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Give me 1 reason why we can't talk with other faction


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Sorry m8. I have tried it today. I cannot mail crafted items to my alts on opposing faction. Always says that the player/character was not found.


Only thing that works are the special "legacy-bound items" which you can trade in the capital city.


i just bought stuff from imperial fleet and sended it to my main on republic side per mail.

I made tons of credits that way. Buy cheap imperial, sell expensive republic, but both characters must be connected via legacy.


Wokrs since weeks, dont tell me you guys didnt know... or this wasnt intended.


Oh... I hope I am not that clumsy yet to mistake the name of my own characters... I will check it as soon as I am logged back in the game.


EDIT: Darn. Tried it few seconds ago and it indeed does work. I must be getting too old for this keyboard typing... :D Sorry, my bad.

Edited by Jedlosson
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I'm frequently running in to the other faction while gathering mats and we sometimes fight next to eachother in dungeons so it would be cool if we could whisper eachother. Since I'm on a PvE server, where we're not supposed to ow-pvp anyway, it couldnt possibly hurt anyone. On the contrary, it would just establish a better connection between players, regardless of faction. If someone were to misuse the system and harrass people it would fall under the same rules that already apply. Edited by MidichIorian
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Sorry m8. I have tried it today. I cannot mail crafted items to my alts on opposing faction. Always says that the player/character was not found.


Only thing that works are the special "legacy-bound items" which you can trade in the capital city.


Hmm.... maybe you're bugged. :(


I can send stuff I craft to alts on the other faction, doing it right now in fact. :)



(the daft thing is you can't have your alts on your auto-post list, which makes misspelling at real PITA :D)

Edited by Goretzu
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I'm frequently running in to the other faction while gathering mats and we sometimes fight next to eachother in dungeons so it would be cool if we could whisper eachother. Since I'm on a PvE server, where we're not supposed to ow-pvp anyway, it couldnt possibly hurt anyone. On the contrary, it would just establish a better connection between players, regardless of faction. If someone were to misuse the system and harrass people it would fall under the same rules that already apply.


Just type /S


and you can speak to them..., this works since start...

I had nice conversations with many imperial players just using /s

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Oh... I hope I am not that clumsy yet to mistake the name of my own characters... I will check it as soon as I am logged back in the game.


EDIT: Darn. Tried it few seconds ago and it indeed does work. I must be getting too old for this... Sorry, my bad.


You have to add the alt to the legacy tree to be able to send mail to him or her.


Edit:forget post I see you snuck in an edit of your own. :p

Edited by Ranid
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Roleplay reason: Your comm technology is different, like Macs and PCs.


Real reason: It ruins the game if you can talk to the other faction. You will get spammed with tellls saying "you suck" after warzones. You will have your sexual orientation questioned. You will have your intelligence insulted. In beta, there was a time we could talk to the other side. We tried it. It was terrible. They fixed it.


So, it'd be business as usual then?


People on my team say similar things often.


It is even more ridiculous considering the same-faction PvP.

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Roleplay reason: Your comm technology is different, like Macs and PCs.


Real reason: It ruins the game if you can talk to the other faction. You will get spammed with tellls saying "you suck" after warzones. You will have your sexual orientation questioned. You will have your intelligence insulted. In beta, there was a time we could talk to the other side. We tried it. It was terrible. They fixed it.


Honestly I loved getting tells in SWG from the other faction after my BH killed a Jedi -more so during perma-death ;) Even had one fellow threaten to pay SOE money if they ban me lol

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The old reason? to prevent cheating in PvP.


You can easily have a mole/spy using in-game system to cheat. BUT people will say "I have vent! I can use outside chat" true, but that takes MORE work to cheat in PvP than in-game which is easy to use :)


Other than that? create illusion that we are not suppose to talk in secret with other factions ;)


I'm sorry but it's easier to cheat through vent. You don't have to type the mesages so you can' continue to play like normal while passing off information.

