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Why so expensive to move mods?


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Understand its a credit sink, but where does the credits go? Isn't like you go to a workbench or pay an NPC to remove the mods :confused: Who do you pay? Do you melt down so many credits in order to remove a mod?


The IRS (not the Imperial Reclemation Service). Government, and people on Welfare

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MMO's do need money sinks, but getting a Columi/Black Hole/Rakata piece and then having to spend 100k to transfer the mods to a piece of armor you actually want to equip isn't a money sink. A money sink is a repair bill.


Perfect example: My Twi'lek Shadow is going to get the Black Hole Chest piece next week. Problem: I really like the armor but her lekku go through the hood in the preview window. I equip a hat and the hat stays on and clips through the back of the hood. I am not spending 60 Black Hole Comms to wear a piece of armor that is that broken. I have to transfer the mods. I know that ttransferring my Columi stuff costs 33k+ PER mod to transfer. That's 100k per piece of armor.


A money sink is a nominal fee for sending a dude on a crafting mission. 100k is a steep fee, not a money sink, especially when it's spending 100k after beating a Flashpoint or Ops. I am supposed to be stoked my group got through some tough content and my reward is a 100k fee to use the mods how I see fit? No thanks. I understand the 30% decrease in 1.3. That is great.


A money sink would be 10k PER SET of armor. We are still looking at 60k per set. The game was designed to let us put mods on the armor we want. A reward shouldn't include a steep fee. It's a design flaw when you attach a steep fee to a reward. It snatches part of the carrot back from the player who wants their character to look how they want it to look. It means I also bought or crafted the armor I wanted to transfer the mods too. Making characters look how you want them to is one of the joys of playing MMOs. Don't sully it with adding steep fees. Add a money sink which isn't 60k per piece of armor.

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The fact that they are reducing the cost by 30% in 1.3 is just proof that they obviously do not get it yet.


They're reducing the cost of extracting mods in 1.3 because there will be a new cost to adding an augment slot. Overall the cost of re-modding gear will actually be going up. Just sayin'. ;)

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Yep, mmo's need money sinks and this is just one of them. I hate it too, and i hate that it scales up with level, and that you get charged a fee for swapping about what you have already earned and probably in all likley hood expended many credits to get in the first place. But i also understand why they do it, it wouldn't be so bad if max level toons were given a bonus to credit loot in lou of xp like that other game does.


It would ONLY make sense IF you could have the option of selling the mods off, but you can't because their bound to you when you remove them.... This is just another stupid thing Bioware did that makes no sense at all.... Most people can't afford it so the money sink is moot since very little people do it.... Bioware in all there games have been about control, they want to control how you look (thats why there's no dyes in the game) and how you play..... That might work in a single player RPG, but it doesn't fly in a MMO....


Bioware keeps making HUGE MMO mistakes left and right... the people in charge just don't understand the player base of a MMO... they keep shooting themselves in the foot and then wonder why people keep leaving in masses...


They have enough money sinks in gear repairs and legacy items.... Maybe it wouldn't be an issue IF DAILIES WERE ACUTALLY FUN TO DO, but there not so most people don't grind them out and get super rich to afford mod swaps....

Edited by Monoth
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It's a little too expensive at moment, but after 1.3 it will be alright. Otherwise, I have no problems with the extra cost to remove mods.


No, it won't be alright. If I am paying 120k now to remove a mod, after 1.3 when you can do it for 30% less it will still cost 84k which is at least 10x too much to change my pants :p


Get rid of this idiotic cost or give us appearance slots!!

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If the cost is high for you, you aren't playing regularly enough to deserve completely custom gear. That's not my opinion, it's the developer opinion, as expressed through the game's current implementation.


oh, so having a full time job, family, and life outside of online interactions makes me ineligible to look or perform how I intend for my characters. Fair enough. I guess the $15 /month from players that play 20 out of 24 hours per day is more important than the $15 i put down each month while only taxing the servers a couple hours a day.


