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SWTOR Possibly being salvaged?


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Ok I hope I am not alone here, before all the layoffs and the restructuring at Bioware. I just felt kind of left out of the loop you know? They never really made me feel involved; or even better yet like they were involved at all. This new team however, after reading today's community post. For once I actually feel involved like someone might be listening you know? On top of that I actually feel like they are involved for once.


I love how one of the new community representatives at bioware openly admitted to playing the game, and is in a regular guild who has no clue who he really is. A lot of bad things that happened with this game and I have always tried to keep a positive outlook. I honestly believe this restructuring needed to happen. Hopefully this is a sign of the game might actually start to turn around. I guess only time will tell. That is just my two cents.

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I think they are hiring better people for this game and are now better suited for communication with the community. I will admit...they weren't too open with the community before. I'm glad they let the previous staff go. Seems they weren't doing that much. This new staff seems to be really on par with the gamers. Just the fact alone that they are introducing themselves already and actually in forum posts now shows they care.


I believe restructuring is going on and the content will be more polished and at a better rate. I believe they will listen to us more to :)

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So let me get this straight... you're excited because of a bunch of interns got fancy new titles with a 25 cent pay increase so that they can spend all day posting on the forums about how they're going to be posting on the the forums?


Seriously... you need to stop drinking the cool-aid. Did any of them actually post ANYTHING important? Did they post any information about server transfers or ranked warzones? No they did not. BW fired a bunch of higher paid guys who (arguably) had a clue about what was going on (though they weren't allowed to tell us anything) so that they can give more responsibility to lesser paid employees who are already overloaded with work. Then they tell those lesser paid employees to spend all day posting on the forums about NOTHING to make it LOOK like everything is rainbows and roses over at BW HQ.


Don't you just love Joveth's closing comments?

"We’re excited about these new changes, and we hope that you are as well."

Oh boy! That is just swell, Joveth!!!! Golly geez, I can't wait to see you again real soon!


Really? You're really excited about the fact that a bunch of employees just got canned at the company you work for and that SWToR is bleeding out subscriptions like a trauma victim in the E.R.?


TLDR: BW canned a ton of people. They want to put a positive "spin" on it so they are calling it a "restructuring" instead because it sounds better. In the end, it is the same company, building the same game, with the same problems, with the same bleeding subscriptions... now... they just have fewer people to do it with.

Edited by Musezy
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I love this game. That said I hope they don't feel they 'need' to be a WoW clone and just do all those things that took WoW from being a fun, sometimes challenging game with a fairly decent community, to what it is today. Where it's a grindy repeat-fest, usually ridiculously hard until they 'fix' it then it just adds to the ridiculous grindy repeat-fest, and the community is just atrocious, which I personally blame cross server LFG for. It's a marked moment in my mind.


I think this game has its own unique-ness, flavour and direction. The community is for the most part good and fun and helpful, although coming to these forums sometimes makes you wonder. :)


The stories, oh the stories are so good, every one so far I have just loved. :)


So there's my two cents. My opinion as it were. Hope you all continue to play and have fun, that is how they know its a success. :)

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So let me get this straight... you're excited because of a bunch of interns got fancy new titles with a 25 cent pay increase so that they can spend all day posting on the forums about how they're going to be post on the the forums?


Seriously... you need to stop drinking the cool-aid. Did any of them actually post ANYTHING important? Did they post any information about server transfers or ranked warzones? No they did not. BW fired a bunch of higher paid guys who (arguably) had a clue about what was going on (though they weren't allowed to tell us anything) so that they can give more responsibility to lesser paid employees who are already overloaded with work. Then they tell those lesser paid employees to spend all day posting on the forums about NOTHING to make it LOOK like everything is rainbows and roses over at BW HQ.


Don't you just love Joveth's closing comments?


Oh boy! That is just swell, Joveth!!!! Golly geez, I can't wait to see you again real soon!


Really? You're really excited about the fact that a bunch of employees just got canned at the company you work for and that SWToR is bleeding out subscriptions like a trauma victim in the E.R.?


TLDR: BW canned a ton of people. They want to put a positive "spin" on it so they are calling it a "restructuring" instead because it sounds better. In the end, it is the same company, building the same game, with the same problems, with the same bleeding subscriptions... now... they just have fewer people to do it with.


And yet your still here. You do know that some people, actually have a very completely different view of the game?

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I find it absolutely hilarious that people love the drama. I mean they just absolutely love to trash talk. I mean you give someone an opportunity to say to say something positive? You have to twist your arm to do it. Youtube yet you give someone the the slightest chance to say something negative, and maybe run for miles with it. So here's my positive comment. Over the past few days my mains server population has gone up. My alt that is on a completely dead server hit the triple digits for the first time today. Btw yes I am impressed with the new community management team. Like it or not there is 1 major thing that keeps a company going strong. You know what that is ? PR. The PR department can save our break a company. I personally believe that this new PR might just save the game



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Yes, because more PR is what this game desperately needs right now.


