs and the time it is taking to fix them

29. Gear design was terrible (I liked the gear I got in the beginning better then tier gear)

30. Can't have my companions in my legacy tree; this is a very bad oversight.

31. Social points were a good idea but they are poorly implemented.

32. No reputation grinds; it adds to re-playability and can give cool non-combat rewards

33. Can't customize my ship

34. Too many loading screens

35.The fleet was poorly done all the vendors on the fleet should be on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant. Also the Republic fleet looks terrible.

36. The GTN

37.No non-combat macros

38. Customer service; they had closed many of my tickets without resolving them. Also the Hoth incident accusing player of being liars and fraudulent.


Yeah, sums my list up pratty much too (almost).

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(More) reasons I quit the game:


Upcoming patch fails:




  • "Free" server transfers are not free if you have to resub in order to transfer, with the alternative being that you get left behind in a dead server.
  • Their new legacy perk system also costs like 100k per perk that you want to unlock. What a joke.
  • Still no dual spec. A legacy perk that costs half a million credits and gives you the ability to respec once every hour (or whatever the cooldown is) is not dual spec. Better than what they have now, but still pathetic.
  • Groupfinder is useless if there is nobody to play with, and still useless if you have no desire to do flashpoints for columi gear.
  • No patch notes mention fixing/optimizing the engine, which is extremely important.
  • No mention of a timeline for rated PvP, so I guess it's being pushed back even further.



In order to revive my interest, they will need to make significant progress in the following areas:




  1. Serious engine optimization
  2. Aggressive population concentration
  3. PvP overhaul
    a. Severely reduced grind for top-tier gear
    b. Harsh nerf to top-tier gear to make it only slightly better than what is easily obtainable by casual players, to the point where the advantage is so minute as to be nearly non-existent. (therefore, mostly for style)
    c. Better class balance
    d. Preservation of groups, Ops queuing, and group leader queues overriding individual queues
    e. Enough population for near instant queues
    f. Worthwhile world pvp, especially while leveling
    g. Split 10-49 bracket into 10-29 and 30-49 (shouldn't be a problem with population fixes)
  4. UI mods
  5. Legacy system that doesn't cost credits to progress
  6. Operations overhaul
    a. Much, much faster wipe recovery
    b. Fixes to stupid looting issues with master looter and chests
    c. Mechanics that don't rely on short enrage fuses for difficulty
  7. Substantial reduction in the amount of time necessary to complete daily/weekly quests
  8. A cosmetic system that lets you take set bonuses from anything and get augments on anything, so that you can actually look how you want. Also, light/med/heavy versions (or just one adaptable version) of social gear.
  9. Trade skills that don't suck, and that match biochem in pvp effectiveness.


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The simple truth is you cut every possible corner to get the game released in Q4 of 2011.


You can't please everyone, but you're certainly not going to keep dedicated players by pushing out a game with basically no complexity to speak of.


If Bioware expected players to leave, as they say, then why was there no back up plan?


As you say, they obviously have all the data, metrics etc, it's what they've chosen to do or not do as a result of that data that is ...'pick word of choice'

190 servers are absolute ghost towns, you can draw your own conclusions... And like many posters have already said: The game's other problems have caused the population issue.


...All SWTOR has to offer is Star Wars.


So ok, a lot of people have left because the game's not their cup of tea.


But for BW to leave the people who are sticking with the game in the lurch like this is ... just really, really bad. I simply cannot fathom their thinking. They must be living in some sort of dream world if they don't think the population problem needs urgent sorting - it needed it 2 months ago.


I'm afraid that when transfers come it's going to be far too late.


My two cents:


KotOR fans had been waiting for a new game for a long time. Remember how unfinished KotOR 2: TSL was, and the TSL Restoration Project that never came to fruition? There were a lot of fans ready to jump onto the next KotOR-related release as soon as possible, in whatever form it would take. SWTOR wasn't quite what most were hoping for, but it was the only thing available, so we played it. All the hype from KotOR and/or Bioware fans drew in the rest of the crowd. It felt like the movie Independence Day, as the masses gathered atop skyscrapers to be greeted by alien ships soon to send the fools to their deaths.


So Bioware has achieved master troll status. They've been a part of EA for a while, but not fully indoctrinated until now. Oh yes, this year Bioware moved up in the world, donning their proudly worn Scumbag Steve hats.


