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A Friendly Warning (Creating Alts on High-Pop Servers)


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Hi. This is just some friendly advice. Take it for what you will.


I have grown concerned that many people are taking a huge risk of disappointing themselves by creating alts on already established or high population servers. The only facts regarding server transfers, merges, or the creation of super servers we have are that server transfers are coming with or around 1.3 and that free transfers will be available to and from specific (and as of yet unspecified) servers. We do not know which servers the free transfers will affect. We do not know if these server transfers will result in actual server merges. We do not know that super servers will come anytime soon. Anyone telling you anything different is entirely uninformed or are speculating (i.e., guessing) based on third party information.


What I am afraid will happen is people will make alts on the few established, high population servers and expect they will be able to transfer their characters from their dead servers for free to these high population servers. There has been no indication (up to this point) at all that this will happen. What those people are doing is setting themselves up for disappointment if consolidating their characters to and from these high population servers is either not allowed or ends up costing them $25 a pop. Even the amount non-free transfers cost is a pure guess based on what some other MMOs currently charge.


There are other reasons to create characters on the high population servers. The one reason I highly suggest you reconsider using is expecting to be able to transfer all of your other characters to these servers for free.


Again, this is just a friendly warning and I am not claiming to know anything more than what BioWare has officially announced on their site which, as stated above has only been, “server transfers are coming with or around 1.3 and that free transfers will be available to and from specific (and as of yet unspecified) servers.” Just to be clear, that quote is from me.


Assuming anything else just puts the blame on you.

Edited by InnerPieces
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Pretty much agree with you. I started on The Fatman since everyone from SWG Bloodfin rolled there as well. Got a couple of my buddies from WoW to come join me there as well. Well, they didn't want to be Republic because one of them wouldn't stop talking about how awesome Imperial side was so they all (4 of them) rerolled on The Sword of Ajunta Pall. Well, when I got my Trooper to 50, I rolled an Imperial Agent over there with them and got to 50 as well. Hoping I can bring him over to The Fatman, but not holding my breath.


Edit: Friends quit because our tank quit so they decided to call it quits. The losers.

Edited by Ngamok
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With all the people I've met on Fatman, I've gotten the complete opposite vibe. It seems people are rolling there with the hopes that when other severs become more populated, then can move the character to a server that better suits them. Though, that could just be within my guild.


There are a lot of rerolls who are admitted non-fans of pvp-servers and are only there because it's one of maybe three servers where you can get heroics and instances done.

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What I am afraid will happen is people will make alts on the few established, high population servers and expect they will be able to transfer their characters from their dead servers for free to these high population servers. There has been no indication (up to this point) at all that this will happen. What those people are doing is setting themselves up for disappointment if consolidating their characters to and from these high population servers is either not allowed or ends up costing them $25 a pop. Even the amount non-free transfers cost is a pure guess based on what some other MMOs currently charge.


This is something I am /hoping/ for. . .but have been very smart in actually listening/reading how they word things. I agree with you that a LOT of the re-rolls happening on Fatman right now, that a LOT of those people are going to expect to use their 'free' transfer to bring their main toons over to the Fatman server.


While I think this would be nice, since I'm playing a toon on that server now, from the way they've worded it, I'm not expecting it at all. I understand why they wouldn't want that to happen since it could create major queue times and an unstable server. They could limit it and only let you do it if you have a lvl 50 on the Fatman or something, but I just dont see it happening anytime soon. Heck, they might not even let people pay for a transfer to the Fatman.


One thing about this that pisses me off. Is that they refuse to do Server Merges first. Doing it this way, lets Bioware soak up any profits that can be made for server transfers. . .and theeeeen they will do server merges. This is very insulting to the customer and shows very very greedy intentions from the Devs.


Dont get me wrong, I understand Bioware is a company, and they're here to make money. But that is not smart, nor nice to do to your MMO community that continues to support the game month to month. The swtor community will remember it, and could potentially cause more subs to bleed.

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Hi. This is just a friendly warning. Take it for what you will.


I have grown concerned that many people are taking a huge risk of disappointing themselves by creating alts on already established or high population servers. The only facts regarding server transfers, merges, or the creation of super servers we have are that server transfers are coming with or around 1.3 and that free transfers will be available to and from specific (and as of yet unspecified) servers. We do not know which servers the free transfers will affect. We do not know if these server transfers will result in actual server merges. We do not know that super servers will come anytime soon. Anyone telling you anything different is entirely uninformed or are speculating (i.e., guessing) based on third party information.


What I am afraid will happen is people will make alts on the few established, high population servers and expect they will be able to transfer their characters from their dead servers for free to these high population servers. There has been no indication (up to this point) at all that this will happen. What those people are doing is setting themselves up for disappointment if consolidating their characters to and from these high population servers is either not allowed or ends up costing them $25 a pop. Even the amount non-free transfers cost is a pure guess based on what some other MMOs currently charge.


So. You're concerned that people wont have fun if they level characters on a high pop server?


You'd rather they not have fun by leveling more characters on a dead server then?


