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Server Merge/Transfer Question


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I have a question. Why wasn't server merges and or transfers prepped at launch? If I was on the design team, I would have brought this up. I wouldve made it a mandatory to have this function ready at launch. If you are doing an MMO, learn from every other MMO!


Server merges happen in every MMO. So why not prepare for that situation and make sure you can handle it ASAP instead of waiting for servers to die and make the player base either wait for you to implement it or reroll on a more popular one?


I heard that they dont want you to reroll on other severs because of their Legacy system, but in all honesty what is the point in staying on a dead server? This is an MMO, and its better playing with other people. I dont want to stay on a server and create new toons for my Legacy while its a complete ghost town. I bet everyone else feels the same way. If we wanted to play everything solo with no one else to interact with, we wouldnt have bought SWTOR in the first place.


I think it was a bad decision in the beginning to not have the ability to have server mergers or at least 1 free transfer. With every MMO that has released in recent years, they all lost many subscribers, and in turn results in dead servers. The Dev Team should have thought of it and planned for it. I dont see any valid excuse as to why it wasnt ready at launch. Money? you lose more money by not having it prepped because if you let the community die, people wont continue playing. When no one is online, there are no flashpoints, there are no ops, no PVP. What else is there to do at 50 that will keep them playing?


I think it is now too late for SWTOR to recover. This could have been a great game, its a Star Wars game! All it needed was more PVP variety, not just 3 maps. Should have had arenas or something where you do 1v1 up to 8v8. Have just a standard Team Deathmatch style WZ. How can they believe that 3 WZ maps at launch was enough?


Anywho, I will end it at that. I have about 50 days left but I doubt I will be back on. Bioware you had me at Star Wars, but you lost me with bad planning.

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