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Why so expensive to move mods?


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Okay, this is irritating me a little bit. Why does Bioware punish us with mod swapping? Is it because it hurts your art design team's feelings? Look, I have a scoundrel. He looks very interesting to me with his gunslinger's goggles, a tasteful vest and assorted other pieces.


So anyway I PvP'd on him and was able to buy the battlemaster boots. Life was glorious. Until I looked in the wardrobe window. My Scoundrel is not, I repeat, not a prostitute. I have no desire to dress him in the same thigh high boots Julia Roberts wore in Pretty Woman. It cost me damn near 120K to pull the mods out of that abomination and put them in normal looking boots.


Now, I know if I want to grind, I can recover that money. That however is not the point. I earned the original set of gear. I earned the upgraded set of gear. I should not have to pay 120K credits because frankly your art department is terrible. If I want to swap out my characters mods, then I should be able to do so on a whim. It shouldn't cost close to a million credits to change outfit and sidearm(extrapolated if I wanted 6 pieces plus pistol).


Find another money sink guys. You realize your competition has realized that allowing players to look unique is a good thing. The competition who's name rhymes with Gizzard has something that rhymes with Dansmogrification. It basically allows you to pick your characters look for an absolute pittance.


Correct this oversight please (and I don't mean a 30% discount, it's still outrageous). You have a sterile environment that we can't interact with. Every cool little area in the game is instanced, we don't have chat bubbles...


For the love of god, at least let us look how we want. I'd threaten to unsubscribe, but that horse looks pretty dead, I don't see much sense in beating it.

Edited by Cruzee
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Theyre lowering the cost in 1.3. i think 35%? not sure but its easy enoughf ro you to look up.


Sure, I mentioned that in the above post, I think it is 30%, but regardless. I still shouldn't have to pay half a million credits if I want to change up my wardrobe. I just can't see the justification for it. It's not even an effective credit sink. Most players would wear a bonnet and leotard combo if the stats were right.


It just seems really stupid. Like crayon eating, window lickingly stupid.

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I agree with you OP. I have a couple of outfits that I like. One looks more like a healer outfit to me, and the other looks more like a DPS outfit. Don't laugh, I really do think one looks more healzy and the other more DPSy! :D


I like to change my looks when I switch specs. It's fun, and I get tired of looking at the same outfit all the time.


But yeah, I can't do that because there's no way I'm paying that much each time to move the mods from one outfit to the other.


Even with the price reduction in 1.3, it is still WAY TOO EXPENSIVE, IMHO of course.

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Yep, mmo's need money sinks and this is just one of them. I hate it too, and i hate that it scales up with level, and that you get charged a fee for swapping about what you have already earned and probably in all likley hood expended many credits to get in the first place. But i also understand why they do it, it wouldn't be so bad if max level toons were given a bonus to credit loot in lou of xp like that other game does.
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Yep, mmo's need money sinks and this is just one of them. I hate it too, and i hate that it scales up with level, and that you get charged a fee for swapping about what you have already earned and probably in all likley hood expended many credits to get in the first place. But i also understand why they do it, it wouldn't be so bad if max level toons were given a bonus to credit loot in lou of xp like that other game does.


There are many other money sinks. Changing your appearance does not need to be one of them, especially being that it is purely just a fluff item that is often used (or would like to be used) repeatedly.


And if enough people say that they would really like to be able to change their character's appearance more, then maybe Bioware will make it so.

Edited by SpazCats
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I hear you on the need for credit sinks, and I agree that they need them. What I can't wrap my head around is that changing my clothes on my toon at the Battlemaster level (even taking the discount into consideration) will cost more than purchasing the epic riding skill and the epic speeder combined.


That is simply mind-boggling.

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Understand its a credit sink, but where does the credits go? Isn't like you go to a workbench or pay an NPC to remove the mods :confused: Who do you pay? Do you melt down so many credits in order to remove a mod?


It goes to a few places:


1- To the Vendors so they have enough money to buy all the useless junk you gather when killing things

2- To the things you kill so they have money to drop when you kill them.




