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Dune Sea Tatooine


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I've experienced the game to lv 50 and I just wanted to say that I love the Dune Sea on Tatooine. It's probably one of my favorite areas that I unfortunately didn't have much reason to quest in. It's huge, open and doesn't feel like your boxed into a finite space. Feels like you go go on forever. It doesn't have a creature spawning every 10 meters either, like the staple of mmos. Feels a little more organic with points of interests you travel to and fight instead of everywhere. I wish that was the center point of Tatooine.


While I don't want to see this done for everything, I definitely enjoyed that aspect and hope to see it play a bigger role in future expansions where appropriate. Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in for an aspect I really liked in the game.


Oh and one last thing. I wish we could walk the path from the first speeder to the second if for some reason we really wanted to. They exhaustion hits you if you attempt to do so. I wouldn't care if it was empty of creatures, I'd actually prefer it but it would be nice to have the freedom.

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Regarding the openness of the Dune Sea, I agree 100%. Tatooine overall was easily one of my favorite planets.

Alderaan also has some areas which I feel the same about.


My main complaint about the general layout of the many of the planets is that it feels like there are just a lot of corridors and choke points, and random mobs which are just standing there for seemingly no reason at all.

To me, it both makes the planets less interesting and instead feel more predictable, and it makes it more difficult than necessary to just go out and explore.

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random mobs which are just standing there for seemingly no reason at all.


Sort of one of the problems why SWTOR feels so not alive or immersive.


In a lousy paperback fantasy-novel or FPS-game i dont need depth and sense. I want action. But this is STAR WARS fgs. There is an entire universe to be in and mobs shouldnt just hang around without reason. There must be something of importance for them to be there! Are they hunting? Gathering resources? Guarding a treasure? Doing an archeological dig? Having a party? Playing dice? Nope! In SWTOR they just happen to stand there, attacking anyone who come close (which we have to do at some point since there is another mob just to the left).


At least in some places, in Nar Shaddaa for example, there is a swoop gang hanging around in their streets, doing some repairing on swoops and so on and that is nice, but too often there is no reason for some mobs to be at that particular place (other than being a time-sink for us players, and so making money for EA/BW = NOT immersive, just annoying).

Edited by Frakkensteinse
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Wasn't sure anyone would actually respond to this. Awesome. I'm very fond of this game so I thought it was important to mention something I really liked about it. Most threads tend to be about what people hate and if any devs do peruse these forums I think you want them to see what people really loved about this game as well. That way the good things are not quietly left by the wayside.


Maybe now that we've entered into full galactic conflict we'll actually see republic/empire amassing forces at key areas and trying to take strategic points in a new map with future expansions? I only played to lv 15 on Rift but it had some interesting ideas regarding npc takeover.


I could see it being a more PvE or PvP event type. As long as there are some faction players to help tip the scale in npc defenders favor. Otherwise 45mins or so it's going to be taken back by each faction if no one intervenes, constantly flip flopping. If only republic players care about keeping it, they can hold onto it. The area really doesn't have to be that important to avoid factions losing a huge convenience etc. And if it's a PvE server and both factions show up and kill all defending and attacking npcs it becomes a draw and leaves it with the defenders? Maybe these small points of interest trigger temporary pvp if engaging in the fun? I could see it definitely being fun for the PvP servers.


A few more points on the event thing, maybe if one faction holds onto it too long the attacking faction npcs become stronger or more numerous. I'm in favor of more numerous lol. It's always more fun to die after killing 20-30 things as opposed to 4 or 5 really tough things :)


They already have some cool flashpoint boss type areas where you are swarmed by a mass of npcs. I love that "last stand" feeling. I would love to see this concept be used with troopers, jedis and sith :)


I'm curious to see what becomes of Ilum. Picking up the armaments was annoying but it was a blast when enough of both factions engaged into a huge operations battle. A great break from warzone grinding as well. I think it would have been cool to have some weak npcs fighting along in the trenches for whomever owned that section of the map. Lv 35-40 with 2k health?


Anyway my thoughts kind of took off all over the place. Time to go back to the game lol

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