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So i decided to mosey on down to the Rift forums to see what they are saying about SWTOR and their game in general. Its pretty much the same stuff. The funny thing is while the complain about server pops and not being able to do content I realized just how big of an advantage SWTOR has. Yes we are in a lul atm with content, story, and PVP but at the same time we still have an amazing game with pleanty of story driven co tent to make playing solo enjoyable until things pick up. I have a level 50 shadow and a commando that is about to hit 50. the best part is i cant wait to play the knight and smuggler lines. I just wish we had 8 slots to do all the stories.
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So i decided to mosey on down to the Rift forums to see what they are saying about SWTOR and their game in general. Its pretty much the same stuff. The funny thing is while the complain about server pops and not being able to do content I realized just how big of an advantage SWTOR has. Yes we are in a lul atm with content, story, and PVP but at the same time we still have an amazing game with pleanty of story driven co tent to make playing solo enjoyable until things pick up. I have a level 50 shadow and a commando that is about to hit 50. the best part is i cant wait to play the knight and smuggler lines. I just wish we had 8 slots to do all the stories.


I have 8 slots, why don't you?

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So i decided to mosey on down to the Rift forums to see what they are saying about SWTOR and their game in general. Its pretty much the same stuff. The funny thing is while the complain about server pops and not being able to do content I realized just how big of an advantage SWTOR has. Yes we are in a lul atm with content, story, and PVP but at the same time we still have an amazing game with pleanty of story driven co tent to make playing solo enjoyable until things pick up. I have a level 50 shadow and a commando that is about to hit 50. the best part is i cant wait to play the knight and smuggler lines. I just wish we had 8 slots to do all the stories.


I suppose you like being the only one on a server, in that case this game is tailored specifically for YOU!


**confetti falls **

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Yes we are in a lul atm with content, story, and PVP but at the same time we still have an amazing game with pleanty of story driven co tent to make playing solo enjoyable until things pick up.


Yeah, gotta give BW credit for putting out such an awesome solo MMO with the best unsupported co-op playing.

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So i decided to mosey on down to the Rift forums to see what they are saying about SWTOR and their game in general. Its pretty much the same stuff. The funny thing is while the complain about server pops and not being able to do content I realized just how big of an advantage SWTOR has. Yes we are in a lul atm with content, story, and PVP but at the same time we still have an amazing game with pleanty of story driven co tent to make playing solo enjoyable until things pick up. I have a level 50 shadow and a commando that is about to hit 50. the best part is i cant wait to play the knight and smuggler lines. I just wish we had 8 slots to do all the stories.


I decided to mosey on down and log into TOR to see what group missions I could do. I wanted to see what people were saying in general chat, possibly looking for groups, but the second person that was on the fleet was only level 10. The funny thing about my server is that it's almost alot like most of the other servers, lifeless and dead. Long story short you probably know the rest of this story.

Edited by Tiaa
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I decided to mosey on down and log into TOR to see what group missions I could do. I wanted to see what people were saying in general chat, possibly looking for groups, but the second person that was on the fleet was only level 10. The funny thing about my server is that it's almost alot like most of the other servers, lifeless and dead. Long story short you probably know the rest of this story.


Do like I did. I've temporarily (until transfers hit) re-rolled on a more populous server (Jedi Covenant in this case) I was floored to see 90+ people on Korriban, 70+ on DK (with a VERY active General chat) and all... I'm hoping once the transfers hit most of the servers will be similar.


It's a world of difference going from spamming LFG to having to choose between 2 or 3 groups for Heroic quests / FPs

Edited by LupieZero
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So i decided to mosey on down to the Rift forums to see what they are saying about SWTOR and their game in general. Its pretty much the same stuff. The funny thing is while the complain about server pops and not being able to do content I realized just how big of an advantage SWTOR has. Yes we are in a lul atm with content, story, and PVP but at the same time we still have an amazing game with pleanty of story driven co tent to make playing solo enjoyable until things pick up. I have a level 50 shadow and a commando that is about to hit 50. the best part is i cant wait to play the knight and smuggler lines. I just wish we had 8 slots to do all the stories.


I think BW should get together with all the other MMOs and make crossover servers. Take your trooper to alterac Valley! That would be hysterical! See how Hunters like Tanno! :)

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sry for some reason i thought we only had 6 slots. Like i said until the transfers come through im doing what i can to make the best of the situation. I still have an active guild so we all play together and usually have poeple to do all types of content.
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