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Legacy needs loads of reworking


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Currently it seems pretty useless. Even the things on the "To come" section seem pretty useless. Items in it could be given to crafters to craft.


I'm legacy 17, craft and buy resources on all my 8 toons. Making the gear etc costs money, levelling them costs money so I still have very little. Yet even with legacy 17 I can't really afford anything on the legacy tree, despite being legacy 17. So the legacy system appears to be for the super rich. A piss poor attempt at creating a credit sink for the super rich.


For example, who the hell is going to pay 300k just to have 3mins taken off the Quick Travel. Totally pointless. Altogether I think that Quick Travel is 6 mins but would cost you 600k. 600k for 6mins. Who thought of these things, who thought "These will be great ideas. People will love them. We won't lose 400-500k players. This will keep them subbing. It hasn't. And for them to say in their recently video for 1.3 that the Legacy System was a great success, that's just one big fat lie. And to keep saying "We have more coming but I can't talk about it right now" is even MORE annoying.


The Legacy System needs rewriting. Because as it is right now, it's totally useless to a lot of people.

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I absolutely agree. The only useful thing that legacy provides is multiple buffs for multiple character types. I will never use legacy. I will never have the amount of credits needed to buy all the stuff. Crafting is broken as a means of "earning a living." I do not WANT to roll 8 different characters. I want to invest time into my MAIN character. EVERYTHING in this game is one big grind. GRIND gear, GRIND credits, pay us monthly subscription for useless grinds. Bah.


I can't believe they said Legacy was a big success. That is a blatant lie. Just like "servers are at expected capacity." Not when fleet only has 10 - 15 people at peak times. Not when you create a new toon and make it to Nar Shadda before you even SEE another player near your level. I spent 6 hours on Dromund Kaas leveling my alt and NEVER saw another player. The chat system said Domund Kaas: 1. I had no way to even attempt a Heroic or Area. Only good thing was I didn't have to wait for respawns. Noone was taking them :p

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Though I really love this game I have to agree. All the Legacy stuff is way to much $$. How they thought this would keep subs. up is anyones guess. The fact that you have to grind to get the stuff and people complain about grinding is a no-brainer:rak_02:
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Legacy is popular on RP servers, I see tons of people with unlocked races. I love the flavor from the heroic moment abilities and having all 4 buffs. However I agree that most of the other unlocks (GTN on ship, quick travel reductions, etc) are totally useless and don't do enough for their price.
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Legacy is popular on RP servers, I see tons of people with unlocked races. I love the flavor from the heroic moment abilities and having all 4 buffs. However I agree that most of the other unlocks (GTN on ship, quick travel reductions, etc) are totally useless and don't do enough for their price.


As a player on an RP server, what is more important to you? being able to interact with chairs in the cantinas or legacy?

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Legacy just needs to be scrapped and maybe just made an acheivement system where completeing certain levels/quests unlocks things. Id rather see them fix other aspects of te game first then focus on the legacy system so much.


Fps issues

Too many load screens

Poor performance on good systems tha meet or beat the recommended specs

Bad AI on companions

No real space content

Lack of pvp elements and poor performance in warzones etc

No xserver lfg tool


Non of these things are really game breaking but are far more important then a legacy system which they have now spent 2 major patches trying to impliment... Yeah roll it out in 1.2.... Fix you big problems in 1.3 the. You can go back to your coverted legacy once everything else is up to scratch

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Well, I can agree that the legacy perks right now are pretty bad, in design, and in price. I was very disappointed when they were introduced. I was expecting much more, for much less in cost.


As someone who you could call a "rich player", I still have not, and will never pay for any of those "perks". I may have millions of credits, but I am not willing to throw them out for such garbage.. Like a speeder for 1.5 million, funny stuff. I have those millions because I know how to use the market, abuse it, craft things that people need, and craft items people want on a exclusive basis. Not just because I have 50 items, on 8 toons, up on the market at all times, not even close. Ok, going off track here.


The only perk really worth buying right now is the repair droid for the "skills sensor" for the protocol droid, and even then it is not something that is useful on a daily basis. Why would I want to repair on my ship? I can do that at any space port before getting on or after getting off the ship. And there is an easy work around to getting those sensors, just pitch in with a couple rich people, get one person to buy it in the guild(like the guild leader), and everyone can buy the sensors they need off the droid while in group. :p I see a nerf coming in that regard.


I do see value in the upcoming unlocks, specifically the "Field Repair Droid", I will be all over that one... along with the "Legacy of Crafting", for better crit chance... A field respec droid, that could be handy in ops. A field mail box? I doubt it.


IMO, many of those perks should have been exclusive to those, like myself, who are in the very upper tiers of legacy. Not to be conceited or anything, but why should I pay the same amount for legacy things as someone with a legacy of 20. There is no point have a legacy over 20 at this point, and yeah, get that I may be in the 1% of players with a legacy higher than 45. Maybe that should be the point, higher legacy should have given more perks. Shouldn't it be a goal to get to a higher legacy level to open that next level of "rocket boots", or less time on the fleet pas and quick travel.. nope just a money sink.

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When I saw 1,000,000 credits for a Fleet Canteena VIP pass I knew where this was leading. The calibration of all the values with regard to crafting, item value - then of course the ridiculous pricing of legacy items, are so out of whack you're almost forced to use a credit card to buy credits....waytaminnit....


It's sad to see. I know just one person wasn't responsible. They could talk till they're blue in the face and never make it make sense. It's as though they don't want us to play. When the legacy system came out, and it took credits to purchase what you should have earned through legacy points, well...it doesn't take a weatherman to see which way the wind blows.


BTW. I do have a credit card. I don't use mommy's. I would use it. I never purchase anything from anyone who gives me the idea they think I'm a fool. So. There's a chunk of change you'll never see EA/(who's their lacky developing equal corporation team thingy...Bio something?)