But yeah, money sinks are needed in these games because money can be infinite since it is created by selling junk or from drops, it is not like a real world where the money supply is finite.

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But yeah, money sinks are needed in these games because money can be infinite since it is created by selling junk or from drops, it is not like a real world where the money supply is finite.


Yeah, just so we are clear. This thread isn't "why are there money sinks?". It's "why is it so expensive to move mods?". I'm not terribly concerned that' there's a fee associated without moving mods. It is just way too much. Even with the discount. A money sink that isn't ever used isn't much of a money sink is it?


Being able to look the way you want, with gear you have earned in game should be a right. Is it so wrong that when I travel to Hoth I want to have my character in something other than a vest?

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I stopped removing them and just replaced them it would have sent me broke otherwise.

Exactly Talarchy. The absurd amount of credits for something so trivial means that player like Talarchy won't move mods. Ergo, the money sink doesn't function if nobody pours money into it. 30% isn't going to change that.

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Its the goal of every Inquisitor i know to get rid of their Columi/Rakata jet wings. I'm surprised sorcs and sins worlds over havnt been molested by fighter test pilots trying to take them for a spin.


Grats on your win of columi/rakata chest, unfortunatly it doesnt come with ~115k to remod it to something that doesnt look like a half shut transformer toy.


37k per mod to remove is about as logical as jumping that electric fence and getting stuck halfway...

Edited by Spaj
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nm missed the line where you said you know about the 1.3 discount.


I hate money sinks too, but mmos do need them or economies go insane and crash.


ToR economy is already fairly pointless since all mats are tradeable and you can farm on alts without actually playing them. there's honestly no use for credits either since dailies vomit them at you, guy on my server has bought out every possible legacy upgrade, burned through multiple professions to 400 to crit craft rakata BoE's, and still farms treasure hunting for funsies.

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Well you don't have to mod out your gear. You can take it like it is and not spend a single credit. If you want to min max though, spend the credits. I mean if having that little bit of an advantage is worth it to you, then you shouldn't mind the cost. If you don't want to pay it, then stick with what you have got. I think the mental torture is of your own creation. You think the millionaires are complaining that that the insurance for their Ferrari cost too much? No. They wanted the stupidly expensive car and accepted the costs associated with the luxury.
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Well you don't have to mod out your gear. You can take it like it is and not spend a single credit. If you want to min max though, spend the credits. I mean if having that little bit of an advantage is worth it to you, then you shouldn't mind the cost. If you don't want to pay it, then stick with what you have got. I think the mental torture is of your own creation. You think the millionaires are complaining that that the insurance for their Ferrari cost too much? No. They wanted the stupidly expensive car and accepted the costs associated with the luxury.


I think you are misunderstanding the issue at hand.


Some of us want to simply change out our mods to another set of gear, for appearances sake.


We are not rolling in credits... hence the issue.

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Well you don't have to mod out your gear. You can take it like it is and not spend a single credit. If you want to min max though, spend the credits. I mean if having that little bit of an advantage is worth it to you, then you shouldn't mind the cost. If you don't want to pay it, then stick with what you have got. I think the mental torture is of your own creation. You think the millionaires are complaining that that the insurance for their Ferrari cost too much? No. They wanted the stupidly expensive car and accepted the costs associated with the luxury.


Not even close on that analogy, big guy. What we are talking about is more like this:


Me (Our Hero): Hello there, it took a long time, but I finally saved up enough money for this Ferrari.

Bioware Ferrari Salesman: Excellent choice sir, I will have it brought right out

Our Hero Dances Excitedly

BFS: Ahh, here it is, beautiful isn't it.

Me: Umm... what color is that exactly... is it green?

BFS: Kind of sir, the boys in design are calling it "Post Nasal Drip". Very fast car, the kids are calling it the "Snot Rocket". We think that's kind of cute.

Me: But I don't want a snot rocket. I was told I could get a cherry red ferrari.

BFS: Well of course you can sir, we are not savages after all. Ohhh Ferdinand? Please bring out a red Ferrari for the gentleman.

