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What $15.00 a month *should* get you


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1 movie ticket, 1 small popcorn and 1 small drink...... if you're lucky.... and that's only for 2hrs of entertainment. :)



I went to see avengers in 3D with my son the other day... 2 tickets, 1 small popcorn and 2 small drinks cost me $38. And even then, we had these brats in the theater that would talk loudly all the time and SCREAM during action scenes.



I'm ok with paying $15 for SWTOR. Heck, it's a steal IMO.

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Why oh why do people always forget how much it costs to box and ship all these items. Also they forget that retailers get a chunk of that money. EA also has to pay taxes on all that money. Just have to smh sometimes reading these armchair economists posts lol.


it does not cost nearly as much as it used to, especially when a large number of people are downloading the game straight off their servers. Do you really believe the game cost 200mil to make?


If you had 200mil budget.. this is what you come out with?


This is not a 200 million dollar game..

You really can't make a shimmersilk purse out of a bantha's ear

Edited by Parali
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No thanks. I'd rather them kill the game entirely that to cater to a bunch of whiners that think paying $15 a month is some how a lot of money.


I dont think its a lot of money, but I do think that based on the fact that this game is oddly designed to segregate its playerbase, and is so heavily focused on solo story and unmassive multiplayer, that it doesnt deserve to charge a monthly fee.

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I dont think its a lot of money, but I do think that based on the fact that this game is oddly designed to segregate its playerbase, and is so heavily focused on solo story and unmassive multiplayer, that it doesnt deserve to charge a monthly fee.



It's as MMO as you want to make it. Heck, I had to reroll a few months ago to make it MMO for me, but since then, I never skip a Heroic Quest and flash points are normally pretty easy to group up for as well. Warzones? They pop in 5-20 minutes normally.


It's very MMO for me. It sucks that you're on a dead server, but no one ever said you had to stay there. I didn't want to reroll either at first, but I'm very happy about the decision now. If I'd have stayed on "The Courageous", I'd have probably unsubbed already.

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Thats a lie there is GM staff in this game the last 4 tickets I have put in it has taken less then 5mins to get back to me thats crazy fast for a GM to get back to you.


As for the GMs themselves well thats another story....


a GM should be someone phsyically playing the game.. or at least somehow involved with someone who is. The SWToR is more of a Customer Service.. you complain and they resolve your issue.. I got no gripes with them at all, but they are Customer Service not GM's


A true GM staff would have been here on the forums discussing the game and giving feedback.. zoning into a FP to document just what happened with said mob etc..


in SWToR you basically ticket your problem and they send you items in the mail.. GG the problem is solved, but its a cheap solution and its the wrong problem (yeah I want the gear, but I rather you pass it up that to someone legitimate that the encounter needs to be fixed)

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it does not cost nearly as much as it used to, especially when a large number of people are downloading the game straight off their servers. Do you really believe the game cost 200mil to make?


If you had 200mil budget.. this is what you come out with?


This is not a 200 million dollar game..

You really can't make a shimmersilk purse out of a bantha's ear


I agree but it does cost money to box and ship the items to retailers. It also costs money to pay the retailers their profits. Costs money to run the Origin website. There are costs involved with taking credit cards. People have no idea all these little costs that add up to huge amounts in the end. The guy is basing his numbers on the notion every dollar of money spent is profit and goes back to EA.

Edited by Parali
bad quote
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, we had these brats in the theater that would talk loudly all the time and SCREAM during action scenes.



I'm ok with paying $15 for SWTOR. Heck, it's a steal IMO.


You sure you weren't running a dungeon in WoW?

Edited by Skidrowbro
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It's as MMO as you want to make it. Heck, I had to reroll a few months ago to make it MMO for me, but since then, I never skip a Heroic Quest and flash points are normally pretty easy to group up for as well. Warzones? They pop in 5-20 minutes normally.


It's very MMO for me. It sucks that you're on a dead server, but no one ever said you had to stay there. I didn't want to reroll either at first, but I'm very happy about the decision now. If I'd have stayed on "The Courageous", I'd have probably unsubbed already.


That doesnt even matter. Even if you have people to do them with, the multiplayer elements are too uninteresting and unsatisying to do. The only interesting flashpoint is False Emperor, and only because you fight Malgus. None of the flashpoints or ops feel epic, or feel anything like a Star Wars experience. Nothing epic to be found in the multiplayer game.

