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I am addicted hardcore to this game


I have 32 days logged in


My friends and family have all begin to notice and I honestly believe its ruining me


I goggled mmo addictions and it kinda scared me


Should I just unsubscribe and delete my account forever and move on


Or should I take a break and come back


All I can think about is letting down my guild, losing so much hardwork etc.


But honestly I think that line of thought is a problem in and of itself

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I am addicted hardcore to this game


I have 32 days logged in


My friends and family have all begin to notice and I honestly believe its ruining me


I goggled mmo addictions and it kinda scared me


Should I just unsubscribe and delete my account forever and move on


Or should I take a break and come back


All I can think about is letting down my guild, losing so much hardwork etc.


But honestly I think that line of thought is a problem in and of itself


I think you should reevaluate your priorities...

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I am addicted hardcore to this game


I have 32 days logged in


My friends and family have all begin to notice and I honestly believe its ruining me


I goggled mmo addictions and it kinda scared me


Should I just unsubscribe and delete my account forever and move on


Or should I take a break and come back


All I can think about is letting down my guild, losing so much hardwork etc.


But honestly I think that line of thought is a problem in and of itself


Go see a professional counselor

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I am addicted hardcore to this game


I have 32 days logged in


My friends and family have all begin to notice and I honestly believe its ruining me


I goggled mmo addictions and it kinda scared me


Should I just unsubscribe and delete my account forever and move on


Or should I take a break and come back


All I can think about is letting down my guild, losing so much hardwork etc.


But honestly I think that line of thought is a problem in and of itself


Take all things in moderation.


Take a break and enjoy life for a bit. Nice bike ride, read a book, and of course the standard joke of "get a girlfriend".


But I can relate to enjoying a game far too much that it became unhealthy. Back in 2004, I was hard core into EverQuest and literally lost my job because I wanted to play the game more then go to work. Real wake up call for me personally.


One major rule to remember when playing MMO's or any game in general. Real Life First, Always.

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MMO's are quite addictive. This is really my first one that I have been 'hard core' into - as I raid and whatnot. Prior to this I thought MMO's were quite...well, for kids in Japan or something. Hard core Quake player n all..


It does suck you in, and it makes for a good escape from everyday issues. When you play video games your brain releases the same chemicals that are released when one is addicted to any drug - you become awake, and hooked.

If you have an obsessive compulsive personality, then try to mediate it like you would anything else.


Or, transfer to Hedaar Soongh. Its dead as **** and you'l have no reason to login anymore.


But yeah, I understand where your coming from, but for sure - step back and do other things. Delete it for a couple weeks if you have to.

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definitively takes some time off and get out and do other things. If your worries are about your guild I'm sure they can manage without you there as much as you are now. You don't have to give it up completely but you should cut back.
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I am addicted hardcore to this game


I have 32 days logged in


My friends and family have all begin to notice and I honestly believe its ruining me


I goggled mmo addictions and it kinda scared me


Should I just unsubscribe and delete my account forever and move on


Or should I take a break and come back


All I can think about is letting down my guild, losing so much hardwork etc.


But honestly I think that line of thought is a problem in and of itself


Not sure if this will help, but this site has some advice and a phone number. I hope you are able to get yourself sorted! Good luck


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I am addicted hardcore to this game


I have 32 days logged in


My friends and family have all begin to notice and I honestly believe its ruining me


I goggled mmo addictions and it kinda scared me


Should I just unsubscribe and delete my account forever and move on


Or should I take a break and come back


All I can think about is letting down my guild, losing so much hardwork etc.


But honestly I think that line of thought is a problem in and of itself


I'm not sure if your serious, but it you are, you could have picked a better forum to post this on because your as likely to get trolled as you are anything else. I'll try to give you some constructive advice.


1. Don't worry about your guild. Your guildmates, and everyone you play with all realize that the other people they play with in game have priorities and things that need to be done outside the game, and they typically wont be offended if you spend less time playing to take care of something else.


2. Budget your time.


Schedule the amount of time you intend to spend playing the game for an entire week at a time.


Then make sure your stick to your schedule. You still have a choice in how to budget your time after you schedule it.


3. Don't give up on things come up in your life just because your playing SW:TOR.

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A close friend suffered from this too on a different game. That´s the reason why I never join guilds, never want to feel social "responsibilty" to play and rather decide for myself when to log on. If you feel you can´t control it, you should find a way to play more as a casual or if that doesn´t work take the step and simply uninstall. Good luck.
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Signs and symptoms of addiction to look for:


Negative impact of game play on your life. This is the big ticket item. Are you missing work? Are you not spending as much time with friends and family? Are you losing money?


Withdrawal symptoms. Yes, real withdrawal symptoms. Primarily, this is discomfort, irritability, upset, and anxiety symptoms when you find yourself unable to play as much as you would like to.


Deceit. Are you lying to your friends, family, and/or employer to gain more time to play? If your friends and family ask you how much time you spend playing this game (or video games in general), do you lie about it?


