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Commando Changes 1.3


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After reading every single forum post in the world about commandos being changed and the new update to their resource spending i got a little excited. I still think that there are some questions left unanswered here imo.


Can we see field triage going back to reducing the cost of MP by 2? tbh i think the entire combat medic revovles around this proc.


Will grav round revert back to its normal damage?


Personally i think that if we changed just these two things i think the commandos toughness will be increased. Especially a hybrid commando.


Any yes you will hit a marauder like a 747.

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They didn't mention anything about healing, but as for dps wise, they said they were going to do something, just nothing specific. Personally I hope they add in some kind of interrupt immunity for gunnery and switch the CB synergies in assault with explosive round and reducing its cost to match CB.
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Why does every thread about this mention explosive round, a skill no one uses at all? (Perhaps that's why?) I thought it just gets replaced by demo/incendiary, since it's secondary effect (knockdown) doesn't work on anything except trash mobs.


Every skill has its utility. I have a shortcut for explosive round, and I use it in pvp in very specific situations when my grav round has been interrupted and every other abilities are on cooldown. Since It can't get interrupted and stills deals more damage than hammer shot, it sometimes can save one's life. But that very rare, maybe once or twice in 25 matches :)


As for me I read something like "better ammo management", so I expect an additional crit effect "crit gives back one cell" on one or the other skill, not much. Don't dream too much, that probably won't be a bigger thing.

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Will grav round revert back to its normal damage?



No way in hell should grav round be buffed back up, i'm sorry but it just encourages spamming of the ability. Even post 1.2 i still see a lot of commandos (mostly newb 50's) just spamming gravs because it's easy.


Currently i am playing the assault spec tree in PVP, the DPS isn't bad considering the role of commando is a support DPS and even though my commando is half WH half recruit, i still manage a very decent amount of damage.


The one thing i would say is that the commando could do with a slight buff to survivability, nothing too big mind just enough to allow us to do a moderate amount of damage before being facerolled by PTs/Maras, although my survivability could be low because i am still not fully WH geared

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No way in hell should grav round be buffed back up, i'm sorry but it just encourages spamming of the ability. Even post 1.2 i still see a lot of commandos (mostly newb 50's) just spamming gravs because it's easy.


Currently i am playing the assault spec tree in PVP, the DPS isn't bad considering the role of commando is a support DPS and even though my commando is half WH half recruit, i still manage a very decent amount of damage.


The one thing i would say is that the commando could do with a slight buff to survivability, nothing too big mind just enough to allow us to do a moderate amount of damage before being facerolled by PTs/Maras, although my survivability could be low because i am still not fully WH geared


If they dont buff it, they need to nerf tracer missile, thats spammed by BH's as well.

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No way in hell should grav round be buffed back up, i'm sorry but it just encourages spamming of the ability. Even post 1.2 i still see a lot of commandos (mostly newb 50's) just spamming gravs because it's easy.
Obviously you aren't a Commando, so lemme explain something basic to you...


It's spammed because - it sets up EVERY OTHER SKILL we have. Our defensive shield, Demo Round, Full Auto Procs, HiB damage increase...I would love nothing more than for those procs to ALL be moved to Hammer Shot...I'd love to use Grav Round less than 10% of the time, but sadly, I'm forced to spam the **edit**ing thing because Bioware WANTS us spamming it.


Why are you even in the Commando forums when it's clear you don't know a thing about how Grav Round works? Certainly someone with your passion would be better served in the Marauder forum.

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What they should do is give grav round a cd like 6-9 sec, and buff it's damage accordingly. Make CB the mainstay of gunnery tree and change the talents that proc stuff to include CB also. This will make the rotations for gunnery better.


Like someone suggested earlier, swap CB's usefulness to assault tree with explosive round, and buff it up accordingly. Reduce the cost of explosive and incendiary to 2 ammo as well.

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What they should do is give grav round a cd like 6-9 sec, and buff it's damage accordingly. Make CB the mainstay of gunnery tree and change the talents that proc stuff to include CB also. This will make the rotations for gunnery better.


Like someone suggested earlier, swap CB's usefulness to assault tree with explosive round, and buff it up accordingly. Reduce the cost of explosive and incendiary to 2 ammo as well.


Personally I'd like this, but it would really change the feel of Gunnery, and complex rotations for the sake of a complex rotation is kinda silly.


I think they need to reduce the stacking needed to achieve optimal states for secondary abilities. It would be ideal for there to rarely be any reason to use Grav Round more than two times in a row. For example you could have the chance for Grav Round to trigger Curtain of Fire stack until it triggers. So first cast is 45%, second cast is 90%, third cast is 100%.


That would make the rotation look something like this in PVE:


Full Auto > Grav Round > Grav Round > Full Auto > Grav Round > Demo Round > Grav Round > Full Auto > Grav Ground > HiB >


The downside would be even less mobility for Gunnery in PVP, which is a real problem.


