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Most fun (for you) Class/Spec?


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This game is all about fun so I thought a 'fun' related thread would be good on the PVP forums for once. Here's what I've done thus far:


lvl 50 Sorc (healing but have done dps)

lvl 50 Sniper (lethality but did MM)

lvl 30something merc (pyro)

lvl 20something jugg

lvl 30something Opps (heals)

lvl 40 PT (tank/punchfest dps)


After all of this I find playing PT to be the most fun. I pull in more MVP votes than while on any of my other toons. Pull in more medals, typically the same 13 medals each time not counting time bonus medals (combo of DPS/Protection, usually top protection and top 1-3 dps/kills/killing blows). I haven't found a class I can't solo and haven't found a 1 vs 2 that I can't survive long enough to stall them, kill at least one of the two (and in rare cases if I waste stims, kill both). And most importantly of all, with the utility I can help with the objective in any WZ. Overall I think I finally found the class for me.


I haven't spent a lot of time with the glow stick classes, haven't been on my sorc in months. I'd be interested to know why those are some people's favorites. Pretty much interested why any toon is someone's favorite.

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Carnage Marauder. No matter what you hit, you hurt it. You can make everyone run really fast! However, I don't think I've ever been CC'ed more in my gaming career. It's tough to stay in range of a target and your rotation gets ruined about 60% of the time when you get CC'ed after Gore.
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Carnage Marauder. No matter what you hit, you hurt it. You can make everyone run really fast! However, I don't think I've ever been CC'ed more in my gaming career. It's tough to stay in range of a target and your rotation gets ruined about 60% of the time when you get CC'ed after Gore.


team speed boost is epic

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Jedi Knight Guardian (JKG fo' life). I've never actually TRIED defense, but both vigilance and focus are fun. We do have to manage an inordinate amount of skills/cooldowns and I like the challenge. I'm working on a shadow but it's slow going because I'm not really feeling that fun factor that I do with my JKG. I like leaping around and force-pushing imps off bridges and cliffs. It makes my day.



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Level 49 Sorcerer (Firs lightning and now a healer) - A blast to score with in huttball with force speed and friendly pulls. Don't have to worry about running low on power hardly, and the distance makes this a fun/easier class for noobs such as myself!


Level 40 Trooper (gunner tree) - Does a good amount of damage from a distance too, and much harder to kill than my sorcerer, also fun!


Level 32 Bounty Hunter (Guardian) - Grapple and guarding again make huttball fun! Decent damage, not as squishy as my sorcerer, and i feel has a good combo of melee and distance dps that makes this class very versatile to play = fun!


Level 28 Jedi (dps) - Who doesnt love force jump? Most fun opener imo! To me, this class is a bigger challenge with managing your builds and cooldowns, large number of moves, and the pure melee gets a little chaotic for me at times, but the ease of killing others if you can get your rotation just right and damage output at the end makes this a class worth learning to master!


I have a couple others, but these are so far my favorites!

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For me, it's my Focus Sentinel even though he is only level 37 atm. Mainly because everybody says it sucks in PvP compared to Watchman. I like the big hits from the buffed up Force Sweep and having the additional leap ability. It's also great in taking down MOB's in PvE when paired with Doc or Kira. Way more fun than playing my Shadow.
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So far I'm seeing a trend that people like the ability to go stealth and/or like the gap closers (leaps/grapples/pulls).


Seems that utility (in general) has a leg up on straight DPS when it comes to the fun factor


Well yeah, there is nothing more satisfying than knocking someone off the bridge in void star, or stunning them over a fire trap in hutball.

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Or standing at the edge of the pit in Voidstar and grappling your opponent to you (who thinks he got across the bridge clean) to his imminent death.


When I started playing around in pvp, it was on my Juggernaut, and I had mixed feelings about it then ultimately burned out. Just recently I gave it another try with my PT and I'm actually having fun, even if my team loses the game which normally bugs the hell out of me.

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I have 3 50's, of all of them my mara is by far the most fun to play.


Of all the classes I've tried, I'm having most fun as a slinger that is level 31 right now. The amount of thought that goes into playing the class well is just above and beyond the other 3 classes I've played, and playing well means owning face.

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Let me just add for Slinger fun: Nothing beats the 8 second mezzing of the mara or jugg that just used their trinket on my root. I then precede to kill there healer over the next 8 seconds, root is back up by then, and it's time to play the kiting game. Edited by Invictusthetaru
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I'm right there with ya on the PT being the most fun. Ranged classes are fun in the game and watching the numbers fly when I drop DFA makes me smile every time. I do love my marauder as well but personally I find the ranged classes more fun.
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Well yeah, there is nothing more satisfying than knocking someone off the bridge in void star, or stunning them over a fire trap in hutball.


The fire pit thing sucks *so* bad. :D Considering the routine victimization roasting I get.


Sage rescue pulls to top tier, or across goal line from the side is pretty darn fun though, to make up for the roasting.

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