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Daniel Erickson thinks X-Server LFG is last resort


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And WoW has 8.6 million boxes sold in US but only 4.5 million US subs, and just laid off 600. Not as indicative as you're postulating.


WoW is a 7 year old game. How long do you expect people to play the same game? WoW is still better than SWTOR: better at handling sub turnover, better at being a multiplayer game, better at proactively adding features and taking risks.


I left because it was just plain time to move on.

Edited by Gungan
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WoW is a 7 year old game. How long do you expect people to play the same game? WoW is still better than SWTOR: better at handling sub turnover, better at being a multiplayer game.


I left because it was just plain time to move on.


I'm sitting here wondering how to word this...


I mean no disrespect, or flaming, or anything like that, but it just plain sounds like this game is not for you.


On the plus side: Finally a game that's not a WoW-clone, and is more like a cross between DAoC and GW2. At first I was disappointed, but this is sounding better and better. This may be more of what will appeal to you.


Check this out.


And this.


And BioWare, if you're reading, TAKE NOTES! Apply some of this to the the open-world PvP revamp!

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And why are people leaving in droves? They come to these forums looking for information and see WoW all over.


When I unsubscribed, on the exit survey, there was no checkbox for "the game is too much like WoW", nor was there a checkbox for "toxic atmosphere on forums".


There were at least two questions about difficulty finding groups.


The devs know why people are leaving.

Edited by DarthTHC
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I'm sitting here wondering how to word this...


I mean no disrespect, or flaming, or anything like that, but it just plain sounds like this game is not for you.


On the plus side: Finally a game that's not a WoW-clone, and is more like a cross between DAoC and GW2. At first I was disappointed, but this is sounding better and better. This may be more of what will appeal to you.


Check this out.


And this.


And BioWare, if you're reading, TAKE NOTES! Apply some of this to the the open-world PvP revamp!


Yah, that game has a whole lot of my attention. It helps that they're releasing new information every (business) day.


It helps to follow their twitter feed.

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I'm sitting here wondering how to word this...


I mean no disrespect, or flaming, or anything like that, but it just plain sounds like this game is not for you.


On the plus side: Finally a game that's not a WoW-clone, and is more like a cross between DAoC and GW2. At first I was disappointed, but this is sounding better and better. This may be more of what will appeal to you.


Check this out.


And this.


And BioWare, if you're reading, TAKE NOTES! Apply some of this to the the open-world PvP revamp!


Yeah I dunno how EOS is going ot turn out, and I'm not even going to speculate. I'm just going to wait for it to launch. I'm not nearly as interested in that universe as I am in Star Wars, but 3 faction PVP is certainly a point in its favor.

Edited by Gungan
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Yeah I dunno how EOS is going ot turn out, and I'm not even going to speculate. I'm just going to wait for it to launch. I'm not nearly as interested in that universe as I am in Star Wars, but 3 faction PVP is certainly a point in its favor.


And 3-faction is totally doable for TOR PvP. Just need to do it.

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Don't know what to tell besides wait it out until transfers happen. I do agree that they should have happened a lot sooner. Even before I started they should have happened.


Oh and btw, I play on the Swiftsure but I'm hoping that the new trolls that have joined that server are only there until transfers, it's turning the community into a cesspool already.


Turning into a cesspool without a cross server LFG feature?...lol. You know how contradictive that statement is when made in light of the many posts you have made about how a cross server LFG tool will ruin the community? ;)

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When I unsubscribed, on the exit survey, there was no checkbox for "the game is too much like WoW", nor was there a checkbox for "toxic atmosphere on forums".


There were at least two questions about difficulty finding groups.


The devs know why people are leaving.


They do. And eventually we will see a cross server LFG tool as many more continue to leave for the same reason. Atleast if I do unsub when mine runs out..that will be the reason I will put down. Along with a couple other minor reasons. But the lack of being able to get a group for FP's and OP's in a timely manner will be the major one.

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Turning into a cesspool without a cross server LFG feature?...lol. You know how contradictive that statement is when made in light of the many posts you have made about how a cross server LFG tool will ruin the community? ;)


I used to think some of his posts had some valid points... more and more however, there is less and less substance. The defence to X-server being bad is now being boiled down to:


trololololool x-server is insta-iwn wowlover community ruiner. Like that makes for a convincing point that I'll give any credit to :rolleyes:


I haven't seen anything posted to date that I would consider persuasive about how it actually ruings the community. Lots of claims that it does, but nothing presented to back it up.


