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Powertech Pyrotech deserve the HUGE nerf


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why are people so concerned about what class can do burst dmg in warzones? why not talk about the classes that actually bring game changing mechanics to a warzone such as a guardian tank ball carrier in huttball for example?

Also why the push to nerf dps in WZ when dps is the biggest thing missing from high end warzones where over 50% of a team is tanks and healers.

Edited by xBloodcrazed
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And I have a Conqueror Sage and Warhero VG. I know exactly what I can and cannot do vs a VG. Doesn't change a thing. You're just not fighting VGs/PTs with equal gear and skill on your Sorc. Sentinels are the only DPS class in the game that can stand toe-to-toe with a really good AVG or Pyro, which would explain your misguided indifference towards AVGs/Pyros. Plain and simple.


A good sniper, and a decent Operative who gets the opener should beat Powertechs too. Tanksins also make that list.

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why are people so concerned about what class can do burst dmg in warzones? why not talk about the classes that actually bring game changing mechanics to a warzone such as a guardian tank ball carrier in huttball for example?


Because scoring doesn't make big numbers show up.

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" Sentinels are the only DPS class in the game that can stand toe-to-toe with a really good AVG or Pyro"


You mean destroy a really good AVG or Pyro, correct? I'm not misguided here, I think most people are just terrible and love complaining.


If you have your defensive CDs up, yeah I agree you can destroy a Pyro as a Sent. It definitely swings the other way to the Pyro's favour when your CDs aren't though. Which why I say toe-to-toe...averaged out.


I agree there's a lot of overblown unconstructive QQ'ing here. Conversely there's a lot of incorrect or irrelevant arguments being put up in favour of Pyros/VGs too. Which sucks because it hampers legitimate, factual discussion about the issue at hand.

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I play the Pyro on my Vanguard, and like a lot of mmo's that have high damage class must learn to live with the fact, and big one is you are easy target to get killed fast.


  1. Deal alot of dmg
  2. very low armor
  3. going to die


live by these rule and you wont be screaming for a nerf ever again. :csw_jabbapet:

Edited by LykoEkar
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1) Please stop using OP Marauder cooldowns as a method of downplaying your perfectly adequate defenses as a DPS class. It's getting old and it's not triicking anyone with any real playing experience with Assault VGs/Pyros. By your logic then every other DPS spec in the game also deserves buffs to defenses.


2) Re: Sage kiting and cleanse. Your Plasma slow is effectively infinite and is NOT CLEANSIBLE by Sages. That means even if we put Force Slow on you we are not gaining any distance. Zero. We may have one 2 second root on a 9sec cd if we spec 31 Balance. How much distance can you walk at -50% speed in 2 seconds? 1-2 metres maximum. We're still within your full DPS range. The only option we have is Force Sprint, which is countered by any stun or grapple. Therefore, Sage kiting does not work vs Assault VGs/Pyros in real-world situations.


Sage healing as DPS spec is a pure joke. The healing amount is crap, the casting time is crap, and we have ZERO pushback protection. All you have to do is spam rapid shots to keep us from casting a heal, lol. In the time it takes for us to succesfully get a 2.5k heal off, you will have done far more than 2.5k damage. It's a losing move.


You are assuming the pt is already in range. The pt has to be in a 10m range to do the burst. The only way to close distance is a stun or grapple. Grapple is on a longer cooldown and you can break out of the stun as well as use cc of your own. There's also force armor to absorb damage.

Edited by Paulman
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If you have your defensive CDs up, yeah I agree you can destroy a Pyro as a Sent. It definitely swings the other way to the Pyro's favour when your CDs aren't though. Which why I say toe-to-toe...averaged out.


I agree there's a lot of overblown unconstructive QQ'ing here. Conversely there's a lot of incorrect or irrelevant arguments being put up in favour of Pyros/VGs too. Which sucks because it hampers legitimate, factual discussion about the issue at hand.


A big problem is the fractured player base into such small chunks. I happen to think that most of the classes are relatively balanced, but the player base is so small now on each server that I'm sure it's just one or two good players running around decimating on that server.


That's why there's such a long list of "OP" classes right now. Keep in mind that since 1.2 nothing has changed, and I've seen complaints about Vanguards, Mauraders, Tanksins, Snipers, Ops (both healers and DPS), and Sorc utility.


That's a pretty sizable chunk of the population, and I remember right after 1.2 there was all that hubub about Merc burst.


