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Why so expensive to move mods?


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I agree completely. Particularly with regards to my droids, who unlike my other tank companions, can't wear rakata or black hole gear and must have all mods transferred (well except armorings, which cannot be transferred into droid parts AT ALL) at a cost of over 1 million, plus the cost of level 25 armorings. That's not just unfair, it's stupid. Edited by VulcanLogic
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But FFS, let me change my OUTFIT to something different here and there without breaking the bank!


Is this REALLY going to crash the in-game economy... me, changing my outfit here and there?? Oh noes... IT IS THE END OF THE IN-GAME ECONOMY BECAUSE I LIKE TO CHANGE OUTFITS REGULARLY!!

Realistically Spaz, we can answer your question. A competing MMO allows you to port stats from any gear piece you earn to the gear piece of your choice. There is no charge for this service, and yet they haven't been swallowed up by the inflation monster. So certainly if Bioware removed the charge or lowered it to a reasonable rate, the game's economy probably wouldn't crash.


There are just so many things Bioware could do differently with this. For example, they could make the mod removal fee a one time thing. Once you've removed a mod and paid, you can always move it free of charge. Or hell, even allow us to buy the ability (kind of like dual spec). I would shell out a million credits if I could guarantee the ability to always move my mods where I want for no charge.


There are just so many better ways to handle this. It really is too bad, because overall there are a lot of nice armor sets in this game, but unfortunately it's just not cost effective to utilize them. C'mon Bioware, think it over.

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Okay, this is irritating me a little bit. Why does Bioware punish us with mod swapping? Is it because it hurts your art design team's feelings? Look, I have a scoundrel. He looks very interesting to me with his gunslinger's goggles, a tasteful vest and assorted other pieces.


So anyway I PvP'd on him and was able to buy the battlemaster boots. Life was glorious. Until I looked in the wardrobe window. My Scoundrel is not, I repeat, not a prostitute. I have no desire to dress him in the same thigh high boots Jessica Roberts wore in Pretty Woman. It cost me damn near 120K to pull the mods out of that abomination and put them in normal looking boots.


Now, I know if I want to grind, I can recover that money. That however is not the point. I earned the original set of gear. I earned the upgraded set of gear. I should not have to pay 120K credits because frankly your art department is terrible. If I want to swap out my characters mods, then I should be able to do so on a whim. It shouldn't cost close to a million credits to change outfit and sidearm(extrapolated if I wanted 6 pieces plus pistol).


Find another money sink guys. You realize your competition has realized that allowing players to look unique is a good thing. The competition who's name rhymes with Gizzard has something that rhymes with Dansmogrification. It basically allows you to pick your characters look for an absolute pittance.


Correct this oversight please (and I don't mean a 30% discount, it's still outrageous). You have a sterile environment that we can't interact with. Every cool little area in the game is instanced, we don't have chat bubbles...


For the love of god, at least let us look how we want. I'd threaten to unsubscribe, but that horse looks pretty dead, I don't see much sense in beating it.


It costs a lot of credits because it's simply for aesthetics. You don't "have" to pull those mods out and put them in a new piece of gear to be competitive. You just "want" to. And that's why it costs so much.


Don't get me wrong I don't like it either cuz I love my Imperial spacesuit, but it's not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. :rolleyes:


Edited by WrecklessMEDIC
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I completely agree. There is so much emphasis on custom gear to create your own look. Just recently my awesome looking (in my opinion ofc) Operative hit L50 and all of a sudden every new piece of gear is pretty much the opposite of the way I think an Operative should look, though pretty much all of the War Hero sets are... interesting. I won't be getting them for the looks, that's for sure. In fact, it makes me want to give him up and level a Bounty Hunter for access to better looking gear.


Please, Bioware, reduce the cost of stripping mods. It plays a huge part in me wanting to play that character and in turn, the game itself :(

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It's expensive because it's pure fluff.



Having huge moneysinks on things that are needed to play is stupid, it would force everyone to grind for money before they could play.


It's way better to put thoses moneysinks on cosmetics things, the only ones forced to spent money is thoses that want something extra, be it swapping mods, speeders, ....


And yes, moneysinks are needed in MMOs.

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I think the problem here is that when BW were creating this particular money sink, they only considered it in terms of min/maxers so it would effectively be an infrequent cost for players.


It never even occured to them that players would want to swap mods between different outfits for appearance sakes or would hate BW's beloved artwork on some(who we kidding? I mean all) of the armour sets


I can only imagine that the reason for their oversight/miscalculation is that in solo RPG's the players don't have anyone to show off their look to so it just was'nt something that appeared on BW's radar screen (same excuse could probably be used for most of the complaints we all have).


Anyhoo, after they have sorted out some of the more gamebreaking issues I would not be suprised if they address this. The fact that they are reducing the cost by 30% in 1.3 is just proof that they obviously do not get it yet.

