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Moving Servers: Which Server(s) Are You Hoping To Move To/From When Transfers Arrive?


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Dear fellow players,


As the prospect of character transfers and the possibility of mega servers / super servers edges glacially closer to reality as the northern hemisphere summer approaches, I find myself increasingly wondering the following:



What server(s) are you planning to move from/to when transfers arrive and why?



For example, I am currently on the EU RP PvE server "The Progenitor". It's a nice server in terms of population, but even this former safehaven is starting to falter in population terms now, mostly managing a light population with occasional dips into standard.


My hope is that I might be given an opportunity to move my entire legacy over to the top EU PvE server "The Red Eclipse", along with the hope that other EU players will do the same too.


So, what are your intentions or hopes for this?


Kind regards




P.S. Please keep all posts constructive and polite. This isn't a thread for complaining about how long server transfers are taking.


P.P.S. There is a website which shows the population of servers over time called Torstatus. I highly recommend visiting it when transfers become available to help with your transfer decisions.

Edited by llesna
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I'm kind of hoping my server, Shadow Hand, will be one of the "Target Servers" for people to transfer to. The population is currently pretty decent (its generally one of the highest Light, or lowest Standard servers every night), so it'd be a step up for anyone coming off a dead server, but we could use some more folks to really flesh out the population.


I probably WONT transfer off unless I can get my friends to come with (or the population totally tanks).

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I play the EU RP-PvP server Lord Calypho, I likely won't be transferring unless our entire guild decides on a server that suites everyone.


We are currently the ONLY RP-PvP server in Europe so this gives me hopes people would consider transferring here.

Not counting on it though.


It seems PvP servers are suffering heavily since people are re-rolling to Tomb of Freedom Nadd for PvP.

Edited by Kryogenique
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I'm hoping that my server (Krayt Dragon) will be a destination server. We generally have a standard population at peak hours. It's hardly a dead server, and I'm not expecting it to be a server that's free to transfer from, but more players would be nice.


Also, I'm hoping to be able to transfer my 50 Marauder from Colonel Tobin, so if I can transfer him to Krayt Dragon for free, I'll be a happy camper. :)

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Hopefully The Fatman.


The only server right now that actually feels like a "massive" mmo.


Hopefully, with the transfers, there will be another 20 to 30 servers that feel the same way. There are a lot more people playing this game than it feels like.

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Hi OP:


(the following assumes I am still subscribed, and is my tentative plan...)


(1) Sit and do nothing initially.

(2) Over three days or so, check the status (light/standard/whatever) for West Coast PvP servers.

(3) IF my Empire and/or Republic servers are still dead after those three days, I will move my Republic guys to the most populous server and Empire to the second most populous server. (obtained in Step #2)

(4) If there are several options, I will choose the server(s) with the coolest-sounding names.

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I'm on Ven Zallow and there is only 1 other RP-PVP East server (Jung Ma).


So I can only assume I'm moving in with those people...


Let's hope thats not the case. If we combined our servers Jung Ma would still be in Standard land. Not what I was looking for. I want my new server to be SLAMMED.


I'm sick of low pops. Standard is not good enough to keep me interested.

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Thanks for all posts so far and for keeping everything (generally) constructive ^_^


I'm going to edit into the main post that you can see server statuses over time at Torstatus.net.

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Let's hope thats not the case. If we combined our servers Jung Ma would still be in Standard land. Not what I was looking for. I want my new server to be SLAMMED.


I'm sick of low pops. Standard is not good enough to keep me interested.


Have you played on a high-side Standard?

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Have you played on a high-side Standard?


Sure. The high of standard is pretty pleasant.


But, I'm not looking for that. My guild has told me that they want to be placed in a server that is packed, and one that we can be the most sure that will survive longer than the 3.5-4 months that Ven Zallow did.


So, we will be eye balling the number one PVP or RP PVP server that we can move to. If there is a wait to log on, all the better.


I'm not going to take a risk of going to one that can die out fast. I want this move to be our last, if possible. I suspect it will be my last move regardless.

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Sure. The high of standard is pretty pleasant.


But, I'm not looking for that. My guild has told me that they want to be placed in a server that is packed, and one that we can be the most sure that will survive longer than the 3.5-4 months that Ven Zallow did.


So, we will be eye balling the number one PVP or RP PVP server that we can move to. If there is a wait to log on, all the better.


I'm not going to take a risk of going to one that can die out fast. I want this move to be our last, if possible. I suspect it will be my last move regardless.


Well, since the goal here is to distribute the population more evenly, I wouldn't anticipate v.heavies, or maybe even heavies, to even be available to move to. Just fyi.


However, once consolidation is done, every server will be plenty populated. Pretty sure that will stop the bleed. Hell, the bleed is almost done as it is.

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