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BioChem Question


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All the Rakata stims bind on pickup.

Your best-selling items will be Prototype Hyper-Battle stims. They boost a primary stat + Power (or Defense + Endurance, in the case of the Fortitude one), last 2 hours, and persist through defeat. They're quite useful for raiding, and you can get 10-15k for them.

You may also find Exotech stim schematics when running HM Ops. They will sell for even more money, but the market will probably be smaller due to their higher cost and relative rarity.

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you can drop Exotech schematics even in story mode OPs. I got one yesterday from some trash mob in KP. I dunno if I will make money out of this TBH. Mats are quite hard/expensive to get and on my server and GTN is quite filled with them. Highest price I saw for Exotech Skill stim was like 5k per piece.
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Prototype Ultimate Medpacs seem to be the best money-maker for me. Sells for 10k per piece like hot cakes, usually within two hours. Well, it sells even for higher prices, but I just don't want to overcharge. 10k seems just right. I wouldn't sell it below this price though, it needs too many mats.


Blue stims are good too, but for me they sell slower. Maybe it is just my server, I don't know.


The other viable option is selling mats. Many people have slicing instead of bio, so they need mats to level their craft.

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That's insane, the materials alone are way more than that on my server.


yeah it is insane but on ToFN almost everyone has Bio as his main and rest on alts. Today I was trying to sell 10x Exotech Skill Stims for 50k and got laughed at in /1 lol.


Now bout mats. Only "hard" to get mat is Radioactive Paste (purple/diplomacy/grade 6 mat) and they sell for like 5-8k per stack of 5. I noticed that when oyu make Exo stims you get 2-4 pieces per craft so 5k per stim is not insane price anyway.


So in worst case scenario I spend like 16k for 10 mats, set to craft 5 Exo stims (2 Pastes needed for 1) and get at least 10-14 Stims. Good deal still IMO, that is IF I could sell those for 5k ffs.

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