Your logic seems as if it's head is eating it's tail, so to speak. My third question would be, why do you care? This seems like a plea for people to stop leaving your server more than a warning that they may be endangering their fun.

Edited by Celebrus
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Not saying OP is wrong, im actualy afraid he may me right ... just saying, it would be EXTREMELY STUPID for Bioware to restrict server transfers so much that it would prevent players from joining their toons.


There are already WAY too many players out there who rerolled on a different server because they couldnt stand being in a crappy low pop server. They could have just as easily quit but they bit their tongue and just tried again. Not letting them join their toons together in one server would be a big F-U to those loyal players who stuck around.


If it were me id only let players with toons over level 20 (or whatever), created before Y date, already in Fatman (for example) transfer their toons over. Its not like it would make the queue times any longer anyway, its more toons, not more players. Same goes for other servers so long as its from lowpop>target server. Also, let players choose which servers to go to ... a lot of us had our imps and pubs split before the legacy thing. In other words, pick your "dead" servers, label your "target" servers than let players transfer any toon on any "dead" server to any "target" server. Then finally allow transfers between "target" servers for the first few weeks so the populations can spread around to their liking.



Only thing they should restrict is transfers BACK to low pop servers and transfers to queued up servers if the players doesnt already have a qualifying toon in it.

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I have a bunch of 50s on another server (not fatman) they are well geared ect ect....

Screw em.

They can sit in limbo forever for all I care. Frankly Bioware is loosing me slowly. I linger cause I do love the game, the server situation however has me close to saying screw it myself. I am having fun on fat man cause there are people there.


I think Bioware needs to focus on reducing the number of servers in a major way. I am talking 1-3 servers of each type MAX. They need to find away to increase there server load and spread it across Virtual servers that are invisible to clients. Other MMO companies have found a way to do just that, Bioware needs to update there server tech... it feels very 1990 the way it is now.

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Hi. This is just a friendly warning. Take it for what you will.


I have grown concerned that many people are taking a huge risk of disappointing themselves by creating alts on already established or high population servers. The only facts regarding server transfers, merges, or the creation of super servers we have are that server transfers are coming with or around 1.3 and that free transfers will be available to and from specific (and as of yet unspecified) servers. We do not know which servers the free transfers will affect. We do not know if these server transfers will result in actual server merges. We do not know that super servers will come anytime soon. Anyone telling you anything different is entirely uninformed or are speculating (i.e., guessing) based on third party information.


What I am afraid will happen is people will make alts on the few established, high population servers and expect they will be able to transfer their characters from their dead servers for free to these high population servers. There has been no indication (up to this point) at all that this will happen. What those people are doing is setting themselves up for disappointment if consolidating their characters to and from these high population servers is either not allowed or ends up costing them $25 a pop. Even the amount non-free transfers cost is a pure guess based on what some other MMOs currently charge.


There are other reasons to create characters on the high population servers. The one reason I highly suggest you reconsider using is expecting to be able to transfer all of your other characters to these servers for free.


Again, this is just a friendly warning and I am not claiming to know anything more than what BioWare has officially announced on their site which, as stated above has only been, “server transfers are coming with or around 1.3 and that free transfers will be available to and from specific (and as of yet unspecified) servers.” Just to be clear, that quote is from me.


Assuming anything else just puts the blame on you.


ive been warning people about this for months now.....and im sure when transfers come around all those people who rolled on fatman will light up the forums complaining they cant move thier toons there.

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As an Ajunta Pall player, I sincerely hope they don't merge other servers with AP.



It is quite ok the way it is, not heavy, not light, just standard.


I can queue for Warzones in less than 3 minutes usually but can avoid crossing paths with other players while questing.

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Completely agree with op. that's why I never re rolled on another server. Im staying put to see how everything is handled. I for see many people being disappointed because theyll be thinking that the transfers will conform exactly to their own situation.
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Pretty much agree with you. I started on The Fatman since everyone from SWG Bloodfin rolled there as well. Got a couple of my buddies from WoW to come join me there as well. Well, they didn't want to be Republic because one of them wouldn't stop talking about how awesome Imperial side was so they all (4 of them) rerolled on The Sword of Ajunta Pall. Well, when I got my Trooper to 50, I rolled an Imperial Agent over there with them and got to 50 as well. Hoping I can bring him over to The Fatman, but not holding my breath.


Edit: Friends quit because our tank quit so they decided to call it quits. The losers.


Not everybody from Bloodfin... Deathwatch Revenants reformed on Kinrath Spider. Big Mistake. :: poof ::

Edited by JudasPreest
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/signed. I dont see how its a good idea for bioware to allow everyone to just go to the two servers tht are not low pop. Also with legcy names/toon names i think they will make sure that there will be a few servers that they pool the low pop ones too and then maybe not even allow transfers to the two high pop ones yet. It is in stages supposedly from info we see online so that usually mean u can only leave a high pop server not go to one until the population balance is spread out and stable. Good warning to the community or itll be another isue come 1.3. Lol.
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Hi. This is just a friendly warning.


Before you arrest us next time?