I have seen lots of things like people just stand around in the capital city all day waiting for the Q to pop... which is laughable as right now in this game the only place people go is the station to dah duh dah... try and get a group.


At least with a good LFD tool you can go out and quest while waiting for the Q to pop... that's how I have always used it and found it was fantastic at having a night be some questing with a couple of random dungeons thrown in for good measure.

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Lymain: You announced that Ranked Warzones are still on track for Game Update 1.3 in the May 25th Q&A. Is the plan still to implement this feature incrementally, starting with only pre-made teams of eight? Will queues be cross-server initially? Or will cross-server queues be implemented at some point after the first stage of Ranked Warzones makes it live?


Daniel Erickson (Lead Game Designer): That is correct. First implementation (pre-season) will be pre-made teams of eight and will not be cross-server.


Anti x-server LFG crowd can relax now.

BW simply doesn't know how to make things x-server.

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I think you should go back to WoW if you want a x-server tool so badly. It just promotes having no community at all.


Oh, really now. Let's be real for a second.


-Server pop has nothing to do with the quality of the community

-Server communities are isolated by design

-Server population being isolated has nothing to do with the quality of the community

-People in RDF don't really join your server's community, per se

-You are not prevented from only grouping with people on your server

-People are going to be d****, cross-server queue or not

-You take a chance of grouping with tools when you pug, cross-server queue or not

-Cross-server queue is an optional feature


My server's 'community' consists of 100 people combined on both factions during prime time. If someone can legitimately refute my points above and demonstrate how my server's community will be 'ruined' by cross-server queueing, I'd like to see it. FFS people, the detractors are acting like we want chemical weapons plants being built next to their homes. Yet none of the bickering and posturing changes the fact that whether you queue cross-server or not, you have NO guarantee that the 'community' will be made of good or bad people.

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I think you should go back to WoW if you want a x-server tool so badly. It just promotes having no community at all.


Do you know what promotes no community 10x more than a x-server lfg tool? letting players run through content solo then on top of that give them an npc to help them do the harder stuff so they never need to look for a group. you cant encourage anti social behavior much more than that.


So if you let the anti social people be anti social, fine it wil keep them happy. But now what do you do with the people that want to group? In a perfect world you could heard the two groups onto their own servers then everyone would be happy, but that aint gonna happen.


If youre going to mix anti socials with people who want groups, you need a larger pool to draw from.

Edited by Mallorik
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Who really cares about server only lfg. I was laughing at a guy in my guild today becasue he was trying to get a group for a hm and he couldn't get enough people, so he then says he can't wait till the lfg comes out in 1.3. I said you do realize the brains at BW decided that a lfg tool will only be for you server so if you can't get a group on your server now you will not get one with the tool. I really can't understand the thinking behind not having a cross server lfg tool, but I used it in wow for years and liked it. 95% of the time I always got a good group and it was well worth it. The only people who don't want the lfg tool seem to be the badies who people tend to pick on.
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Who really cares about server only lfg. I was laughing at a guy in my guild today becasue he was trying to get a group for a hm and he couldn't get enough people, so he then says he can't wait till the lfg comes out in 1.3. I said you do realize the brains at BW decided that a lfg tool will only be for you server so if you can't get a group on your server now you will not get one with the tool.


Do you realise the lfg tool is being combined with server transfers, hence much higher pop servers.

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BW is taking an incredible risk with refusing to make the LFG tool cross server. If these transfers don't work out then all the new content in the world isn't going to mean anything if nobody can play it. I'm really excited about 1.3 as it fixes 90% of my problems with this game (why no duel spec BW?). This will only be the case if server transfers work correctly. If people end up transfering all of the place then the LFG tool will be useless. I think it would be wise for BW to develop the cross server tech now and then implement it to save the game if transfers don't work out. Because right now, this game will be saved or broken in the next few months.
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BW is taking an incredible risk with refusing to make the LFG tool cross server. If these transfers don't work out then all the new content in the world isn't going to mean anything if nobody can play it. I'm really excited about 1.3 as it fixes 90% of my problems with this game (why no duel spec BW?). This will only be the case if server transfers work correctly. If people end up transfering all of the place then the LFG tool will be useless. I think it would be wise for BW to develop the cross server tech now and then implement it to save the game if transfers don't work out. Because right now, this game will be saved or broken in the next few months.