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Credit Sinks just piss off players and force them to burn out as not everyone likes to work the market with crafting.


No moneysink piss off players because only hardcore veterans can buy stuff.


And btw, you don't need to craft or use the GTN to make money.

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I agree, I think modding at a mod station should be made free tbh. I don't see why it needs to be so expensive, there are enough money sinks in the game already. Even after reducing it by 30% is still costs way to much to mod rakata+ gear.


Right now just changing your looks is the most expensive thing in the game, which is just silly. Especially when the social side of this game is seriously lacking.

Edited by NasherUK
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I think the problem here is that when BW were creating this particular money sink, they only considered it in terms of min/maxers so it would effectively be an infrequent cost for players.


It never even occured to them that players would want to swap mods between different outfits for appearance sakes or would hate BW's beloved artwork on some(who we kidding? I mean all) of the armour sets


I can only imagine that the reason for their oversight/miscalculation is that in solo RPG's the players don't have anyone to show off their look to so it just was'nt something that appeared on BW's radar screen (same excuse could probably be used for most of the complaints we all have).


Anyhoo, after they have sorted out some of the more gamebreaking issues I would not be suprised if they address this. The fact that they are reducing the cost by 30% in 1.3 is just proof that they obviously do not get it yet.


That's a pretty damn good answer right there. But as far as addressing some of the more gamebreaking issues first, I'd have to disagree, but for only one reason. A lot of the gamebreaking things have a technical bottleneck this on the other hand doesn't.


It seems like even the people who don't think it's a big deal (and for them it obviously isn't, otherwise they'd have created one of these threads), even they are conceding that the prices are far too harsh. This is one of those changes that would please a lot of players, and most of the rest are too apathetic to care. Seems like a net gain to me, which is a pretty good place to start when you are hemorrhaging subscriptions.

Edited by Cruzee
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I would like to see the cost lowered to something acceptable, 1000 credits per mod would be fine. I mean we already have the legacy unlocks as a huge credit sink.


Spent almost all my credits the other night removing my battlemaster mods from the helmet since i didn't want to look like a samurai, then i didn't like the replacement hat much which has completely put me off playing my sentinel.

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Yeah, just so we are clear. This thread isn't "why are there money sinks?". It's "why is it so expensive to move mods?". I'm not terribly concerned that' there's a fee associated without moving mods. It is just way too much. Even with the discount. A money sink that isn't ever used isn't much of a money sink is it?


Being able to look the way you want, with gear you have earned in game should be a right. Is it so wrong that when I travel to Hoth I want to have my character in something other than a vest?


Maybe you have not experienced it yet, but even worse is some mods can not even be replaced. ie. a leg mod which can only be used in legs.

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I agree with op, this is a horrible money sink. An actual money sink is something you need to get ... medpacs, equipment repairs ... stuff like that. Dropping 100k so your Smuggler wont look like a stripper is just annoying. I hardly think 30% discount is enough either considering we're also about to get a more widely used augment slot, which only negates that "discount." It shouldnt cost any more than 5k per gear piece IMO.
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For all you that say it is needed, Imagine in ANY other MMO what the reaction would be if in the patch notes it said.


"All max lvl toons will now need to pay 500k currency to change their clothes!"


Now you see how stupid that would be right? The outrages it might cause? Yeah that's because it is. Really as cool as the whole orange gear idea was, there is a point where they should have just followed the crowd and went appearance tab. An apppearance tab is superior in every single way, and offers more customization.

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Find another money sink guys. You realize your competition has realized that allowing players to look unique is a good thing. The competition who's name rhymes with Gizzard has something that rhymes with Dansmogrification. It basically allows you to pick your characters look for an absolute pittance.


If you want to bring up how another company does it, don't even bring up That Company That Shall Not Be Named. Their method, while better, is still inadequate compared to DC Universe Online's method. For all the bad about that game, DCUO's infrastructure for dealing with gear is very good. Basically, it remembers every single gear style you've ever worn and can apply any gear style to any armor slot. There's no cost and you can destroy the item once you've equipped it because you don't need to keep it around in your bank or inventory in order to apply it to gear later on. Just equip it, it gets remembered, delete the item, put the gear with the gear with the good stats back on and then apply your new appearance to the epic Tier gear you have. I raided in a Batman hoodie and Robin baseball cap :)


But yeah, mod costs are out of control. I think Bioware anticipated much more money being in the economy than there actually ended up being,

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"Walks to clothes closet, please insert $176,596 credits for YOUR pair of new pants" :rak_02:


1.3 = "Walks to clothes closet, please insert $123,617 credits for YOUR pair of new pants" :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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"Walks to clothes closet, please insert $176,596 credits for YOUR pair of new pants" :rak_02:


1.3 = "Walks to clothes closet, please insert $123,617 credits for YOUR pair of new pants" :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


yep, 30% is not a solution, it just shows they don't understand the issue or it's low on the priority list.

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