Anyway, it's my theory that this is what's causing a whole bunch of hyperbole. For instance, I happen to not think that Pyrotech burst is even that out of line. It seems pretty balanced compared to the utility I get on the other classes I've played at 50, and the total lack of mobility.


On the other hand, my server has a handful of people who even bother to que anymore and I almost never get games anymore. It's totally possible that I've just never run into a good powertech, and I'm not that good at powertech (I've been playing it since release though... so I'm at least well informed).


On the other hand, maybe the opposite is true on your server. I think the game is just in such a shambles that it's pretty hard to tell what the hell is even going on anymore with class balance.

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Because scoring doesn't make big numbers show up.


I mean, I've been in Huttball matches where the score was 3 caps to 0 and every player on the enemy team did 100k more dmg.


I'm just happy it's not as obnoxious as Huttball matches with 3 Gunnery Commando's focus firing.

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TL;DR version of above: QQ'ed when OP hybrid spec was removed, went to find another OP spec...found!




I hate it when Pyros/Assault VGs pull out the "waah im so squishy/glass cannon" card. YOU ARE A DPS SPEC. YOU ARE MEANT TO BE SQUISHY. YOU ARE NO SQUISHIER THAN ANY OTHER DPS CLASS IN PRACTICE. Except Marauders/Sentinels because of imba cooldowns. In any case, your argument above means absolutely nothing.




Are you seriously using this as a legitimate complaint?




You can beat any class 1v1 if you have the right gear, the right setup and the right skill. This is a proven fact. Marauders can give you trouble if they have all three cooldowns up, but then again, Marauder cooldowns are OP.



So you're whining that you can't solo multiple classes with ease. Gotcha. Also, if you cant do a 1v1 and then kill an 11k nub (LOL) without dying, you're doing it wrong. Really wrong.



Every good VG/Pyro I know specs for reduced CD reactive shield skill. So do I on my VG. Realistically the cooldown on it is closer to 1 min than 2.



Heavy armor classes are vulnerable to only a few damage types in the game, and you want to block out one of your very few natural weaknesses? ROFL.



I'm sure you would love all those tools in addition to insane DPS to make your spec even more OP. And its not "can talent", it's "IS talented." The fact that you even consider the Plasma Cell snare skill optional speaks volumes of your understanding of the spec.




Man you VGs/Pyros are really spoiled. Heavy Armor is not LOL it's GREAT. Let me tell you something. 60% of Sage DPS is kinetic which is mitigated by Heavy Armor. My Assault VG has ~35% DR. You've mitigated more than 20% of my total DPS instantly. The rest is LOL dots. VG to Sage TTK is like 10 seconds, Sage to VG TTK is close to 20 seconds or more. Guardians/Sents have a lot of heavy hitting "white" attacks, Master Strike included, which your Heavy Armor reduces by at least 30%. Same with Gunslingers too.


If you really think Heavy Armor means nothing, try rolling a Sage and try to take the same damage as you do with a VG. You'll be crying for Heavy Armor in about 5 minutes. Heavy Armor also means you benefit more from healing than any non-heavy class. The perks of Heavy Armor are huge; its annoys me when Pyros and VGs try to downplay Heavy Armor to make their class appear less OP.


you are quite simply unaware of what i was trying to do i was in no way whining about my class, at all, truth be told imho the only viable vanguard spec in pvp is either full tank or full assault, my remarks were not whines they were counters to the BS spewing about nerfing Assault vanguards, heavy armor is a slight advantage i will agree but not as much as you seem to think it is. and jsut so you klnow most of a vanguards total damage comes from dots as well, and our largest hits are white damge as well!!


i have rolled a sage, not very high yet, but truth be told when i learn the ins and outs of the class i will redress this question. i never said that sages didnt need a boost in damage output the only thing i have ever said is that vanguards are not OP they are one of the few classes that is balanced between dps and survivability.


sages shouldnt take the same damage as a vanguard because you have escapes you have "you can thurt me bubbles" you have self healing that is worth a crap, you do definitel;y need a dmage or at least burst buff


most good players I know understand that DPS vanguards are squishy but hurt. the issue with sages is that they dont have much burst. never think that i am complaining or whining about my vanguard but they are not OP especially when there are defensive specd shadows that can nly be countered by other shadows of the same spec.


PS Gunslingers and Sentinels have nearly as much armor pen as vanguards


PPS if other equally geared classes do not hurt a DPS vanguard to the point of near death before they lose then they are doing it wrong.

Edited by Retro_Chrome
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There's two classes that need a boost and a lot of crying about nothing IMHO (and those two classes are operative and merc, not sorc). Sorcs are fine, stop crying already.