They need to attach a root, preferably a ranged, AE root on a moderate cooldown for Gunnery. Sticky Grenade is the obvious choice, but there are a couple of options here up to and including a brand new ability buried in the tree. Another option would be for Grav Vortex to snare a target 10% per stack, but that might be a little too powerful and would just encourage more spamming of Grav Round.

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No way in hell should grav round be buffed back up, i'm sorry but it just encourages spamming of the ability. Even post 1.2 i still see a lot of commandos (mostly newb 50's) just spamming gravs because it's easy.


Currently i am playing the assault spec tree in PVP, the DPS isn't bad considering the role of commando is a support DPS and even though my commando is half WH half recruit, i still manage a very decent amount of damage.


The one thing i would say is that the commando could do with a slight buff to survivability, nothing too big mind just enough to allow us to do a moderate amount of damage before being facerolled by PTs/Maras, although my survivability could be low because i am still not fully WH geared


so your saying that a "slight buff" is needed well apparently you don't play your commando enough to know the entire class is ****ed up. OUR SURVIVABILITY IS COMPLETE ****. One mara. can come on just tear us a new one. You cant 1v1 anyone in this commando right now. even if your a Combat Medic maybe you can take on 1 person MAYBE even 2. For all those ppl who complain about spamming grav round. When you play gunnery the entire gunnery tree revolves around grav round.

Edited by Notannos
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Currently i am playing the assault spec tree in PVP, the DPS isn't bad considering the role of commando is a support DPS and even though my commando is half WH half recruit, i still manage a very decent amount of damage.



Doing more damage doesn't equate to being better. Burst damage is what PVP is all about and that's why you will almost always put up better overall damage than sentinels but they will kill more people than you.


You just need to do more damage to a person as assault since it gives that person time to get heals, so instead of doing 16k dmg to kill a player you probably have to do 25k or so, whereas a sentinel will kill the 16k hp player so fast that he won't be able to get heals. You did 25k damage, Marauder did 16k and he's off to kill someone else, which is better?

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Hopefully the dev never read some of the weird ideas I read there. FYI there is already a thread How to fix Commandos for those willing to debate on how to change the class. IMO the actual rotation is complex enough as is, because maxing dammages without running out of ammo while moving accordingly to the boss and friends is already not so easy. Try out to down the second boss of denova HM and you will see what I mean. Jarg & Sorno in nightmare 16 are no joke either. Edited by Boufsa
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Commandos lost 25%+ damage in 1.2. And at least 25% of the 400k accounts canceled were commanodos. Between 1.2 and 1.2c we at least had demo round making up about 5% of that damage loss before we got nerfed again. They better add something back or how about a comment about our class. Its obvious Bioware is makeing poor decisions. First they need to get off the "silence is golden" policy and answer all the questions on the changes they made to commandos (are they sticking by them, or are the bugs).
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Greetings Troopers,


We know that Commandos have been very concerned with the changes to their class since Game Update 1.2. You may be interested in reading our most recent blog, "Class changes and balance in Game Update 1.3" by Senior Designer Austin Peckenpaugh. Here is what he had to say about Commandos:


Additionally in Game Update 1.3, we’ve made changes to improve the gameplay and quality of life of Commando/Mercenary damage-dealing specs. We’ve spent a lot of time playtesting and investigating the concerns of the community, and while Commando/Mercenary damage is largely on target, prior to Game Update 1.3, resource management made performance streaky and a little too unreliable.


We’ve made the following changes to the Commando/Mercenary for Game Update 1.3 to improve resource management and simplify stack upkeep for Gunnery/Arsenal specs:


Cell Charger/Terminal Velocity has been redesigned to passively restore 1 energy cell/vent 8 heat every 6 seconds.

Gravity Surge/Light ‘Em Up now additionally grants an extra stack of Charged Barrel/Tracer Lock and Charged Barrier/Power Barrier, if applicable, with each Grav Round/Tracer Missile fired.

Target Lock/Advanced Targeting has been redesigned. Now gives Full Auto/Unload and High Impact Bolt/Rail Shot 10% armor penetration per point.


Now Gravity Surge/Light ‘Em Up simultaneously increases the number of stacks built by each buff tied to Grav Round/Tracer Missile. This small change gets Commandos/Mercenaries into their core gameplay faster and more seamlessly. Additionally, we’ve improved the resource management game and have given Commandos/Mercenaries some armor penetration for better parity with Vanguard/Powertech Assault Specialist/Pyrotech skill trees.


We hope this gives a little insight into the changes in store for Commandos in 1.3. Thank you for your feedback!