Its not like I didnt earn the mods I have and intend to switch, all that was earned through gameplay, all I was hoping for was the ability to move the stuff I earned into sets that LOOK the way I like ... yet that option means I should play 2-4 more hours a day to make more credits to "earn" this right?


I baffle at the very idea of play more = more rights/privilege... if that is the case they need to start charging game time by the hour instead of a flat $15 a month, because players like me who pay $15 and play 1-2 hours a day tops just dont get the same value as a player who clogs the servers for 20 hours a day and has plenty of time to farm credits and swap mods to their hearts content.


Its a simple cosmetic switch, I just dont see the value added for a credit sink here, all it serves to do is alienate players who spend less time in game to farm credits.

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those saying it's fine if you notice are the one's loaded with money, and ofc give two *******s about the rest of us , kudos guys way to be self serving. Let's look at facts shall we?


1.) current cost to re-mod gear cold range from 10k- 120k a piece, 5 standard gear slots, plus weapons,and other possible mod or augmented items it can cost a player well over a million credits to just change, 700k + after 1.3


2.)As previous posters noted you can make a million creds in 2-3 days(not using GTN) if you have no life or about a week of normal casual play, so in 3 says to a week time apart I can manage to change if I spend everything I have made thus far........yay /s


3.) Besides maybe 2 servers in the entire world of ToR most of your peers are starting over, you may have loads but most of the community is starting completely over . We are losing our time at endgame making big bucks the easy way re-leveling toons so we can actually play


3.) another credit sink could be added easy, say ship or speeder repairs etc, or party pay were you have to pay your companions x amount so often or lose affection(just examples out of many), defending this just because it's a sink but ignoring the rationale plight of your fellow man is silly and anti-social.


4.) We play this game to have fun, put the BW fanboyism aside, this will actually improve gameplay


Just thought I would add too, the exploiters are still with us who got credits they shouldn't have, BW said they are going to use transfers to catch those who did. Once those dirty credits are gone people won't worry about sinks so much, watch and see.

Edited by krisknife
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Completely agree with the op.......I have a lvl 32 toon and it's costing me 1k per mod each time to swap/slot new bits on my gear which is doing my head in. You say the costs go as far as 30k plus? Why can't it be free if you use a bench (which clearly isn't required so why are they there?). I guess this isn't the point though because surely a crafter could swap bits out for no cost (even more so an armour or weap crafter who specialises). What's next we get charged for gas on our speeders lol.
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those saying it's fine if you notice are the one's loaded with money, and ofc give two *******s about the rest of us , kudos guys way to be self serving. Let's look at facts shall we?


1.) current cost to re-mod gear cold range from 10k- 120k a piece, 5 standard gear slots, plus weapons,and other possible mod or augmented items it can cost a player well over a million credits to just change, 700k + after 1.3


2.)As previous posters noted you can make a million creds in 2-3 days(not using GTN) if you have no life or about a week of normal casual play, so in 3 says to a week time apart I can manage to change if I spend everything I have made thus far........yay /s


3.) Besides maybe 2 servers in the entire world of ToR most of your peers are starting over, you may have loads but most of the community is starting completely over . We are losing our time at endgame making big bucks the easy way re-leveling toons so we can actually play


3.) another credit sink could be added easy, say ship or speeder repairs etc, or party pay were you have to pay your companions x amount so often or lose affection(just examples out of many), defending this just because it's a sink but ignoring the rationale plight of your fellow man is silly and anti-social.


4.) We play this game to have fun, put the BW fanboyism aside, this will actually improve gameplay


Just thought I would add too, the exploiters are still with us who got credits they shouldn't have, BW said they are going to use transfers to catch those who did. Once those dirty credits are gone people won't worry about sinks so much, watch and see.

Once again the mod system is aimed at the hard core gamers:


Some data on the in game wealth:

Wealth distribution for level 50 chars – 80% of level 50s have less than 400k credits. . chart ends at 10 million – less than 1% have 10 million.

84% of our players have less than 1 million credits.

