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snip* there's only 1 mission with a reward worth doing. I really don't like that mission and it gets old fast. snip*


This used to be true, now the last 3 are worth it b/c they yield 40 fleet comms/day that can be used to buy boxes containing high level (7 and 8 exotic) crafting material.


They have hinted at space getting some attention, I'm anxious to see what comes to fruition.

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Why do people want a new expansion? There's still a multitude of improvements that are needed before increasing the level cap.


Expansion =/= Increased level cap. I could, but it doesn't have to. And if I were a betting man, [class based] story content will probably only be released with expansions. So that's why I'd personally like one.

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Expansion =/= Increased level cap. I could, but it doesn't have to. And if I were a betting man, [class based] story content will probably only be released with expansions. So that's why I'd personally like one.


Yeah. Will be nice to get back to continuing the story.

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It would be nice with an expansion that gives a chapter 4 in storyline and gives new bonus series to starting planets and capitol planets that's packed with awesome story. ..I would call it "The Story Expansion"


Since story is one of those things that bioware really got right in this game.

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You can be certain that IF Wookiees happen, they cannot be Jedi. Uncle George said "No".


that's BS. There are Wookiee Jedi in EU - Lowbacca for example and there were Wookiee jedi in SWG. GL doesn't care anymore.

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It is interesting that the wording is "EA will also bring some expansions and new game content for Star Wars: The Old Republic".


I am torn on what to make of it. On one hand, they could be tipping the hand that we will get news on the first expansion. On the other hand, the use of the plural "expansions" leaves me with little confidence in the report as I do not believe that BW would come out and announce multiple expansions.


If you want to show the current playerbase that you are committed to the 'long haul,' why not reveal two planned expansions? One by Christmas and the second next June?


BW seems to have overestimated the desire of the consumer base to play through multiple classes, meaning end-game came a lot sooner for most than they anticipated. Sustained playability is an issue. Best address it now if they intend to stop hemorrhaging accounts.


I've played MMO's or a number of years and was fortunate enough to get a fair bit of beta time in prior to launch. Life circumstances, largely time commitments, precluded my purchasing the game until last week. I love the storyline, but made the mistake of rolling on a dead server (always check the forums first!). Thus, I am all but required to attain 2-3 levels about any flashpoint or heroic in order to play it. Unable to group or guild, I'm not sure how long I'll maintain interest after leveling a couple of toons.

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that's BS. There are Wookiee Jedi in EU - Lowbacca for example and there were Wookiee jedi in SWG. GL doesn't care anymore.


Stop whining. It was only 1 single wookie, you are like the people asking for Sith Jawas

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That is a stand-alone single player game being developed in-house at LucasArts.


Yep thats what is says right in the article, hard to miss really /shrug


As far as Tor goes, if they do have anything new for TOR, I hope it is something new and not just more of the same ole stuff we already have, another war zone or another raid or another flashpoint, adding another ferris wheel to the theme park is really not new content when you already have 10 other ferris wheels /sigh

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SWG had wookiee jedi


SWG elements are N-canon. But when did GL state that there can be no more wookiee jedi? Before or after SWG was released?


Edit: Found, he stated after the dark nest trilogy which was in 05, SWG was released in 03 so wookiee jedi were still ok.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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From the article:


Star Wars: The Old Republic


Sounds very good to me. We'll probably also get dates for transfers and 1.3 then, which would explain why they are currently keeping us in the dark.


Ohlen already told us what's coming in 1.3. If 1.3 was the E3 announcement he wouldn't have done that. It will be at least 1.4 and possibly expansion news.

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SWG elements are N-canon. But when did GL state that there can be no more wookiee jedi? Before or after SWG was released?


Edit: Found, he stated after the dark nest trilogy which was in 05, SWG was released in 03 so wookiee jedi were still ok.


were they, though? I never played SWG but afaik you couldn't even play a Jedi right from the start anyway:confused:

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Why does everyone assume that an expansion means a higher level cap? Coming from DAoC where I saw several expansions with no increase to the level cap, I fail to see how these two things are related. You can have expansions without a level cap increase, in fact I would be disappointed if they ever increased the level cap, we have too many abilities as it is now, there is no need to move levels beyond 50.
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Why does everyone assume that an expansion means a higher level cap? Coming from DAoC where I saw several expansions with no increase to the level cap, I fail to see how these two things are related. You can have expansions without a level cap increase, in fact I would be disappointed if they ever increased the level cap, we have too many abilities as it is now, there is no need to move levels beyond 50.


I like this. We don't need broader toolkits- we need deeper ones. Talent trees are boring, so some other means of character progression married to the levelling system would be great, too.

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Why does everyone assume that an expansion means a higher level cap? Coming from DAoC where I saw several expansions with no increase to the level cap, I fail to see how these two things are related. You can have expansions without a level cap increase, in fact I would be disappointed if they ever increased the level cap, we have too many abilities as it is now, there is no need to move levels beyond 50.


I like this idea.


I agree that it would get more complicated to have to put new talents or abilities in everytime they want to increase the level cap. Instead of having the game expand upwards, the game could expand outwards.

To include a sense on progression, they can expand on the legacy system to include companion kits or ability reskins (same ability but just a different graphic...such as instead of the Operative's backstab using his/her knife, they use the butt of their gun).


This would also help with the inflation of stats (look at wow, where new expansions need to increase the gear stats so much to allow a fresh start to the gear treadmill).

Edited by Akkela
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