Edited by Gungan
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That doesnt even matter. Even if you have people to do them with, the multiplayer elements are too uninteresting and unsatisying to do. The only interesting flashpoint is False Emperor, and only because you fight Malgus. None of the flashpoints or ops feel epic, or feel anything like a Star Wars experience. Nothing epic to be found in the multiplayer game.


Opinions, opinions, opinions. I love all of the flashpoints I've done so far. I can't wait for 1.3 because I'll likely level my healer by doing nothing but flashpoints and his class quest.

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While we all go down with the ship here, I would like to ask what peeps here think their $15.00 should get them in an MMO (with regard to service/design etc).


I remember the first "Monthly fee" I paid was to Verant Interactive for Everquest. What did I get for my cash? well a full time GM staff, live events, someone I could talk to "in-game" who understood my plight directly (not some call center). I also got a continuous stream of content, that while I still paid extra for, was top notch in both design and implementation (which leads me to believe that my $$$ was being reinvested into the game and not profit).

Second game I paid monthly for was WoW up until WOTLK. Again, my money seemed to go to maintaining servers and a full time staff of GM's who understood and played the game.

I don't get the feeling GM's are playing SWTOR which is why it is in such bad shape atm, and I think this is all a result of early launch, budget, etc.


You want my $15.00 back, you gotta provide something more than "ideas" I pay for "maintenance" and "staff" not for EA to line its pockets and get richer. Seriously, if someone that was getting paid to play this game by BW, they would of sounded the alarm back in September 2011.




yea i agree with yea they need to get there head out of there asses and get the ball moving because this was a great idea but now there letting it slip away, hopefully they launch a patch to fill the gaps soon to save the current member base before its to late.

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Stopped reading after the OP's opening sentence..knew I couldn't trust him to be a sincere poster. And after reading the replies here, seems I was right. OP is full of b.s.


Some people expect an online game to entertain them 24/7 for $15/mo. That is a ridiculous expectation. It provides enough fun and entertainment for me, and I play about three or four hours a week. Even at that casual pace, SWTOR is a bargain for entertainment.

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Opinions, opinions, opinions. I love all of the flashpoints I've done so far. I can't wait for 1.3 because I'll likely level my healer by doing nothing but flashpoints and his class quest.


I agree the flashpoints and stuff are pretty challenging, most people ************ about them are the ones getting a group to run them thru as they do nothing, so of curse its boring lol... and most people Quote "WoW" being better than this game still or w/e well the game has been out for what ? 6months or so... when they got the time under there belt as "WoW" has i figure this game will be huge. but fixing problems and adding features takes time that in todays world the only thing people do is "I want it now" which causes them to pre-launch without finishing most of the features they planned so now we have to deal with it .

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Stopped reading after the OP's opening sentence..knew I couldn't trust him to be a sincere poster. And after reading the replies here, seems I was right. OP is full of b.s.


Some people expect an online game to entertain them 24/7 for $15/mo. That is a ridiculous expectation. It provides enough fun and entertainment for me, and I play about three or four hours a week. Even at that casual pace, SWTOR is a bargain for entertainment.


Yea i agree some people think this will be there next "Get a life" card to escape the real world for weeks at a time lol. Most of them prolly did not even stop and actually enjoy the storyline just powerleveling to 50 just to say "Hey I did it!"

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Its not about what you *should* get. That's not how you answer the question.


You should be saying:


"Am I satisfied enough with the product at hand to spend $15 a month."


Stop judging the product for what it isn't and start judging it on what it IS.

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WARNING: If you have not noticed any threads that do not offer a sugar coating or that criticize the failure of SWTOR gets deleted. I had $20k in EA stock and luckily I pulled it out before the ball dropped. I feel bad for anyone who didn't get the memo about the end game being non existent + Devs who lie about content and time lines = hundreds of thousands of people leaving.


For $15 a month I would like an end game that doesn't involve a 30-60min wait in a que for PvP. I would like open world PvP that has some mission rewards. I would like the game to have a point and be more like star wars and less like a bad mechanical copy of WOW. I would like Devs who don't lie and forum mods who allow free expression as long as it's not abusive language. I would like content added every month as promised. I would like competent Devs that deliver when and how they say they will and not go into some fantasy world of ideas and time lines that they can't really deliver on.


