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Class Performance Statistics


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This question is more directed at the developers.. I'm curious if there are any plans to make Warzone statistics viewable by the player base (would think this would come w/ Ranked Warzones), and if so, what will be available?


Clearly we'll eventually be able to see an individual rankings, however is there any plans to make class statistics available? I would be interested in seeing win/loss ratios for each class by map/faction/group composition/spec etc. More hard #'s on how each class actually tends to perform in certain pvp scenarios would reduce speculation on this forum, and also add clarity/predictability to future class buffs/nerfs.

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All data is subjective to the environment in which it is gathered. In the current cases, because of unbalanced warzones on most servers that actually manage a pvp pop, (with the majority of servers in general having practically 0 pvp warzones), class numbers are unreliable. Damage vs kills is also difficult to measure, you can deal tons of damage with AOE and DoT's and take damage/self heal to inflate numbers, but it doesn't represent your actual team performance. Objective points aren't really indicative of anything either except for maybe offensive points in non-huttball, in huttball you can just farm points with passes. Deaths are also not a good measurement, as healers tend to get more focus and thus more deaths than any other group on the field. Total protection is a decent metric as it represents a solid reduction in the enemy damage output, but can also be inflated by using AOE taunts on an active focus fire for huge burst of points with no real impact.
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All data is subjective to the environment in which it is gathered. In the current cases, because of unbalanced warzones on most servers that actually manage a pvp pop, (with the majority of servers in general having practically 0 pvp warzones), class numbers are unreliable. Damage vs kills is also difficult to measure, you can deal tons of damage with AOE and DoT's and take damage/self heal to inflate numbers, but it doesn't represent your actual team performance. Objective points aren't really indicative of anything either except for maybe offensive points in non-huttball, in huttball you can just farm points with passes. Deaths are also not a good measurement, as healers tend to get more focus and thus more deaths than any other group on the field. Total protection is a decent metric as it represents a solid reduction in the enemy damage output, but can also be inflated by using AOE taunts on an active focus fire for huge burst of points with no real impact.


Asking for numbers doesn't necessary mean you should draw faulty conclusions from them... not exactly sure why you are pointing this out.


I would love to see the average stats for my class in a specific warzone, just so I can compare my average stats to it. I would also like to compare between similar class roles. Say, assassin protection scores vs juggernaut in each warzone. There is lots of relevant, valid data that can answer questions. As the OP pointed out, win ratio by class is going to be very telling. I would also love to see the number of optimal healers.

Edited by Ahhmyface
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I think what would be better would be if we knew which stats were monitiored by BW so we could then analyze if their chocie of criteria is justified. I'm sure they are balanced against each other currently within acceptable deviations. I doubt we'd see such though as a for profit business would bend to favor trends and who could blame them for such.


Also, at the risk of stating the obvious, even if we could prove to everyone everything was balanced the posting on these boards would not stop. Part of posting is the entertainment of discussion.


The more reasonable approach would be to accept BW is a very good company within their industry and just trust them for the more serious stuff like balancing.

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Bad idea to show all stats, leads to ppl leaving games because their stupid stat may suffer OR not team play and just sit on the safe node. And comparing stats mean nothing if you don't know if they only play to goof around, play with a team, get rofl stomped 10 times in a row due to pre-mades and on and on. It's for ppl that like to E-peen over how their stats compare to others.:rak_01:
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Bad idea to show all stats, leads to ppl leaving games because their stupid stat may suffer OR not team play and just sit on the safe node. And comparing stats mean nothing if you don't know if they only play to goof around, play with a team, get rofl stomped 10 times in a row due to pre-mades and on and on. It's for ppl that like to E-peen over how their stats compare to others.:rak_01:


Kinda agree here actually. They don't have to make everyone's individual stats public, or even able to be viewed at all. I think the total population's stats would be enough. Am not so much looking to answer the question how good am I relative to everyone else/ everyone similar (Although this is interesting), am more looking to figure out questions like whats the best premade group.. or do darkness assassins counter healers as well as dps classes.

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The problem with giving too much hard data to the community is that we have too many armchair developers here. For example, let's say that they release those numbers you're talking about, and they show that 90% of arsenal mercs win their fights 100% of the time. (I know, just go with it for a second) Many of the people here would infer from that that arsenal mercs are over powered, when in fact it could mean that the only people left playing arsenal merc are legitimate PVP gods who would win regardless of the class they were playing. Hard data only goes so far, and way too many people would only use it to back up their pet QQ. Statistics can be used to show anything, and we're truly better off not having those numbers, in my not-so-humble opinion.
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