But not server transfers... or anything useful like that...


P.S. Oh yeah, and the only reason I'm still here right now is because I still have free game time.

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So let me get this straight... you're excited because of a bunch of interns got fancy new titles with a 25 cent pay increase so that they can spend all day posting on the forums about how they're going to be posting on the the forums?


Seriously... you need to stop drinking the cool-aid. Did any of them actually post ANYTHING important? Did they post any information about server transfers or ranked warzones? No they did not. BW fired a bunch of higher paid guys who (arguably) had a clue about what was going on (though they weren't allowed to tell us anything) so that they can give more responsibility to lesser paid employees who are already overloaded with work. Then they tell those lesser paid employees to spend all day posting on the forums about NOTHING to make it LOOK like everything is rainbows and roses over at BW HQ.


Don't you just love Joveth's closing comments?


Oh boy! That is just swell, Joveth!!!! Golly geez, I can't wait to see you again real soon!


Really? You're really excited about the fact that a bunch of employees just got canned at the company you work for and that SWToR is bleeding out subscriptions like a trauma victim in the E.R.?


TLDR: BW canned a ton of people. They want to put a positive "spin" on it so they are calling it a "restructuring" instead because it sounds better. In the end, it is the same company, building the same game, with the same problems, with the same bleeding subscriptions... now... they just have fewer people to do it with.


People complained... They fixed the problem. And your still whinging? Seriously if you are so sour just leave the forums... Leave the game or do something constructive. There are so many of us here that love this game and it is this negative attitude that ruins the community.

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So let me get this straight... you're excited because of a bunch of interns got fancy new titles with a 25 cent pay increase so that they can spend all day posting on the forums about how they're going to be posting on the the forums?


Seriously... you need to stop drinking the cool-aid. Did any of them actually post ANYTHING important? Did they post any information about server transfers or ranked warzones? No they did not. BW fired a bunch of higher paid guys who (arguably) had a clue about what was going on (though they weren't allowed to tell us anything) so that they can give more responsibility to lesser paid employees who are already overloaded with work. Then they tell those lesser paid employees to spend all day posting on the forums about NOTHING to make it LOOK like everything is rainbows and roses over at BW HQ.


Don't you just love Joveth's closing comments?


Oh boy! That is just swell, Joveth!!!! Golly geez, I can't wait to see you again real soon!


Really? You're really excited about the fact that a bunch of employees just got canned at the company you work for and that SWToR is bleeding out subscriptions like a trauma victim in the E.R.?


TLDR: BW canned a ton of people. They want to put a positive "spin" on it so they are calling it a "restructuring" instead because it sounds better. In the end, it is the same company, building the same game, with the same problems, with the same bleeding subscriptions... now... they just have fewer people to do it with.


Not that you're negative about it or anything. I always love how people come on and say things like this:


"BW canned a ton of people. They want to put a positive "spin" on it so they are calling it a "restructuring" instead because it sounds better."


because you know the inner workings of a major gaming company you have never interacted with other then to pay them for a game. I can say, as an example, that I have worked for very large companies and sometimes a restructure is just that, a restructure. They do it. Companies do that kind of thing. So many people claim they 'know' about the inner workings of something when really they just made it up or are just putting their opinion on to it, but they want to make it sound more "truthful' so they say it as a fact, when they have little to know proof. And no I don't accept some random internet site as proof, it's like trying to use a wiki as proof, it isn't because it was written by some guy somewhere, and many, many times I have thought they were right only to find that they weren't. :)

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Yes, because more PR is what this game desperately needs right now.


But not server transfers... or anything useful like that...


P.S. Oh yeah, and the only reason I'm still here right now is because I still have free game time.


How many times do they have to say "Coming in 1.3" before you actually listen? It's an MMO problems are not fixed overnight, its not shampoo!

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Yes, because more PR is what this game desperately needs right now.


But not server transfers... or anything useful like that...


P.S. Oh yeah, and the only reason I'm still here right now is because I still have free game time.



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Yes, because more PR is what this game desperately needs right now.


But not server transfers... or anything useful like that...


P.S. Oh yeah, and the only reason I'm still here right now is because I still have free game time.


You have to start somewhere. I mean have you ever been a business owner? Do you know what's involved in running a company? When your company currently has a bad reputation for a product, the first thing you change is not a product. The first thing you change the people behind the product. PR, managers, designers ect ect. Secondly your new PR gets the public involved. As they are getting the public involved your new developers and designers working hard to remake and fix your product. There is a process involved here. All I was stating was that they have simply made a step in the right direction for once.

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I see it as being realistic. You can call it negative if you want. But I call it like I see it.


I'll be gone when my free game time is up... if they haven't fixed the major problems by then. Till then I have just as much right to be here as you. And I have an opinion to express. I'm not being abusive to anyone so I am well within my rights to express my negative opinions on this topic of discussion. Just because I disagree with your viewpoint doesn't mean I have to shut up and go away.