I have grown concerned




that many people are taking a huge risk of disappointing themselves by creating alts on already established or high population servers.


A huge risk? What are people set to lose? Please elaborate.



The only facts regarding server transfers, merges, or the creation of super servers


Super servers is not a term used by anyone at Bioware, that comment was made by a third party and was stated out of context. Server capacities are being increased on some servers. So yeah lets get facts straight here.



server transfers are coming with or around 1.3 and that free transfers will be available to and from specific (and as of yet unspecified) servers. We do not know which servers the free transfers will affect. We do not know if these server transfers will result in actual server merges. We do not know that super servers will come anytime soon. Anyone telling you anything different is entirely uninformed or are speculating (i.e., guessing) based on third party information.


What I am afraid will happen is people will make alts on the few established, high population servers and expect they will be able to transfer their characters from their dead servers for free to these high population servers. There has been no indication (up to this point) at all that this will happen. What those people are doing is setting themselves up for disappointment if consolidating their characters to and from these high population servers is either not allowed or ends up costing them $25 a pop. Even the amount non-free transfers cost is a pure guess based on what some other MMO's currently charge.


That whole wall of text there is mostly hypocritical rubbish. All speculating about speculations. The only thing that is semi correct is that server transfers are coming. We don't know if it will be before, with or after 1.3. Remember 1.2? There were things we were supposed to get then but it didn't happen.


There are other reasons to create characters on the high population servers. The one reason I highly suggest you reconsider using is expecting to be able to transfer all of your other characters to these servers for free.


There are many reasons why people would re-roll on high population servers. I myself re-rolled because I would rather play on a busy server than a dead one at any level. I left 5 level 50's and 2 high level toons behind. I'm not assuming that I am going to get free transfers to the server of my choice. I'm not assuming anything and I've yet to see anyone else assuming anything of that nature.


Again, this is just a friendly warning and I am not claiming to know anything more than what BioWare has officially announced on their site.


Yet you know that transfers to high population servers are going to cost 25 bux a pop or just wont be allowed at all? PLEASE show me where BioWare has officially announced this on their site.


Assuming anything else just puts the blame on you.


Damn and here I was hoping to blame the sheep when all my hopes and dreams are shattered against the rocks of inevitability.




Who are you? And why are you assuming anything yourself? I don't want to come across as being hostile here but who do you think you are dishing out friendly warnings and assuming anyone needs them?

I'm going out on a limb here, but if someone reads this post then they can probably read other posts and understand for themselves what BioWare has and has not stated.

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ive been warning people about this for months now.....and im sure when transfers come around all those people who rolled on fatman will light up the forums complaining they cant move thier toons there.


And expect another huge loss of the player base if they do that.

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As an Ajunta Pall player, I sincerely hope they don't merge other servers with AP.



It is quite ok the way it is, not heavy, not light, just standard.


I can queue for Warzones in less than 3 minutes usually but can avoid crossing paths with other players while questing.


Yea that would suck if they had more people. It would only work if they had some way of making another instance of a planet if there were too many people.

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Before you arrest us next time?








A huge risk? What are people set to lose? Please elaborate.





Super servers is not a term used by anyone at Bioware, that comment was made by a third party and was stated out of context. Server capacities are being increased on some servers. So yeah lets get facts straight here.





That whole wall of text there is mostly hypocritical rubbish. All speculating about speculations. The only thing that is semi correct is that server transfers are coming. We don't know if it will be before, with or after 1.3. Remember 1.2? There were things we were supposed to get then but it didn't happen.




There are many reasons why people would re-roll on high population servers. I myself re-rolled because I would rather play on a busy server than a dead one at any level. I left 5 level 50's and 2 high level toons behind. I'm not assuming that I am going to get free transfers to the server of my choice. I'm not assuming anything and I've yet to see anyone else assuming anything of that nature.




Yet you know that transfers to high population servers are going to cost 25 bux a pop or just wont be allowed at all? PLEASE show me where BioWare has officially announced this on their site.




Damn and here I was hoping to blame the sheep when all my hopes and dreams are shattered against the rocks of inevitability.




Who are you? And why are you assuming anything yourself? I don't want to come across as being hostile here but who do you think you are dishing out friendly warnings and assuming anyone needs them?

I'm going out on a limb here, but if someone reads this post then they can probably read other posts and understand for themselves what BioWare has and has not stated.


I'm the dude playin' the dude, disguised as another dude!

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With all the people I've met on Fatman, I've gotten the complete opposite vibe. It seems people are rolling there with the hopes that when other severs become more populated, then can move the character to a server that better suits them. Though, that could just be within my guild.


There are a lot of rerolls who are admitted non-fans of pvp-servers and are only there because it's one of maybe three servers where you can get heroics and instances done.


Yeah, same here, not sure where people are getting "everyone will move to Fatman", more than likely people will want to relocate both accounts to a 3rd server.

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I get where you're coming from OP but honestly where else would we reroll except to a high pop established server? I hope I get to bring my 50 BH to Jedi covenant. I was forced by BW to reroll there(or another high pop server) and I certainly don't expect to be punished for it.
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