Imagine if Half-Life 2 Episode 3 were confirmed to be released as a brand new MMORPG called "Half-Life: Final Universal Combine Takeover". Yes! Finally! We can see HL2Ep3... I mean HL:FUCT. Who cares if it's an MMO, just shut up and take my money! This is the kind of fanfare that long-awaited games receive, and people buy into it no matter how bad it is!


EA will milk whatever they can from SWTOR, with as little resources put into it as possible from here on. Players will continue to bleed away, but the population will stabilize somewhere very low. SWTOR won't change much, and you'll get content updates the same way we're getting them now.


In the end, this MMO will not be worth another 15 dollars per month if you're already subscribed to and/or purchasing other games. There are simply too many other games to try. We don't have time for this run-of-the-mill stuff. And I say this as a once very geeky KotOR fan. Now I couldn't give less of a ****, which is apparently more than we received from the company.

Edited by Lenny
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I love a good story, but story in games is nowhere near the level of storytelling available in other media. It just isn't there because the technology isn't there yet. People left SWTOR for two reasons: the gameplay is slow, shallow, and often unresponsive, and the setting far too off the beaten path from the familiar Star Wars canon. Way too much swords and sorcery, not enough conflict and space.


These are not the 2 reasons people left, PvPers left due to no competition, no 8 man queues, rated WZs being pulled, major class changes in 1.2. Read the server forums there are good bye posts every where or the PvP forums. I haven't heard one person complain about the game not being "star wars" enough other then the few that think anyone with a lightsabre one shots everyone else. There are many reasons people stopped playing assuming its 2 reasons is a stretch a lot of people played the game that could careless about SW in particular PvPers.


As someone noted before there won't be another WoW MMO that pulls 10 mill yet everyone thinks that is the barameter. Look at Rift they lost a crap ton of people and closed servers yet they are still releasing content, yes Tron didn't spend the cash EA did nor did it have the expectations. But the game can survive and there are way more then 20k people still playing.


That said when I stopped playing past games I didn't come to the forums to bash the game or people that want to play it not sure what the point is? Also the comment about not free transfers cause you have to pay your sub of you aren't playing why do you need the transfer.


Have fun doom and gloom crew which will move onto GW2 and so on. They will transfer people onto severs to boost up the player base, if it's 15 heavy servers so be it those that enjoy the game will keep playing.

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These are not the 2 reasons people left, PvPers left due to no competition, no 8 man queues, rated WZs being pulled, major class changes in 1.2. Read the server forums there are good bye posts every where or the PvP forums. I haven't heard one person complain about the game not being "star wars" enough other then the few that think anyone with a lightsabre one shots everyone else. There are many reasons people stopped playing assuming its 2 reasons is a stretch a lot of people played the game that could careless about SW in particular PvPers.


As someone noted before there won't be another WoW MMO that pulls 10 mill yet everyone thinks that is the barameter. Look at Rift they lost a crap ton of people and closed servers yet they are still releasing content, yes Tron didn't spend the cash EA did nor did it have the expectations. But the game can survive and there are way more then 20k people still playing.


That said when I stopped playing past games I didn't come to the forums to bash the game or people that want to play it not sure what the point is? Also the comment about not free transfers cause you have to pay your sub of you aren't playing why do you need the transfer.


Have fun doom and gloom crew which will move onto GW2 and so on. They will transfer people onto severs to boost up the player base, if it's 15 heavy servers so be it those that enjoy the game will keep playing.


Sure, PVPers might have left for different reasons, probably quite early on. I focus not on PVPers because I never expected the PVP in this game to be any good, or any more than a meaningless sideshow.

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1.3 mil includes the free month given out. We really have no clue how many people are actually playing.


It did NOT include the free month given out. The report to the stockholders covered the previous quarter which ended in March. The free month didn't happen till April.


In addition it's illegal for EA to lie to it's stockholders so they CAN'T give false information on their subscriber base.


Try to be informed rather than blindly bashing.

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(More) reasons I quit the game:


Upcoming patch fails:



  • "Free" server transfers are not free if you have to resub in order to transfer, with the alternative being that you get left behind in a dead server.
  • Their new legacy perk system also costs like 100k per perk that you want to unlock. What a joke.
  • Still no dual spec. A legacy perk that costs half a million credits and gives you the ability to respec once every hour (or whatever the cooldown is) is not dual spec. Better than what they have now, but still pathetic.
  • Groupfinder is useless if there is nobody to play with, and still useless if you have no desire to do flashpoints for columi gear.
  • No patch notes mention fixing/optimizing the engine, which is extremely important.
  • No mention of a timeline for rated PvP, so I guess it's being pushed back even further.