......=> Credits distribution is roundly

  • [0 - 400k[ = 80%
  • [400k -1M[ = 4%
  • [1M - 10M[ = 15%
  • [10M & >] = 1%


For now you pay

  • For the gear
  • For the mods
  • Soon for the augment slot
  • To extract the mods
  • For gear repair


Sounds way too much for me.

Edited by Deewe
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It would ONLY make sense IF you could have the option of selling the mods off, but you can't because their bound to you when you remove them.... This is just another stupid thing Bioware did that makes no sense at all.... Most people can't afford it so the money sink is moot since very little people do it.... Bioware in all there games have been about control, they want to control how you look (thats why there's no dyes in the game) and how you play..... That might work in a single player RPG, but it doesn't fly in a MMO....


Bioware keeps making HUGE MMO mistakes left and right... the people in charge just don't understand the player base of a MMO... they keep shooting themselves in the foot and then wonder why people keep leaving in masses...


They have enough money sinks in gear repairs and legacy items.... Maybe it wouldn't be an issue IF DAILIES WERE ACUTALLY FUN TO DO, but there not so most people don't grind them out and get super rich to afford mod swaps....


Then those players who "don't grind them out" make the choice not to have enough credits to afford to move the mods as they wish. The current cost to move mods is fine. I know you all feel it is too much, but when players can earn double the cost of moving the mods for one piece of gear in a single day, to drop it to 10k per piece is not needed.


I could understand if it took a week of doing every daily to be able to afford to move the mods on one piece of equipment, but in a week, you can make enough credits to move the mods in every piece of gear you have.

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Then those players who "don't grind them out" make the choice not to have enough credits to afford to move the mods as they wish. The current cost to move mods is fine. I know you all feel it is too much, but when players can earn double the cost of moving the mods for one piece of gear in a single day, to drop it to 10k per piece is not needed.


I could understand if it took a week of doing every daily to be able to afford to move the mods on one piece of equipment, but in a week, you can make enough credits to move the mods in every piece of gear you have.


Ok, but what if you like to change outfits every few days, or even just a few times a month?

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oh, so having a full time job, family, and life outside of online interactions makes me ineligible to look or perform how I intend for my characters. Fair enough. I guess the $15 /month from players that play 20 out of 24 hours per day is more important than the $15 i put down each month while only taxing the servers a couple hours a day.


Its not like I didnt earn the mods I have and intend to switch, all that was earned through gameplay, all I was hoping for was the ability to move the stuff I earned into sets that LOOK the way I like ... yet that option means I should play 2-4 more hours a day to make more credits to "earn" this right?


I baffle at the very idea of play more = more rights/privilege... if that is the case they need to start charging game time by the hour instead of a flat $15 a month, because players like me who pay $15 and play 1-2 hours a day tops just dont get the same value as a player who clogs the servers for 20 hours a day and has plenty of time to farm credits and swap mods to their hearts content.


Its a simple cosmetic switch, I just dont see the value added for a credit sink here, all it serves to do is alienate players who spend less time in game to farm credits.


The $15 you, I and every other player pays, we pay to have access to BW servers, not to have everything handed to us. I have a full time job, a family and a life outside of this game. I fully understand that there will be some things for which I will have to wait, or to work towards a bit at a time. If I log in tonight and d o not feel like doing dailies for the credits, I recognize that there will be somethings I may not be able to afford til I do some dailies, and do not expect BW to lower the cost.


A lot of things in this game are purely cosmetic. Not all of them are cheap, nor should they be.

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Ok, but what if you like to change outfits every few days, or even just a few times a month?


Then you need to find a way to earn the credits to do that, not ask/demand that BW reduce the cost.


And for the record, I am one of those players in the "substantially less than a million credits" group, so I cannot swap mods as often as I'd like, either.

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A lot of things in this game are purely cosmetic. Not all of them are cheap, nor should they be.


Why should they not be cheap, if they are purely cosmetic, and hence not even giving the character an edge when in PvE or PvP?


