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Undying Rage


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Will make you QQ


nom nom nom nom


5 seconds of immortality I can....


1) kill the whole team with my pew pew pew

2) spam it over and over and over again.

3) insta heal back up to full health

4) roll my face across my keyboard for insta death hack on my enemy

5) enable my basic attack to one shot you


5 seconds of immortality OP!!!!!


They shouldn't be allowed to attack anyone while under its effect because that's OP.


They shouldn't be allowed to heal while under its effect because healing is OP also.


They shouldn't be allowed to move because that's OP.


They should auto remove clothes and weapons because its OP while in god mode.


Just saying.... OP is OP.


Edit* sorry to all those that read into it to much. the post was supposed to be sarcastic in the UR is OP when its actually not. Nothing changed pre and post patch that made ti any different or OP than it was originally. It has always been 5 seconds of 99% dmg reduction and has only come to light because a Mara/Sent due to expertise changes does:

1) more dmg to other classes

2) takes less dmg because of other class nerfs therefore has more opportunity to pop it at a desired time.


Let me say its actually balanced and fine, people need to adjust to the dmg changes or ask for 'buffs' to their class to compensate.

Edited by Shakydvs
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I'm fine with Undying Rage as long as when you press it, it deals 10k damage to the marauder.



Undying Rage


Cooldown: 90s

Spends 50% of current health to grant 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds.



You should probably read the ability before you post about said ability rofl.

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Evasion is horribly weak. *** you on about? Or do you mean using BOTH evasion with cloaking screen is better than UR. If that's the case, it's silly to compare two abilities used to one.


I mean using both is better than UR. And I'm honestly surprised no one complains about this combo. Evasion removes all current effects on you (Damage Overtime, Slows, etc) and if you use Cloaking Screen after that and sneak away, you're practically guaranteed to live unless you get stealth scanned... Or you could prep a Acid Blade and faceroll your enemy with Hidden Strike. (Obviously only works with Concealment Operative)


Seriously, it's not hard to counter UR. Practically every class has a CC of some sort. Use it! UR lasts only FIVE mere seconds!

Edited by Ardim
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After careful deliberation, I think there is only change needed:


Guarded By The Force/Undying Rage now provides 99% damage AND healing reduction for 5 seconds.


Being able to be healed from like 5% to 100% during near-complete immunity is broken.

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After careful deliberation, I think there is only change needed:


Guarded By The Force/Undying Rage now provides 99% damage AND healing reduction for 5 seconds.


Being able to be healed from like 5% to 100% during near-complete immunity is broken.


That will never happen, because doing so would break the class in pve.


Also, you should be killing the healer first. They shouldn't balance the game around stupidity.

Edited by LiveandDieinLA
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That will never happen, because doing so would break the class in pve.


Also, you should be killing the healer first. They shouldn't balance the game around stupidity.


Please the describe the PvE situations where this would be the case.


"Killing the healer first" is a blanket suggestion that provides no direct solution to the problem. Sometimes you can shut down healers, sometimes you can't. Sometimes the healer is freshly respawned. Sometimes the healer is (gasp) smart and is hidden behind objects.


Stupidity is giving such a high-octane DPS class three extremely powerful defensive CDs. All we're asking is for a nerf to an admittedly exceptional situation to ONE of their CDs. I'm sure you're smart enough to deal with that.

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It wasnt till i levelled a juggernaut and fought a few marauders 1on1 till i realised they actually need this ability to be viable. At least against other melees where its a more balanced fight.


Marauders stings like a bee but are also fragile like ones and without UR and camo their big damage wouldnt be much worth in the battlefield. They would simply be too fast to kill.


I think its a delicate matter of balancing this class. The reason though that UR design falls through is when, as ppl already have mentioned, the penalty of using it becomes obsolete (mara pops UR just before death, healer heals up mara during UR where he takes no damage)


So maybe bw will adjust the ability to what they had in mind, being the mara carefully considering when to pop this instead of just pop it and get healed up everytime. I guess its up to them, but for now save your stuns for UR and well if his resolve is full use your own defensive cooldowns :) (If youre a sorc just run and root though)

Edited by Steele_dk
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It wasnt till i levelled a juggernaut and fought a few marauders 1on1 till i realised they actually need this ability to be viable. At least against other melees where its a more balanced fight.