In order to revive my interest, they will need to make significant progress in the following areas:



  1. Serious engine optimization
  2. Aggressive population concentration
  3. PvP overhaul
    a. Severely reduced grind for top-tier gear
    b. Harsh nerf to top-tier gear to make it only slightly better than what is easily obtainable by casual players, to the point where the advantage is so minute as to be nearly non-existent. (therefore, mostly for style)
    c. Better class balance
    d. Preservation of groups, Ops queuing, and group leader queues overriding individual queues
    e. Enough population for near instant queues
    f. Worthwhile world pvp, especially while leveling
    g. Split 10-49 bracket into 10-29 and 30-49 (shouldn't be a problem with population fixes)
  4. UI mods
  5. Legacy system that doesn't cost credits to progress
  6. Operations overhaul
    a. Much, much faster wipe recovery
    b. Fixes to stupid looting issues with master looter and chests
    c. Mechanics that don't rely on short enrage fuses for difficulty
  7. Substantial reduction in the amount of time necessary to complete daily/weekly quests
  8. A cosmetic system that lets you take set bonuses from anything and get augments on anything, so that you can actually look how you want. Also, light/med/heavy versions (or just one adaptable version) of social gear.
  9. Trade skills that don't suck, and that match biochem in pvp effectiveness.


While being as much of a fan as I am of the theme this game centers itself around, I don't think I'll ever want to resubscribe due to the sheer incompetence and distastefulness we've experienced so far. If this game were to clean itself up and make good on all of those points you listed, it would still take more to lure me into giving it another chance.

Edited by Lenny
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What made 70% of the player base leave will still be hampering this game if server transfers ever do come. A single threaded game engine makes the combat system and animations slow and clunky feeling. Load times kill any feeling of living in the actual world. "Exhaustion" zones prevent you from interacting with the other faction while leveling. Having warzones where you play against your own faction defeats any sense of community outside your own friends list. No ability to make an 8 man team to play warzones sucks. No server economy to speak of.


You spent 1000s of hours to add in voice acting and never actually made end-game content that was challenging and fun. You make us search all over the internet to find interviews about what is going on with the game instead of telling us in the forums FIRST. Your "metrics" you balance everything around seem to be driven more by forum QQ than actual numbers: "Teams of operatives stunlocking people and making them quit the game". You have mislead us over and over and over about features coming SOON that should have been in the game at launch.


The simple truth is you cut every possible corner to get the game released in Q4 of 2011. I am not sure the game will even last the summer. You said you needed 400k subs to be profitable and I don't think you even have half that right now. So, yes your priority is server transfers (should have happened a long time ago) but without fixing the rotten core of this game you will continue to lose players.



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Dropping from 2 million to 1.3 million isn't a 70% drop. it's a 35% drop , and it's also inevitable as people try out the game and inevitably some of them decide they don't like it.


At least do the math right.


PS : Didn't they say they need 400k subscribers to break even and anything else is pure gravy ? I don't think SWTOR is shuttering the doors any time soon.


They are at around 800k subs currently.

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We know the populations was over 2 million at one point with over 2 million copies of the game sold.


So it could have 2.2 mil, 2.3 mil maybe even 2.4 mil without mentioning it being close 2.5 to say 2.5 or above or rounding up to almost 3 million as a marketing figure.


so it could very well be 2.2, 2.3 and only mentioned as above 2 mil


so 1.3/2.3 = 56%


The point if anything is developing the game properly so a downward trend does not begin, since it is fair to assume that from all the large hype swtor has generated that everyone is aware that a swtor MMO exists, and therefore 100s of million potential players are passing up this game already since it is not what they want... which means it needs new content for new hype to attract from new players ... or continuing with more of the same will only generate small hype to only people who care about swtor since everyone knows about swtor anyways that will only be really heard by its current customers and old customers, mostly.


1.3 is still a good solid number to start with so early in the cycle :D

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They are at around 800k subs currently.


If that. *sigh* I changed servers after leveling my first 50 and now my current server is becoming less and less busy. Server merges and transfers will definitely help, but it's not gonna solve the problem that CAUSED players to leave in the first place.

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