3 of my 4 accts have been canceled, to bad that I might be ditching the last one once my guild finds another MMO to play.

Well thanks there keyboard warrior. You don't like the game so........don't play. If you've had 3 accounts deleted, maybe you should just leave, infact please do and make all the community feel a bit better.

You need to take a long look at yourself and say "what am I actually achieving" because nobody cares for your unstructured opinion. How is any of that constructive criticism? You're just showing off what a big bad boy you are with your 3 dead accounts....we are not worthy /sarcasm

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Opinions, opinions, opinions. I love all of the flashpoints I've done so far. I can't wait for 1.3 because I'll likely level my healer by doing nothing but flashpoints and his class quest.


All that says is that you don't care that almost none of the bosses are recognizable characters, and little better than the trash mobs that come before.

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Stopped reading after the OP's opening sentence..knew I couldn't trust him to be a sincere poster. And after reading the replies here, seems I was right. OP is full of b.s.


Some people expect an online game to entertain them 24/7 for $15/mo. That is a ridiculous expectation. It provides enough fun and entertainment for me, and I play about three or four hours a week. Even at that casual pace, SWTOR is a bargain for entertainment.



Heck, I normally play for 2-4 hours a night and I've probably only seen maybe half of the content if that. I'm paying what equates to maybe 13-15 cents per hour to play the game and I still have a TON of stuff left to do. I do have problems with the game, but 1.3 will fix most of those (as long as the LFG tool doesn't take forever to pop).


I get way more entertainment than I'm paying for. That's for absolute sure.

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I agree the flashpoints and stuff are pretty challenging, most people ************ about them are the ones getting a group to run them thru as they do nothing, so of curse its boring lol... and most people Quote "WoW" being better than this game still or w/e well the game has been out for what ? 6months or so... when they got the time under there belt as "WoW" has i figure this game will be huge. but fixing problems and adding features takes time that in todays world the only thing people do is "I want it now" which causes them to pre-launch without finishing most of the features they planned so now we have to deal with it .

a) You are confusing challenging with interesting. Generic Mandalorian, generic Sith #3123, or random big droid with no backstory are not interesting bosses.

b) I have pug tanked all the hard modes, and with the exception of LI and 3 or so other specific boss fights (enrage timers too tight for pug dps), none of them are challenging either.

Edited by Gungan
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I went to see avengers in 3D with my son the other day... 2 tickets, 1 small popcorn and 2 small drinks cost me $38. And even then, we had these brats in the theater that would talk loudly all the time and SCREAM during action scenes.



I'm ok with paying $15 for SWTOR. Heck, it's a steal IMO.

Totally off topic but......did you also notice how many times the camera panned to Scarlett Johanson's butt?

I'm not complaining mind....just thought it was a lot of shots of onething

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Totally off topic but......did you also notice how many times the camera panned to Scarlett Johanson's butt?

I'm not complaining mind....just thought it was a lot of shots of onething


Necessary though, 1 of three things I loved the movie for, that and RDJ's witty acting and the Hulk rag dolling Loki.


Actually, 4, the introduction of Thanos into the film franchise. I mean *** were they thinking of, he is to the SilverSurfer as Captain Britain is to Captain America.


For those non Marvel fans, Captain Britain urinates all over Captain America.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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a GM should be someone phsyically playing the game.. or at least somehow involved with someone who is. The SWToR is more of a Customer Service.. you complain and they resolve your issue.. I got no gripes with them at all, but they are Customer Service not GM's


A true GM staff would have been here on the forums discussing the game and giving feedback.. zoning into a FP to document just what happened with said mob etc..


in SWToR you basically ticket your problem and they send you items in the mail.. GG the problem is solved, but its a cheap solution and its the wrong problem (yeah I want the gear, but I rather you pass it up that to someone legitimate that the encounter needs to be fixed)


I have seen GM's in game.. There was a problem with the unyielding title and a GM appeared before me and granted me the title. I did take a screenshot.. The GM looked like a droid


$15 a month.. I get lots of time out of swtor for my money. But your not going to sell a steak to a guy for no amount of money if he wants caviar and nothing else.

Edited by corbanite
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