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Have you rerolled to a new server?


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I rerolled from Warriors of the Shadow to Ajunta Pall at the end of Feb leaving my BM Mar there. The guild of 70+ was already dying and the population was heavy Imp. A RL friend decided to start playing so we picked a West Coast server with a good pop. However now AP has been going down, 80ish seems to be the fleet max in the evening.


I really dont want to reroll again so hopefully they bring the transfers fast and AP comes to life as a heavy West Coast server. I will admit i was tempted this Sunday, I checked The Fatman: 124 on the Jedi starting world and 110 on the Sith starting planet. More then I have seen on our fleet in a long time. It was like release with so many people running around.


I sure hope transfers can bring some of this life to the rest of us. Being in Seattle I would prefer not to move to an East Coast server.

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I saw the writing on the wall early and rerolled to Tomb of Freedon Nadd from a back then still well populated server in January. Didn't regret it.


Me too!


Still left behind a 50 and some higher-level alts though

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I started on Jung Ma, got to 50 and found my playtimes didn't match the rest of the population, so went to Ajunta Pall.


Found a good group of people to reroll with as a 'Late Night' guild

We are currently on Jung Ma, as <Nocturne>, anyone looking for people to play with while waiting for transfers should come join us! We have most on around 10pm-3am PST

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