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I know, we can talk with other faction via /say, but why can't we use /tell, mail etc? What's the point? We all talk basic (SW language)


I really don't see any point in this game.


Please tell me why?


I always thought it was to prevent harassment.

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Because only people of your own faction should be able to call you racial slurs and question you and your mothers sexuality.



Also if the argument has to do with cheating in PvP, then why not limit it to only PvP servers?

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You can mail stuff to any member of your legacy regardless of faction.


Thank goodness for that - I found I had to feed money from my Imp to my Republic alt to get speeders by level 25 - the Republic is run by a bunch of cheapskates on Tatooine compared to the Imps who shower you with money.


It gets a bit better - but has anyone noticed that the Republic just doesn't reward as well, by and large? Especially for sidequests that feature a lot more elites than comparable Imp quests. Not game-breaking or anything but it's noticeable to me.


In this game, evil pays better.

Edited by jgelling
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Because only people of your own faction should be able to call you racial slurs and question you and your mothers sexuality.


Being ganked brings out the "best" in people. :)


I've been in MMORPG with factional PvP (and free for all PvP) and generally it's a nightmare. :eek:


Have you never met the person in Team Fortress or something that you kill and then they kick you off the server in rage? The internet is full of people much worse than that!

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The old reason? to prevent cheating in PvP.


You can easily have a mole/spy using in-game system to cheat. BUT people will say "I have vent! I can use outside chat" true, but that takes MORE work to cheat in PvP than in-game which is easy to use :)


Other than that? create illusion that we are not suppose to talk in secret with other factions ;)


Considering pretty much everyone in PvP uses Vent (or some other voice chat) that's pretty much a moot point. It doesn't take more work because they are already using those systems. There is no reason to have any portion of chat be faction specific.



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I know, we can talk with other faction via /say, but why can't we use /tell, mail etc? What's the point? We all talk basic (SW language)


I really don't see any point in this game.


Please tell me why?


Because the Devs responsible for creating cross-faction chat got stun-locked by a team of Operatives and quit BW.

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Give me 1 reason why we can't talk with other faction


1) literacy

2) Breath

3) Your mother dressed you funny?




Seriously though I dont see the need for it myself.

Say is good enough for amount of conversable interaction there is.

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/say works just fine I've talked with imperials on my republic toons that way. I don't really want to have cross faction general chat or anything like that. Besides, as other people have mentioned, it lead to really horrible stuff in beta when they tried it. It should be noted beforehand people were warned that inappropriate behavior would get them kicked out of the closed beta. They did it any ways (and were kicked out). If closed beta participants couldn't handle cross faction general chat then I shutter to think what would happen if they implemented it on the live servers.
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I know, we can talk with other faction via /say, but why can't we use /tell, mail etc? What's the point? We all talk basic (SW language)


I really don't see any point in this game.


Please tell me why?


pvp trash talk. mmo standard stuff there.

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Talking to the other faction does lead to pad camping and other nasty lil forms of behavior. I know I did it all the time in AoC. I kill a player in World PvP and get Hate Tells from him/her ...... I would spend the rest of my time melting their face on the pad until they smartened up and stopped sending me tells! lol :rolleyes:

Sad but true that is just how PvP works. It always results in a petition that never gets answered. I think they keep faction chat down just for that reason.

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Because the worst is always assumed to happen everytime, when for the games that do not have it tend to show little or no issue. In my experience it really doesnt change anything given ways to circumvent things like multi account, multi faction on server, voice, IM, and forum wasy to communicate adding that last restriction of /notell seems pointless.

If people want to "lolspy" they will still "lolspy"

If people want to tell you where they are pvping they will still do that

Being able to talk to the other faction is not an excuse to act like a tool, even though many believe it is, and dumb players are the reason why we saw it implemented its current way after people got carried away in beta.


Given how little interaction we have with the other faction for the majority of the game, I dont see how keeping it in place is going to really benefit long term,

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