Unless the utter exquisiteness of my character's new outfit distracts you long enough for me to kill you :p

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A lot of things in this game are purely cosmetic. Not all of them are cheap, nor should they be.


actually, the cosmetic things are exactly the things which should be cheap/negligible costs...


the mods I have already earned through gameplay, all I want to do is put them in good looking gear.


Just like changing into a different pair of pants in real life- I already bought the pants, all i need to do is put them on. But in SWTOR's case, I need to pay a cost to replace the pockets, and the zippers.


Theres tons of things to make credit sinks in games, this should not be one of them.

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those saying it's fine if you notice are the one's loaded with money, and ofc give two *******s about the rest of us , kudos guys way to be self serving. Let's look at facts shall we?


How do you know exactly which posters on here are loaded with money? For the record, I feel that the current cost is fine and I have less than 500k credits, not even enough to move the mods in all my gear. Each night I log in, I have to make a choice to either do dailies or add another day to the time I'll have to wait til I can afford to move all my mods.


1.) current cost to re-mod gear cold range from 10k- 120k a piece, 5 standard gear slots, plus weapons,and other possible mod or augmented items it can cost a player well over a million credits to just change, 700k + after 1.3


2.)As previous posters noted you can make a million creds in 2-3 days(not using GTN) if you have no life or about a week of normal casual play, so in 3 says to a week time apart I can manage to change if I spend everything I have made thus far........yay /s


As stated previously, credits can easily be made aplenty with a little time and effort. It doesn't require a lot of effort or a lot of time, and certainly not all the time at one sitting or one day. It may mean moving the mods a piece at time over a few days or weeks, or waiting til you can afford to move all the mods at one time. Why should anyone expect not to have to put forth some effort and spend a little time for what they want?


3.) Besides maybe 2 servers in the entire world of ToR most of your peers are starting over, you may have loads but most of the community is starting completely over . We are losing our time at endgame making big bucks the easy way re-leveling toons so we can actually play


If you are leveling new toons, then your cost to move mods for those toons should be substantially lower than 30k per mod. I fail to see the need to worry about losing time at endgame making big bucks the easy way for moving mods for toons that are not at endgame.



3.) another credit sink could be added easy, say ship or speeder repairs etc, or party pay were you have to pay your companions x amount so often or lose affection(just examples out of many), defending this just because it's a sink but ignoring the rationale plight of your fellow man is silly and anti-social.


Plight of my fellow man? Could we be any more dramatic? If they added another credit sink, there would be massive complaints about that being way too expensive.



4.) We play this game to have fun, put the BW fanboyism aside, this will actually improve gameplay


I disagree that this will improve gameplay. While some people may feel their gameplay will improve with being able to move mods at a whim, those credits which are currently leaving the system every time someone moves a mod would be remaining in the system. This would lead to an even bigger gap between the haves and have nots, not to mention any newer players being at even more of a disadvantage financially than they are now.



Just thought I would add too, the exploiters are still with us who got credits they shouldn't have, BW said they are going to use transfers to catch those who did. Once those dirty credits are gone people won't worry about sinks so much, watch and see.


I hope they catch the exploiters and ban them. I expect that it will be a lot tougher to prove a person exploited than just having a massive amount of credits, though, so I'm not holding my breath.

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actually, the cosmetic things are exactly the things which should be cheap/negligible costs...


the mods I have already earned through gameplay, all I want to do is put them in good looking gear.


Just like changing into a different pair of pants in real life- I already bought the pants, all i need to do is put them on. But in SWTOR's case, I need to pay a cost to replace the pockets, and the zippers.


Theres tons of things to make credit sinks in games, this should not be one of them.


So those huge two seat speeders should have cost the same as any other 110% speed speeder? The difference between those and any other 110% speeder is purely cosmetic after all. The three different pilots uniforms you can get from space dailies should all cost the same? Only difference is cosmetic. The imperial trooper outfit and republic officer outfit from the CE vendor or the dander outfits from the security key vendors should cost the same as any other social outfit? Again, just a cosmetic difference.