Really? Ops & Scoundrels can at least vanish during a fight or come stealthed and attack you from behind. What can Sorcs/Sages do? Speed force away only to be grappled back? Or apply another bubble that will be popped faster than Lindsey Lohan's cherry?


I can't complain though, thanks to the nerf on Sorcs I've switched to PT and I'm happy with my Pyro. And if they nerf PTs again, I got my Tanksin and Gunslinger ready to be taken to 50.

Edited by Desmosedici
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Really? Ops & Scoundrels can at least vanish during a fight or come stealthed and attack you from behind. What can Sorcs/Sages do? Speed force away only to be grappled back? Or apply another bubble that will be popped faster than Lindsey Lohan's cherry?


I can't complain though, thanks to the nerf on Sorcs I've switched to PT and I'm happy with my Pyro. And if they nerf PTs again, I got my Tanksin and Gunslinger ready to be taken to 50.


You forget about knockback, stun, mez, snare... call another sorc to pull you, call someone else to pull them, call someone to dps them down,


I would just try to stay out of the 10m range. It is very important.

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I can't complain though, thanks to the nerf on Sorcs I've switched to PT and I'm happy with my Pyro. And if they nerf PTs again, I got my Tanksin and Gunslinger ready to be taken to 50.


Sounds like a FoTM bandwagon jumper, to me. Of course FoTM players will argue that their class is not OP, because once they are no longer OP, they will have to switch to the next OP class.


And no, PT's are not squishy. Operatives, snipers, sages, and non-tanksins, are squishy. Heavy armor, a -25% damage bubble that can be specced to a short cooldown, and a 15% heal = not squishy. Especially with a healer.


Also, let's just be clear that escape tools do not make a class less squishy. Escape tools simply remove them from combat.


And 2 stuns and a virtually unlimited snare, are pretty good escape tools, even so.


You also get a gap closer (grapple), which is an awesome skill for a class with such high DPS (Operatives have been begging for one for ages!).

Edited by MobiusZero
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" Sentinels are the only DPS class in the game that can stand toe-to-toe with a really good AVG or Pyro"


You mean destroy a really good AVG or Pyro, correct? I'm not misguided here, I think most people are just terrible and love complaining.


Sin/shadow can, gs/snip, op/scoun...


TBH the watchman (dot spec) sent/maras will beat a pyro everytime.


Please keep in mind that we are talking about even skillset and gear for these scenarios and not fresh meat that you guys seems to be using as your population norm.

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A big problem is the fractured player base into such small chunks. I happen to think that most of the classes are relatively balanced, but the player base is so small now on each server that I'm sure it's just one or two good players running around decimating on that server.

Servers were very active after 1.2 for atleast 3 weeks. Some servers are still semi active now. So your assertion that its probably one or two good players killing everyone and therefore causing balance complainst is false and just another excuse to assume the Powertechs are fine when they clearly arent. Guess what, MMO's are rarely if ever 'balanced'. There is always something or some class that is too strong. If you played WoW for any length of time you'd realize this.

That's why there's such a long list of "OP" classes right now. Keep in mind that since 1.2 nothing has changed, and I've seen complaints about Vanguards, Mauraders, Tanksins, Snipers, Ops (both healers and DPS), and Sorc utility.

Taking a look through this forum or any other game forum for that matter will quickly make you realize that people will complain about everything and anything. The fact that there is or isnt a thread on a forum has nothing to do with whether or not a class is balanced or not. Particularly seeing as many complaint thread fail to provide any substantive arguments as to why something isnt balance and just mindlessly rant.

That's a pretty sizable chunk of the population, and I remember right after 1.2 there was all that hubub about Merc burst.

Probably because it was bugged to provide too much damage and was fixed in a patch?

Anyway, it's my theory that this is what's causing a whole bunch of hyperbole. For instance, I happen to not think that Pyrotech burst is even that out of line. It seems pretty balanced compared to the utility I get on the other classes I've played at 50, and the total lack of mobility.

It should be pretty obvious if you have played any MMO that no one wants to have their class nerfed. It should also be pretty obvious that the vocal majority who play that class and therefore are bias will go out of their way to defend it, most of the time with baseless and completely false rationalizations. Just look back to pre OPs nerfs when they could basically kill you in 2 seconds while you were stunned and crit for 7-8k. Pretty sure just about every OPs on the forums said it was fine and balanced and used pretty much the same excuse all the Powertechs are. "we have high burst but are the easier class to kill"

Edited by Gidoru
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Sounds like a FoTM bandwagon jumper, to me. Of course FoTM players will argue that their class is not OP, because once they are no longer OP, they will have to switch to the next OP class.