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O yeah conveince 200k for 1 min off of quick travel then 2 mins then 3mins. Same with Fleet pass 1 hour, 2hours , 3 hours whoopied do. that like winnining lottery and them say heres a dollar a day for the rest of ur life. Could of least been in incramints of 5.
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I really don't understand the too expensive complaints. If you just do the Corellia and Belsavis dailies every day for a week you'll have 1.5 million. How can you not have enough credits to buy this stuff? I literally do nothing else to make money and I still have bought a handful.
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I really don't understand the too expensive complaints. If you just do the Corellia and Belsavis dailies every day for a week you'll have 1.5 million. How can you not have enough credits to buy this stuff? I literally do nothing else to make money and I still have bought a handful.


^this is very true..money isnt as hard as people think it is to get.. the problem is people are lazy and dont want to do the dailies to grind out credits.

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For example, who the hell is going to pay 300k just to have 3mins taken off the Quick Travel. Totally pointless. Altogether I think that Quick Travel is 6 mins but would cost you 600k. 600k for 6mins.

I did and I'm sure many many other people did as well.


I think legacy as it is is almost fine. However, the ONE thing I was really looking forward to for legacy was the level 10 speeder license. It got pushed back to 1.3 and then, for some stupid reason, got made into a character perk instead of a legacy perk. I understand all the experience perks being per character but why the speeder license? We have legacy wide stupid rocket boots but not a legacy wide speeder license?

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All these Legacy perks are supposed to be long-term goals. How much complaining would we have if everyone could buy everything within a week of 1.2 going live? Money sinks suck when a game is young, but two-three years from now (and yes the game will still be running) the costs will look like chump change.
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All these Legacy perks are supposed to be long-term goals. How much complaining would we have if everyone could buy everything within a week of 1.2 going live? Money sinks suck when a game is young, but two-three years from now (and yes the game will still be running) the costs will look like chump change.


What, exactly, is the point of having a perk that is useless once your alts hit a certain level be a 'long-term goal'?


How useful will the increased XP perks be to someone with all alts at mid to high level?


What if all your alts are already close to 20? Should getting them all legacy speeder licences be a 'long-term goal'?


End-game perks make sense to be long-term goals. Perks to make it easier to level alts should be anything but long-term.

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Currently it seems pretty useless. Even the things on the "To come" section seem pretty useless. Items in it could be given to crafters to craft.


I'm legacy 17, craft and buy resources on all my 8 toons. Making the gear etc costs money, levelling them costs money so I still have very little. Yet even with legacy 17 I can't really afford anything on the legacy tree, despite being legacy 17. So the legacy system appears to be for the super rich. A piss poor attempt at creating a credit sink for the super rich.


For example, who the hell is going to pay 300k just to have 3mins taken off the Quick Travel. Totally pointless. Altogether I think that Quick Travel is 6 mins but would cost you 600k. 600k for 6mins. Who thought of these things, who thought "These will be great ideas. People will love them. We won't lose 400-500k players. This will keep them subbing. It hasn't. And for them to say in their recently video for 1.3 that the Legacy System was a great success, that's just one big fat lie. And to keep saying "We have more coming but I can't talk about it right now" is even MORE annoying.


The Legacy System needs rewriting. Because as it is right now, it's totally useless to a lot of people.


Maybe next time we could start with some actual questions rather than just a directionless rant.


I am enjoying a number of the legacy perks. They weren't put there for you to be able to unlock all of them in 2 weeks. Spend for the ones you want and forget the ones you don't.


I love the unified buffs, and am looking forward to unlocking the melee moves as well as a few other items, especially when I've got some more credits around. And no, I'm not going to sit around and mope because I can't afford something yet. They are all quality of life issues for the most part. There's nothing game-breaking simply because you don't have access to a legacy perk yet.

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You need to learn to make money and keep money. From the sound of your post, there is nothing wrong with Legacy, but you yourself are clearly spending beyond your means. Grinding is one way to get credits in SWTOR, but there are lots of less tedious ways. Playing the AH is one, but effective money-management by itself is also sufficient to keep yourself a small fortune even from quest money.


I can clearly see a lot of uses for the both the global Legacy unlocks (all characters) and the perks (individual characters). You are also making a lot of false assumptions. Individual Legacy perks are dirt cheap compared to global unlocks. I can definitely see some benefit is unlocking QT travel time on my AH alt and my main, but there clearly is no reason to unlock exp bonus or Legacy speeder training on a level 50 character. Those perks however can be very useful for some of my other alts.

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I haven't bought a single legacy unlock and I have 32 million credits. I guess at some random point maybe I'll buy a race if I decide I want some particular race on an alt.


You know what my participation in the legacy system has been? Completing companion storylines for the buffs and doing the alts to get all the class buffs. That's it. Would be nice if they gave us something GOOD to buy (expensive or not)


On that coming soon tab I see two things worth buying. Increased sprint speed and increased crit chance for companions while crafting. Using speeders at level 10 is alright, lets be nice and make it three. So three things so far over the course of months of legacy implementation, none of which are even in yet.


They've done a pretty crappy job at making me part with my money on what they've done so far. GTN on my ship? That's their current big one. High legacy level and it is expensive. If you don't do dailies there's no reason to leave the fleet at level 50 and there's a GTN there already. Rocket boots. It's a mount with a cooldown. You can use it a few places you can't mount. Better to have than not I suppose. Worth spending millions on? Not even if you're rich.

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You need to grind up the legacy levels and the money, a tad too much.. At the end it is just a money-sink


Well you do both at the same time by doing dailies. If you've been doing dailies consistently it's not hard to have more credits than stuff to spend them on and level 50 legacy.

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