If you're reading these and seeing yourself or your behavior mirrored in them, you probably have an issue. Up above someone recommended a counselor, and if the answer to these questions is yes they are right, go see one. Not much is known about video game addiction at this point, and most research is focused on identifying symptoms so it can be included in the upcoming DSM V. Like most addictions, it seems to respond well to cognitive behavioral therapy, either group or individual sessions. It is difficult to avoid this form of dependency, even more so than other addictions, due to computers being omnipresent in modern society and necessary to really function well within it (imagine how impossible work would be if you couldn't use email, and then think about how much of a temptation the SWTOR forums would be to navigate to from there).


I know all of this stuff because I'm a social worker, and my specialty is adult behavioral health. Take it seriously. If you're worried, probably you should be. A growing number of people have ruined their lives with these games, and if the game is becoming all important to you it's time to get help.

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Well maybe it´s good that TOR.. isn´t.. you know, "that" good. If they´d gone for huge realistic worlds you can really lose yourself in, a lot of social activities, housing, casinos, minigames and a great space exploration and combat sim, I´d probably be up for an intervention too :D
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The line between an addiction and a habit is a little grey in areas, and usually comes down to how much an activity is disrupting your life.


I say the easiest way to break what may be a negative addiction is to replace it with some new positive habit. Just gradually siphon away SWTOR time into the gym, or family time, or reading, or really any activity at all, 95% of which have to be better than end-game play in SWTOR.

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MMO's work on the principle of reward.. you do something you get a reward.. ie you fight you get levels, you finish a quest you get credits and gear.. etc... that is why they are so addictive people enjoy being rewarded, people enjoy praise even if it is from a digital box that is connected to a bunch of other boxes.. and what not..


infact every video game works on reward... we are merely mice hitting a small button in a lab waiting for cheese..


but in dealing with your addiction.. i dont think you are addicted addicts generally do not accept they have a problem until they hit a wall, and video games are designed to keep you from realizing you just blasted through that wall and are on your way to a 30 hour marathon of gaming. things like immersion and tense gripping game play help keep a player in that failure to realize they have gone a long time without eating:P showering or talking to anyone that wasnt in game..



but really the key is moderation.. take a day off..play a differnet game , go outside, go do anything else.. then come back.. all of those people who scream that 8 hours a week is to much for it to be down...being down periodically is a good thing, it forces those people who become addicted to games to come on the forums and rant about the game being down for 8 hours a week..


dont leave the game op.. just take a bit of time to do something else.

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I am addicted hardcore to this game


I have 32 days logged in


My friends and family have all begin to notice and I honestly believe its ruining me


I goggled mmo addictions and it kinda scared me


Should I just unsubscribe and delete my account forever and move on


Or should I take a break and come back


All I can think about is letting down my guild, losing so much hardwork etc.


But honestly I think that line of thought is a problem in and of itself


how do you know how many days or hours youve logged in?

Edited by Slamuel
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I experienced the same thing with TOR. I'm an old gamer (intellivision anyone?) and with other games, the shine wears off fairly quickly. So, yea, I can and do obsessively play a new game for a few days, but then the nuance wears off and normal life kicks back in. Generally, games, even MMOs, have a beginning and an end for me that is not necessarily tied to content and they are quick runs. But... that hasn't been the case with TOR. I have been playing since Jan. I play almost everyday, and for a while there, I was playing all day long. It doesn't help that I can "work" from home. lol! Anyway, what helped me moderate my game play is realizing that I have more fun and can be much more effective in terms of my game play if I spend some time away from the game. I return refreshed as it were, and what's more, I don't feel that I have missed anything. The game is still there, HMs Ops, alts etc. etc. :) And thus real life kicked in once again for me and I remembered there are other things to derive satisfaction from.


I still play almost every day. But now, I budget my time effectively. I log on with an expressed task in mind. Once I finish that task, I don't hang around. I just log off. My guild is very laid back, so spending time away or not being part of an Ops night etc. etc. is not an issue. Also, dailies help in an odd way. I sometimes don't have a lot of time but still feel the need to play. A quick run through some dailies keeps me satisfied and I can move on to Real Life.


Anyway, you can find the balance you need, but you have to try to find that balance. Since you obviously posted about this topic, you are on your way. Treat it like any other task you do in life. A friend of mine treats it like a workout. She works it in as scheduled task requiring an hour or 2 every other day which works well for her.


So... have a little faith in yourself and remember: You will have more fun playing if you spend some time away from the game, and you will feel much better about everything else too.

Edited by Rafaman
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OP: Never get involved in EVE. When you begin to solve those t mind puzzles, you don't need the outside world. You think SWTOR is time waster? LOL it's nothing.


MY advice is try to play as much as possible until you sucked out all the content, to the point you just log in out of habit and starts to complain about being "bored" Then you just log 1-3 hrs a day and do the ops or pvp that you interested in instead of just hanging out in a MMO 24/7.


But yeah ig you get sucked into playing alts, SWTOR will kill a lot of time for you...

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