And no, PT's are not squishy. Operatives, snipers, sages, and non-tanksins, are squishy. Heavy armor, a -25% damage bubble that can be specced to a short cooldown, and a 15% heal = not squishy. Especially with a healer.


Also, let's just be clear that escape tools do not make a class less squishy. Escape tools simply remove them from combat.


And 2 stuns and a virtually unlimited snare, are pretty good escape tools, even so.


You also get a gap closer (grapple), which is an awesome skill for a class with such high DPS (Operatives have been begging for one for ages!).


For starters, he's actually on your side arguing that PTs are OP and that's why he rolled one.


Heavy armor doesn't add much extra armor unless you're in tank stance, which is what people repeatedly have to explain. It's a damage reduction of 35%, which is marginally better than medium armor. Then, considering how little armor actually matters heavy armor is a marginal perk at best.


Our shield doesn't have a short CD, it's on the same CD as everyone else (Between 2 and 3 minutes)


If I hear kolto overload mentioned one more time as a survivability CD, my eyes may explode. I'm not even going to go into why that CD is terrible because if you can't figure it out on your own nothing else I'm going to say here will help because you don't have a solid grasp of game mechanics.


I'm not going to touch the other classes you're talking about because I wouldn't consider myself to have logged enough play time on them to feel qualified to comment (maybe you should take a page from that book) but I will say that snipers have better survivability than PTs. They have over twice as many survivability CDs and a mechanic built into their class that makes them immune to gap closers. My sniper is only level 40 (I've played with stellar snipers at level 50 on my other classes) and my sniper has infinitely more options at his disposal to handle unwanted attention and survival.


The truth is, as people keep trying to explain, Pyrotechs get a paultry 1 defensive CD and that's their weakness. If you're too stupid to exploit that weakness, that's on you.

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Sounds like a FoTM bandwagon jumper, to me. Of course FoTM players will argue that their class is not OP, because once they are no longer OP, they will have to switch to the next OP class.


And no, PT's are not squishy. Operatives, snipers, sages, and non-tanksins, are squishy. Heavy armor, a -25% damage bubble that can be specced to a short cooldown, and a 15% heal = not squishy. Especially with a healer.


Also, let's just be clear that escape tools do not make a class less squishy. Escape tools simply remove them from combat.


And 2 stuns and a virtually unlimited snare, are pretty good escape tools, even so.


You also get a gap closer (grapple), which is an awesome skill for a class with such high DPS (Operatives have been begging for one for ages!).


I often find that snipers are the opposite of squishy.


The snare is what, 2 seconds? Which needs to be reapplied and cost more heat/ammo? I can see you don't play pt/vg, otherwise you would know you can't just go out there and spam what ever you want, it has THE WORST action management in the game.


Escape tools make classes greasy. Greasiness increases your chances of survival. So it does the same thing as increasing your defense.

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For starters, he's actually on your side arguing that PTs are OP and that's why he rolled one.

Heavy armor doesn't add much extra armor unless you're in tank stance, which is what people repeatedly have to explain. It's a damage reduction of 35%, which is marginally better than medium armor. Then, considering how little armor actually matters heavy armor is a marginal perk at best.

Then you obviously dont understand the mechanics in this game at all. The difference between light and heavy armor is about 10-12% damage reduction. Armor reduces damage from Kinetic and Energy type attacks. I could list for you all the abilties that fall into this category but it would be too time consuming. But id estimate that atleast 40%-50% of the abilities in this game deal kinetic or energy damage.

There is literally not a single class in the game that does not have atleast a few energy/kinetic attacks in their rotation.

Explain to me how 10-12% extra damage reduction is worthless? Please try so that you can make a fool out of yourself.

Our shield doesn't have a short CD, it's on the same CD as everyone else (Between 2 and 3 minutes)

Energy Rebounder

When you take damage, you have [50 / 100]% chance to reduce the active cooldown of Energy Shield by [1.5 seconds / 3 seconds]. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds.

If I hear kolto overload mentioned one more time as a survivability CD, my eyes may explode. I'm not even going to go into why that CD is terrible because if you can't figure it out on your own nothing else I'm going to say here will help because you don't have a solid grasp of game mechanics.

15% HP is hardly trivial. Is it the greatest defensive CD in the game? Hardly, but its not terrble either.