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So let me get this straight... you're excited because of a bunch of interns got fancy new titles with a 25 cent pay increase so that they can spend all day posting on the forums about how they're going to be posting on the the forums?


Seriously... you need to stop drinking the cool-aid. Did any of them actually post ANYTHING important? Did they post any information about server transfers or ranked warzones? No they did not. BW fired a bunch of higher paid guys who (arguably) had a clue about what was going on (though they weren't allowed to tell us anything) so that they can give more responsibility to lesser paid employees who are already overloaded with work. Then they tell those lesser paid employees to spend all day posting on the forums about NOTHING to make it LOOK like everything is rainbows and roses over at BW HQ.


Don't you just love Joveth's closing comments?


Oh boy! That is just swell, Joveth!!!! Golly geez, I can't wait to see you again real soon!


Really? You're really excited about the fact that a bunch of employees just got canned at the company you work for and that SWToR is bleeding out subscriptions like a trauma victim in the E.R.?


TLDR: BW canned a ton of people. They want to put a positive "spin" on it so they are calling it a "restructuring" instead because it sounds better. In the end, it is the same company, building the same game, with the same problems, with the same bleeding subscriptions... now... they just have fewer people to do it with.

I love your positivity. I shall use itto get through another tough day today.:ph_win:

Edited by Karabal
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I still like the game and my guild still plays even though we have had real life issues that keep us from playing as much.


As far as the forums I have noticed that I have learned to take it with a grain of salt knowing that not everyone that plays comes to the forums.


As far as server transfers they have stated they are coming though for me I like my server and staying where I am. I know there are some servers that probably need it but constantly asking when is not going to accomplish anything. As far as when we just have to learn to be patient until they announce when they are coming.

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How many times do they have to say "Coming in 1.3" before you actually listen? It's an MMO problems are not fixed overnight, its not shampoo!


Finally someone with some sense. I can see that you obviously retain a management position within a company. :D


As I have previously stated, they have made a step in the right direction and if you ask me that's a start. PR makes a company. When trying to change a product or a company image, keeping your public involved with frequent updates every step of the way. Not leaving them in the dark but actually keeping them informed of where your progress is at. Is how you retain your clients while you do your restructuring of the product in the company.

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Driveinns , yes I do know the inter-workings of large companies, and medium companies, and small ones. I've even been through company mergers and buyouts. I currently run my own business and doing very well thank you.


What I know is this: BW's product, SWTOR, has major problems. And so far I haven't seen any signs of better days ahead. A few interns posting on the forums about nonsense all day doesn't brighten my outlook one bit. They have to do better than that if they want my money.

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Driveinns , yes I do know the inter-workings of large companies, and medium companies, and small ones. I've even been through company mergers and buyouts. I currently run my own business and doing very well thank you.


What I know is this: BW's product, SWTOR, has major problems. And so far I haven't seen any signs of better days ahead. A few interns posting on the forums about nonsense all day doesn't brighten my outlook one bit. They have to do better than that if they want my money.


then leave :)


oh wait...you are waiting for your sub to run out :/ sigh...

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Rated Warzones! Coming in 1.2 ..... oh wait.


They did not release rated war zones for a reason. If they release rated war zones before server transfers? Do you think that would help anything or just create more issues? So many servers are dead. Server transfers needed to come before rated war zones. Otherwise when erver transfers did come out, the people that wound up transferring the hype ops servers work use actully poped? Everyone there would be in fall warhero head to toe. No ask yourself how is that fair? That is why rated war zones did not come out in 1.2. I honestly believe that no one thinks logically anymore.

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How many times do they have to say "Coming in 1.3" before you actually listen? It's an MMO problems are not fixed overnight, its not shampoo!


How many times do they have to say "Coming Soon" (while they keep taking your money and not delivering), before you stop listening to them?


Ranked Warzones in 1.2...

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How many times do they have to say "Coming Soon" (while they keep taking your money) and not delivering, before you stop listening to them?


Ranked Warzones in 1.2...


My above comment might just answer your question. They stated this was 1 of the major reason several times. The problem is you didn't listen in the first place.

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They did not release rated war zones for a reason. If they release rated war zones before server transfers? Do you think that would help anything or just create more issues? So many servers are dead. Server transfers needed to come before rated war zones. Otherwise when erver transfers did come out, the people that wound up transferring the hype ops servers work use actully poped? Everyone there would be in fall warhero head to toe. No ask yourself how is that fair? That is why rated war zones did not come out in 1.2. I honestly believe that no 1 things logically anymore.


Learn to read between the lines. The poster I previously quoted claimed that just because the devs have promised a feature in an upcoming patch, we should expect to get it in that patch. I was clearly disproving his/her theory.


I know why Rated Warzones didn't make it into 1.2 and I know why Rated Warzones wont be active in 1.3.

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