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Greetings Troopers,


We know that Commandos have been very concerned with the changes to their class since Game Update 1.2. You may be interested in reading our most recent blog, "Class changes and balance in Game Update 1.3" by Senior Designer Austin Peckenpaugh. Here is what he had to say about Commandos:




We hope this gives a little insight into the changes in store for Commandos in 1.3. Thank you for your feedback!



The change to target lock with be great for my Assault commando. My burns will bypass all armor and my regular weapon attack will get some armor penetration.

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The change to target lock with be great for my Assault commando. My burns will bypass all armor and my regular weapon attack will get some armor penetration.


Your burns already ignore armor, they're elemental. Energy and Kinetic are reduced by armor. Elemental and Internal are not. 10% armor penetration is maybe 2% damage increase. It's a buff, but it is a small one. Marauders will still crotch mount your face.

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Your burns already ignore armor, they're elemental. Energy and Kinetic are reduced by armor. Elemental and Internal are not. 10% armor penetration is maybe 2% damage increase. It's a buff, but it is a small one. Marauders will still crotch mount your face.


i think he was saying that, since burns bypass armour anyway, having HIB and Full Auto bypassing armour will help too.


and it's 30% (10% per point), plus the 30% on HIB anyway.

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I must say... as a player of an other class in PvP. I hate these changes. grav round already hits like a truck, in 1.3 it'll be a convoy :(


here is hoping I dont meet lots of Gunner Commandos/arsenal mercs in PvP :)

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I must say... as a player of an other class in PvP. I hate these changes. grav round already hits like a truck, in 1.3 it'll be a convoy :(


here is hoping I dont meet lots of Gunner Commandos/arsenal mercs in PvP :)


Grv round will do exact same damage as before, so will demo round only full auto and high impact bolt gets a small buff.

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Greetings Troopers,


We know that Commandos have been very concerned with the changes to their class since Game Update 1.2. You may be interested in reading our most recent blog, "Class changes and balance in Game Update 1.3" by Senior Designer Austin Peckenpaugh. Here is what he had to say about Commandos:




We hope this gives a little insight into the changes in store for Commandos in 1.3. Thank you for your feedback!



The changes made are so miniscual that they really have no effect on commando dps or survibility, only real change is the 30% armor penetration for 2 attacks but that dosnt bring us anywhere near the other dps classes, specially as our survival gets a nerf again.

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Obviously you aren't a Commando, so lemme explain something basic to you...


It's spammed because - it sets up EVERY OTHER SKILL we have. Our defensive shield, Demo Round, Full Auto Procs, HiB damage increase...I would love nothing more than for those procs to ALL be moved to Hammer Shot...I'd love to use Grav Round less than 10% of the time, but sadly, I'm forced to spam the **edit**ing thing because Bioware WANTS us spamming it.


Why are you even in the Commando forums when it's clear you don't know a thing about how Grav Round works? Certainly someone with your passion would be better served in the Marauder forum.


^ like

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Da/\/\nit bioware, i had such hope invested in you fixing us and you dropped the ball again. you moved a talent around, woopdy friggin doo. and nerfed us getting heals. awesome, you helped us stack two of our other abilities faster, but how are we gonna get them stacked when we get interupted each time we try, thanks for no brief immunity to interupts that would make this class more up to par with others.


so glad i stuck it out this long to see the "fix" and now i realized i should have just quit with 1.2 like most others did.

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What they should do is give grav round a cd like 6-9 sec, and buff it's damage accordingly. Make CB the mainstay of gunnery tree and change the talents that proc stuff to include CB also. This will make the rotations for gunnery better.


Like someone suggested earlier, swap CB's usefulness to assault tree with explosive round, and buff it up accordingly. Reduce the cost of explosive and incendiary to 2 ammo as well.


This is a terrible idea. CB has no place on on your action bar once you have 11 points in Gunnery. Grav Round is designed to replace it. They are both channeled singled target attacks that take the same amount of time. Putting a cool down on Grav Round isn't going to make our rotation any better, we'll just be spamming CB while Grav Round is on cool down. : P


CB is there for Combat Medics, Assault Specialists, and Comando's less than level 20.

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This is a terrible idea. CB has no place on on your action bar once you have 11 points in Gunnery. Grav Round is designed to replace it. They are both channeled singled target attacks that take the same amount of time. Putting a cool down on Grav Round isn't going to make our rotation any better, we'll just be spamming CB while Grav Round is on cool down. : P


CB is there for Combat Medics, Assault Specialists, and Comando's less than level 20.


Agreed, trying to remove one skill from being our primary and go to skill just to have it replaced with another (weaker) skill is not an answer. By design we need to have a single skill to use and rely on to form our rotations around, it is has no cool down, it deals moderate damage, it provides buffs and debuffs alike. Swapping it all over to CB does nothing more than weaken our DPS since CG is weaker than GR.

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