Marauders stings like a bee but are also fragile like ones and without UR and camo their big damage wouldnt be much worth in the battlefield. They would simply be too fast to kill.


I think its a delicate matter of balancing this class. The reason though that UR design falls through is when, as ppl already have mentioned, the penalty of using it becomes obsolete (mara pops UR just before death, healer heals up mara during UR where he takes no damage)


So maybe bw will adjust the ability to what they had in mind, being the mara carefully considering when to pop this instead of just pop it and get healed up everytime. I guess its up to them, but for now save your stuns for UR and well if his resolve is full use your own defensive cooldowns :) (If youre a sorc just run and root though)


If there is a healer there taking them from ZOMGABOUTTODIE! to perfectly okay in five seconds then that's called good teamwork. A class shouldn't be nerfed because their defensive CD keeps them alive, IF a healer is nearby and paying attention. That's just silly.

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Marauders stings like a bee but are also fragile like ones and without UR and camo their big damage wouldnt be much worth in the battlefield. They would simply be too fast to kill.


The wave of QQ needs to read this again.


Commandos need a meaningful rework to be adequately buffed, and Sages need a little defense against spike damage (say, -30% inc damage when at >80% health?). These two classes are overplayed and underpowered. That's a bad combo since that leads to them blaming everything but their own inadequacies, which is ironic because they're compensating for something that they didn't cause and can actually get changed... Most classes are in a solid spot balance wise, it's the weakest classes that are the ones in the need of the most balancing.

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The wave of QQ needs to read this again.


Commandos need a meaningful rework to be adequately buffed, and Sages need a little defense against spike damage (say, -30% inc damage when at >80% health?). These two classes are overplayed and underpowered. That's a bad combo since that leads to them blaming everything but their own inadequacies, which is ironic because they're compensating for something that they didn't cause and can actually get changed... Most classes are in a solid spot balance wise, it's the weakest classes that are the ones in the need of the most balancing.


Commandos/Mercs certainly need some reworking. I have very little issues on my sorcerer (madness spec, balance for you sages) with survivability. Marauders/Sents of any spec are a joke (getting mobbed by a group of them will kill me, sure, but no quicker than when I get focused by most groups of DPS classes) - giving sorcerers/sages 30% damage mitigation when at 80+% health would result in unbreakable bubbles (hell, bubble is already hard enough for enemies to break if I happen to pop an expertise adrenal). If they were to "buff" sorc/sages, the only area they need a buff is in damage (increase DoT damage for creeping terror/affliction or reduce reduce the total duration of the DoT -namely creeping terror- while maintaining the current damage value, and/or increase the damage from shock/project - I understand lightning/kinetic specced sorc/sages benefit more from longer durations of affliction, but lets be serious - DoT's get cleansed regularly now, reducing their duration would yield more damage for the short amounts of time they tend to be on people before getting removed - sure this isn't going to be the case if you happen to be a class that can't remove them and any sorc/sages or healers on your team don't bother helping you out, but that's just bad teamplay on their behalf - and as it is right now, classes that have self-healing will heal more damage than the DoT's dish out).

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Another "don't nerf me bro!" thread. Keep 'em coming. Every little bit of attention helps the situation get resolved quicker...


The only situation is terribad non-Marauders not knowing how to play their respective classes.



you guys are so bad at pvpng, that even if bw decides to take away UR, you will be here on the forums and QQ, cry and ask for another nerf....

1 day it's UR, then it's cammo, then it will be the dmg, the dots or the burst from ravage + gore + stim... or the huge AoE dmg from smash...

Then you'll be owned from a pyro.... omg nerf pyro....

"OO BW you must nerf tankassas cuz I cant kill ..... OPOPOP!!!"

"OMG sniperz oneshot me...... NERF NOW!"


I think you should get e nerf on your QQ skill.....



Seriously, this. ^


Learn to friggin' play.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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