They have over twice as many survivability CDs and a mechanic built into their class that makes them immune to gap closers. My sniper is only level 40 (I've played with stellar snipers at level 50 on my other classes) and my sniper has infinitely more options at his disposal to handle unwanted attention and survival.

You have no clue what you're talking about here. Snipers do not have more survivability then a Powertech.

Shield probe is about as good as Kolto Overload in terms of health provided from mitigation. Kolto overloard may even be better. Shield probe absorbs around 2000 damage. The cooldown only permits it be used once per fight unless specced into a horrible talent tree.

Dodge has an incredibly short duration and allows you to avoid maybe 2 melee or ranged hits at best, Keep in mind this does nothing agaisnt force and tech attacks. Dodge is not even close to being as good as energy shield which basically gives you 25% damage reduction for the duration of a fight.

Powertechs have 30m stun, Snipers have 4m stun. Powertechs can kite, Snipers cannot. Kiting ability is atleast equivalent to Snipers Knockback and Snare, possibly better if you're really good at kiting. So no, Snipers do not have more survivability.

The truth is, as people keep trying to explain, Pyrotechs get a paultry 1 defensive CD and that's their weakness. If you're too stupid to exploit that weakness, that's on you.

Yes Pyrotechs have one defensive ability granting them 25% damage reduction for what amounts to the duration of an entire 1v1 fight given that their burst is so ridiculous. Explain to me how this is bad seeing as how thats the highest damage reduction you can get on a long duration cooldown?


In 10 second fight, a 20000HP Powertech has about 29000 effective HP factoring in the damage reduction from energy shield and health from kolto overload.

A Sorc with 20000HP(isnt really possible yet) has about 23000 effective HP in a 20 second fight factoring in static barrier. A sorc also has 12% less base damage reduction from armor.

Both classes have a 4 second stun.

I guess Powertech is really terrible defensively isnt it?

Edited by Gidoru
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Then you obviously dont understand the mechanics in this game at all. The difference between light and heavy armor is about 10-12% damage reduction. Armor reduces damage from Kinetic and Energy type attacks. I could list for you all the abilties that fall into this category but it would be too time consuming. But id estimate that atleast 40%-50% of the abilities in this game deal kinetic or energy damage.

There is literally not a single class in the game that does not have atleast a few energy/kinetic attacks in their rotation.

Explain to me how 10-12% extra damage reduction is worthless? Please try so that you can make a fool out of yourself.


Energy Rebounder

When you take damage, you have [50 / 100]% chance to reduce the active cooldown of Energy Shield by [1.5 seconds / 3 seconds]. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds.


15% HP is hardly trivial. Is it the greatest defensive CD in the game? Hardly, but its not terrble either.


You have no clue what you're talking about here. Snipers do not have more survivability then a Powertech.

Shield probe is about as good as Kolto Overload in terms of health provided from mitigation. Kolto overloard may even be better. Shield probe absorbs around 2000 damage. The cooldown only permits it be used once per fight unless specced into a horrible talent tree.

Dodge has an incredibly short duration and allows you to avoid maybe 2 melee or ranged hits at best, Keep in mind this does nothing agaisnt force and tech attacks. Dodge is not even close to being as good as energy shield which basically gives you 25% damage reduction for the duration of a fight.

Powertechs have 30m stun, Snipers have 4m stun. Powertechs can kite, Snipers cannot. Kiting ability is atleast equivalent to Snipers Knockback and Snare, possibly better if you're really good at kiting. So not Snipers do not have more survivability.


Yes Pyrotechs have one defensive ability granting them 25% damage reduction for what amounts to the duration of an entire 1v1 fight given that their burst is so ridiculous. Explain to me how this bad seeing as how thats the highest damage reduction you can get on a long duration cooldown?


Who's talking about 1v1s, and who gives a **** about 1v1s?


Anyway, it doesn't matter. There's so much misinformation, hyperbole, and obvious omission of facts in your post I feel like I'm trying to argue with my wife. Maybe someone else with more patience than me will explain to you why you're wrong, or you could just flip back and read through this exact arguement earlier where people who actually have snipers and PTs proved you wrong.

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Heavy armor doesn't add much extra armor unless you're in tank stance, which is what people repeatedly have to explain. It's a damage reduction of 35%, which is marginally better than medium armor. Then, considering how little armor actually matters heavy armor is a marginal perk at best.


Funny how I don't find it marginal. Especially with healers in the picture.


