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Undying Rage


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Any kind of bubles making class unkillable for some time actually not pleasant for others. People expect to deal damage when they attack but they see 100% damage absorption. Problem is actually not in marauder but in this ability, It would be great if it will be removed. Also this is actual for cloak of pain, it is stupid to reflect damage, damage should be done only if you do damage but not by activating a passibe ability which which automatically hit everyone who attacked you.


Problem of marauder is its passive survivability, medium armore for close range front line melee class is not enough. It would be better to have some kind of passive damage reduction and self heal for all specs working all the time as an exchnage to this two abilities.

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The only situation is terribad non-Marauders not knowing how to play their respective classes.


Seriously, this. ^


Learn to friggin' play.


Thanks for the bump.


L2P, the warcry of the OP in every MMO.

Edited by Armelle
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you guys are so bad at pvpng, that even if bw decides to take away UR, you will be here on the forums and QQ, cry and ask for another nerf....


1 day it's UR, then it's cammo, then it will be the dmg, the dots or the burst from ravage + gore + stim... or the huge AoE dmg from smash...


Then you'll be owned from a pyro.... omg nerf pyro....


"OO BW you must nerf tankassas cuz I cant kill ..... OPOPOP!!!"


"OMG sniperz oneshot me...... NERF NOW!"




I think you should get e nerf on your QQ skill.....



They already QQ'd their way to making Mercs and Sorcs obsolete in pvp why stop there? The only way the babies stop is when all classes are cookie cutter replicas of each other forces bioware to take requiring a brain out of combat.

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After playing a Marauder now for some time, I think Undying Rage is actually a misnomer. I advocate BW changing the name of this skill to Die Right After This Skill Ends Rage. There is nothing undying about it.


Pretty much this. Without a healer about this skill just keeps you alive for five more seconds and then you die. Most of the time Guarded by the Force is followed by a quick death (or I am stunned again). Also, do you not think it's annoying to my sentinel to beat on someone with UR or Guarded as well? We have medium armor and have to get close in order to do our job. Without defensive cooldowns we would be sitting ducks with no healer around. I doubt that is going to happen.


It's only five seconds and everyone has CC so I would suggest getting used to it.

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