Me: Yay!!!

Our Hero Does the happy dance with twice as much vigor.

BFS: But there is a fee associated with the color change. Here it is, it will cost you a million dollars.

Me: B...b...but I only paid $200,000 for the basic model.

BFS: Mmm hmm...

Me: But that's really stupid. I'm not going to pay that!

BFS: Fine sir, let me consult with the manager.

The BFS scurries off to talk with his manager and comes back with a huge smile on his face.

BFS: Good news, sir! My manager has seen your plight, as such he will knock down the color change fee to $700,000.

Me: Yeah buddy, not going to happen. I guess I'll take the booger-mobile.

BFS: Very good sir. Here it is now, climb on in!

Me: Gods! What is that smell.

BFS: Oh, that is the default interior odor. We decided to do away with the standard new car smell. We call this one "Tropical Farts"

Me: Ummm... can I get one with the old "New Car Smell"

BFS: Of course you can sir. That will be $500,000.

Me plugs his nose and sighs.

Me: Never mind.

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This is a huge issue i agree. It costs almost 120k credits (150k for weapons) to move all the mods not including augments from the old item to a new one thats a whole day of dailys to fix up one piece that you will replace on several future occassions.
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ToR economy is already fairly pointless since all mats are tradeable and you can farm on alts without actually playing them. there's honestly no use for credits either since dailies vomit them at you, guy on my server has bought out every possible legacy upgrade, burned through multiple professions to 400 to crit craft rakata BoE's, and still farms treasure hunting for funsies.


I think this post inadvertently answers the ops question. Its really really easy to make credits in tor, therefore they have really really expensive money sinks. might just be bad balance, but if they lower one theyll have to lower another until their metrics even out.


I would expect all of it to change again after 1.3, because theres no real way to see how introducing somthing like craftable augment slots will effect the economy until it goes live.

Edited by Mallorik
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I think this post inadvertently answers the ops question. Its really really easy to make credits in tor, therefore they have really really expensive money sinks. might just be bad balance, but if they lower one theyll have to lower another until their metrics even out.


I would expect all of it to change again after 1.3, because theres no real way to see how introducing somthing like craftable augment slots will effect the economy until it goes live.


No, it answers why there are money sinks in the game. It doesn't answer why mod moving is so ridiculously, outrageously, and incomprehensibly expensive. I don't mind that they tie mod moving to a money sink, but it is so far out of proportion.


I mean c'mon, I mentioned this before, but changing my pants and chest piece will cost as much as the epic speeder. There is no defense for the ratio.


I would like Bioware to answer why fashionistas of the Galaxy must bear the brunt of money sinking.

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Yeah, this money sink hit me hard....I'm really particular about the way my character looks so I'm always tweeking it with new armor and what not, plus upgrading to war hero and augmented gear.....I've spent more in mod swapping than anything else in this game, no exaggeration.


I'm just glad they're gonna lower it a little bit for 1.3 but I don't think it'll be lowered enough.


I'm finally in a nice armor set that I'm going to keep that's all augmented, I'll just add augs to implants/earpiece/bracers/belt/relics when 1.3 comes out.....but that's gonna be another huge sink lol



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I think this post inadvertently answers the ops question. Its really really easy to make credits in tor, therefore they have really really expensive money sinks. might just be bad balance, but if they lower one theyll have to lower another until their metrics even out.


I would expect all of it to change again after 1.3, because theres no real way to see how introducing somthing like craftable augment slots will effect the economy until it goes live.


Ok fine, some people say it is easy to make credits. I have like, 2 million credits to my name, and I worked hard for them. Maybe I mismanage my credits or something, I don't know.


But FFS, let me change my OUTFIT to something different here and there without breaking the bank!


Is this REALLY going to crash the in-game economy... me, changing my outfit here and there?? Oh noes... IT IS THE END OF THE IN-GAME ECONOMY BECAUSE I LIKE TO CHANGE OUTFITS REGULARLY!!


Sorry for the caps lock, but this is how frustrated I am with such counter arguments to this request.

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