Our shield doesn't have a short CD, it's on the same CD as everyone else (Between 2 and 3 minutes)


It's a 2 min base cooldown, but is reduced by Energy Rebounder, thus giving it an even shorter cooldown. So yes, it IS a short cooldown. And it lasts 12 seconds which is way better than any defensive CD I get as an Operative.


If I hear kolto overload mentioned one more time as a survivability CD, my eyes may explode. I'm not even going to go into why that CD is terrible because if you can't figure it out on your own nothing else I'm going to say here will help because you don't have a solid grasp of game mechanics.


A 15% heal is not bad. I know this because Ops can get Revitalizers, which is pretty similar, and it's a great skill to have. Yet it only heals half as quickly as Kolto Overload. And no, the CD is not terrible, since every crit reduces the CD by 6 seconds.


The truth is, as people keep trying to explain, Pyrotechs get a paultry 1 defensive CD and that's their weakness. If you're too stupid to exploit that weakness, that's on you.


Well, you get 2 defensive CDs. And heavy armor. And instant abilites than can be done at range (10m = range), while constantly being mobile.


Interestingly enough, though, is I personally think prototype is the superior spec, since it gets crazy awesome mobility (In fact, part of me wants to use this spec on my PT, to show how much it can pwn in PvP). But that's a different discussion...


The snare is what, 2 seconds? Which needs to be reapplied and cost more heat/ammo? I can see you don't play pt/vg, otherwise you would know you can't just go out there and spam what ever you want, it has THE WORST action management in the game.


Escape tools make classes greasy. Greasiness increases your chances of survival. So it does the same thing as increasing your defense.


The snare is reapplied every time you use railshot, and can be reapplied with even free moves like Rapid Shot. And you want to see the worst action management? Try playing my class (Lethality Op).

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Powertech specced as Pyrotech currently do an unbalanced amount of damage in warzones being above all other classes by a big margin.


Please quantify this. Give me a combat parse that shows their damage is out of line. My experience is that they operate within 5% of everyone else from a pure DPS standpoint even factoring in armor penetration. It's also my experience that the only PTs that top leaderboards are ones who spam AOE damage which is essentially a race to see who spammed more AOEs at the end of the match.


Give us something to talk about, saying their "DPS is unbalanced" is not an argument it's an opinion without any context.

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Who's talking about 1v1s, and who gives a **** about 1v1s?


Anyway, it doesn't matter. There's so much misinformation, hyperbole, and obvious omission of facts in your post I feel like I'm trying to argue with my wife. Maybe someone else with more patience than me will explain to you why you're wrong, or you could just flip back and read through this exact arguement earlier where people who actually have snipers and PTs proved you wrong.


You have made a baseless assertion stating that im 'wrong' and my post is full of 'errors' without demonstrating it with any facts or arguments to support your claim.


Clearly it must be the case that im wrong solely on your unsupported claim. Superb reasoning on your part. Typical cop out response from someone who has clearly been proven wrong with indisputable facts and is too stubborn to admit it. JUST SAY HE'S WRONG AND RUN LOL. ITS NOT THAT I CANT ARGUE YOUR FACTS IS JUST THAT I DONT HAVE TIME LOL. I GOTTA GO NOW AND WONT REPLY AGAIN OUT OF SHAME LOL.

Edited by Gidoru
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Try playing my class (Lethality Op).


Does anyone seriously think operative DPS specs are balanced right now? Certainly no one who plays them. I play pretty much everything and I can really say that DPS specs for operatives have the short end of the stick by a pretty wide margin. Pointing them out as a counter-argument doesn't say much because every class looks really good compared to an operative DPS spec.

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Please quantify this. Give me a combat parse that shows their damage is out of line. My experience is that they operate within 5% of everyone else from a pure DPS standpoint even factoring in armor penetration. It's also my experience that the only PTs that top leaderboards are ones who spam AOE damage which is essentially a race to see who spammed more AOEs at the end of the match.


Give us something to talk about, saying their "DPS is unbalanced" is not an argument it's an opinion without any context.


1)Don't be a hypocrite. You ask for numbers yet you give nothing but "in my experience" comments, and no parses. Thankfully in PvP, we don't need parses, since it does it for us (DPS score.). I'm sure people can post screenshots of WZ scores, though, if you really want it.


2)DoT's and AoE are a significant thing in PvP, especially when done around the huttball and capture points. Ijn fact, if you read my previous posts, you'd see that my personal suggestion to fix PT damage, is to nerf their AoE and DoT's, and not their burst.

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