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Give me 1 reason why we can't talk with other faction


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Doesn't seem to have any point since you can get to communicate with your own faction in PvP. And I think it's funnier that way, trolling and get trolled when I'm owned. PvP is fun that way :p at least I like it that way.


I agree we should be able to talk to each other.

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It was removed in beta because the idiots among us couldn't handle talking to the other faction without resorting to WoW trade type behavior.


This is the main reason. I hope they keep them seperate tbh. You can talk to them in /say if you need to, which is enough.


Also why do people keep naming wow as coming up with these ideas? Wow didn't invent anything, they took ideas from earlier games and simplified them...

Edited by NasherUK
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What would happen if we could talk to the other faction any time we wanted.

"You ganked me you mother ____er im gonna cut ur ____ _____ off you mother ____er, im gonna hunt you down everywhere you go!"

"Spam spam spam spam spam ignored ignored"

Got the idea?


Have you ever played Cod? how many times does it turn into a mic fighting match.

Edited by Daethorz
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The answer is: KEK!


or to be honest: no valid reason apart from blind copy of a WoW feature because "if we do it like WoW we're gonna make money"

Edited by Vonb
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Why would they speak to each other? You can't group up with them, you can't run flashpoints with them, you can't really trade with them (more or less), you can't ask for information or guidance (datacron locations etc...) because that's all faction specific.


The only reason you would want to speak to them is to chat... and in that case... whats wrong with chatting with the people on your own faction?


If you belong to a guild, most guilds are on one faction. If some how your guild belongs to both factions then you must be in a pretty large guild, which likely has a website and it's own 3rd party chat software.

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Roleplay reason: Your comm technology is different, like Macs and PCs.


Real reason: It ruins the game if you can talk to the other faction. You will get spammed with tellls saying "you suck" after warzones. You will have your sexual orientation questioned. You will have your intelligence insulted. In beta, there was a time we could talk to the other side. We tried it. It was terrible. They fixed it.


Good answer! :cool:

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It's like in Warcraft, NOT being able to talk to the other faction encourages open world PvP.


Unfortunately, in SWTOR, open world PvP is more or less non-existant, at least in my experience.


So my reason is not valid in this game....

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I know, we can talk with other faction via /say, but why can't we use /tell, mail etc? What's the point? We all talk basic (SW language)


I really don't see any point in this game.


Please tell me why?




ok, to address some of the responses:


"people would cheat" - that doesn't make any sense, you can use 3rd party communication to cheat (teamspeak etc.) it's faster and most people use it anyway


"people would trashtalk each other" - only encounter where this could happen is via Warzone matches, cos open world pvp is DEAD. And at least 50% of all warzones are same faction matches, where's trashtalking on daily bases


Trash Talking has always been an issue between sides in all MMO's.... Most MMO's won't let you talk to the other side like in Aion... you can do /say in Aion but they took it a step further and made the /say come out in a different language.... I think also its suppose to give people more of that feel of Them vs Us..... If we can just all talk to each other in general chat as one big happy family kind of defeats the purposes of sides...

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Simple.. Griefing. Yes you can do it via /say but imagine if after the match they continued to send you messages after message. Your ignore list would be full pretty quick. I like the way it is.
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I'll give you 3.


1. typically opposing sides don't look kindly on others talking to each other...smells of treason (lore/real world reason)


Yet that is precisely WHY it makes sense lol. From a lore/real world standpoint it makes it even more immersive. It opens up an entire new level to roleplaying for one--granted we're long before the movies but I'd love to hear one situation where those from either side COULDN'T communicate, and in fact most definitely did. We're not talking a full racial/species division--borrowing from a difference "universe", it would make far more sense in a situation like humans and the original Cylons.


2. prevent cheating/spying in pvp



Except there are plenty of easy ways around that.


3. prevent players from being idiots to one-another with trash talking/insults.


really the ONLY reason you would be worried about it is because you want to act like an idiot and trash-talk or insult other players..or cheat...otherwise there's NO REASON to allow it.


I can give more reasons if you like but you only asked for 1 and I gave you 3x that.


Actually I see it as the reverse. It really only makes sense the limited areas of the game. Would players abuse it? Sure, just like they do everything else. But presuming that the majority of players only want the cross-faction restriction removed because they are trolls and griefers is ludicrous to me.





I mean seriously, we can communicate with NPCs of the opposite faction but no one else?


It's yet another part of the game which makes the community disjointed and disconnected, and actually furthers the feeling of low population.


I'm guessing this makes less sense for those who've never played an MMO where this was part of normal play--certainly those who played SWG understand reasons players want communication channels open and the myriad of reasons why. My MMO experiences have been mostly the opposite, with the majority having no such restriction. It's unfortunate to eliminate a number of in-game uses and variety simply because some griefers need to assert their false but presumed superiority.

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