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Large vehicle mounts

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Over the weekend I got my first large vehicle mount (Tirsa Elite) and I'm asking myself, except for epeen, why on Earth would anyone use one of these? It's just way too big. I used it for about 5 minutes and went back to my Gurian Shadow. Edited by Screaming_Ziva
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Why not?


Why not use the blue +41 crystal instead of the 500 mils black purple or magenta?


Why not use the lvl 10 oranges?


Who knows? Might be necessity, might be e-peen.. ultimately.. who gives a flying crap?


The problem with today`s players is that they care an unhealthy amount about what others are doing, rather that focusing on themselves.

Edited by Styxx
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Over the weekend I got my first large vehicle mount (Tirsa Elite) and I'm asking myself, except for epeen, why on Earth would anyone use one of these? It's just way too big. I used it for about 5 minutes and went back to my Gurian Shadow.


For show only, I agree they're rather unwieldy, a bit ugly and get in the way. I very rarely use the ones I have.

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Over the weekend I got my first large vehicle mount (Tirsa Elite) and I'm asking myself, except for epeen, why on Earth would anyone use one of these? It's just way too big. I used it for about 5 minutes and went back to my Gurian Shadow.


They'd be fine if the camera panned out further on them than on the smaller mounts.

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Why not?


Why not use the blue +41 crystal instead of the 500 mils black purple or magenta?


Why not use the lvl 10 oranges?


Who knows? Might be necessity, might be e-peen.. ultimately.. who gives a flying crap?


The problem with today`s players is that they care an unhealthy amount about what others are doing, rather that focusing on themselves.

Can't refrain of grumbling at others at every opportunity, can we? The OP is just curious, come on.

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It would be nice if the larger mounts could hold multiple players at the same time. Or..... maybe vendors of some sort? ............Yes, I'm referencing those giant mammoth mounts from WoW. But still, I think it would be a good idea for some of the larger mounts to have some added functionality over the normal ones you get.
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Over the weekend I got my first large vehicle mount (Tirsa Elite) and I'm asking myself, except for epeen, why on Earth would anyone use one of these? It's just way too big. I used it for about 5 minutes and went back to my Gurian Shadow.


I think you nailed it. Especially the folks who park them at mail boxes, vendors and GTN terminals.

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The problem with today`s players is that they care an unhealthy amount about what others are doing, rather that focusing on themselves.


When part of a large online community, I think that there are too many folks who just focus on themselves which makes it part of a larger problem.

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I just wish your companion would chill with you in the passenger seat.


I would kill the Emperor for my companion to be able to ride in my passenger seat .. Hell, I would probably use the large vehicles I have if that were the case ;)



they are better at not getting you knocked off your mount when getting agro as you pass through an area


This is not true, the large and small mounts are the same based on the vehicle's rating ....

Edited by Balrizangor
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When part of a large online community, I think that there are too many folks who just focus on themselves which makes it part of a larger problem.


If this was wow, I would agree, but down here in these parts, large online community's don't exist.

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I was very disappointed that they removed virtually all of the big speeders, as I quite liked them and I wanted one.




So I could be one of those obnoxious 13-year-olds who thought it was teh funny to park in front of terminals?




Because Luke Skywalker had a big speeder (and his uncle, for that matter). Because you see them in ANH, PM, and ATC. Because they're actually in the canon--but nooooo, we all have to be punished because of some immature twerps.

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I was very disappointed that they removed virtually all of the big speeders, as I quite liked them and I wanted one.




So I could be one of those obnoxious 13-year-olds who thought it was teh funny to park in front of terminals?




Because Luke Skywalker had a big speeder (and his uncle, for that matter). Because you see them in ANH, PM, and ATC. Because they're actually in the canon--but nooooo, we all have to be punished because of some immature twerps.


I completely agree. I think it's lame most of them were removed because of a few idiots in the game. Those people should've been punished and auto dismount bubbles should've been placed around vendors, quest NPCs, vaults, and the GTN.


Removing them from the game did nothing to stop the issue because people who have the mounts already will still be able to act like idiots on them, while latecomers to the game are the ones punished for it.

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Because it takes a special ********* to pull one of these in the station and block access to the market and other terminals.


You can't block access to anything with them. They float 3 feet off the ground and every vendor, terminal, GTN Kiosk, Mailbox, and Cargo Hold goes all the way to the ground.


It is physically impossible to block anyone from clicking on anything in this game.

Edited by MaximusRex
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You can't block access to anything with them. They float 3 feet off the ground and every vendor, terminal, GTN Kiosk, Mailbox, and Cargo Hold goes all the way to the ground.


It is physically impossible to block anyone from clicking on anything in this game.


Making folks move their camera around to get underneath a giant speeder in order to access a vendor or mail box isn't exactly a good thing to do. Is it hard to do? No. But being a gent and dismounting your speeder so that you are not forcing the multiple people around you to jockey their cameras so that they can see around you takes even less effort.

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I think the big mounts look silly in enclosed areas like the fleet and spaceports, but they look pretty awesome out in the open. Sorta like your character riding a car vs. a motorcycle or a segway. :)


I think the big speeders just have a "bad name", to an extent, due to all the people that use them and don't dismount in areas like the GTN, mailbox, etc. It is very annoying to have some rude person park their big ol' speeder on top of your character while you're browsing the GTN. I really don't understand why you are allowed to be mounted in some areas like that. :confused:

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