While we're at it, let's put a cap on what players can charge for the unusual egg or the ice scrabbler jerky. After all, the pets you get from those items are just cosmetic, no real value in PVE or PVP.


As I said, a lot of things in this game a PURELY cosmetic. Not all of them are cheap, not should they be.

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How do you know exactly which posters......... .


Goodness, you are really very against using for free or cheaply, what essentialy amounts to an appearance tab, that many other MMO's aleady have in place for free or very cheap to use, and their in-game economy is not wrecked over it.


Also, why does allowing people like me, the ability to more often change my outfits, affect your game play so much anyway?

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While we're at it, let's put a cap on what players can charge for the unusual egg or the ice scrabbler jerky. After all, the pets you get from those items are just cosmetic, no real value in PVE or PVP..


A closer comparison would be where you were charged 10k each time you wanted to bring the pet out that you already paid for.

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A closer comparison would be where you were charged 10k each time you wanted to bring the pet out that you already paid for.


This would be the case if you had two or more separate outfits, all fully modded, that you like to switch back and forth and you were charged to change from one fully modded outfit to another fully modded outfit. You would have paid a one time charge to move the mods for each outfit, much like buying an unusual egg, or ice scrabbler jerky, but once that one time charge had been paid, you should not be charged to change from one outfit to another, just as you are not charged to bring out a pet you have learned.



What you are talking about is moving a single set of mods from one outfit to another, effectively creating a new outfit each time, whether or not you already have the "shell", thus you are charged for every time you move mods.

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This would be the case if you had two or more separate outfits, all fully modded, that you like to switch back and forth and you were charged to change from one fully modded outfit to another fully modded outfit. You would have paid a one time charge to move the mods for each outfit, much like buying an unusual egg, or ice scrabbler jerky, but once that one time charge had been paid, you should not be charged to change from one outfit to another, just as you are not charged to bring out a pet you have learned.



What you are talking about is moving a single set of mods from one outfit to another, effectively creating a new outfit each time, whether or not you already have the "shell", thus you are charged for every time you move mods.


I don't look at it that way at all, but I understand that you do.


So I think at this point we are just going to have to agree to disagree on this one. :)

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I don't look at it that way at all, but I understand that you do.


So I think at this point we are just going to have to agree to disagree on this one. :)

No, please allow me to disagree :p


As already stated (above) there are quite a few money sinks tied to gear not to add another one for extracting mods. Or should I say extracting mods after the first time maybe.


This system is penalizing players that want to change gear often and also penalizing crafters as players won't buy that much gear nor that much augments either. In the end both the crafters and the customers are loosing.


If it was convenient (Mods UI sucks BTW) and cheap, players would switch gear more, buy much more pieces of gear and be happy having more various look. Honestly I really miss LotRo system.

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  • 1 month later...

Legacy is a great credit sink, and a ton of fun. I'm hoping the drop the prices more so I don't look like every other player on the fleet. That's the point. It's no fun when I'm like yee I'm such a cool kid with this shiny new gear- turn around and see me; bigger or smaller with a different name. Then I log off to continue leveling. Love leveling because almost everyone has a set of different gear. I hope Bioware gets that. They can make legacy more overpowered with more cost, all I want is to not look like another 20 players on the fleet.


Two choices most players now have: Have fun cool looking gear, or purchase some fun features from Legacy.


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No, please allow me to disagree :p


As already stated (above) there are quite a few money sinks tied to gear not to add another one for extracting mods. Or should I say extracting mods after the first time maybe.


This system is penalizing players that want to change gear often and also penalizing crafters as players won't buy that much gear nor that much augments either. In the end both the crafters and the customers are loosing.


If it was convenient (Mods UI sucks BTW) and cheap, players would switch gear more, buy much more pieces of gear and be happy having more various look. Honestly I really miss LotRo system.


Everything in this nice bundle of goodness is true. Individuality please Bioware.

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