They did change their stance on dual spec, as well as macros. Its just the x-server lfg tool and a combat window that they still refuse to accept as modern mmo necessities.


I dont remember when or where i saw it last but they did say dual specs were coming soon and it sounded like 1.4.

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I'm pretty sure the guy said cross server warzones were coming in 1.2 with ranked warzones. Did he go back and reneg?


Its my understanding the PvPers will get x-server WZs the PvEers won't get any..


Note: WAR has only PvE servers(2) now... DAoC has only PvE shards that are active.. do the math. Take care of the PvPers with "balancing" and X-server LFG..screw the PvEers, GOOOD plan.

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I'm pretty sure the guy said cross server warzones were coming in 1.2 with ranked warzones. Did he go back and reneg?


No, they have said specificaly that x-server was not coming to ranked pvp yet. I dont think they have said they dont want it, i just dont think they can do it. Ranked wz's will be 8 man only, same server only in 1.3. (if ranked makes it to 1.3)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Daniel Erickson, Lead Game Designer for Star Wars: The Old Republic, in an interview:



How can a multi-million Star Wars online multiplayer game have a lead designer that is this clueless about running a successful MMO service?


Here's a clue, Daniel: I am not looking for some 'last resorts' in your service product. I want the convenience to play with millions of strangers, anonymously over the Internet, with the convenience of pressing a button and the magic happening.


A LFG tool is just that, a tool. It has to work 24/7. It has to work irrespective of US primetime, EU primetime, AUS primetime, Japan primetime, India primetime, Arab-Emirates primetime. It has to work for people working night-shifts, day-shifts, double-shifts, 1 job, 2 jobs, 3 jobs, not working at all or taking care of their baby.


A LFG tool works the better the bigger the population it can draw from. This is something that's obvious to everyone. Making it cross-server as a last resort is too late. This too should be obvious, at least to a Lead Game Designer.


World of Warcraft, a game you might think was at its best during Vanilla/TBC, put in theirs right after their subscription numbers had started to drop. Their subscriptions have since stabilized. Maybe that's a coincidence, or maybe they know a thing or two about running an MMO service and challenging your preconceptions.




What really gets under my skin is the hubris. Does this Lead Game Designer never entertain the thought that maybe he could be wrong? Would he say the same thing if he thought there was a chance he had gotten it completely wrong?


If in 2 months, despite everything, X-Server LFG is added and someone wants to make the case that the game is on its last legs, well there's your money-quote, straight from the horse's mouth!


On the other hand, if in 2 months I'm on the outside looking in and see that patch 1.5 is going to add X-Server LFG, is that going to entice me to come back knowing that the Lead Game Designer is going for the game's last resort?


Well said. This is exactly why I unsubbed this week. Despite the majority of their community asking for a cross-server LFG tool, EA would rather nickle and dime us charging for character transfers after the first. That is the ONLY reason they went single-server! This is exactly why EA was voted "Worst Company in America": http://consumerist.com/2012/04/congratulations-ea-you-are-the-worst-company-in-america-for-2012.html


When single-server flops and they finally go cross-server I will probably return... but then again... with a Lead Game Designer showing this level of ignorance I wouldn't be surprised if they did the same thing as SOE did with SWG, going down pridefully with their sinking ship refusing to the bitter end to comply with their customers' feedback. It's sad really, were it not for this horrible decision I likely would have kept my subscription for atleast a few more years. I expected more from Bioware, now I know better...

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Daniel Erickson, Lead Game Designer for Star Wars: The Old Republic, in an interview:



How can a multi-million Star Wars online multiplayer game have a lead designer that is this clueless about running a successful MMO service?




I don't want any more XServer that's what ruined WoW, and that's why he is saying this. To try to make this casual MMO keep a core audience that doesn't want XServer play.


Cross server just means I'll end up leaving and my friends will leave as we look for the next game that doesn't ruin the community.

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